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Fe 10 easy mode again


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Miss Tea.

I was going to pick Fiona but I would feel guilty if I did.

Aww, good thing you didn't ^^'

If I know Quint, hed be picking Pellulz about now. He told me I could pick for him so Im giving him Pelleas.

Ghost 1 says he wants Rolf!

Ghost 2 says he'd rather have ten men like Danved and also Nasir because mothufucking white dragon, kinda looks like a ghost.

Ghost 1 says he should have a stoned bird in his army! but hes going to pick fiona instead!

Wait, but that was when I had availability issues :(, now I'm here and there pretty often.

Please ignore pkl's picks, for God's sake x'{. And give me Fiona ⊙_⊙

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Let's post some chapters 8D

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden

1-p: 5 (5)

Uh...pretty standard, Miccy gets mag, sp, lck and res, and str, mag, sp and res. EM seems to be benevolent with lv. Ups

1-1: 3 (8)

Lol, Nolan gets like 2 awesome lv ups.

1-2: 4 (12)

Zomg, I should've drafted Nolan, he's by lv 14 with 17 str! Dayum!

1-3: 4 (16)

Ilyana orkos enemies, lol. Sothe owns the boss. Miccy and Ilyana get more sp, wat.

1-4: 5 (21)

Max mt, CRT forge for Ilyana, she goes east and owns everything there, including the boss. I couldn't find a way to 4 turn this with pacifist bosses :/, oh Ily got the seal and sothe the scroll

1-5: 6 (27)

Ilyana promotes after killing wystan and his court of mages, wat. O.o


Stage 1: 4 (31)

Sothe west, Ily to the middle, Miccy up.

Stage 2: 3 (34)

Stupid pacifist laverton.

1-7: 5 (39)

Ferry Miccy! Fiona trained and wow, she actually kills units! =o

1-8: 4 (43)

I didn't need an extra unit. Ily up, then west, Miccy south and Sothe east. The Draco goes near Miccy and is slain by the power of the light!

1-9: 4 (47)


1-E: 5 (52)

Fiona trains up to lv 6. Ily gets to lv 12 by killing Jarod. She equips Celerity and follows savior pass sothe with the help of a burger shove.

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

2-p: 8 (60)

Luchi gets to s rank.

2-1: 5 (65)

Worst chapter ever. Probably that's why I don't like brom, neph or heather.

2-2: 3 (68)

Luchi drops Lucia and she crts maraj with wind edge. Lol

2-3: 5 (73)

Geosphere cantos to tashoria and brave kills him, then he seizes on pp5

2-E: 2+4 (79)

Awelincia <3

Part 3: Intersecting Vows

3-p: 8 (87)

Adept Oscar is the best. Laguz units are retarded.

3-1: 3 (90)

Oscar promotes and wrecks shit. He rides across the map and kills Edit: Rommit, the gen and the spear berdier with the short spear. He sols and adepts enemies like a boss.

3-2: 2 (92)

Celerity Oscar drops ily and she orkos the dracoboss with elfire.

3-3: 7 (99)

Burn to cinders!

3-4: 6 (105)

Turn shaven thanks to Oscar ^^

3-5: 1 (106)

Ily and Mia promote. Get support. Ily gets mag and sp and orkos lombrosso.

Edited by Quintessence
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I'm the one who managed to get an almost all laguz team..

But if the last round is reverse type, then MJ gets Lyre, and you probably have the chance of getting Giffca if PKL doesn't pick him.

On synthesis, who's turn is it?

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Part 1 counts:

Prologue: 5(5)

Micaiah gets all of the kills.

Chapter 1: 3(8)

Nolan charges and Micaiah grabs some kills.

Chapter 2: 5(13)

Nolan goes up the ledge then charges the boss Micaiah kills a few soldiers. Got the energy drop.

Chapter 3: 3(16)

Sothe rush!

Chapter 4: 4(20)

Nolan and Micaiah go one way Sothe goes the other.

Chapter 5: 5(25)

Same as last time but Volug helps.

Chapter 6:

-1 4(29)

Promoted Nolan destroys everything.

-2 3(32)

Sothe rushes the boss.

Chapter 7: 5(37)

Micaiah gets ferried to and then kills the boss.

Chapter 8: 4(41)

Micaiah and Nolan down Sothe to the boss and Nailah destroys get side. Sorry about getting the count wrong at first.

Chapter 9: 4(45)

Micaiah to the side while the burger king goes up.

Endgame: 6(51)

Pass!Nailah rushes the boss.

Resources: Nolan got an energy drop and a dracoshield. Micaiah got one seraph robe (forgot the one on Rafiel)

By the end of endgame Nolan had capped(as a warrior) skill, speed and resistance. Sothe capped strength, speed, skill, hp and maybe more but I can't remember.

Part 2 Counts.

Prologue 8(59)

Killed off Marcia.

Chapter 1 3(62)

Nephenee criticals her way through.

Chapter 2 4(66)

Nealuchi rush.

Chapter 3 5(71)

Pacifists cost me a turn.

Endgame 2+4 (77)

Elincia stuns Ludveck on turn 2.

Geoffrey capped strength and resistance.

Makalov got a talisman.

Part 3

Prologue 8(85)

Stupid laguz are stupid. Soren capped skill.

Chapter 1 5 (90)

Gave Soren BEXP to cap magic, speed and resistance. Finished just before the reinforcements came. Free unit was Shinon.

Chapter 2 3(93)

Promoted Soren with BEXP gave him Celerity and a thunder tome. He and Ike gained support and rushed down to the boss.

Chapter 3 11(104)

Ike hit the level cap via BEXP. Soren and Ike roflstomped everything and got the Hammerne staff. Gatrie was helper.

Chapter 4 7(111)

Took some thought but hey I'm doing this for the challenge.

Chapter 5 2(113)

Soren owns the boss after a chanting.

Chapter 6 5(118)

Noan goes Reaver at the very end. Sothe goes up Nolan goes to the side.

Edited by bearclaw13
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