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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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not to mention I have no idea why he's scared as heck of the water in this piece. That's never been so much as hinted at. Well, unless he's supposed to be afraid of what's IN the water, rather than the water itself. Sharks would definitely scare the shit out of him. xP

Ana, I think you're over analyzing that image. It's obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

Anything Frederick related in fanart will get the Ana-lysis, regardless of author intention.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Anything Frederick related in fanart will get the Ana-lysis, regardless of author intention.

Pretty much this and the fact that I tend to be critical in general. lol

I'm so using that term from now on, btw. Ana-lysis. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Pretty much this and the fact that I tend to be critical in general. lol

Which is fine, but sometimes is better to look at these things in a more lighthearted way. Specially when it comes to fanart, since author intentions are relative.

No to mention being critical here is kinda pointless, since the original authors aren't looking, in most cases.

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You don't need to know Japanese to know what's going on here.

[spoiler=Nah won't be fooled by Owain's shenanigans]8iFeZFV.jpg


Hahahaha... Hiragana. Owain is low level in cheating.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Which is fine, but sometimes is better to look at these things in a more lighthearted way. Specially when it comes to fanart, since author intentions are relative.

No to mention being critical here is kinda pointless, since the original authors aren't looking, in most cases.

Pointless, but I feel like voicing my opinion sometimes anyway. And I don't see any problem with that.

And lol that Owain comic. It's true, you don't need to know Japanese to find it hilarious. XD

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I don't remember where any of these photos came from, but they've been in my collection for awhile, so I might as well post 'em here. Massive photodump incoming.

[spoiler=Avatar X Basilio]oekakibbs_zps05be6604.jpeg




[spoiler=Inigo, Yarne, Kjelle, Severa]FireEmblem3AKakuseifull1375352_zpsfb52ef










[spoiler=Ricken & Sully Comic]tumblr_miukyyFUh51qe9g4mo1_500_zps6b2567


[spoiler=Ike & Ike]tumblr_mcklcacBJo1rrd98so1_1280_zpsdcafb

[spoiler=An entire HORDE of Avatars]35135734_p0_zpsf2d34d59.jpg

I had a lot more I wanted to post, but apparently some of them got lost after I uploaded them. F**kin' Photobucket. >_>

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the others.


[spoiler=Gerik again]member_illust-9_zps1356cf82.jpeg

[spoiler=Henry & Olivia]29106817_p8_zps09659a32.jpg

[spoiler=Volke AGAIN]volke6.jpg

[spoiler=Owain, Lissa, & Libra]29106817_p6_zpsbacc038e.jpg




Edited by Karaszure
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That Frederick picture has been posted in here like twice already. lol

EDIT: OMFG LOL that Stahl and Sully comic! I'm TOTALLY CRACKING UP! XD

EDIT: Actually, wait a second, that's not Stahl, that's Ricken. I'm a moron, lol. But this doesn't make it any less funnier. In fact, it makes it more hilarious. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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EDIT: Actually, wait a second, that's not Stahl, that's Ricken. I'm a moron, lol. But this doesn't make it any less funnier. In fact, it makes it more hilarious. XD

I guess it is Ricken. I initially assumed it was Stahl because many of his supports have him talking about being an alchemist. But I guess I never really noticed Ricken's collar there. So...fixed. ._.

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Ahhhh I saw that Micaiah one not that long ago~ It's a really pretty image =3

I figured maybe I could post the image my signature is from in here!



Edited by Freohr Datia
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RE that Ike&Ike pic: Oh dude, I never realized Senri Kita did so much SNK stuff before, awesome!

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