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Imagine Yourself as a Fire Emblem character


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Edit-to make my idea better I've made a few changes...(mostly about difficulty and elaborating details)

alright to be a bit different

I will be a mid game encounter who starts as an enemy but depending on your actions (maybe) can join you as an ally in the second to last chapter...(as a Stefan like secret recruit except only works after you beat lunatic+)


-Archsage(male)-lv 15 (note:all stats are capped lunatic and up...)


Strength-29(gotta wield my tomes weight FTW)

Magic-51(yes capped)


speed-45(be prepared to get doubled)

luck-50(I shall be unbreakable)




tome-S(can use anima,dark and light) staff-D



-Nosferatu(massively forged for Mt and hit)

-Bolting(fear my range!)




-Tomefarie(limit breaker on lunatic+)

-Armsthrift(for the unbreakable)


-Galeforce(now two shall die just take it)

-Luna(+)-if you play on lunatic fear the upgrade...

-not an evil guy however I will keep anyone away from the right half of the map as I'm defending a village of beast and dragon folk from both sides of the conflict. I come w/ 3 pals who will not attack unless you move into their range and am prepared to rescue and heal them. ^_^ I will not attack unless you attack my pals but if you do you might not like the results... (too bad you have to pass strait through our movement range/attack range to beat the level before the 15 turn limit runs out...dry.gif)

Oh when you fight me your team should only just start promoting to your second tiers thus seeing my red form and powerful duo of caped pals will make you feel fear...with my stats there is now way you could win... (If you can get to the village you can get your hands on a powerful item that will be well worth it down the road(where it can net you an dragon ally...) but how can you... unless did you bring a silence staff?)

Edited by Dragrath
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Here it is, or as I like to call it, "The proof I have too much time on my hands".

[spoiler=Universal Stuff]

Name: *IRL Name*

Sex/Gender: Male

Description: Short dark brown hair and eyes, average height, wearing a dark hooded robe, with a shirt and pants underneath, and shoes.

Recruitment: Early game chapter, either being present already on the map, or as an automatic join on Turn X.

Death Quote: “So this... is how it ends…”

[spoiler=General Stuff]


Class: Shaman2/DarkMage2 or Mage3/FireMage4

Affinity: Anima5/Earth6

Skill7: Discipline

Reclass Options: Mage8/Monk9 and Priest.

Starting Inventory: Flux8, Thunder10, Elfire11, Vulnerary.

[spoiler=Stats and Growths]

Level: 1

HP: 21 (60%)

Str1: 2 (10%)

Mag: 7 (65%)

Skl: 5 (50%)

Spd: 4 (40%)

Lck: 4 (45%)

Def: 3 (25%)

Res: 6 (55%)

Con1/Wt1: 8

Weapon Rank: D

[spoiler=Misc. Dialogue]


Retreat Quote: “Yikes, that was close! Sorry, I must retreat for now.”

Escape Quote: “Phew, made it!”

Class Change: “Time to pursue a different field.”

Promotion: “Time to take things to the next level.”


“This is overwhelming…” (6-7 stats up)

“Who knew I’d accomplish this much?” (4-5 stats up)

“A decent progress.” (2-3 stats up)

“That could’ve been better.” (0-1 stats up)

“Am I at my limit…?” (0-1 stats up with most stats capped)

Event Tile:

“Hm, what’s this…?” (Getting an item)

“There, it’s done. Deciphering these texts was no easy job.” (Getting EXP)

“One more book finished. I wonder what the next one will contain...” (Getting WEXP)

Battle Start:

“Time to fight!”

“Enemy sighted!”

“Trouble approaches!”

Enemy Defeated:

“That was close…”

“I won…”

“I did that…?”

Dual Support:

“Let’s work together!”

“We’ll win this!”

“We’ll get through this!”

Dual Strike:


“My turn!”

“Allow me!”

Support Block:

“Not on my watch!”

“What a close call!”



“Why you…!”

Ally Defeating Enemy:

“Good work.”


“That’s one more down.”


1) If it’s used.

2) Depending on what name is used.

3) In case there is a lack of Dark Magic.

4) Same as above, except if there is an Anima Triangle present.

5) Going by GBA system.

6) Going by Tellian system.

7) Going by Personal Skill system. Otherwise then by whatever skill the class and level has available.

8) Going by Note 2.

9) Going by Notes 3 or 4.

10) Going by Note 3.

11) Going by Note 4.

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Name: Affinity: FireStarting class: ManaketeGender: MaleAppearance: Purple, slightly spiky hair, with small dragon wings and hood when not transformed. Purple dragon transformed.Personality: A kind manakete who likes to help out allies and comrades. He can also fight very well. Reclass options: Mage, Wyvern Rider, MyrmidonRecruitment: Talk with any character around chapter 13.Items when recruited: Dragonstone, Dracoshield, Concotion.

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Okay, here we go!

Name: [my real name]

Class: Villager/Soldier

Reclass: Mercenary, Mage

LV: 1

HP: 20 - 60%

Str: 8 - 55%1

Mag: 6 - 25%1

Skill: 3 - 30%

Spd: 4 - 40%

Luck: 10 - 35%

Def: 3 - 25%

Res: 4 - 25%

Con: 8 - 40%2

Lances: E

Affinity: Fire3/Earth4


Iron/Bronze Lance5





Sometime early, probably Chapter 1~Chapter 4 or so. NPC/Village visit. If an NPC, I can be recruited by talking with the hero(ine), team Jagen, Avatar (if present) and maybe one other unit. NPC!Me will also autorecruit myself after battle if I survived but was not recruited during battle.

Appearance: Mid-length brown hair with a splash of reddishness in it, (real life redhead-type red, not literal red), bluish-hazel eyes (according to my mother), about 5'07" in height, pudgy build.

-Battle Model Recipe (as FE13 legacy character): Build 1, Face 3, Hair 2, Hair Color 19, Asset: Luck Flaw: Defense

Personality: Unsure of myself in battle, but grateful for the safety of a large company to travel with. Often attempts to butt in to others' problems in order to assist in solving them, with varying degrees of success. Generally kind, caring and forgiving, but cold and harsh towards those whose lives are driven by malicious intent.

Misc. Dialogue:


Enemy encounter:

"Here we go again..."6

"Oh boy..."

"I'm getting really tired of you guys!"

"Go. Away."

"Please, let's get this over with quickly..."

Critical hit/Skill activation:

"I'll make it quick..."

"You're in the way; get out!!"

"I'm done with you!"

Enemy encounter (paired):

"I'm right here with you!"

"Don't worry, I gotcha."

"I've got your back!"

Dual Strike:

"You're not getting off so easy!"

"He/She's not alone, you know."

"Think you can take us both?!"

Dual Guard:

"Not today!"

"I've got you...!"

"I won't let them hurt you!"


"I hope you didn't suffer..."


"Now, onto the next one..."7

Victory (paired):

"Heheh... Thanks a lot."

"Well, I think we're done here."

"Please stay with me..."


"Guuuaaagghhh...!! Should've just... stayed out of it..."


"I'm so glad we can be together like this... I'll stay with you and never let you go, I promise."


~Level ups:

6+ stats: "Maybe I really can be helpful...!"

4~5 stats: "Great! If I can just keep this up..."

2~3 stats: "I think I'm doing pretty good for a rookie!"

0~1 stat: "Aw, man, I gotta do better than this..."

0~1 stat (most stats capped): "Wow, have I really hit my limit already?"

~Event tiles and Barracks:

Item acquisition: "Huh? What's this? Well, one person's trash is another's treasure!"

EXP bonus: "You know, this place is actually really beautiful when you take the time to look around."

Weapon level bonus: "I've been watching the others fight. I KNOW I can do this..."

Temporary stat bonus: "Heeheehee...!! For some reason, I'm full of energy right now; I just wanna bounce around!"

Partner chat (dreams): "Hey, you know, I've been meaning to ask, but what do you want to do with your life, anyway?" "Me? I plan to write a book about this when we're all done fighting. Er... will you help me keep you in-character?"

Partner chat (where do you run off to...?): "Y'know, sometimes you seem to just up and leave camp. I'm worried you're going somewhere dangerous..." "Me? Oh, I'm usually just hiding in my tent, reading or writing books. Or off practicing my combat techniques on hapless logs."

Lover chat (gift): "Hey, what is it you've got in your hand? Did you find something neat?" "Oh, this is a gift for you. You'd said you wanted it, and I do so love it when you're happy..."

Lover chat (love): "Hey, [name]... I love you, alright? A lot. Don't ever forget that." "Heehee... Well, I love you too, sweetie. And I'll always be here for you, okay?"

Lover chat (stay with me): "[name], I'm here to keep you safe, but still, please be careful. I'd hate to lose you." "Don't you worry, now, I've got no intention of dying just yet. And hey, you'd better not die either!"


Death: "Auuughhhh... D-dammit, no, I didn't... want it to end this way... There's so much I haven't said, haven't done... Everyone, I..."

Retreat: "Guh, o-owwww... I... T-there's no way I can fight like this. I gotta pull back. Everyone, stay safe and don't die!"

1Growth rates are swapped as Mage or Sage. As Dark Knight, both are 40%.

2For a Thracia 776-style stats setup.

3Blazing Sword birth month allotment.

4Personal allotment.

5Depending on how the game's weapon levels are set up; I'll have whichever of these I can use.

6This won't play in the first map I take part in.

7This won't play if the enemy killed is the last on the map, nor if they're the boss in a "defeat commander" mission.

Whew, there, I think I got everything.

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oh hey, one of these things

Name: Warfield

Class: Gryphon Knight (that can uses swords because sword-using flier)

affinity: GBA style Dark

Appearance: pretty much a younger Frederick with red hair, freckles, glasses and yellow eyes. He wears white gold color gryphon knight armor and green leather/cloth. His gryphon, Rosencratz, has auburn feathers.

1| 49| 35| 19| 31| 26| 20| 33| 28
Rank: A Sword| A Axe
85| 65| 20| 55| 45| 45| 60| 55

starting inventory (if fulfilled first requirement): Seeker (PRF axe w/ 18 might, 100 hit and 10 crit +2 to RES and DEF, 1-2 ranged), Iote's shield, Silver sword, Elixir.

skills: Discipline, Patience, Armsthrift, Tantivity, Aegis.

reclass options: Priest, Knight, Warrior

Recruitment: appears as an enemy on chapter 3 fight with Jagen/Oifey unit and talk with lord then let him retreat, shows up as an NPC on chapter 14 without items and -10 to all stats, have him survive the chapter then he shows up in 16x where he can join after a talk event and letting him visit a nearby fort/castle/village OR auto-joins in chapter 19 without PRF weapon and Iote's shield.

Personality: He is very strict on himself and always striving for mental and physical completion, and seeks knowledge for the sake of knowledge. He believes in needing four aspects of life (physical, spiritual, mental, emotional) and strives to reach his apex. He tempers his ambition with compassion, pragmatism, and patience. He has no tolerance for those what believe themselves entitled. he is quiet and only talks when he has something to say, as he finds small talk not worth the effort or oxygen, and has an almost overly resolute will that causes stubbornness. he often 'thinks out loud' with strange commentary on what he sees. Able to communicate with his gryphon. He considers himself asexual in the sense that he isn't attracted to gender, meaning he can S-support almost everyone but it takes twice as many support points to increase in rank.

Level up-

0-1: No supper for me tonight.

2-3: I shall double my training.

4-5: diligence is it's own reward.

6+: Whatever brings victory closer.

0-2 (stats capped): This is for not if i lack a purpose.

entering battle-

"I'll make it quick!""

"You have forced my hand"

"If i must, I must!"

"Tine to show my training"

Pair-up partner-

"I'm with you!"

"Aim for the heart!"

"My shield is yours"

"Go, go!"

Dual strike-

"I've got you!"

"Have another!"

"Die twice!"

"Over here!"

Dual guard-

"I've got you"

"You're safe with me!"

"You'll not have them!"

"Why are you still trying?"

Critical/skill cut-in-

"Go with the Gods!"

"Stand up and fight!"

"Know your fate!"

"Now, Rosencratz!" (if a gryphon knight)


"proper dead!"

"*sigh* it's over."

"I won't grieve what i needed to do"

"Solace find you"

victory pair-up-

"Continue to improve"

"My thanks"

"Other need your help more"

"you bear the standard"

Defeat (casual mode retreat)-

"Damn it all. I'll fall back to assist the rearguard"

Death (classic mode death)-

"If this will save the lives of others....So be it...."


Item found: "Hmm. you will find a use in my care, then."

weapon EXP: "I took the time between sessions to practice."

EXP gain: "I've worked out another tune on the violin, it always calms me."

Temporary boost: "I feel as though i could accomplish my goal today""

Misc.: "huh, I've literally nothing to do right now"


Morning: "(Name), may you have a fortuitous morn."

Midday: "Good day, (name). I trust you are in good spirits?"

Evening: "Oh, (name). you caught me in the middle of a rehearsal"

Late Night: "trouble sleeping, (name)? I've some ken of therapy, if you need a massage."

Support boosts-

Mood Question: "You seem rather joyous, did you center yourself during training?"

Mood Answer: "No, It is just refreshing to peace in these times"

Hobby question: "I find books ease my mind. tell me, what mechanisms do you partake of when able?"

Hobby answer: "i keep my wits by playing music and reading, one must have a strong spiritual core after all."

Dreams question: "The spark in your eyes glows brighter by the day, what fuels it?"

Dreams answer: "I wish for peace most of all, then i shall reach physical and mental apexes"

Fighting together question: "I offer my assistance in the coming battle, if you would have it."

Fighting together answer: "Certainly, I shall endeavor to be of utmost assistance"

I'll edit boring mcgeneric here later when i have another creativity burst.

Edited by Perrfersser FerrtSperrkle
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As a writer, I am very impressed with some of these self-inserts. I am glad there aren't a lot of completely perfect units here.

Oh gosh, coming up with FE Characters is so fun.

I can't really think of an authentic name at all. So I just went with my real one

Name: Jeremy

Gender: Male

Starting Class: Priest

Affinity: Dark

Appearance: Short black hair, tanned skin but with a skinny physique. His seemingly bulky priest habit emphasizes his short stature. Much frailer than he looks.

[spoiler=I took liberties with the Awakening Priest outfit, for I do not like long robes.]fire_emblem__a_priest_by_chidokyo-d5w9czx.png

1| 15|  0| 7|  5|  3|  6|  1|  3
Rank: D Staves
Growths (As a Priest):
35| 15| 70| 45| 40| 60| 10| 50

Class Set:
Priest  -> Bishop (FE8 version with Slayer) & War Monk
Wind Mage -> Wind Sage (+ Thunder & Staves) & Dark Knight (+ Fire, Thunder & Swords)
Archer -> Sniper & Bow Knight

Inventory: Heal (or Mend he's not the first healing unit), Vulnenary

Skill: Miracle

Recruitment: Early Game as a Green Unit. Must talk to with the Lord before killed by brigands. (Obligatory brigand chapter ohoho)

Personality: He has a very polite and dignified exterior, but get to know him a little and you'll find that he's very bashful and is a bit of a coward. Likes to keep to himself and is a bit of a loner. He has a secret attraction to burly men. Therefore, he can only S support with males, but even then he will probably fail to admit his true feelings towards said male. In truth, he doesn't know very much about the practical side of life, so physical labor is not his strong suit. He is, however, good at what he does as a Priest, and will use all of his effort in helping his allies.

He'll grow to hit like a truck with magic, but don't expect him to take any hits, because he'll likely just drop dead if anyone manages to catch him.

Glass cannon 5ever (dat meens moar den 4evr)

Wow, very unique. I like it and immediately thought of Gregor supporting with him.

Name: RC

Gender: Male

Class: PupilMage

Reclass options: Cavalier, Archer

Affinity: Dark

Appearance: Short adult male with distastefully centre parted black hair and oversized glasses.

Inventory: Fire, Angelic Robe, Warp Staff(The only one in the entire game and also character locked tongue.gif )

Skill: Paragon/Elite/whateveritsequivalentforsaidgame, Miracle

Recruitment: Red unit you encounter barring your way to the chapter boss whom you must attack three times with a General you get a few chapters ago and both must survive. Likely in a chapter three quarters into the game. Also, before the 'Est' if any.

Starting stats(absolute base): Level: 1|HP: 0|Str: 0|Mag: 2|Ski: 1|Spd: 5|Luk: 13|Def: 0|Res: -1|Mov:+1| E Tomes

Growths (mage): HP: 55|Str: 25|Mag: 65|Ski: 70|Spd: 75|Luk: 85|Def: 35|Res: 50|

Personality: Will eat double his share of rations and work half as hard as everyone. Has courage as substantial as ethane when exposed to high temperatures.

w00t for Prf weapons, I'm glad someone had one so I won't feel bad when I give my character one.

Name: Frost

Starting Class: Dark Mage

Affinity: Ice

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black hair, short height, fair-skinned and with amber-colored irises, wears standard Dark Mage attire except it's all Blue. Usual facial expression is either empty, angry or often frowned.

Base Stats:

LV01 Dark Mage l HP: 15 l STR: 1 l MAG: 14 l SKL: 7 l SPD: 13 l LCK: 0 l DEF: 0% l RES: 10


HP: 35% l STR: 25% l MAG: 125% l SKL: 50% l SPD: 95% l LCK: 5% l DEF: 15% l RES: 135%

Starting inventory: Flux / Concoction (Joins with D-rank in Tomes)

Reclass options: Mage, Cavalier

Recruitment: Automatically joins in a chapter littered with Ballista and enemies with Killer weapons, underleveled with awful bases. Lategame, by the way....

Personality: Despite of having a good-natured personality. He is unusually cold, aloof and a complete perfectionist who bashes himself with negative thoughts when troubled.

Enjoy your worst character in the game!

Niiiiiiiice. Props for making a truly awful character. Never thought I'd see the day.

Appearance and personality are taken from myself, stats and skills are what would make more sense with my personality and how my life is.

Name: Mélanie (or Mel)

Gender: Female

Class: Mage/Sage

Affinity: Light

Appearance: Kinda chubby but also with nice curves. Brown with copper higlights hair in a pixie cut. Dark brown (almost black) eyes. Light skin but blush easily. Rectangular glasses. Awakening-style Mage outfit in purple and silver-grey, with maybe a bit of black

Stats: Good Magic, Defense and Luck, average Hp, Resistance and Skill, bad Speed and Strength

Personality: The typical nice girl. I'm friendly, fun to be around and I never "judge a book by it's cover". I'm always ready to help others, though I hate asking for help if I need help myself. While I'm not usually shy, I will become shy if I'm alone with someone I like. I also believe in giving people second chances, so I'll probably be the first one to accept ex-bad guys and to try and befriend them. I'm quite smart and a bookworm. I'm usually laid-back, calm and extremely hard to anger but if somehow you do manage to anger me, you will wish to be dead... Though that if you say that you are sorry, I'll probably forgive you and go back to my usual friendly self.

Recruitment: The usual "Trying to protect my village from bandits" as a green unit. No one would be able to recruit me, as I would think they are bandit, but if someone attack a bandit in my range, I will go talk to them and join them.

Starting Inventory: Vulnerary, Elthunder

Skills: Solidarity, Miracle, Tomefaire, Renewal and Vengence (Solidarity as a personal skill, the others after some reclasses but that the ones that would make more sense personality-wise)

Reclass options: Cleric, Troubadour, Dark Mage, Pegasus Knight

And now, just for fun!

If I were in PoR or RD

Support with: Nolan, Iilyana, Meg, Volug, Zihark, Nailah, Elincia, Haar, Nepheenee, Mordecai, Lethe, Oscar, Gatrie, Shinon, Rhys, Ranulf, Kyza, Ulki, Naesala, Stefan, Bastian, Oliver

Special ending (romantic relationship) with: Mordecai (since they only have one in these games, and Haar already have one with Jill, so I'm going with my second fav)

And in Awakening:

Friendship supports (with girls): Female!Robin (duh!), Miriel, Sully, Lissa, Maribelle, Panne, Nowi, Tharja, Cherche Flavia, Aversa, Noire

Romantic supports (with guys): Male!Robin (again, duh!), Kellam, Lon'qu, Gregor, Libra, Henry, Basilio, Gangrel, Walhart, Brady, Yarne, Laurent


Start of a fight:

-Do we really have to fight?

-Let's be friend instead

-This is a waste of time.

Ennemy defeated:

- Defeat mean friendship, join us now?

-Ooops, sorry!

-I hope you've learned your lesson.

Dual Support:

- Let's do this together!

-I'm always there for my friends!

- You need help?

Dual strike:

-Let me assist!

-Me too!

-My turn!

Support Block:

-Watch out!

- How dare you?


- You... deserve this...

-You are beyond redemption...

Partner defeated ennemy:

- Good job!


- You're the best!

Event tiles:

-Hey! I found something! (Item)

- Maybe pratice would be better with a friend? (Exp)

- Let's train with that weapon! (Weapon Exp)

Level up:

-Wow! I feel so strong!

- Great, I'm getting better!

- I can't believe I keep ameliorating!

- Hm.. Not so bad, I guess...

-Maybe It's time to try something new?

Class change:

-Time to learn something new!


-Sorry... I'm hurt... I can't help more...

Death: Ugghh... Why.?.. I only... wanted... to be... friend... with you...


-I'm so lucky, I've not only found a best friend, but also a love!

Great recruitment technique!

My input will come later, once I draw a picture and am finished with class.

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There is a distinct lack of dragons up in here.

Name: Ciarre

Class: Wyvern Knight/Dracomaster/promoted dragon rider shit

Affinity: Thunder (or Lightning, thanks Boron)


Her build is pretty much my build irl.

UH INFO I GUESS: Joins sort of midgame-lateish, is a prepromo. After her face was terribly scarred in a aerial battle versus a falconknight, she always wears her helmet in battle. The plume on her helmet is made of that enemy pegasus' feathers as a reminder. She starts as an NPC who will only go after aerial units, whether they're on your side or the enemy side. You can recruit her by talking to her with any archer/wind mage/mage with excalibur/etc. (basically anything super effective against pegasus knights)

Skills: Wrath/Resolve (FE10 style)

Starting items: Wingslayer (prf lance, in the shape of an arrow, super effective against pegs), Vulnerary


HP: 37

Str: 16

Mag: 0

Skl: 13

Spd: 12

Luk: 6

Def: 17

Res: 2

CON: 10


HP: 100%

Str: 40%

Mag: 1%

Skl: 30%

Spd: 15%

Luk: 20%

Def: 60%

Res: 5%

Weapons: Axes B, Lances A

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Name: Shin

Class: Druid

Affinity: Fire (Also thanks to Borobutt)

Imagine an older version of Corple, with messier hair and the best British accent ever, yeah! Probably recruited by someone by being told it's an excuse to be better than Horace.

Skills: Ambush... and a leadership star!

El Bases:
Lvl: 3
HP:  33
Str: 4
Mag: 14
Skl: 15
Spd: 16
Luk: 7
Def: 10
Res: 12
CON: 8 

El Growths:
HP:  70%
Str: 10%
Mag: 40%
Skl: 45%
Spd: 35%
Luk: 10%
Def: 30%
Res: 45%

Weapons: Dark C, Staves B

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Name: W. J. Android(Ingame name: James)

Class: Hero

Affinity: Thunder

Appearance: Short, messy black hair, covered with scars, wears a crimson longcoat.


Personality: Originally, he was cheery and optimistic, but after losing his best friend to a mysterious warrior when he was only 15, he became extremely cynical and anti-social. Despite this, he is incredibly charismatic and manipulative. He is also a blood knight who is always searching for strong opponents to fight, in the hopes that it will lead him to his friend's killer. He has a code of honor; he will never turn his blade on anyone that he perceives as weak, nor will he kill civilians.


Base Stats:
Level: 5
MHP: 48
Str: 20
Mag:  5
Skl: 22
Spd: 19
Lck:  7
Def: 16
Res:  8
Con: 14

Weapon Ranks:
Sword A, Axe B


Growths Rates: 
MHP: 110%
Str:  55%
Mag:  10%
Skl:  35%
Spd:  45%
Lck:  20%
Def:  40%
Res:  15%

Starting Equipment:
Flamberge, Short Axe, Elixir

Note: Flamberge is locked to James.

Class Set:


Death Quote: No! I am the great Crimson Reaper, W. J. Android! You can't kill me! (...) Well, I'm going to pull back for now. Later, shitheads.

Start of fight Quotes:

- Are you ready to die, assholes?

- If you are weak, you shouldn't stand before me!

- Let's party, you fuckers!

Enemy Defeated Quotes:

- You couldn't even kill my boredom!

- The Android always triumphs!

- Enjoy your stay in hell, you fuckers!

Critical Hit/Skill activation Quotes:

- Revenge is mine, shitheads!

- Have a first class serving of DEATH!


- Furious! Outraged! Sick with ANGER!

Level Up quotes:

- ... Pathetic. Yo momma can do better than this.(0-1 stats gained)

- ... Acceptable. But there's room for improvement.(2-3 stats gained)

- ... Better. One step closer to revenge!(4-5 stats gained)

- I am invincible! Try to stop me, you fuckers!(6+ stats gained)

- It seems my revenge is almost complete...(0-1 stats gained w/ most stats capped)

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Name William

gender male

class cavalier(mains swords 2nd weapon is lances)


hp 70

str 40

mag 40

skl 80

spd 80

lck 40

def 35

res 35

join time early c7 ish

reason for joining starts as a pc protecting a merchant caravan joins if he survives

personality introverted and bookish but very kind and caring

class set cavalier (great knight paladin) dracoknight (dragon lord griffon rider) mage (sage dark knight)

appearance rides a black horse (the horse has grey and black armor w/blue accents)has longish dark brown(well kept and staight) hair with eyes a very dark brown (wearing a mask) as well pale skinned armor that matches the horses (the appearance is intended to be similiar to gerome

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Name: Micah

Starting Class: Mage

Affinity: Wind

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short, light brown hair and wide brown eyes. Medium height. Almost always smiling. I picture him like Edward in a mage outfit.

Starting inventory: Wind, Dracoshield, Vulnerary

Reclass options: Dark Mage/Sorcerer, Myrmidon/Swordmaster

Recruitment: Chapter Five. He is being held hostage against his will by your enemies. They threaten to kill him unless you leave. Clear the map in less than five turns and he'll automatically join you.

Personality: He grew up as an orphan in a castle, so his social skills are lacking. He is used to talking to himself out loud. He has two pet rats named Tharja and Henry that he talks to a lot. He also has a quirk of talking about people when they're in the same room. He has a good sense of humor for being so isolated his whole life, but is very deep and thoughtful when he needs to be.


Level 4 Mage

HP: 11

Str: 5

Mag: 8

Skl: 6

Spd: 8

Luk: 1

Def: 4

Res: 3


HP: 50%

Str: 50%

Mag: 70%

Skl: 45%

Spd: 70%

Luk: 35%

Def: 45%

Res: 35%

Edited by Owain'sSwordHand
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The arena guy.

This is definitely a valid option.



Name: Refa

Class: Falconknight

Affinity: Thunder (Because FE7 said so)

Male, with black hair and the swank Falconknight costume from FE9...well, the cape mostly. And a pretty boss voice too, I guess. Probably will be Shin's bodyguard or drinking buddy because REFRESHING.

Maybe I can be the Jeigan or join in midgame or something, I dunno.

Base Stats:
Level 8
HP: 36
Str: 15
Mag: 10
Skl: 15
Spd: 18
Lck: 4
Def: 8
Res: 20

Growth Rates:
HP: 60%
Str: 30%
Mag: 90%
Skl: 20%
Spd: 20%
Lck: 40%
Def: 10%
Res: 20%

Weapons: B Lances, B Swords

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I would be an amazing unit, much better than shin!

Name: Horace

Class: General

Affinity: Anima

Skills: Ambush, a leadership star, and a movement star! So much better than Shin!

Lvl: 4
HP:  43
Str: 23
Mag: 3
Skl: 22
Spd: 13
Luk: 2
Def: 21
Res: 10
CON: 57 

HP:  71%
Str: 11%
Mag: 41%
Skl: 46%
Spd: 36%
Luk: 11%
Def: 31%
Res: 46%

wepon ranks: A Axe, A Lance, E Sword

Edited by General Horace
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And because this prompted me to think like a writer, I ended up writing a whole paralogue because of it.

It's a shame there aren't any real good pre-promoted joiners in Awakening besides the Spotpass characters, because there are so many classes that need to be expanded upon.


Class sets - Priest, Dark Mage, Myrmidon

Skills - Galeforce, Lifetaker, Locktouch, Vantage, Counter

Class - Dark Knight

Lv 7

Weapon Levels: Tome- A, Sword -A

Starting Items: Elfire, Mystletainn, Second Seal

HP 57 50%

Str 27 55%

Mag 30 65%

Skl 32 80%

Spd 34 80%

Lck 27 80%

Def 28 50%

Res 31 50%

Recruitment: Enemy unit, Talk to him with Zoya in Paralogue 5-II. He is a powerful enemy unit who will attack and kill if he is not talked to first.


The caretaker of the Zenobia family. An enigma with an insatiable appetite both on and off the battlefield, his particular taste for flesh has been a cause for concern among friends. Still, he is fiercely loyal and protective of his charges.

The one who curses in gibberish. Birthday Apr 8.

Bromantic Supports: Mujo, Stahl, Walhart, Gregor, Frederick, Kellam, Yarne, Avatar.

Romantic Supports: Narelle, Luljetta, Zoya, Lissa, Maribelle, Tiki, Emmeryn, Avatar.

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