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Your favorite battle lines?


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So, in Awakening, characters were given voiced battle lines for when you sent them to battle enemies. They usually say something when they critical, guard a partner, win a battle, that kind of thing.

Which lines did you like best or thought were the coolest?

I have a few which I really like so far. Frederick's "Pick a god and pray!" as well as two lines from Vaike. "Yeah, I rule" and "It's Vaike time!" Vaike's dialogue is so priceless sometimes. lol Oh, I also like Chrom going "Now I'm angry!" :P

Also, I laugh whenever Frederick says "Hm, a challenge" yet he skewered his opponent without breaking a sweat. lol

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Most of my favorite lines are crit ones, lol.

Miriel: Desist at ONCE!


Though, Lon'Qu's "You're no warrior." happens to be one of my favorites as well, if only because it reminds me of my favorite character from star ocean 2.

Oh, and Kelliam's line. "Another spotlight stolen..." I always imagine a T_T face when he does that. (Though he can't make that face because he's in a permanent -_- )

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Though, Lon'Qu's "You're no warrior." happens to be one of my favorites as well, if only because it reminds me of my favorite character from star ocean 2.

Uhhh, is it Dias?

Back on topic...

Stahl's "I love this part!" whenever he criticals.

"Showing me up?" when his partner takes a kill instead of him.

Also, Cherche's "Poor you!" whenever she kills an enemy. There's also Vaike with "Free for all!" whenever joining in on a dual attack and "That's enough back talk!" when critting. Plus, I love pretty much everything Anna says in battle.

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A lot of great ones. Most of the voice acting in this game is really good. Some of my favorites:

"Gregor Smash!", "Where is challenge?", and "Don't want to get along, eh?" by Gregor are absolutely hilarious.

"I challenge my fate!" and "You will not stop me!" by Lucina.

"Now I'm angry!" and "Anything can change!" by Chrom.

"Time to tip the scales" and "Checkmate!" by Avatar.

"Guess I win" by Inigo.

"Poor you", "It's been a pleasure" and "Rest in pieces!" by Cherche.

"I promise you, this will hurt" by Maribelle.

"Looks like Teach just got tenured!" by Vaike.

...wow that's a lot of favorites.

Edited by Helios
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Henry's "I'm gonna kill you!~<3" would have to be my favorite.

Although I also am fond of:

"Well, I suppose you tried." -Panne, enemy killed.

"And so it ends." -Panne, critical hit.

"I'll kill you twice." -Sully, critical hit.

"Whaddya need?" -Henry, as double partner.

"Special delivery!~<3" -Henry, critical hit.

"Another spotlight stolen..." -Kellam, enemy killed by double partner.

Also, Glixinator, are you sure it's Risen? I'm pretty sure Sully says "Son of a griffon..."

Also if anyone else can help confirm one way or the other feel free.

Edited by Starlight36
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Also, Glixinator, are you sure it's Risen? I'm pretty sure Sully says "Son of a griffon..."

Also if anyone else can help confirm one way or the other feel free.

It's griffon. I've heard it quite a few times. I think it triggers at the start of a paired attack.

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"All hail me" courtesy of Virion

Virion has some good ones.

"DIE! With magnificence!!!"

"Shall i make you...FAMOUS?"

And some of his pair up quotes:

"Oh how we dance!"

"Your every move was poetry!"

Henry's...oh gods Henry's.

"Ohhh ugly!"




"Im gonna kill you!"


Pair Up one:

"Oh me me me me!!"

Gregor's are fun.

"Who want more Gregor?!"


"Where is challenge?"


"Where should i stab ya?"

"So long, chump!"

"Quick and dirty...I like it!"

"Damn nuisance."

Gaius has some good ones. I especially like:

"What a cupcake!"

Cherche's "Poor you..." is really cute.

"Rest in pieces!" <3

I love Sumia's "I WILL END THIS NOW!!" Cuz she sounds really angry and its kinda adorable.

Owain. Just Owain.


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