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[FE11+FE12]Archanea Tag Team RNG draft


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One of these days I'll be good at chapter 2.

Chapter 7 - 6 turns (47)

I refuse to lose! Everyone charges down, with Bowshea killing some dracos (and missing Palla twice...), and Jagen, Abel and Armorslayer!Navarre blew the boss into tiny pieces. Well, that was the plan, but Nabarl crit the first attack anyway!

Chapter 8 - 5 turns (52)

Shopped for Javelins, Door Keys and Silver Lance. Oh lord I'm broke now. Cav Navarre and Abel were the key players here, with everyone else mostly milling around taking out enemies on the way.

Chapter 9 - 5 turns (57)

Manakete boss was pretty easy this time around. He's a lot more vicious in H3, or maybe it's just my team there were all scrubs. Actually, it's probably that. Draco!Jagen is still doing pretty well, doubling and ORKOing half of the enemies on the map.

Chapter 10 - 8 turns (65)

Easy Chapter. Everyone ran around like madmen towards their destination. Cord and Wendell never got anywhere and ended up fucking around with the Sniper, same with Roshea I think, although he was ORKOed by him so he had to be more careful. Jagen gloriously crit the Hero and stole Abel's kill. Iron bones still has it.

Chapter 11 - 9 turns (74)

The Ballista operator is terrible. How is it that nobody can hit the damn guy, he's not exactly moving anywhere in a hurry! The main Cav trio rushed, while Cord, Roshea and Wendell killed some Mercs.

Chapter 12 - 6 turns (80)

And now, nothing else in the game is difficult. Abel promotes, and Jagen goes Dracoknight. I stopped on the route to the throne with the Bullion and the Silver Sword. The scroll probably would have been better but once I had this thing down I wasn't willing to let it go. Nabarl Javelined the boss (who's a dick by the way) and Jagen finished with... the Ridersbane. No! Come back, I'm not crazy, really! Either way, it meant that he could fly around the pillars after Nabarl finished the Cav who took the throne, and then he and Abel punched the boss in the face turn 6, and Jagen got the Boots with the Master Key!

Stats will come after 12x.

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Chapter 7 - 6/47


Chapter 8 - 5/52

Silly boss on the island. The hard part was getting Marth across safely without any drafted people dying.

Chapter 9 - 5/57

Getting the Wyrmslayer while keeping the pace up was horrible and I didn't enjoy it at all. The archers love hitting Sheeda. Jagen went up top while Sedgar, Sheeda and Athena cleared path.

Name   Class   Level HP SM Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Marth  Lord     6.06 22 09 04 09 11 08 00
Sheeda PKnight 15.72 21 08 13 20 18 08 06
Jagen  Paladin  4.98 22 07 11 08 01 09 06
Lena   Mage    10.46 16 08 08 13 12 04 05
Sedgar Warrior  6.63 32 10 15 16 04 12 00
Athena Myrmidon 11.35 Mostly base

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Chapter 1: Doga will choke the point! - 7 turns

Marth with his two horseback buddies storm through, Doga using the recently departed Abel's javelin to help with chips. Wrys is recruited and heals Jeigan whilst he gets the first two hits against the boss. Cain makes the final strike, netting himself some nice XP.


Chapter 2: Doga still chokes the point! - 6 turns

And that's with recruiting Dallas! Marth waits just in Darros' range whilst Cain and Jeigan go kill stuff. The two soon catch up, whilst the meatshields are being patched up by Wrys. The boss is tricky, but the combination of Cain and Jeigan is enough to send him under. I'm burning through my Silver Lance!

Oh, a bunch of people died. Abel, Sheeda, Kashim, Cord and Gordin... but it was worth it!


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Hey, umm, FE12 players, none of you are gonna be lame and rig the Prologue 1 2 turn right?

Because that would bring out the RAGE in me

And I would give you a 9999 turn penalty, which would put your team at a disadvantage Kappa.png

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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You're asking someone who plays on cart this question? If I do get the two-turn, I WILL RESET (unless it's a good level, in which case I'll count it as three anyway).

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^ The 2 turn cant be done on accident unless you get a crit off. Since you'd have to be looking for the Player Phase dodge instead of waiting in front of Jagen. :P

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I like it how you're the one that brings up the method to 2-turn prologue 1 to begin with. tongue.gif

Because I know what the minimums for Prologue are and what needs to happen by now :P. Like, Prologue 8 can be 2 turned but you need multiple 60% dodges and to be able to double a Silver Axe dude with Cain and also Caeda needs to have gotten a str proc and Katarina must not proc hp or def. Stuff like that is what Im against. Massive rigging bs. It will be penalize with 9999 turns. You've all been warned :P

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Chapter 10 - 8/65

Sheeda, Jagen, Sedgar and Athena kill the cavaliers and dragonknights. Sedgar doubles back to kill the Silver Bow sniper with Lena, Sheeda and Jagen double team the Master Seal hero, Matthis (!) and Jagen get the Levin Sword thief and Sheeda kills the boss.

Chapter 11 - 9/74

Sheeda promotes, and clears out everything except the Manakete and sniper, and recruits Jake after Jagen reaches the village. Sedgar walks around and Devil Axes the ballistician, Matthis (!) and Marth help finish off the sniper while Sheeda kills the manakete.

Chapter 12 - 6/80

Jagen reaches the southern door by turn 3, and Sheeda can just OHKO the sniper with Silver Lance. Next turn, Sedgar kills the healer, Sheeda kills the boss and Jagen hurts the other healer. Jagen eventually reaches the Boots, and Marth opens a couple of chests.

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Chapter 3: Dallas so not chump! - 7 turns

Devil axe so bro. Everyone gets doubled by the boss, but Cain and Jeigan are durable enough to take the hits like men. Jeigan silvers the boss EP6 letting Cain and da chump come in to finish him off. I even got the devil axe! Bord and Barst died but who cares!


Chapter 4: Dallas is nice place! - 7 turns

Doga goes fighter for some bro-doubling. Merric and Matthis are recruited, and some mooks die. A peg generic lured away one of the horsemen, and Dallas and Cain teamed up to finish the other off. Devil axe so good!


Chapter 5: Stoopid THWOMP - 6 turns

I was so close to a 5 turn, but Jeigan couldn't double the boss and Cain was too weenie. No deaths this chapter, I must not be trying hard enough! Da Pope is recruited for his staff, all is good! Also, Cain is looking pretty bro.


Chapter 6: Hammer Dallas - 7 turns

Biraku opens the door, letting Julian recruit his little bro. Jagen and Cain storm ahead, killing stuff. Doga once again chokes the point, killing those dastardly cavs. Biraku and Meatshield!Wolf team up to stop the thieves. Dallas hits C axes, but with the boss nearly dead due to Cain's armourslayer, the devil axe proved more valuable. I get most of the swag, stoopid Killing Edge!


Chapter 6x: Grinding for fun! - 20 turns

Dallas goes merc in a desperate attempt to get speed. The boss provides some nice XP for the dudes. Cain gets to D lances at last, whilst Doga and Dallas get close to D axes and swords respectively. Athena is recruited, I have uses for her. Biraku got a perfect level, woo!




A little frail compared to the big boys, but he's doing his fair share. Pretty speedy!


He's starting to fade already. His levels haven't been that great.


The best bro in my team. He's over his averages in all the stats that matter. Javelin access is pretty nice.


Choking all the points, he's not quite as strong as I'd hoped, but he can still do the job.


He heals and he doesn't die. I can't really ask for much more.


Actually not a chump. His devil axe has come in handy a good number of times. His speed hurts but that's nothing promoting to hero won't handle.


He's off to a good start. Once his speed kicks in, he'll become Cain's understudy.


Uh... I don't need to buy keys?

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Myrm named Aqua

Prologue 1 3/3


Prologue 2 2/5

doubled Rody bro

Prologue 3 3/8

Rody and Ryan. This was easier then I remember

Prologue 4 2/10

Charge kill, take out Athena.

Prologue 5 2/12

MU and Athena murder stuff and especially the boss. While brody gets some EXP with the help of the others

Prologue 6 1/13

Cecil, Brody, MU, Athena, Merric and Caeda. Merric scorches Draug and he dies on the EP after all his buddies fell

Prologue 7 2/15


Edit: I have to redo Prologue 8 seeing as PKL didn't like the fact I got 2 turns on it.

Edited by Jedi
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P2 - 2/5 TURNS

suck it rody

P3 - 2/7 turns

suck it caeda

P4 - 2/9 turns

suck it athena

P5 - 2/11 turns

suck it generic bandit

P6 - 1/12 turns

doga was engulfed in flame

P7 - 2/14 turns

wow even got to give cecil the CAINKILL

P8 - 2/16 TURNS

The power of Seppeku!Cain is the best strat.

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Prologue 1 3/3

Fuck the 2 turn. Avatar got a nice level.

Prologue 2 2/5

This was pretty easy. Ryan got the Luke kill.

Prologue 3 2/7

Ryan gets the Caeda kill. Avatar lured her first turn. Luke+fort = bro.

Prologue 4 2/9

Wrys is best lure. Ryan got the Athena kill.

Prologue 5 2/11

Boss got owned. The myrms kill things, etc. Caeda got boss kill.

Prologue 6 Doga 1/12

Steel wepons get. Doga burned.

Prologue 7 Cain 2/14

Luke Cecille and Caeda teamed up on Cain the chump.

Prologue 8 2/16

Caeda is bro. Rody died.

Chapter 1 4/20

Ryan and Arran took down Lorenz. Bullion get.

Chapter 2 6/26

Marth goes up. Profit.

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Shin to win!

Chapter 7: Death to whitewings - 6 turns

Jeigan goes Sniper. Again it's a Cain and pals rush. Some mooks block the spawns and the day is saved. Woo!


Chapter 8: Death to the scrubs! - 5 turns

I can't recruit Roger because Sheeda died. I don't feel I'm missing much. Two class B chumps are enough. Doga and Dallas finally get their D ranks. Devil Axe!Doga is pretty bro. Athena and Hardon are sacrificed so Marth and Cain get a clean run. Also Biraku so bro!


Chapter 9: Stoopid Marth - 5 turns

One space away from a 4 turn... I hate Marth sometimes. Cain and Doga bro'd the boss. Jeigan got a defense level, which is lame. At least Rikard got the goodies!


Chapter 10: Death to more scrubs! - 8 turns

Marth, Jagger and Cain go to fight some guys. Biraku leads the charge into the castle, teaming up with the other bros to take out the sniper. The new recruits get sacrificed to the flying weenies, Jeigan actually manages to kill the crest dude. All is good, Cain finishes off the boss!


Chapter 11: No love for you! - 9 turns

Cain goes myrm so he can actually double stuff. The gang head out, with some mooks being sacrificed. In the end, Dallas gets the dragon kill whilst the others frantically clear a path for Marth.


Chapter 12: Cain so bro - 6 turns

Cain glues some speedwings to his feet and promotes at level 15. This lets him double both the sniper and the boss. With a little help from Jagger and Biraku, he smashes through and steals da boots. Rikard does his job and steals most of the swag. I miss one chest but it probably had a chump item.


Chapter 12x: Horace so dead - 20 turns

Tomas goes curate because I have no idea what to do with him. Horace is murdered by Dallas, the ultimate shameful death. The rest is grinding for XP.


Chapter 13: I hate wooden horses - 3 turns

This chapter was actually pretty easy. Midia recruits Astram for his swag, which he left to us in his will. The pope finally dies, as he's used as a meatshield. Cain killer lance crits the boss, letting Marth capture. Beck? Who's Beck?


Chapter 14: Snore - 6 turns

Did it my first run, got all the swag. Doga bromoted and became a berserker. Woo! Also my generics died... RAGE.


Chapter 15: Bro - 5 turns

Cain kills the boss on turn 2. He waits for Marthipan to catch up. Meanwhile, some generics die... and Biraku gets some rather odd strength levels.


Chapter 16: Cain, he eats arrows for breakfast - 6 turns

Cain and Jeigan go draco because they can FLY. Cain's actually bro enough to fly in there and tank 2 of the horsemen. He comes out of it with a little healing from Wrys. Xane dies and Midia goes shopping for me. All is good, there's not actually anyone left by the time Marth seizes.


Chapter 17: Winning! - 3 turns

Marth opens door, Cain kills boss, Cain waits. Biraku promotes to Paladin whilst Midia visits da secret shop. I don't get much swag, there really isn't time for it.


Chapter 17x: So boring - 20 turns

The gang all do stuff. Biraku hangs back to take on the cavs whilst Cain and the boys press on. Etzel dies for no good reason.


Chapter 18: Rinse and repeat - 6 turns

Cain rush with Marth and Biraku, they kill stuff, gg.


Chapter 19: Biraku strikes! - 5 turns

I my spare stat boosters on Biraku to turn him into a second Cain. He proceeds to smash everything, alongside his pal Cain. Marth tags along I guess. The others get stuff, Dallas even gets C bows!


Chapter 20: See above - 5 turns

Cain missed Camus once with the horseslayer so Biraku stole the kill. Lorenz also explodes.


Chapter 20x: Finally, A lances! - 14 turns

I ran out of stuff to kill/steal. Sue me. Cain finally gets to A lances! Bro!


Chapter 21: Kill them all - 3 turns

Cain. Gradvius. Winning. Penvo the brave also does shopping and doesn't die!


Chapter 22: Death to all the dragons! - 7 turns

Darros gets the 5 speedwings and 3 energy drops I managed to acquire. He's still a chump, but I might need him later. Midia finally dies, I need a higher quality meatshield!


Chapter 23: All climb the stairs! - 7 turns

The cav duo charge ahead. Tomas and Dallas hang around to get their ranks up. Jeigan still sits there.


Chapter 24: Down then left - 4 turns

Marth got doubled by the dragons, good work mountain terrain! Biraku takes the lead this time, and does just as well as Cain! Elice finds a pony and goes shopping for her bro!


Chapter 24x: Curses! - 20 turns

Dallas and Tomas both fail to get the rank they need... joy.


Final Chapter: Yaranaika? - 4 turns

Well, that's amazing. I distribute my boosters, leaving Cain with more defense than Biraku. This causes all the enemies to suicide on Mr Yaranaika himself. It's then a clear run. Biraku gets the crit, first time too, woo!


143 turns

Marth, pantsless protagonist - 36 kills


Struggled more than he did on NM, but still he lived enough to take castles.

Jeigan, got the groove - 33 kills


I know I whined about him, but he did a spectacular job. He stopped doing stuff after 17x, but a job well done.

Cain, Prince of destruction... and stabbing - 136 kills


Oddly strength blessed, he was the main man in all my plans. He appreciated having Biraku as his wingman.

Biraku, Mr Yaranaika - 123 kills


Struggled with strength early on. However, after promotion and several energy drops, it was worth it!

Doga, Point Choker extraordinaire - 83 kills


Early on, his massive defense saved the day a lot. Then, his pitiful durability but lightning speed let him break stuff. Go Doga!

Wrys, man of medicine - 5 kills


I don't care that he got 5 kills, those two arms scrolls were worth it. Plus, he healed loads!

Dallas, the chump - 67 kills


Struggled with speed the entire game, and when I had enough boosters to help him, it was endgame. Still better than nothing!

Tomas, a waste of space - 0 kills


So bad. He spent all his life trying to get to A staves, even then he failed. Never actually engaged with any enemies, he would be doubled by everyone.

Rikard, I forgot he existed - 3 kills


I actually forgot to screenshot him, so Gyazo it is. He stole stuff, cool I guess.

Beck, Lorenz and Roger - Never recruited



Jedi, do your best!

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Chapter 12x 20/80


Chapter 13 3/83

Sedgar Steel Bow + Sheeda Silver Lance + Athena Steel Sword.

Chapter 14 6/89

Sedgar with Hammer was the surprise hero, since I didn't give Sheeda enough margin and the healer and armors blocked her off.

Chapter 15 5/94

Jake can OHKO dragonknights, which is good cause he sure as hell isn't doubling them.

Chapter 16 6/100

Sedgar again proved his worth by tanking and killing many things.

Chapter 17 3/103

Swordmaster Athena

Chapter 17x 20/103

Staff-training the Macedonian wimps zzz

Name   Class     Level HP SM Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Marth  Lord      11.08 27 11 08 12 13 09 00
Sheeda DKnight 17/9.30 32 13 19 23 26 15 03
Jagen  DKnight    7.31 21 08 11 10 03 11 03
Lena   Mage    17/2.24 26 11 13 14 20 05 10
Sedgar Warrior   16.07 55 21 16 22 07 17 00
Athena SMaster 13/6.51 36 14 17 19 07 10 03
Jake   Ballista  10.77 23 10 07 06 06 16 00
Horace General    5.22 32 16 13 09 07 18 00

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Chapter 18: 6/109

Jagen and Athena are pretty potent with Ridersbane, actually.

Chapter 19: 5/114

Through letting the thieves have free range, I snag a Speedwing for free. Huzzah!

Chapter 20: 5/119

Sheeda kills Camus with a special Wing Spear

Chapter 20x: 20/119

Matthis reaches B staves on the 20th turn.

Name    Class    Level HP SM SK SP LK DF RS
Marth   Lord     15.69 31 13 08 14 17 11 00
Sheeda  Dknight  14.67 34 14 21 23 30 15 03
Jagen   Dknight   7.81 21 08 11 10 03 11 03
Lena    Sage      4.73 26 11 14 16 21 05 12
Matthis Bishop    3.53 34 04 06 07 04 04 10
Sedgar  Horseman 18.83 53 22 22 24 07 19 02
Athena  Paladin   9.49 38 16 12 14 09 12 06
Jake    Ballista 15.95 26 12 10 06 09 17 00
Horace  Hero      7.33 28 14 21 18 07 10 03

Edited by Baldrick
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