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Your favorite classes


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What are some of your favorite classes based on based look/stats/weapons/skills (since these are mostly transferable not too heavily weighed by myself personally)

I find myself not much of a fan of the mounted classes with the exception of Dark Knight. Anything carrying both magic and sword/axe/lance I am on board with.

I really like:


Great Lord


Hero (it's a struggle for me to not reclass every possible unit to Hero, I've always loved Hero...)

Dark Flier (mostly for Galeforce, but I do think it has it's uses when paired with Bowbreaker and possibly Iote's Shield when it's released)


Dark Knight

War Monk/Cleric

Dread Fighter (the urge is even greater than the Hero urge...)

Bride (probably)

I don't care for Great Knights, Berserkers, Snipers, and Bow Knights. Never been a huge fan of bow based units though.

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Dark Knight





Dark Flier

Wyvern Lord



Dread Fighter





Great Lord



War Monk



Griffon Rider

Great Knight

Bow Knight





Edited by Doga Blockovich
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I try having Avatar as a Dark Flier whenever I can help it (e.g. when there aren't a shitton of forged Rexcaliburs or Silver Bows on the field)

besides that there's a reason I turned Lucina into a Tactician while recording

the matricide convo

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Hmm, well, classes I've always liked and continue to like would be Assassins, Wyvern Lords, Berserkers, Valkyries, Great Knights, Sorcerers, and Sages. The only downside is that some of these classes don't get very good skills, relatively speaking. I'm also much bigger fan of Heroes in Awakening (I really like their new design).

Classes I liked in other games better than in Awakening: Falcoknights (not as big a fan of them using staves as I thought I'd be), Swordmasters (dislike the design and they seem a bit held back due to scarcity of ranged swords), Fighters (dislike the design), Snipers (as in Virion as a Sniper- Noire is pretty good), and Paladins (prefer Great Knights for axes).

Generals and Bow Knights I've never really used much, though Kjelle makes a badass General and looks awesome in her purple armor. Other than that I'm still not a big fan. Shapeshifters I've rarely used in the past (including Laguz), but since you can grind so much and buy as many stones as you want in this game I've really enjoyed using them more.

The new classes I mostly like. Dark Fliers I've found to be very useful even disregarding Galeforce. It's probably my favourite new class (would be cool if they could all use dark magic, since the name sort of implies they can... I'm looking at you Aversa). I like the idea of War Clerics but I prefer Lissa as a Sage and ended up not using Libra. Kind of similar for Dark Knights- I currently have Tharja, Miriel, and Ricken in this class but mostly they just use magic and not swords. Tricksters, meh, not very strong and not so good with magic- prefer Assassins. They have good skills though. Dread Fighters are obviously awesome, and I'm curious to see if I'll like Brides as much.

I belieeeeve those are all the classes... :P

Edit: Forgot Griffon Knights... Well, that's pretty much how I feel about them >_>

Edit 2: D'oh... Also forgot Dancer and Tactician/Grandmaster, but I actually like these classes. Dancer more than in other games since Olivia can fight and is actually pretty good at it once she's been through a couple other classes. And Grandmaster is great!

Edited by Owain Dark
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Classes that rock my smallclothes:

Grandmaster for the skillz. Reclassing an Avatar's kid into one is fun.

Dark Flier because GALEFORCE! Fuck yes. Plus peg knights who wield tomes is awesome. You know how i feel about peg knights. <3

Hero because well balanced. Sol is cool too.

Swordmasters because i dunno why but i love Swordies in this game.

Dark Knights because Lifetaker and it looks really neat.

War Clerics because lol war clerics/monks.

Dread Fighters because they look BADASS and growths are awesome.

Assassins because i like Lethality and Pass is neat.

Classes that im rather ehh about:

Falcon Knights because i like Dark Fliers better.

Great Knights and Generals because i just dont use those classes.

Tricksters because i just dont have much of a place on my team for them. Gaius as a Swordie/Assassin does the job.

Griffon Riders cuz nothing special outside of Deliverer.

Sniper cuz i rarely have the need for one.

Warrior because...ehhh.

Same with Zerker really.

Classes that can go both ways:

Manakete. I kinda like em but i kinda dont like em cuz of skills being meh. Reclassing to one could work but...yet to play around with that really.

Taguel: see above.

Wyvern Lord. Ive seen some units turn out shitty as one and some turn out badass.

Bow Knight. It could go awesome. It could go horribly wrong...

Valkyrie...see above.

Same with Sorcerers and Sages. (my Laurent is a badass sage but Aptitude is the reason)

Dancer...ehehehe can be really funny with a reclass...

Paladins...work better with reclass.

Edited by Virion
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I find the Swordmaster class to be my favorite, in fact at one point I think I had about... three to five Swordmasters on my team at one point, and I'm usually pretty good about balancing my team.

Among my other favorites, I'd probably have to put Bow Knights, Paladins, and Dark Knights pretty high up there, I found myself liking Generals/Knights a lot in Sacred Stones, but (as shallow of a reason as this might be to not like them) I'm not particularly fond of their design in Awakening.

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I've always been partial to Valkyries and now Dark Knights and Dark Fliers; you gotta love mages with horses/wings! And I also love Manaketes/Taguels/anything in FE that shapeshifts. I'm obviously one of the few who actually used and liked the laguz and other such units it seems.... :/

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This is one of only 4 games in the series in which I absolutely hate armour knights, and the only one due to their armour design rather than gameplay. (The other games I hate armour knights, FE3, FE4, FE6).

Anyway, to the list


Wyvern Lord (always)


Female Great Lord

Dread Fighter


Male Great Lord

War Monk

Dark Knight





Griffin Knight

Bow Knight







Great Knight







Dark Flier (get that skill and get the fuck out)


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Demon Fighter




Dark Flyer








Great Lord


Dark Knight



Wyvern Lord

Griffon Knight




War Monk


Great Knight





Bow Knight




I tend to love those classes that use both strength and magic, makes me feel awesomelike. :D i tend to heavily use magic users actually, and i tend to like the unique/special classes.

Edited by Liz
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Mmm usually I'm a fan of Paladins and Snipers class, but Awakening is like the exception blink.gif

This time I really liked the look of the Swordmasters, I found the fluffy around their necks pretty cool, I love the Assasins because Gaius took the position as my "Sniper" with Lethality and Swords lol, I like the idea of the Gryphons Rider, but only the idea as I can't see a good use for them :/ , and Great Lords and Grand Masters are like my big loves in this game

But I only make my choice based in which I find cool xD

Edited by SniperGYS
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Gread Fighter has to be my favorite because it has good caps all around (at least to my knowledge) and can use swords, axes, and magic. It just seems to be the most versatile.

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Gread Fighter has to be my favorite because it has good caps all around (at least to my knowledge) and can use swords, axes, and magic. It just seems to be the most versatile.

uh oh, what is this abomination of a class Kappa.png

eh dread fighter is cool, levels up quickly and doesn't afraid of anything

also the only sources of axes+tomes

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I actually really like Great Knights in this game. Stahl and Frederick are both kicking major ass for me and they can hardly be scratched cause they're so tanky.

I also like Great Lord, Grandmaster, and as always, Cavaliers and Paladins. Wyvern Riders are cool as always too.

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Sages and Bow Knights are my favorite classes at this moment. At least aesthetic-wise. Female Bow Knights actually get PANTS, it's a freakin' miracle.

I like Tactition/Grandmaster, as well as Lord/Great Lord.

I wish the Hero outfit wasn't so hideous, that armor and ridiculous arm-shield are complete eye-sores. I get Sol, then I reclass ASAP.

I actually really like Falcon Knights and Dark Fliers, too. In past FE games, I barely used Pegasus Knights, I never found them worth training. But in this game, Sumia and Cordelia are my life-savers.

Griffon Riders is also another favorite of mine. Deliverer is awesome, and Griffons are another level of cool.

And as always, I love love LOVE the wizard hats Ricken/Miriel/Laurant/General-Enemies have. TOO CUTE, why doesn't My Unit get a hat. "OTL I love those hats, they better return.

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top 5 Favorite End classes(assuming all skills have been obtained)

1)Dark Flyer-Personally my favorite new class without a doubt, I just love the ability to have mounted mage w/ the capability to wield magic and lances letting them pick out targets based on whether their resistance or defense is lower. also since they gave falcon knights staffs for some reason... Dark flyer has taken their place as the go to end class for the pegasi branch (though I may have 1 falcon knight in my army at a time)

2)Dark knight-similar reason to why I love dark flyers but males can be then and that they use swords instead of lances- these guys are also hybrid so I can target enemies based on whether their defense or resistance is lower also have good defense

3)Wyrvern Lord-I love flyers and this is by far the best end for the Wyvern line... they have higher overall stats compared to the Griffon rider and aren't weapon locked... high defense lessens their fear of arrows another benift

4)Assassin- basically a fusion of snipers and swordmasters... High speed, high skill good strength lead to an all out offensive playstyle... and active skills are fun... heh heh ha...

5)Hero-very versatile and reliable with swords and axes no particular weaknesses statistically

other notable classes(classes I use):

paladins(mobile and balanced)

sages(best staff wielders due to insane magic)

sorcerers(Dark magic OP... too OP...aka Nosferatu)

falcon knights(flying healer)

great knight(weapon triangle mastery... pair up gods...)

grandmaster(a nice but limited hybrid class available for MU and chlidren inferior to Dark Knight and Dread Fighter sadly)

Valkyrie(weaker more mobile sage)

fliers>mounted>infantry(I love the risk and reward involved in fliers keeps you on your toes in fear of archers...)

hybrid units are fun :)

sad ones:

warrior(weird design...)

sniper(you know

griffon rider(useless...)

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Swordmaster --Always has been a favorite class of mine, though before it was always due to the crit boost. Nowadays it''s just for pure bias. Vantage has proven useful several times, though mostly with weaker units, and swordfaire is just awesome. It also gets access to Galaxia Amatsu.

Dark Flier - I really like the black pegasus. Too bad their magic usually stinks.

Grandmaster: Swords and magic. And the only sword-wielding class where the female's outfit is modest and does not ride horses. (Excluding Lord F, of course.)

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1. Falcoknight: I absolutely adore and WORSHIP and LOVE this class. Lancefaire is pretty cool, it's a shame they lost swords. Always been my favorite.

2. Pegasus Knight: ^

3. Dark Flier: Galeforce OP and it's a pegasus, nuffsaid.

"That's it" said Avatar Kappa.png

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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Dark Flier (Specifically Cordelia because she looks like Dark Tsubaki from BB, and Aversa cause she can actually use Dark Magic)

Trickster (I think Anna looks really nice in this class, only problem is dat ass)

Grandmaster (I dont want my character to be any other class. It just feels right, y'know?)

Dread Fighter (I love this new class. Thank you, Alm. Only problem I have is who to turn into a Dread Fighter. Maybe Donnel...)

As for an honorable mention, Griffon Rider is a fun class I guess.

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1. Falcoknight: I absolutely adore and WORSHIP and LOVE this class. Lancefaire is pretty cool, it's a shame they lost swords. Always been my favorite.

2. Pegasus Knight: ^

3. Dark Flier: Galeforce OP and it's a pegasus, nuffsaid.

"That's it" said Avatar Kappa.png

I don't have much else to add to this, because Paladins look hilariously bad in this game(all of that yellow ew)

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As boring as this is, Grandmaster is my favorite class in the game. I like its design but also I tend to have a thing for balanced classes. Grandmasters are the epitome of balance, I'd argue. Ignis, that exp boosting skill (can't remember the name...), and Rainbow Cry are all pretty damn useful too.

Edited by ReedTien
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(in no particular order)

Falcoknight (I always liked Pegasi, you know)

Dark Flier (See above, but I prefer Falcoknights - I made Sumia one, and on more than one occasion, I felt I screwed up in doing so)



Griffon Rider



Trickster (Anna.... anna.gif)


Edited by Levant Fortner
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In Awakening probly Wyvern Lord (DRAGONS) Berserker (STR CAP+Killer Axe+wrath+sometimes astra=lolz) Conqueror(unique) Hero (sol) and of course the almighty dread fighter.

Cant decide if i like great knights or palidans better. Great Knight takes no physical dmg but dies hard to magic while paladin is kinda avg (good at everything but not great at anything). I guess great knight with aegis would be good.

I usually like warriors but not when they all look like Basilio.

Tricksters meh... Assassins (lethality) are fun.

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