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I'm such a masochist responding.


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That guy...




He obviously has no idea what he's talking about...

I haven't even played the game, and I know what classes most of the characters can reclass into... and Assassin is not one of Chrom's choices...



It cracks me up to see people talk as if they know more when they clearly don't.

EDIT: People who call names online are either:

a) stupid

b) emotional

c) stupid

d) irrational

e) stupid


f) stupid.

g) trolls

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Yeah that screams the whole "Oh I'm wrong? Well I'll just hack the game to make myself right, haha! Whaddaya mean that doesn't count, stfu fag." mentality.

Also ReyRey you should have told me about your masochism sooner we can have soooo much fun together~

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He'd still be wrong about Assassin learning Vantage.

Shhh.... don't tell him that. Let the poor kid believe what he wants. Then, when he finally figures out that he was wrong, he'll start doubting his life and existance because he failed at knowing something which, to FE13 owners, is common-ish knowledge.

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EDIT: People who call names online are either:

a) stupid

b) emotional

c) stupid

d) irrational

e) stupid


f) stupid.

g) trolls

Fuck off you big-nosed cunt

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Speaking of Stalin, about 20 million people died during his "reign."

That's, like, a big chunk of Russia's population today. Probably even more so then.

He was a monster... At least, that's how my Russian teacher puts it...


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Speaking of Stalin, about 20 million people died during his "reign."

That's, like, a big chunk of Russia's population today. Probably even more so then.

He was a monster... At least, that's how my Russian teacher puts it...

He was a monster, but most Russians view him in a positive manner, probably owing to the cult of personality he carefully cultivated over the years.

I am the scum of the earth, aren't I?

Don't worry I still believe you can be saved! ;__;

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