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Things in Awakening you thought were weird, yet funny?


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I didnt like her much either but then I got her A support with her mother. It made me realize that the only reason she ACTS like a complete twat to everyone is becouse she is so utterly terrified of losing someone she loves again (which she even explains as to why she is so mean to her mother. She doesnt want to go through that pain again). It makes her a lot more sympathetic to realize she's only playing the part of a twat to protect herself from severe heartbreak again.

This is why I like Severa more than other tsunderes - she actually has an excuse for acting like a jerk instead of being a short-tempered twat just because "it's funny lawls".

I'd rank her rather high on the tsundere quality list, along with Airi from Devil Survivor 2 and Helga from Hey Arnold!.

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This is why I like Severa more than other tsunderes - she actually has an excuse for acting like a jerk instead of being a short-tempered twat just because "it's funny lawls".

I'd rank her rather high on the tsundere quality list, along with Airi from Devil Survivor 2 and Helga from Hey Arnold!.

IMO, it doesn't excuse her C support with her father.

Anyway. . .Lucina/sibling's C support, especially if she has a brother.

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Gregor in and of himself. He is the funniest person in the whole game imo~ Whenever he speaks, I can't help but read the line out loud with a thick russian accent~!

Nowi: That's weird, most people can't stop talking about how young I look.

Gregor: Is just, how you say, flatulence?

No wait. ... Flippery? ...Flatness? ... Gregor does not remember.

Is that word when people say lies to make other person feel better.

Nowi: I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'd like to ask you something.

Gregor: If you want to borrow money, answer is no. Gregor is poor like begger.

Nowi: Yes, I know that. That's why I want to give you something. [wait, what? weren't you about to ask him something?]

Gregor: You give Gregor shiny gold coin?

Nowi: No, Chrom doesn't let me have money. I always end up losing it.

Gregor: -lesighface- Agreed. Gregor too is sooner trusting senile squirrel with life savings! [i lol'ed]

I totally agree with Gregor. At first, I was disappointed to see that he spoke in horribly broken English after localization since I thought that it would make such an experienced and streetwise character sound...idiotic, but it grew on me and now I can't read outloud whatever he says without a thick Russian accent either! He's definitely one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters now.

"Have you no principle stealing from gentleman like Gregor? Now Gregor completely broke! For shaming on you! Gregor think Naughty Risen need iron spanking!" For shaming on you! Too awesome. Best broken English ever.

All of that aside, I think that it's a little funny how Olivia is quite possibly the shyest Dancer in the series, maybe topped by Ninian, yet she is the first one that can fight back....

I also love Owain's theatrics and how his married ending turned out.

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Gaius' confect keeps appearing whenever it would be funny for it to do so.

Panne, who he's married to: "You humans have such strange tools."


Cynthia, who is currently paired with Gaius: "What's this? Finder's keepers!"


Gaius: "Candy? Not candy?"


That reminds me of this pic in Pixiv.

Vaike: "Huh? Something was left behind here. Could it be some present from my fans? So embarassing~!" (In the "I'm flattered" sense)


Gaius: "What's this? Sugary treat?"


Donnel: "What's this? Haven't seen this in the village..."


FE12 Roger: "I found some wonderful stuff. Ah, that's it! If I get this to her as a present..." (Probably Shiida, since he's in love with her all the time without her knowing)


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Lon'qu: "...Urgh. What did I just step on?"

Obtained Tree Branch.

....Ya stepped on a TWIG, that's what!


Oh the things people say...

Villager: What do ya make of this, eh? I found it near me house, but I'm startin' to fear it's some terrible dark artifact! ...Whazzit? You'll take it off me hands? Oh, many thanks! Off with ye, then!

Obtained Vulnerary.

Yes, because vulneraries are DANGEROUS... Pff.

Edited by Tsamimi
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Villager: What do ya make of this, eh? I found it near me house, but I'm startin' to fear it's some terrible dark artifact! ...Whazzit? You'll take it off me hands? Oh, many thanks! Off with ye, then!

Obtained Vulnerary.

Yes, because vulneraries are DANGEROUS... Pff.

I had the same thing happen with a log...

Apparently logs are evil.

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When the game seemed to repeat its self, and then Basilio comes in and snaps everyone out fo their despair.

Basilio: Don't listen to a stock of that hogwash!

Validar: WTF?! You're supposed to be dead! No matter, you'll die here.

- During the battle -

Basilio: - Swings axe at Validar once, defeating him

Basilio: You were saying?

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Chrom: "Why in the seven hells am i fighting for someone else's nest egg?" ASOIAF references are awesome. That whole Golden Gaffe is hilarious.

Chrom: "You're picking up money found in ditches?"

Lissa: "You dont?"

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Cervantes and his mustache.


Panne and her random musings in the barracks. 'Gods I could go for a carrot right now'. I don't care if she's a rabbit beast, I thought it was funny. Oh, and 'Minervykins' and Gerome flat out telling me to go to sleep. And Miriel's literal takes on random sayings like 'hit the hay' and daybreak.

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I just got an example of perfect synchrony:

~Against the Last Enemy on the Skirmish~

Cordelia (Support Bonus): "It's just you and me."


Vaike: "It's just you and me"


Well, we know it's their destiny.

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Panne receives Event Tile EXP by pretending to have buck teeth, mentioning that humans find it more comfortable.

Yarne receives it by doing the same, then claiming that it doesn't make them more comfortable and his mom lied.

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Alm: Hmm… What have we here?

Lissa: Uh… I dunno. What do we have?

Alm: I'm just surprised to see women fighting for your army.

Lissa: I'm pretty sure the women in my army would take offense to that! I ate a bear once, you know. With my teeth!

Alm: I'm not mocking you. One of my closest comrades is a women. They say women have a high resistance to magic.

Lissa: Maybe chauvinism is just flammable.

Alm: Ha! I will keep that in mind.

Maribelle: Honestly, I'm a bit shocked a princess like Lissa had to save gold on the side. But I'm MORE shocked at you! Why didn't you steal from me? DO I look poor to you? DO I?!

Morgan: Nah! Are you all right?

Nah: Um, yes? Should I not be?

Morgan: You were hunched over! Are you sick?

Nah: ...No, I was praying.

Morgan: Praying?

Nah: Yeah. Like this. You close your eyes, see? ...Well, keep yours open to watch. "Great and wise Naga, heed my prayer!" ....And then you offer up your prayer. Naga is an incredibly important deity to the Manaketes. If you pray to her, she'll guide you to happiness.

Morgan: Wow, sounds impressive! She must be awfully busy.

Nah: Yes! But she still takes time to speak to my kind every so often.

Morgan: Really? That's amazing!

Nah: She spoke to me just now, actually.

Morgan: Wow! What did she say?

Nah: "Kids your age shouldn't stay up so late."

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All of that aside, I think that it's a little funny how Olivia is quite possibly the shyest Dancer in the series, maybe topped by Ninian, yet she is the first one that can fight back....

I think it's even stranger/funnier considering her outfit. She's the shyest character in the game... And dances in her underwear for the entire battlefield to see.

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I think that it's a little funny how Olivia is quite possibly the shyest Dancer in the series, maybe topped by Ninian, yet she is the first one that can fight back....

Feena in FE3/12 can use a sword...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Technically, Olivia's not the first to fight back. That title belongs to Feena in FE 3/12. All the Jugdral dancers could, too.

Now, if it's the first dancer that's able to reclass out of being a dancer. . .

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Technically, Olivia's not the first to fight back. That title belongs to Feena in FE 3/12. All the Jugdral dancers could, too.

Now, if it's the first dancer that's able to reclass out of being a dancer. . .

Which would be Lara, who could become a Dancer then promote to Thief Fighter if she wanted to. A one-time reclass, but it's there.

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