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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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All Shadow dragon characters, with Merric casting excalibur towards Sedgar, Bantu frying a fish for Roshe, Castor begging for money, Arran and Samson throwing things on each other, and once again, one I really wish someone would translate, the bottom row is the one I'm most currious about:



This is really nice!

I like how Dolph and Macellan are doing the same pose. Also, d'awww at Midia and Astram. I'd assume the Bird and the ice Cream are supposed to be Etzel and Ymir? Or maybe Nagi?

What's up with Cord's square? Why's he robed up? IDGI

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This is really nice!

I like how Dolph and Macellan are doing the same pose. Also, d'awww at Midia and Astram. I'd assume the Bird and the ice Cream are supposed to be Etzel and Ymir? Or maybe Nagi?

What's up with Cord's square? Why's he robed up? IDGI

Maybe it's a reference to class changing, like, "who keeps 3 fighters, so make one a dark mage"? otherwise, I have no Idea.
Edit: and the reason I would want it translated is because of the guy in the center of the last row, who looks like the bastard child of Marth and Chiki.
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It seems the bird and ice cream are Horace and Etzel, respectively. I guess the one after that is Ymir then? And the boy after that is Nagi....


Edited by shinpichu
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It seems the bird and ice cream are Horace and Etzel, respectively. I guess the one after that is Ymir then? And the boy after that is Nagi....


... You may be right, though Nagi doesn't look like you would expect here... seriously, why does s/he look like the child of Marth and Chiki?... I'm confused.

I don't know whether to call that funny or disturbing. I DO know that that guy deserved it xD

And if you check the comments, you see that they joke that the guy in that comic went then on to create Nowi... yeah.

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(I also forgot to mention Nils and Sophia, oops! My bad. I haven't played FE6/7 yet so I keep forgetting some of the characters in there...).

I do like both versions of Tiki myself, so I ain't biased towards her heh. Also, Tiki is no more sexualized than Final Fantasy VI's Terra Branford (for whom I thought FE:A Tiki was at first heh. The resemblance is too uncanny) IMO anyways. I honestly don't think her voice is that bad either, it fits her character I think. Though I do agree that kid Tiki does have a pretty short skirt (and apparently she had a rather large bust as a kid too according to some artwork. Must've been a thing back then since I've seen that for other characters that looked about the same as her like Castlevania's Maria Renard. Of course, nobody knows which is which for her). But apparently in one art I saw recently on this forum, she had them desert pants thingies too with her normal outfit so...*shrugs*

Quoting this again cause I read something now I missed the first time, that you mention the pic of Chiki with pants, and yeah, it was I who discovered said book. and it's probably this design you meant (shout-out to Crazy Foxie for uploading better pics of them):


And this is probably my favorite version of Chiki, I just like the art, and it actually looks like someone who is in hiding (escaped from Gotoh) minus the tiara. Yeah I just happen to really like it, the book also has my favorite version of Marth for that matter.

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It's also like the only instance I really see of child Tiki where her ears aren't droopy either (the only Manakete that I've ever seen with ears like that). It does add a bit of charm to her though (same with the pants, though I'm so used to pantless child Tiki so lol). Also she doesn't seem as busty as just about the vast majority of art for her seems to suggest.

And yes, that is the design I speak of. Speaking of the book, is it an official book by the way? If so, could use those images and anything else from it for the FEWiki~

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And if you check the comments, you see that they joke that the guy in that comic went then on to create Nowi... yeah.

Saw that. Although I don't know how he could do much of anything after being squashed like that.

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It's also like the only instance I really see of child Tiki where her ears aren't droopy either (the only Manakete that I've ever seen with ears like that). It does add a bit of charm to her though (same with the pants, though I'm so used to pantless child Tiki so lol). Also she doesn't seem as busty as just about the vast majority of art for her seems to suggest.

And yes, that is the design I speak of. Speaking of the book, is it an official book by the way? If so, could use those images and anything else from it for the FEWiki~

Where I bought if from they said it was an official book, but because I don't speak Japanese or know what to look for, I can't confirm it.

Anyway some more art.

Nabarl & Feena, where Nabarl is wearing Feenas dress... and somehow has breasts... yeah this one is weird:



And then we have this Merry band (Jagen, Draug, Cain, Marth, Abel, Gordin, Frey):



Xane screwing with Nagi:









Myrrh And Lute with a joke about con (yes, according to con, Lute (con 3) is technically shorter than Myrrh (con 5)):









And probably one of the stranger Chikis I've posted so far:



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I think I've seen it one here before. Might be wrong though. And if it was posted, with how fast this thread moves it's probably buried 40 pages back or something.

Anyways: FE8 Gurlz (More specifically Myrrh, Eirika, and Marisa)

General FE Peepz (The first pic deserves special mention since it's a pretty cute picture of Sanaki and Sephiran)

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In memory of the original Paladin:


(He's actually helped a bit by being a big meatshield against enemies and distracting them in my FE3 LP that I'm doing right now, but I think he's retired now since I have people that can actually fight).

And now for some random stuff!









Edited by Xenomic
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In memory of the original Paladin:


(He's actually helped a bit by being a big meatshield against enemies and distracting them in my FE3 LP that I'm doing right now, but I think he's retired now since I have people that can actually fight).

"Hosted on zerochan.net"

Can't see it. Maybe you can reupload it on imgur or some other site?

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