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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Oh, ok. Should've specified which one it was there then lol. I was as confused as everyone else when you mentioned that, seeing that her outfit in RD was perfectly fine heh. But yeah, I didn't really like her DLC outfit at all myself. ^^;

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Yeah. Though I said Awakening designs, so I thought I didn't need to clarify...

I overlooked you mentioning Awakening Design (Force of habit to associate DLC Micaiah with cleavage and anything other than DLC Micaiah with a pretty dress)

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Micaiah getting the Dark Mage treatment for FE13 (which includes the weird cleavage and fanservice-y outfit) honestly doesn't bother me much.

What REALLY bothers me is the godawful "kawaii uguu" face and the unbelievably awkward (almost impossible) pose she has in the artwork.

Edited by Jave
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(I also forgot to mention Nils and Sophia, oops! My bad. I haven't played FE6/7 yet so I keep forgetting some of the characters in there...).

I do like both versions of Tiki myself, so I ain't biased towards her heh. Also, Tiki is no more sexualized than Final Fantasy VI's Terra Branford (for whom I thought FE:A Tiki was at first heh. The resemblance is too uncanny) IMO anyways. I honestly don't think her voice is that bad either, it fits her character I think. Though I do agree that kid Tiki does have a pretty short skirt (and apparently she had a rather large bust as a kid too according to some artwork. Must've been a thing back then since I've seen that for other characters that looked about the same as her like Castlevania's Maria Renard. Of course, nobody knows which is which for her). But apparently in one art I saw recently on this forum, she had them desert pants thingies too with her normal outfit so...*shrugs*

Honestly, I don' have that much of a problem with her design, yeah it's more reminiscent of something from a final fantasy game (as you pointed out), and honestly her design is not that bad, but they just managed to mess up her role and her backstory (or if only awakening, lack of such), and a lot of lost potential, while most decisions Gotoh made are understandable, they still kinda make him look like an asshole, and the person who gave him the orders for that matter, if you think about what your told in mystery, that Bantu, who has been the only person who was there to comfort Chiki when she woke up from her nightmares, who Gotoh pretty much banished after getting Chiki back and putting her back to sleep. And this is one of several things that make me think what would get her to take Gotohs place, and where him and Xane disappeared, and why Bantu and Chiki haven't tried to reunite.

Again sorry for my rant.

EDIT: Oh, and the main reason FE13 Tiki is my favorite is because of her (English) voice. So beautiful.

Quoting this too to say, sorry if I come of as an asshole... or pretensions, my intention isn't to insult anyone.

I also find that I dislike a lot of Japanese anime-style female characters because of ridiculously sized busts and ridiculously revealing clothing. I'm just relieved that Awakening's artists didn't take it nearly as far as some other Japanese ones do, though there are still a few designs I don't like (Tiki, Micaiah, Tharja, and Aversa to be specific. Nowi, I both like and hate her design. I like it, because I think her outfit would make a cute bathing suit design. But I hate it because that's her normal outfit...).

While I understand this is mostly a western thing, and I'm explaining this more of as an observer, but for me, with Japan and sexualisation, I would say that Japanese, and eastern cultures in general, have a much different look on sex, and sexualisation, seeing it more of just another part of life. This might have something to do with that a lot of eastern religions focus on self betterment, and, well, view the human body as just another part of life, while the west, with judeo- christian roots, which tells that everyone is born a sinner, and sex, in many cases, being seen as a sin, this is probably to reduce certain things which could have caused problems in the medieval times like pre-marital pregnancies, which could during those times cause a lot of problems, and reduce the spreading of STD:s

sorry again if I come of as a jerk. It's just that I try to understand "why", rather than just reacting.

And on awakening, yeah, on that one I'll say the sexual things feel weird for me, but that has more to do with what the games before it has had in terms of art direction.

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I actually like the Awakening Tiki. I mean yeah lets face it her breasts are well "there" but I mean she did age a good 1000-2000 years what do you expect? Her English voice sounds fine to me as well.

Anywho have some Tiki art


Source: http://www.deviantart.com/#/art/marth-n-tiki-335873906?hf=1

Got a kick outta this one. SSB4 DLC??? Yes? No? Maybe So?


Source: http://www.deviantart.com/#/art/Tiki-for-SSB4-458074457?hf=1

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As far as Dragon Girls go:

FE13 Tiki > Nah > FE1/3/11/12 Tiki > Ninian > Myrrh > Nowi > Iduon > Nagi > Fae > Ena

And have another Tiki:



Since no one else did, I just want to point out that this picture probably exists because the Japanese voice actress for Tiki also did Pikachu in the pokemon anime.


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While I understand this is mostly a western thing, and I'm explaining this more of as an observer, but for me, with Japan and sexualisation, I would say that Japanese, and eastern cultures in general, have a much different look on sex, and sexualisation, seeing it more of just another part of life. This might have something to do with that a lot of eastern religions focus on self betterment, and, well, view the human body as just another part of life, while the west, with judeo- christian roots, which tells that everyone is born a sinner, and sex, in many cases, being seen as a sin, this is probably to reduce certain things which could have caused problems in the medieval times like pre-marital pregnancies, which could during those times cause a lot of problems, and reduce the spreading of STD:s

sorry again if I come of as a jerk. It's just that I try to understand "why", rather than just reacting.

And on awakening, yeah, on that one I'll say the sexual things feel weird for me, but that has more to do with what the games before it has had in terms of art direction.

Naw, you're not being a jerk in the least bit. But I guess I understand the Japanese fetish for this stuff a little better now that you've explained this to me.

Someone really wanted to muscle up Deke. o.o (I believe that's his English name)

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Yeah I think Micaiah looks off in the Tharja-y outfit...the dark mage class kinda fits her considering light magic apparently doesnt exist in Awakening, though.

And we can have a whole debate about the sex stuff. I'm one of those people who finds it odd that it gives a higher rating than violence, I mean one creates life(a good thing mostly) and the other destroys life(a bad thing mostly). I guess it might be because kids play war games/know what violence is from a young age, but they're not supposed to learn about sex until much later.

Idk...but it was interesting to learn about the different cultures' viewpoints on the whole thing.

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that is absolutely glorious

Also, Geek, be careful. You're gonna get some flak for that one because it's "not someone's favorite pairing" or something. :P:

I'm on good terms with the ship, but I like that one. The picture itself, I mean.

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that is absolutely glorious

Also, Geek, be careful. You're gonna get some flak for that one because it's "not someone's favorite pairing" or something. :P:

I'm on good terms with the ship, but I like that one. The picture itself, I mean.

I personally prefer Lon'qu/Olivia and Frederick/Cordelia.

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Yeah I think Micaiah looks off in the Tharja-y outfit...the dark mage class kinda fits her considering light magic apparently doesnt exist in Awakening, though.

And we can have a whole debate about the sex stuff. I'm one of those people who finds it odd that it gives a higher rating than violence, I mean one creates life(a good thing mostly) and the other destroys life(a bad thing mostly). I guess it might be because kids play war games/know what violence is from a young age, but they're not supposed to learn about sex until much later.

Idk...but it was interesting to learn about the different cultures' viewpoints on the whole thing.

Perhaps we could start a topic in Serious Discussion, it seems like a subject worth talking about.

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I personally prefer Lon'qu/Olivia and Frederick/Cordelia.

Freddy x Cordelia fan here too! ^^ (they're my favorite pairing for Frederick if the Avatar is male. lol)

But I like Lon'qu with Cherche and Olivia with Chrom. :P And if Freddy is with Female Avatar, Stahl is my favorite hubby for Cordelia.

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What is it with the religious figures of Wrys, first saint Wrys and now Buddha Wrys:









Another Chiki:



All Shadow dragon characters, with Merric casting excalibur towards Sedgar, Bantu frying a fish for Roshe, Castor begging for money, Arran and Samson throwing things on each other, and once again, one I really wish someone would translate, the bottom row is the one I'm most currious about:



And a few comics for good measure:





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Hey, Lon'qu's wearing a brand of clothing that's sold where I work! lol

And he looks uber hawt in it xD

Perhaps we could start a topic in Serious Discussion, it seems like a subject worth talking about.

I'll consider that. I did so on Zelda Dungeon once, it was quite the discussion...

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