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The Great Awakening - Game Over


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Bold: LOL why should people need a reason to give their reads on players? More reads means more info.

Sure, but it's weird how you asked for their opinions without giving your own on those players.

Anyway, I don't want to lynch Marth, based on a theory I have, and I also just don't think he's scum.

Well, ask and ye shall receive.

Perhaps it's simply how it is, but most of what I read is people jokevoting, people who are reading into things too much, and people who vote out of vengeance. No one has really shown themselves as suspicious enough to warrant a lynching to me.

However, there's an exception to this statement:

This is an incredibly flimsy argument that makes basically no sense and the other things you've said haven't done much better. Therefor:

##Vote: Bluedoom

This, on the other hand, looks like scum grabbing an easy "suspect" to avoid being pointed at for not having reads.


##Vote: Smilies


##Elieson-On: SB

Anyway, I won't be active for the rest of today, and was at work all day yesterday, sooo yeah.

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##Vote Paperblade

Good morning

Paperblade do something other than vote for a nonexistent player and rolespec/defend on Marth.

You've effectively posted a whole lot of nothing that can be summed up in my sentence above.

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##Vote Paperblade

Good morning

Paperblade do something other than vote for a nonexistent player and rolespec/defend on Marth.

You've effectively posted a whole lot of nothing that can be summed up in my sentence above.

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The Smiles wagon is terrible you're all basing it off of one post, and he's too new to know how to defend himself properly. I don't particularly like any member of that wagon, Paperblade especially. Going to look into the others in a bit more depth soonish if nothing else happens.

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Fine with lynching Paperblade because all he's done is defend people and ask others to do something without really having done anything himself, as SB pointed out.

Still fine with lynching Marth because that listpost of his was terribly scummy as it gave null/town reads on most of the people in the game and then chose to just vote Boron to get her to post reads on SB and Darros, people about whom he himself barely said anything.

Not really okay with lynching Smilies because he reads more newbtown than newbscum to me, and the wagon feels too easy.

Mancer is votehopping a lot onto wagons and his scumhunting seems to be comprised largely of finding people who jump onto wagons even though he himself is doing something sort of similar.

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Bluedoom (3): Priam, Sangyul, SgtSmilies

SgtSmilies (4): Frog, Paperblade, Mancer, Gallade

Sangyul (2): Areox, Bluedoom

MancerNecro (1): Rapier

Priam (1): Shinori

Paperblade (3): BBM, SB, Elieson


Aerox has been prodded.

7 hours and 3 minutes until deadline, as of this post.

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##Vote: Paperblade

His vote on Smilies is just "Do something" and hasn't evolved since he first posted it, which is a blatant votepark given that he hasn't really done any other scumhunting instead of side comments. This is scummier than Smilies' newb play imo.

I think Marth is probably town based on claim context; as a very likely lynch with that little time left until deadline he'd probably want to claim something important to cause town panic or out a CC.

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I'm Stahl. If you check the last letter of my first 5 posts, it should spell out "stahl" (darroS, artisT, hA, braH, fooL)

I don't have a night action, but I can try to get a B Support with people at any time. If conditions are right (I'm not aware of what the conditions are), I get to talk to them OC 'til one of me or my target dies. According to my PM, this is called a Supporter. I can attempt this until I get a success, so I just spammed it on people early in the phase to try to catch a mafia offguard or find an info role.

I did get a success, but I'd rather not out my target since I'm pretty sure they are town.

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Not sure how outing your target will do anything because if you can talk to mafia then it's not like that clears them or makes them a target in any way, as long as you don't give away any info that they might have told to you.

Never heard of a mafia Day Networker, but then I haven't heard of a town one either and your role is pretty provable.

Areox, are there anyone whose posts seem like they might have mafia intent behind them?

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Back to square one I guess, since I kind of believe that claim. Judging by the fact it's at anytime, but doesn't have a night action I'd guess that it's instantly resolving. But fuck, now my reads are all pointless. Once I've reread a few things, I'll be back.

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It's not a day action, I can use it at literally any time.

Not Doing Anything:

Kay - weekends

Shinori - not here

Areox - new/idk

Rapier - is Rapier

That's about a third of the game

Smiles has just as few posts but I don't like the "I have no reads so I'm just going to do nothing instead!" and it blows my mind that people are letting this slide ALSO THIS READ APPARENTLY DOESN'T COUNT SINCE HE'S NEW???

The people who are going "idk man he could still be scum, backup is a common fakeclaim" (BBM, SB, Boron) are grinding my gears since I feel like they aren't actually reading what Marth posts. The problem here is that not reading isn't scummy, just lazy.

However, BBM has done other things that get on my nerves ("Why are you voting this guy instead of a bunch of people who have RL commitments" - what the fuck I am still trying to figure out how you thought this made sense) and I don't like unprovable claims. Additionally, he continued to point out things he didn't like about Marth but dropped his Marth vote (when Marth had 5 votes) to vote me.

I feel like Elieson's hop onto both Marth's wagon and mine is opportunistic. I'm not sure why he is claiming that he has some provable role though and not what it is, especially Day 1 when the mafia could hook him or kill him or something.

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I am reading what Marth posts, which is why I'm able to point out things about him that I don't like. I don't particularly see how the way he claimed makes him town either.

As for my vote against you, I was just trying to understand why voting one inactive over another made sense, or why you decided to do that at all. Fine, all those people have RL commitments. What makes Smilies' "idk what's going on" worse than Areox's "idk what's going on?" Smilies made a sheepy post in the middle but that was after your vote for him, IIRC.

For that matter, you're saying that Smilies is bad for saying he has no reads, but you said basically the exact same thing. This is like your first post saying someone is scummy for reasons other than inactivity. The only difference I can see between him and you is that you had more posts which didn't say much than he did.

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The "Why are you voting him and not these other people?" reads like you don't want me voting Smile specifically. It's a lazy move on your part since no matter which of the four I voted, by your logic not voting the others is scummy and worthy of a vote.

Also I had no scumreads so I asked a few questions to try to get somewhere (which got someone on my case but I don't remember who), Smile went "lol no reads back to doing nothing" do you not see a difference here?

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Also the fact that you called Marth a backup when he explicitly said he just thinks he is but could be something else makes me think you either aren't reading his posts or are intentionally misrepping him to make him look bad.

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Well, to me, saying "I think I'm a Backup but I'm not sure" after saying that he was a Backup reads more like he was trying to seem like something other than a Backup.

Okay, fair enough, it was wrong of me to say that you and Smilies were the same, but what I was trying to say by asking why you didn't vote any of the others was why was Smilies worse than the other inactives? I guess you kind of explained that though.

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Okay so we have like two hours left, and Smilies has 5 votes and Paperblade has 3. Smilies, if you're checking the game, you should probably claim your role.

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Ok off from work.

One, this newly acquired information makes me understand why Paper was defending Marth as much as he was (I think anyway).


Two, the sorta underwhelming presence of Areox and the Sgt are depressing, among the other general lack of activity. I don't like putting minimal activity players on the hotseat this early, but there's just like nothing else to do.

Three, I'm still avidy against a no-lynch, but a flip is better than nothing. Also, how much time until phase end?

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The sounds of ringing metal filled the air, causing the smaller skirmishes to stop as the soldiers on both sides watched the two swordfighters exchange devastating blows. "So," gasped Chrom, "you're the one who has been causing chaos in our ranks."

"I'm telling you, he's not who he claims to be!" countered the other, "He may say he's Marth, the legendary Hero King, but Chrom, he's actually your..."

"Enough of this foolishness!" With a quick riposte, SgtSmilies was disarmed. "Now identify yourself."

Without a word, SgtSmilies turned and fled. Chrom turned to his tactician. "Robin..."

"I'm ready." Robin lifted the tome and started chanting. A bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck SgtSmilies down. Chrom walked over to the body and lifted the helmet.

SgtSmilies has been lynched! He was:


You are Aversa, the Role Blocker

You are the right-hand woman to Gangrel, and his voice of reason. You know that once the Shepherds have been defeated, you will be able to hold the siege indefinitely, and call up reinforcements, so you convince him to focus on the immediate threat first.

You are skilled at manipulating others, even able to stop enemy fighters in their tracks mid-battle. During the night, you may respond to your PM with “Night X: [PLAYER], why don’t you come with me?” [PLAYER] will follow you, and fail to perform their night action.

You are allied with the Plegians. Objective: Reach parity with the Shepherds.

Heartened by the early success, the Shepherds moved into a defensive formation and waited for the Plegian answer.

It is now Night. Night ends in 24 hours.

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