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[FE11+FE12]Archanea Tag Team RNG draft


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Chapter 17 - 5/130

Reclassed Darros to Hero.

I spared Sheema. The end.

Chapter 18 - 2/132

Reclassed Cord to Dracoknight.

Flew Cord over to the Bishop that drops Recover, and Hammered him. Had Luke bait several enemies (but not the dude with the Ridersbane). Result: Lots of dead things.

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This was a thing.

Shin 143 turns + Jedi ???

CR 146 turns + Horace 124 turns = 268 turns total 1st place (for now, of course)

Doofina ??? + Clipsey ???

SB 144 turns + PKL ???

Baldrick ??? + Xinn ???

Did I miss anyone? I'm gonna beat this soon. Expecting 122.

Edited by PKL
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  • 1 month later...

Nope, found my save!

Chapter 19 - 7/139

Had Xane turn into Luke, and equip the Ridersbane. Warped Cord to the boss, killed him, then rescued him because his HP sucks. Luke ran ahead, making sure NOT to aggro the Warriors on turn 2 (it spells his demise). Once I was able to take care of Sedgar's unit, it was a matter of walking Luke to the throne area and having him wreck everything. My staffbot squad was busy keeping people alive. Use MU to absorb a Pachyderm hit on the last turn.

Xane, Darros, and the mages three were sent down to the Warrior area to deal with them. Fun it was not!

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Chapter 20 - 6/145

Reclassed Cord to 'zerker, and gave him a bit of base arena to get him to A Axes. Reclassed Caesar to Paladin for. . .I forget why. Ditto with MU to Bishop.

I had to take this a bit slower, because my team (with the exception of Luke and Cord) is on the slow side. Walked through the treasure room, then waltzed Cord down to Hardin, and smacked him around with Hautclere until he fell. I had to use an Again charge to get rid of one of the outer enemies. Burned a Warp charge to grab the Fortify. Snagged the Brave Sword, Brave Lance, Again, and gold. I WILL need the gold!

Chapter 20x - 5/150

Due to the fact that MU sucks, I had to keep her out of range of EVERYTHING. Luke charged ahead, and that was the end of that. Didn't have time for the second Aura (sadly).

Classes are for Chapter 21.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       18.17  35  15    0   18   19   20   11    1
MU        Bishop      8.13  42  12   15   16   14   19    8   14
Arran     Drakky     10.04  28  12    1   14   12    4   12    3
Gordin    Drakky     13.24  38  26    1   20   20   14   22    3
Luke      Paladin    20.00  52  25    1   19   25   15   17    7
Mally     Sage        4.98  27   3   12    4   12   15    4    7
Cord      Drakky     17.03  43  20    0   17   23   22   20    6
Yumina    Sage        4.22  26   3   10   11   17   17    5    5
Castor    Horseman    7.53  45* 16    2   13   17   10   12    3
Wendell   Sage        9.72  26   3    8    5   13    4    6    6
Caesar    Paladin    12.17  43  19    1   17   18   13   17    8
Feena     Dancer      she's a dancer, what were you expecting ;/
Jeorge    Sniper      8.56  33  14    1   16   15    7   15    3
Darros    Hero       10.88  48  21    0   21   20   10   15    3
Chapter 21 - 7/157

This chapter was painful as hell. Gordin doesn't have much HP, but I did manage to get him up to Brave Lances. This was so that he'd insta-gib some of the starting Wyverns. Had to move people carefully, as most people couldn't take that many hits. Used Marth as bait a couple of times, repaired Again (broke Hammerne), and used a Rescue charge to get Marth from the Starlight village to the throne. Castor fought a round in the map arena, which allowed me to buy an additional stat booster (Energy Drop, in this case).

I have no idea how the hell I'm going to kill Gharnef. MU fails.

Chapter 22 - 6/163

Did a bit of base arena, so Marth would have B swords, Caesar would gain a level, and Castor could wield Parthia on a horse.

Had Xane mimic Luke, ran upwards, and made sure that MU used Barrier on both Marth and Luke before the latter opened the door. Because of this, I had enough HP to tank everything, and Luke wasn't a target for the Meteor guys (used Malliesia and Castor for that). Once Gordin and Caesar made it into the room, lots of stuff died. Cord got another Fortify for me (which is good, because Malliesia's job is to spam it, and Yumina just hit A staves).

Edited by eclipse
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Let's give this thing one last kick, yo?

Chapter 23 - 4/167

Reclassed MU to Sage, and fed her a bajillion stat boosters so she wouldn't suck.

Thanks to the bajillion stat boosters, she was able to blick Gharnef. The worst part of this run was turn 3 - I had to find a way for Xane (as Luke), Luke, and Gordin to survive a ton of siege tomes and other assorted nastiness. Once I got Gharnef out of the way, I chewed through everyone else and beelined to the throne.

Endgame - 1/168

Rules didn't say I couldn't use Rescue/Again on undrafted units! Used base arena to get Marth up to snuff.

With three Rescue charges, one Warp charge, and a full Again, here's how that went down.

- Sirius runs towards Nyna, with Rescue.

- Malliesia uses Again on Sirius.

- Sirius reaches Nyna, trades Rescue.

- Nyna grabs Minerva.

- Minerva recruits Maria, trades the other Rescue.

- Maria snags Merric.

- Merric recruits Elice, trades Again (this isn't necessary).

- Elice trades Maria for Rescue, grabs Marth.

- MU warps Luke to Lena so he can kill her.

- Marth stabs Medeus.

- Yumina uses Again on Luke.

- Luke stabs Medeus

- Feena dances for Malliesia.

- Malliesia breaks Again on Marth.

- Marth stabs Medeus for game.

tl;dr - Hammerne.

Now, for stats. . .


I couldn't get him to A swords on a horse, sadly. His lack of Speed hurt him in the end (which is a pity, because he was pretty amusing).


EXTREMELY useful when I needed to snipe Wyverns. His chip was welcome; his Speed, not so much. If I could've gotten him to double, he would've been scary.


He was absolutely clutch when I needed a flying axe thing, and his Speed allowed him to pile the pain onto Hardin. His HP was on the low side, sadly. Was given two Energy Drops to help his lack of offense.


Being bulky is good. Running out of axes, not so much. He's pretty good for filler!


Best bait.


He got a Robe so he'd stop dying to mages. His performance was passable, and I'd grab him if Rody/Luke/Ryan were already gone.


Closest thing to MVP this team will have. Shredded through a lot of things, and took a Robe because my team is allergic to HP growth.


Hammerne allowed for some pretty cheesy strategies (like liberal use of Again/Thief).


That is one Robe and two Energy Drops later. Not bad, and his relatively speediness made Chapter 21 slightly less frustrating.


The biggest failure this team had. I fed her four Speedwings and Spirit Dusts to get her up to snuff. Sheesh.


The second staffbot, who didn't have to worry as much about being doubled.


Jeorge - Bow chip for a little bit was appreciated!

Wendell - Staffbot until Malliesia/Yumina really got going

Arran - Is always helpful!

Overall, this team would've been better if I didn't have so many issues with key members.

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This was a thing.

Shin 143 turns + Jedi ???

CR 146 turns + Horace 124 turns = 268 turns total 1st place (for now, of course)

Doofina ??? + Clipsey 168 turns

SB 144 turns + PKL ???

Baldrick 144 turns + Xinn ???

Did I miss anyone? I'm gonna beat this soon. Expecting 122.

Still need baldricks turncount. Couldn't find it in the thread anywhere. I dont think he posted it. I'm not psychic. :P

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I will take Jedi's spot and do my best to beat myself

take this as a christmas present

i'll try my best to get under 300

hahaha HORACE was on your team

I'd rather get Sharpy to do it, I'll do it myself if I have to!

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Ohai if you guys want I could get this done by next week.

I lost most of my save data anyways so I need to re-play any and all drafts from start again.

Especially my FE10 one which was literally all done and just needing to get uploaded. ;_;

....yeah, I'll get onto doing this for a start.

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