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Characters you DON'T like?


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Welp. I predicted people would really dislike Severa. I took a deep breath and checked this thread, and my predictions were right.

I normally dislike tsunderes, but Severa turned out to be my favorite character in the game. I haven't seen too much of her supports, but I have seen the ones with Cordelia, The Avatar (As a father), and Morgan (As a sister). She came off as whiney and manipulative, but... honestly, she seems to only do it if the person she's talking to allows her to, and both of those traits seem to be a product of her upbringing rather than her being genuinely mean-spirited. Like... I dunno why I feel this way, but she seems willing to work with people on their terms if her way doesn't work, and if she upsets someone, she seems to feel sorry for it.

I dunno... I'm really sensitive when it comes to Severa, or any character I feel affection towards for that matter, so I'm a bit afraid of defending her and being criticized for it, but I kind of feel that she's a good character who just needs to be analyzed beyond her attitude to understand her appeal.

I agree completely, though I might be biased since she's one of my favorite characters. There's always a reason people act the way they do, and hers is pretty sad.

I think all the playable characters are decent characters, if you put in the effort of fleshing out their supports. However, a first impression can really ruin that, and hers certainly can do that.

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Welp. I predicted people would really dislike Severa. I took a deep breath and checked this thread, and my predictions were right.

I normally dislike tsunderes, but Severa turned out to be my favorite character in the game. I haven't seen too much of her supports, but I have seen the ones with Cordelia, The Avatar (As a father), and Morgan (As a sister). She came off as whiney and manipulative, but... honestly, she seems to only do it if the person she's talking to allows her to, and both of those traits seem to be a product of her upbringing rather than her being genuinely mean-spirited. Like... I dunno why I feel this way, but she seems willing to work with people on their terms if her way doesn't work, and if she upsets someone, she seems to feel sorry for it.

I dunno... I'm really sensitive when it comes to Severa, or any character I feel affection towards for that matter, so I'm a bit afraid of defending her and being criticized for it, but I kind of feel that she's a good character who just needs to be analyzed beyond her attitude to understand her appeal.

The same goes for a lot of characters, such as Sumia; bad first impression that makes her seem cliche, but then she transcends her stereotype soon after. I face palmed when she tripped in the beginning of the game, thinking "Christ, this game is blatantly catering it's characters to stereotypes". But then she showed her more capable side, what with being a great cook, being good with animals, and a pretty competent soldier.

As such, I... don't feel it's right for me to judge any of the characters, besides Tharja. Most of them don't actually commit any crime that makes them worth loathing on personality alone except for Tharja, whom, if you know Noire, would probably understand what I'm talking about. I didn't even dislike Tharja at first, because she didn't seem all that bad, but... well... you can't recover from using your own child as a guinea pig. That's pretty much an automatic douchebag label.

Heck, even Vaike shows his other dimensions in some of the supports, like his ones with Cherche. He admits he's a dumbass in that one. I think deep inside, Vaike's more aware of his flaws than he lets on.

I hope I don't start some debate over this. >_<

"Being like that if someone lets them" implies that said person is willing to indulge in such behavior in the first place. I can't imagine Sumia taking advantage of her father by guilt-tripping him, for example. Once someone has shown that they're being manipulative, then I find it very hard to trust anything they do afterwards. What if it's a ploy to keep you in good graces, for example? Thus, even if Severa "changes", her character's flaws bring into question whether or not it's genuine, or just her way of keeping those around her happy for her own purposes.

(I have serious problems with manipulative people. . .)

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Yarne's timidity is super annoying. They could have done a better job with that.

At first I thought Cynthia was just irritating, but Laurent's support with her pushed me to despise her. She is just so stupid and self-righteous.

I can see how Yarne being a coward is kinda annoying. I mean, he is just thinking about the preservation of his species but still, running away from battle has no excuse. I still think he's hilarious.

IDK about Cynthia, I guess she's kind of in there as comic relief, so I wouldn't take her whole Hero thing too seriously. That's just me, though.

A month in, I've stopped liking Cordelia and, by proxy, started liking Severa because she also does not like Cordelia.

Funny how that works.

The same exact thing happened to me. I thought I would like Cordelia but I ended up hating her, which made me like Severa.

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She made them think though that they were her chosen and would be spared, Loptous did the samething and seemed to talk with Manfroy like an equal, letting him do his own thing. Grima doesn't even try to hide his agenda, Validar knows he'll die when Grima wins but goes with it anyway.

really? i don't remember anyone claiming that Ashera had promised to spare them. i do remember them thinking they're awesome because Ashera chose them for that particular mission, but it mostly seemed that they assumed far too many things about the situation and they didn't even have a full understanding of what was really going on.

it seems more likely that she only told them to do her bidding, and everyone assumed that by doing her bidding they would be spared from her judgment. they were all fanatics and not all entirely sane by that point, after all. the only exceptions to this were the dragon laguz, who were well aware that once they were done with her mission, Ashera would still deliver her judgment to them.

and besides, considering the lawful nature of Ashera, her control freak aspects to everything, and her obsession with order, she wouldn't really lie about anything. it would be against her whole nature as the avatar of order. it was mostly just a delusion of grandeur from the Begnion senators, thinking they were all hot-shot now without actually knowing anything about Ashera besides that she wanted the army protected by Yune to be destroyed.

Loptous is another whole thing altogether, though. he wouldn't mind lying to humans to further his agenda. his followers were horribly naive to believe a being who wants to destroy all of humankind, but maybe they just weren't aware of his desire to destroy humanity. still, you can't say he rewarded his followers when his ultimate purpose was to off them anyways. they were just pawns in his little game against Naga. once they had served their purpose they would be destroyed too.

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A month in, I've stopped liking Cordelia and, by proxy, started liking Severa because she also does not like Cordelia.

Funny how that works.


Im not a Cordelia fan due to her boring nature, but Severa still steams my broccoli. Its like clipsey up there mentioned, Severa is pretty mean and manipulative. Her little pity parties still dont warm me to her. The thing that REALLY wrinkled my laundry is when she basically walks up to Gerome in their C support and starts judging him simply due to his mask. Like, who does that? Guy obviously has reasons, ya know? Severa is just all "gawd thats dumb! Masks are dumb. Why you do that? GAWD!" and im just like "Get out." While Severa has a good point when it comes to Cordelia's Chrom obsession, she still cant make me even remotely like her.

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Severa's judgmental-ness is what gets me about her. I felt so bad for Cynthia in her C support with Severa. It was just like, WTF Severa, why do you have to be such an ass about it? And berating Kjelle for not conforming to gender roles is just a reminder what I go through way too often. The support itself was funny but it didn't endear me to Severa one bit.

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And berating Kjelle for not conforming to gender roles is just a reminder what I go through way too often.

Wait...she actually does this? Really?

*flips a table*

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I only have their C support, but she goes from bitching that Kjelle's shirt is coming undone and it's totally unladylike and she doesn't want to see it, to checking Kjelle out and saying no wonder she walks around with her shirt coming undone, Kjelle tells her that 'Looking is free', and Severa tells her she's acting like a boor, and that she should flee in terror anytime a girl catches sight of her belly because a proper lady never shows skin above the ankles and below the neck. Kjelle's like "Girls care about the stupidest things" and Severa's like YOU ARE A GIRL!

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I read some of Vaike's support conversations and I take back what I said about him earlier. He has a lot of depth than I first thought and I really like how some of his back-story was revealed in the Liz x Vaike support conversation. I am sorry I doubted you Vaike.

It's okay. I'm sure the Vaike will forgive you.

I honestly feel really weird that all my favorite character's names are coming up so often here (Vaike and Gangrel), but I'm happy there are other people who don't like Cordelia. I mean, I really didn't expect her to get any hate. I don't despise her (like I despise her daughter (and tons of others agree here) Severa), but I'm happy I'm not alone in this one.

She just kinda bores me. So I paired her with Lon'qu. Who I also don't like. And they have my least favorite child.

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It's okay. I'm sure the Vaike will forgive you.

I honestly feel really weird that all my favorite character's names are coming up so often here (Vaike and Gangrel), but I'm happy there are other people who don't like Cordelia. I mean, I really didn't expect her to get any hate. I don't despise her (like I despise her daughter (and tons of others agree here) Severa), but I'm happy I'm not alone in this one.

She just kinda bores me. So I paired her with Lon'qu. Who I also don't like. And they have my least favorite child.

Poor Lon'qu.

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i have to say... i dont like the boy Morgan....

i sware if that kid says "mommy" one more efffing time!!!!!

every other line from him is "Mommy"...

when i was younger i told my self that i would never hurt a kid but Morgan soooooooooooooo, makes me wanna punch babies

on my recent play though i never got him, i just let the bandits get him.

also Ricken was terrible.... hands down....

also not to fond of Miriel...

and i would like sumia more... if Cordelia did not do her job 100000x better

Lon'qu didnt deserve having a kid like Severa. You monster!


i imagined that in Virion's voice... and lol'ed so hard xD

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I do agree that Female Morgs >>>>> Male Morgs in terms of overall appearance and supports. She gets funny. Her supports with Owain are adorable.

People not loving Miriel. :(:

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Huh. Does MaMorgon mention his mom in Nah's supports? I don't recall him doing so. I didn't even know he was a momma's boy then again I wouldn't blame him considering his circumstances.

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I would probably feel worse about Severa berating Kjelle if not for the fact that I also do not like Kjelle.

Well, wow. Severa and I are 2 for 2 among characters we don't like. This is pretty good.

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The thing that I find the most grating about Vaike is how ungrateful he acts towards Chrom. Listen, Vaike, Chrom actually treats an egotistical dumbass like you with respect and allowed you to join the Shepherds so you could stop living in the slums. Think you could stop treating him so poorly?

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The thing that I find the most grating about Vaike is how ungrateful he acts towards Chrom. Listen, Vaike, Chrom actually treats an egotistical dumbass like you with respect and allowed you to join the Shepherds so you could stop living in the slums. Think you could stop treating him so poorly?

His support with Lissa clears this up.

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I really most sincerely dislike Vaike. If you lived in Australia you'd hate people like him with a passion.

I'm not particularly fond of Sumia or Cordelia either. Cynthia is the only likable base-class Pegasus Knight in the game IMO.

Cordelia was my waifu! I didnt like Cynthia so hah!

I hated Cynthia... Her personality was annoying and stupid. Other than that no one really, though I dislike how Libra is the stereotypical "trap" character that they added in for the bishonen fangirls who don't know what a real guy is like.... sorry. Also enough with the Cordelia and Severa hate! I love them both!

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Im not a Cordelia fan due to her boring nature, but Severa still steams my broccoli. Its like clipsey up there mentioned, Severa is pretty mean and manipulative. Her little pity parties still dont warm me to her. The thing that REALLY wrinkled my laundry is when she basically walks up to Gerome in their C support and starts judging him simply due to his mask. Like, who does that? Guy obviously has reasons, ya know? Severa is just all "gawd thats dumb! Masks are dumb. Why you do that? GAWD!" and im just like "Get out." While Severa has a good point when it comes to Cordelia's Chrom obsession, she still cant make me even remotely like her.

I guess I can see why people dislike Severa. I'm more Anti-Cordelia than Pro-Severa though.

I do agree that Female Morgs >>>>> Male Morgs in terms of overall appearance and supports. She gets funny. Her supports with Owain are adorable.

People not loving Miriel. :(:

I think Miriel is awesome! At least we agree on this, anyway!

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The only thing about Cynthia that bugs me is her little "dadahdah!" thing she does occasionally when she kills stuff. Its pretty damn grating. Her voice is rather grating. But im ok with her character. Plus she almost always turns out to be a badass in my army.

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Im not a Cordelia fan due to her boring nature, but Severa still steams my broccoli. Its like clipsey up there mentioned, Severa is pretty mean and manipulative. Her little pity parties still dont warm me to her. The thing that REALLY wrinkled my laundry is when she basically walks up to Gerome in their C support and starts judging him simply due to his mask. Like, who does that? Guy obviously has reasons, ya know? Severa is just all "gawd thats dumb! Masks are dumb. Why you do that? GAWD!" and im just like "Get out." While Severa has a good point when it comes to Cordelia's Chrom obsession, she still cant make me even remotely like her.

yeh i saw some of her supports and im like... " how is the support getting better?.... "

and i look at the other person and im like... " dude! she is insulting the hell out of you! "

i sware her supports should be like negative supports or somthing xD

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