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Would you rather be a knight or a sellsword?


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I will be the loyal knight who serves her country and protects her people!! It is a noble, worthy, and honourable role~!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I will be the loyal knight who serves her country and protects her people!! It is a noble, worthy, and honourable role~!

Plus I always get to you know, make sure there's food on my table.

My kinda gig!

Edited by Elieson
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year 3, day 243

i've lost an arm, my teeth are rotting, my left eye is dead, i think i have syphilis

but this was still totally worth it

Only one arm?

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I'd start as a knight. If my country falls in complete disarray, I can always use my credentials to become a sellswordcool.gif

Like Titania?

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I'm more a "stay-in-one-place" kind of guy, so a Knight fits me more. That said, I wouldn't go overboard with the whole "loyalty" thing, especially if whom I'm suppose to be loyal for goes off the deep end or something.

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Knight, I get better wages, and I can boss peasants around. Knights were often of nobility, so if my childless uncle dies I get his manor. A sell sword often were hired to kill innocents, and were many times betrayed and backstabbed,why would I want that? Plus I must live up to my username.

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I've remained a mere mercenary in Mount&Blade for a while to keep my options open until I've got a party suited to overwhelming a minor lord and taking his estate without owing my allegiance to anyone, in order to further my plans of independent conquest of the continent.

but real life doesn't allow save scumming, so going Griffith except without the help of unholy power sounds a bit more intimidating there

Can I get bookkeeper as an option? They don't kill those guys for jollies right

Or cook maybe, that was what the only guy who survived the Alamo did right?

Edited by Rehab
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Knight is the obviously better choice. Historically, knights were generally landed and often of at least a lesser noble bloodline. They're more likely to be well-fed, richer, and generally healthier.

The average sellsword would be some starving flea-bitten lowly murderer with trenchmouth who'd gladly kill a man for the smallest of coin.

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fuck that shit. i would join an abbey.

like that, i could receive an education when the rest of europe was ignorant as shit, and i could rise in the ranks and possibly become an abbess and have power more or less equivalent to a lord or bishop.

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