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My Unit for FE 4 Remake Idea.


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So when IS remakes FE4 for Wii U in my dreams, we all basicly know that My Unit will be added. So here is my (probably terrible) idea!

I think that because of 2 Gens the best way to do this would be to make 2 My Units, one male, one female, and have them die with the rest of Siggy's army with them being autopaired by about chapter 2 - 3, With the male Avatar joining with Sigurd and female joining with Deirdre (but staying the whole gen 1)

Now for making the actual units, the first thing you choose is what minor holy blood they have, which will impact the class set they have to choose from (For example, If I choose Baldur blood for my male unit, the unit could be a Jr. Lord, Cavalier, or Sword Armour) then you choose 2 skills they'll have and then they're name and all that lovely stuff.

After making these 2 avatars you play the through Gen 1 and when Gen 2 comes along you have 2 children with the son having the mother's class and daughter having the father's class, but other than that it works like pairings normally do in FE4 (with swapped inheritance).

So there is my (likely terrible) idea on Avatars in a FE4 remake.

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I like the idea of the first My Unit dying, but I'd be okay with having somebody like FE13's Morgan in the 2nd gen. Then it really emphasises that YOU died and you're now playing as your kid : P

My Unit also needs to have minor Lopto blood.

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I think only one Avatar a generation would be better, personally. There are enough gamebreakers in FE4 without adding what are essentially four Avatars into the mix. Whichever gender Avatar you choose, they come with Sigurd, and then you can pair them with whomever you want to get a Morgan of the opposite gender for gen 2. The idea of the holy blood you choose influencing your class set is pretty neat, though IMO for skills, most people would just pick Pursuit and Elite and have done with it. Maybe something else to narrow it down?

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I could see them removing Pursuit and Critical, as those skills do kind of limit everyone. They would likely come up with something else for them though.

FE4 Prayer master race, none of this crappy Awakening Miracle bs

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I think your idea of character customization is pretty neat assuming the skills get a rework, and there's certainly potential in having more characters to flesh out the Jugdral drama, but I'm kinda worried about FE's usage of customizable units in terms of the story. Injecting a meaningful, possibly central character into a preexisting story sounds hard enough to do well without altering the story too much when said character has a single arc. A character whose path, and possibly whose entire personality, may be altered depending on the player is hard enough to do in games that are built with them in mind from the beginning, much less throwing all of the above into the mix.

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I could see them removing Pursuit and Critical, as those skills do kind of limit everyone. They would likely come up with something else for them though.

FE4 Prayer master race, none of this crappy Awakening Miracle bs

I could see that too. Although if there ever was a remake I hope they wouldn't remove them. I could also see Sol and Astra only doing half damage and healing like in the newer games. I could also see them changing Wrath to doesn't always get a crit to you have a higher chance of a crit.

For the topic at hand I don't think the my unit should have the option of being a Jr Lord since it's a more of a main character class. Skills would also be kind of an issue too. I think the best choice would to just make an original class that always starts out with something like Pursuit and Ambush or something like that. I'm all for the choose two skills of your choice but I think the already broken FE4 would be even more broken... especially if you pair your avatar up.

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Wow, this the first time I've ever posted in this part of SF.

If FE4 was remade, it would probably be updated to feature the game mechanics of newer games in the series. Thus, the Pursuit skill wouldn't be needed, since doubling in the newer games doesn't require any special skills.

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Wow, this the first time I've ever posted in this part of SF.

If FE4 was remade, it would probably be updated to feature the game mechanics of newer games in the series. Thus, the Pursuit skill wouldn't be needed, since doubling in the newer games doesn't require any special skills.

The first three FE games all lacked a separate Pursuit skill and allowed everyone to double. Same with Critical. So I'm pretty sure the presence of the Pursuit and Critical skills (and other stuff like the Pawn Shop and individual funds) were not due to outdated mechanics, but were intentionally designed for FE4. And I would be pretty sad if the remake DID update those mechanics, since imo skills were more valuable in FE4/5 than in the future FE games (Lunar negates the ENTIRE Defense stat, Wrath turns Crit into 100% instead of a big boost, etc).

Anyhow, I think the idea is good, though I'm not sure whether choosing MU's blood would work. I assume Gen 1's MU wouldn't have any access to holy weapons, but could they still be inherited to Gen 2's MU from the other parent?

Also, the first post needs spoiler tags. Actually, I think the entire thread needs a spoiler warning.

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The first three FE games all lacked a separate Pursuit skill and allowed everyone to double. Same with Critical. So I'm pretty sure the presence of the Pursuit and Critical skills (and other stuff like the Pawn Shop and individual funds) were not due to outdated mechanics, but were intentionally designed for FE4. And I would be pretty sad if the remake DID update those mechanics, since imo skills were more valuable in FE4/5 than in the future FE games (Lunar negates the ENTIRE Defense stat, Wrath turns Crit into 100% instead of a big boost, etc).

Anyhow, I think the idea is good, though I'm not sure whether choosing MU's blood would work. I assume Gen 1's MU wouldn't have any access to holy weapons, but could they still be inherited to Gen 2's MU from the other parent?

Also, the first post needs spoiler tags. Actually, I think the entire thread needs a spoiler warning.

I agree with what you're saying and I would be sad too if they changed it.

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While i'm not exactly the biggest fan of the My Unit/Avatar. I'll throw my 2 cents in here.

Either you have minor holy blood of your choice via the class you start as and die with Sigurd at chapter 5, or you go with Finn, Quan and Ethlyn at the end of chapter 3, and don't come back till chapter 7 along with Finn. The kid you'd have would be with Seliph's army.

But in the 2nd option it may be a tad too broken considering just how super amazing the MU/Avatar is. Either find some way to make them average at best or at least have to work for their brokeness. Or don't include them at all.

Skills? Keep the same ones from fe4, Pursuit was interesting and should stay, MU should not be allowed to have it, only by pairing them can you get it on your kid or via the pursuit ring.

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Trying not to make this sound like an offensive question: exactly why, with direct regards to gameplay, other than "because that's how they did it," do you guys like Pursuit being a skill?

Personally, I think it did do things to differentiate the characters that were in some ways interesting, but in my opinion stable doubling is so central to FE that making certain characters flat-out unable to do it just screws them up way too much, at least when other characters have the capability to do it where they don't. It's doubly hurtful when a character has neither reliable doubling nor mobility, as it seemed to me that in order to keep up at all with the units that did have pursuit in combat, most of the characters needed either at least some form of getting another attack per round in, like Continue, or they needed a really powerful setup like that the game just didn't seem very quick to give, like a ridiculously powerful weapon and/or vantage+wrath.

I can imagine reworking the entire levels such that tanks like Ardan are so much tankier and the enemies hit so much harder that the lack of mobility doesn't dilute the strengths of said units, but otherwise the huge maps and the sheer power of many of the doubling units seems to me to end fights before the former units have a chance to shine. I like a lot of things about FE4, but huge disparities in unit power seem unavoidable with the game's respective skill and unit setups as we know them, and while I think it can be cool to have units as powerful as the best in FE4 were, it isn't necessarily a benefit to have their colleagues perform so much worse.

Edited by Rehab
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I think only one Avatar a generation would be better, personally. There are enough gamebreakers in FE4 without adding what are essentially four Avatars into the mix. Whichever gender Avatar you choose, they come with Sigurd, and then you can pair them with whomever you want to get a Morgan of the opposite gender for gen 2. The idea of the holy blood you choose influencing your class set is pretty neat, though IMO for skills, most people would just pick Pursuit and Elite and have done with it. Maybe something else to narrow it down?

This is very true, but the main problem with having a pairable avatar is that it creates the bigger issue of what happens if you don't pair the avatar up, or stuff like a character with Forseti joining at the begging of Gen 1 and getting a thrid wondertwin. I also now think that each avatar should have 1 skill only, meaning players will have to decide bettewn having a unit that can double attack or a unit with Paragon for example.

Edited by Garteam
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I would imagine that any My Unit/Avatar in an FE4 remake would resemble FE12's version more than FE13's, to avoid messing with the plot too much. Having House Chalphy take in a wandering traveller who works his or her way up into becoming captain of Sigurd's personal guard would be a good way to justify customizable minor Holy blood. Plotwise, you could either have Sigurd order MU to take care of baby Seliph along with Oifaye and Shanan or have MU die defending Sigurd at the Battle of Belhalla/Valhalla, either way would be plausible.

Not sure how to handle kids for MU, though. Would a female get two kids associated with her like all the gen 1 females? Would a male get to add a Morgan-equivalent as a third child (or even a fourth, if two kids are tied to the Avatar) in the family, or is he no different any other father? Would it be okay for one gender to yield more kids than the other in gen 2?

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Trying not to make this sound like an offensive question: exactly why, with direct regards to gameplay, other than "because that's how they did it," do you guys like Pursuit being a skill?

Personally, I think it did do things to differentiate the characters that were in some ways interesting, but in my opinion stable doubling is so central to FE that making certain characters flat-out unable to do it just screws them up way too much, at least when other characters have the capability to do it where they don't. It's doubly hurtful when a character has neither reliable doubling nor mobility, as it seemed to me that in order to keep up at all with the units that did have pursuit in combat, most of the characters needed either at least some form of getting another attack per round in, like Continue, or they needed a really powerful setup like that the game just didn't seem very quick to give, like a ridiculously powerful weapon and/or vantage+wrath.

Dew is able to take on the cross knights without pursuit or continue or even a mount just a simple forest + light sword combination, those without pursuit have the hero weapons [for the likes of Tristan, Lex, or the Axe Bros],other skills, stats [like Quan] and other such things.

You have Mounted Pursuit: Sigurd, Midir, Finn, Alec, Fury, Beowulf


Foot Pursuit: Azel, Jamka, Ayra, Holyn, Briggid.

In Gen 1 its nearly equal, and these footies I mention nearly one round everything they can touch [maybe not Azel but he starts off with the near capability]

The other foot units without pursuit are the mage battlegod Lewyn, the potential bound Lachesis and Dew, Tiltyu has Wrath, the healers do their thing, Ardan if used will get the Pursuit ring and since fe4 enemies are so slow he'll double . If you aren't going for super fast ltc stuff like we drafters do half the time [or I do half the time I do both casual and LTC] you can easily get the majority of these characters up. Easily I say.

The reason I'd like it is in a harder game, you have the characters you know who can maybe double and those who can give a good smash, or a tap if need be. I believe Shin's whole patch of FE4 showed how to balance the game out better so maybe if IS made it similar to that we'd be like ACTUAL difficulty

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Avatar could be like Chrom where by a certain point, if he/she doesn't have a lover, he/she gets paired automatically with whichever one had the highest. And if none did, random maiden. I guess make him tack on a Morga to whichever female character he marries, though they'd have to figure out how to differentiate Morgan from the other child of the same gender if they keep FE4's inheritance system. Also, I'm figuring Morgan would have Avatar's class.

As for skills, there could be a certain allotment of points and each skill has a cost. So you have like 50 points and pursuit costs 35, wrath costs 35, vantage costs 25, prayer costs 30, with the less broken skills being less. So you could have one broken skill or two good skills. Though I don't think you should be able to get astra unless you go with Odo blood.

As for growths, do 50 for health, and straight 30s for everything but the off defensive and offensive stats, which would be 10. So if they were a mage, 10 str and def and 30 mag and res. If they're a cav 30 str and def and 10 mag and res. Then you pick a holy blood, then an asset and a flaw, which work like 13's. The asset can't affect the same stat as the biggest boost the holy blood gives, so no stacking Forseti with +speed asset.

So mage Avatar with +mag, -res, and Forseti would have:

HP 70 Str 10 Mag 35 Skl 30 Spd 55 Luck 30 Def 10 Res 20

Or cav with Noba, +speed, -mag, would have:

HP 70 Str 40 Mag 0 Skl 30 Spd 55 Luck 30 Def 40 Res 5

Those don't look too broken. (S)He'll be good, but won't be disgustingly OP, like the last two.

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For the Pursuit issue I agree with Jedi on the subject. I think it adds to the strategy of the overall game. Moreover, it hasn't really hurt me in the past. Characters who don't have it have other means of being useful. It also makes me think twice on who I might want to pair up. I can see why people would want to change it but I think it's just part of the FE4 charm.

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Oh right, I'd say keep it too. Like Guy and Jedi said, it adds some flavor and even the characters without it are generally good. Lewyn, Lex, and Quan are all quite good even without hero weapons/holy weapons. Then Noish only really needs a speed ring to be quite good. Ardan's probably the hardest to fix, but even he's not unfixable and he has much bigger problems than no pursuit. Also, it'd take some ridiculous rebalancing (though it'll need plenty anyway) to fix the enemies who didn't have pursuit, especially if they add a con system or don't have weight again. Otherwise, have fun with 70 attack 30 AS Arvis who's capable of double attacking.

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I don't like Pursuit, but I think that if it did exist, it should just lower the speed difference needed to double rather than being the only way to do so. That way it's still a pretty good advantage, but people without it aren't doomed to never double attack purely because of an extremely strong skill.

I kind of don't think an Avatar feature would really fit in with FE4. Maybe that's just me.

Edited by Liquid Snake
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If they do add him in, I don't think he should have as much to do with the plot. FE12's My Unit made me hate Marth, and I wouldn't stand for the same to happen to Sigurd/Celice. Also, make his class selectable, as well as his palette, and no reclassing.

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I don't know. That could be a way to help characters who are currently ass, like imagine how much better Ardan would be if you could reclass him to a myrm for a while, then to a forest knight when he's promotion-ready. I'm not saying they definitely should, but it might be a way to help crappy characters. Though if they do, they should do a cross between the two, so a set of classes for each character and needing an item, but no level resetting and able to do it at any level. But even then, it would make some classes completely obsolete as well as making the differences between some characters, like Johan and Johalva, almost completely pointless.

/my two cents.

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I don't know. That could be a way to help characters who are currently ass, like imagine how much better Ardan would be if you could reclass him to a myrm for a while, then to a forest knight when he's promotion-ready. I'm not saying they definitely should, but it might be a way to help crappy characters. Though if they do, they should do a cross between the two, so a set of classes for each character and needing an item, but no level resetting and able to do it at any level. But even then, it would make some classes completely obsolete as well as making the differences between some characters, like Johan and Johalva, almost completely pointless.

/my two cents.

I'd like to see a remake make Armor Knights and Fighters not be subpar. Give them decent moves and stats.

There's mods like FE binary that do that.

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I would imagine that any My Unit/Avatar in an FE4 remake would resemble FE12's version more than FE13's, to avoid messing with the plot too much. Having House Chalphy take in a wandering traveller who works his or her way up into becoming captain of Sigurd's personal guard would be a good way to justify customizable minor Holy blood. Plotwise, you could either have Sigurd order MU to take care of baby Seliph along with Oifaye and Shanan or have MU die defending Sigurd at the Battle of Belhalla/Valhalla, either way would be plausible.

If they remake it, I suspect it'd become chapter-based and not have huge-ass maps. That's just a hunch, but it seems like a good one.

In that case, it's easy to just have the penultimate chapter of Gen 1 be the fight against the Prime Minister's armies and then Sigurd's all "Good job! But I got a bad feeling, go with Oifaye and Shanan and the kids dude" to the Avatar. Then the next mission is you have to defend them (along with whatever mothers canonically weren't at the battle) on the way to Isaac and find out about Arvis's betrayal at the end. Then come Gen 2, "Morgan" starts with Seliph's team, and his/her parent has been missing sort of like some of the other unaccounted-for moms were. Make them recruitable later in a side mission or something of course, then they basically serve as a second Finn.

But the big problem right now is the way the pairing stuff works. Women produce two children, and there are far more men than women. In Awakening there's only going to be one or two forever-alones, but in FE4 there were a ton. Throw in a male Avatar to the mix (who is all but certain to be paired) and even more guys are going to languish unpaired. The only solutions I can see to this are either (1) add more female characters, perhaps who only have one child each, or (2) mandatory female Avatar for Gen 1, with an option for male/female child in Gen 2 or a unique child (or pair of children) based on the dad.

I'd also like to see limited reclassing based on father. Like if Lewyn's fathering Patty, let her actually become a class that can use Forseti. Perhaps father could influence what class a character grows into? Like Patty becomes a Trickster-esque tomes-and-thieving class with him as her father, but a Rogue with Holyn as her dad or an Assassin with Jamke.

p.s. Add hair color changes so we don't have blue-haired Lester if his father isn't Lex.

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