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I'm tired of Marth.


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Yeah, that's right, I'm tired of him. Who else agrees that IS needs to give him a damned break?

I mean, he's been in the last three games, two of which he's the main character and the third he's DLC, the main character's ancestor, and a disguise. I mean, I realize he's popular and all, but I think IS has done enough with him for now. The next game needs to be TOTALLY unrelated to him and only feature him as DLC at the most.

I don't even really see the appeal in Marth anyway. I always thought he was boring and way too girly-looking, though it was nice to see him get a little manliness in his game remakes. But that's just my opinion.

And before anyone says anything, I'd be saying the near exact same thing if it were Ike in this position too. I might not exactly be AS tired of him, but I would agree that three games in a row where he has a significant appearance/role would be enough. Even the best characters can start getting overused. Trust me, this is coming from a major IkexElincia fan that got tired of writing the pairing. :P:

Anyway, please IS, no more Marth for awhile! DX

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I thought his roundabout inclusion as mythic in FE13 was cool, so I can't agree at all.

Sure, I'd like to see something nonMarth next time, but I'm not tired of Marth.

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I actually like Marth, (I do have a soft spot for visually-feminine male characters, though), and while I can't really say I'm tired of him, I do agree that they kind of need to be done with him as a major player now. Five entries in the series (three if you're not counting the remakes as separate from their originals) placed him in a position of great importance in the game's plot or mythology. While I believe that position of mythological importance should be retained should a sequel to Awakening be made, (you know, for the sake of consistent mythology), Marth's story is done. It had a good conclusion and I think Marth made a fine main character, but to keep cramming him into stories which don't need him would serve only to overplay the character and make everyone tired of him. For the sake of keeping Marth special and appreciable, they need to let his role in the series be over.


Edited by Starlight36
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Agree with Starlight. I think IS used Marth to his full potential, and anymore Marth would just be beating a dead horse. He's played his role, and has done it well, so let's try and move on to someone else. Though honestly I'm not really thinking of a new FE game atm since FE13 is still pretty enjoyable to me right now.

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Marth is like the mascot for Fire Emblem as much as Pikachu is the mascot for Pokemon or Mario for Nintendo. In that respect, I actually do like Marth, but I did get tired of seeing him even before the remake of Shadow Dragon came around. Until I actually learned about Marth's personality and characterization, I really didn't see why he was so important (plus I was a huge newbie in the series at the time and younger). Now that I've grown to know Marth a little better, and even playing some of FE12 as well, I was actually really excited to see him coming back in FE13. I think they did well to keep up the mysterious "Marth" character allusion and reference. However, I do agree that in the next game he really shouldn't be involved in some way or another as I tend to prefer those regions in which he isn't. Overall, I agree, he needs a break and let the other new heroes rise to the challenge...(oops...unintended reference >.>).

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the Fire Emblem mascot is Anna. We can never have enough Anna.


in fact, the next game should just be about the Annas. a whole army of Annas, all in bride class and being beasts.

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Uh guys, my question was "who agrees IS needs to give him a damned break?" not "who agrees that they're tired of him?" Meaning, who agrees that IS shouldn't use him for awhile? But whatevs, you're still pretty much on topic. lol

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in fact, the next game should just be about the Annas. a whole army of Annas, all in bride class and being beasts.

Don't forget dread fighter Jake.

Anyway, I don't think IS has overused Marth, but they would be if he's brought back again in a game he doesn't need to be in.

Edited by RayDavid99
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I really did not like seeing two remakes starring him, and then a third game in which he's prominently featured in all the advertising. Putting him in Awakening was just overkill.

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But he wasn't really in Awakening...

I think Naga needs more of a break than Marth. She appeared (or had some vague reference, eh Kurthnaga?) in every game but the GBA ones!!! Damn her!!!

EDIT: Though, Marth is pretty iconic to the series. Like Simon Belmont/Alucard, Pikachu/grass/fire/water starters, Big Boss, etc (can't think of any others off the top of my head because it's been a fuckin while since I've played many video games). They're not going to retire him, FE3 was Japan's favorite in the series, and most Lords are based off of him. I want Marth to star in a game as more of a spiritual role myself, because I was kind of let down by the whole Marth-revelation thing in FE13.

Edited by Lord Raven
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But he wasn't really in Awakening...

Yeah, he was. Even if it technically wasn't Marth in the storyline, you're supposed to think it is. The draw of that whole little plot is "Hey, it's Marth! Again!"

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You find out in the single digit chapters (like Chapter 6) and even then, the person

[spoiler=massive marth spoilers]has a girly voice, which when you play the Japanese version you think "this isn't Marth's voice in Smash brothers." You only "think" it's Marth, and even then you're skeptical, for a couple of chapters, when a little critical thinking tells you that Marth definitely isn't Marth.

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You're missing the point. I'm talking about marketing and the like, not the context ingame. The character that looks like Marth and calls themselves Marth is supposed to be seen as Marth.

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Yeah, he was. Even if it technically wasn't Marth in the storyline, you're supposed to think it is. The draw of that whole little plot is "Hey, it's Marth! Again!"

This actually isn't quite right. Most official character descriptions do something to cast a bit of doubt about it really being Marth. i.e: "The mysterious masked knight who identifies himself as the legendary hero, Marth." This just says that this person is calling themselves Marth, not that they actually are him.

Edited by Starlight36
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Anyway, please IS, no more Marth for awhile! DX

I'm pretty sure that Marth will be popping up in that FE/SMT crossover game (not to mention Smash Bros 4), so I'm sure that you'll be seeing much more of him in the future.

Besides, he's the most popular Lord in Japan, so it makes sense that IS would milk him for all he's worth.

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You're missing the point. I'm talking about marketing and the like, not the context ingame. The character that looks like Marth and calls themselves Marth is supposed to be seen as Marth.

Starlight caught it, but I'm not missing the point at all. Some marketing even showed that Marth was actually not a male, btw - refer to the English commercials. Furthermore, other marketing stuff makes it plainly obvious because Lucina is in the cover page. FURTHERMORE, Marth is way smaller than Chrom in everything, and Chrom isn't a notoriously big guy. Marth sure as hell isn't going to be 5 inches shorter than Chrom. I think they placed enough in marketing that made it obvious, with some critical thinking that, hey, maybe Marth isn't actually Marth. Half the community fuckin called Marth being a female before the game even came out.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I'm pretty sure that Marth will be popping up in that FE/SMT crossover game (not to mention Smash Bros 4), so I'm sure that you'll be seeing much more of him in the future.

Besides, he's the most popular Lord in Japan, so it makes sense that IS would milk him for all he's worth.

1. I meant besides crossovers. And IS doesn't even make Smash Bros.

2. So what? Doesn't mean IS shouldn't try to make a new, completely unrelated lord that can be popular too.

Edited by Anacybele
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This actually isn't quite right. Most official character descriptions do something to cast a bit of doubt about it really being Marth. i.e: "The mysterious masked knight who identifies himself as the legendary hero, Marth." This just says that this person is calling themselves Marth, not that they actually are him.

That proves my point, Marth is mentioned there at all. The plot twist is "This person is not Marth" and for that to exist, you had to have the imagery of Marth to begin with. I do not like the whole impostor Marth plotline at all and think it shouldn't have existed.

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Cloud and FFVII (and all its sequels, prequels, movies, and episodes) say hi.

Whether you like him or not, Marth is the mascot of the Fire Emblem series, and seeing how he's the main character of the first game, when Fire Emblem first came into existance, it's more of a tribute to the origins and creation of Fire Emblem, if anything. It's as pointless and futile as complaining about Pikachu being heavily used in Pokemon: neither Marth or Pikachu will lose their prevalence and importance seeing how they're the first major characters to exist alongside of the series, and Nintendo has the tradition of paying homage to a game's origins.

I see no problem with FE1 being remade for the DS, especially since it was never released internationally, and it was the first Fire Emblem game, so it made sense that it was the first one to be remade and released.

FE12 was made in honour of the original FE1's 20th Anniversary of its release. Seeing how FE1 was recently remade at the time, it'd make no sense to remake and release it again, so they stuck with a remake of its sequel FE3. After all, it'd hardly make any sense to remake any other Japan Only FE since it was an anniversary of the first Fire Emblem release, which was Marth's game. Remaking FE4 or FE6 in honour of the first Fire Emblem's 20th Anniversary would make just as much sense as remaking Final Fantasy 7 in honour of the release date of the original Final Fantasy's release's 20th Anniversary. It doesn't make any sense since Final Fantasy I and VII and their respective universes and characters have no relation to each other whatsoever, making a remake of Final Fantasy VII practically irrelevant to what they're really celebrating. I'd even call it a slap in the face to all the Final Fantasy fans who have been fans since the original and have been loyal to Final Fantasy for so long.

FE13 didn't even feature Marth or any of the Akanea cast directly (besides Tiki who being a manakete makes sense, and if you want to get technical even though they're reoccuring characters even outside of Akanea, Anna and Naga), and its not like the story relied on Marth. Practically the whole cast was brand new characters and the references they did make to Marth and Akanea were reduced to the point that the game felt like it was its own universe and continent and didn't even feel like a sequel to Marth's games. The big time gap between FE3/12 and FE13 helped a lot in creating the distinct feel between the two universes. As for Marth being the first DLC character, he's the first lord, so it makes plenty of sense.

In conclusion, Marth being the first lead in Fire Emblem when the series was first created means it makes sense that he's featured prominently in the series. It's not like Final Fantasy or Tales where Cloud and FFVII and Lloyd and Symphonia are being used a lot by Square Enix and Namco Bandai while leaving FFI (unless you count all the ports) and Cless and Phantasia in the dust, practically disrespecting the games that started their series and got them to where they are today.

Even without being the first FE lead and having the most importance in the series in all the games, he's still plently popular and liked. Japanese and Asians in general prefer characters with elegant, polite, and moral personalities over characters that are all macho, brash, and impulsive, which is why characters like Hector and Ike aren't as well liked in the east compared to the west. Among the three FE lords in Smash Bros, Marth is also the one that's most popular (especially with girls). He's also one of the most popular Smash Bros. characters. Before the Super Smash Bros. Melee roster was decided, character request polls even listed Marth as the most wanted Fire Emblem character (second most wanted was Ogma).

The "girlyness" is actually called "bishounen" in Japanese (meaning a male beautiful youth) and is also really popular in Japan, and even in non-Japan countries. I should know, I had two girls request for photos of me in my Marth cosplay during Halloween (I should really post that here on SF sometime). And it's insanely obvious that Marth is a guy, seeing how his hair is short, his chest is flat, and he wears pants in most of his appearances. The only thing that looks remotely feminine is the tiara, and even then it's still obvious that he's male. I'd even say Link looks more feminine with his skirt/tunic and tights.

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Marth is like the mascot for Fire Emblem as much as Pikachu is the mascot for Pokemon or Mario for Nintendo.

Taking in consideration that he wasn't known to the fanbase until later after FE7, I don't think he's the mascot. Also, Marth only appeared in FE1 and FE3 (taking about the old generation), he couldn't have been estabilished as an mascot worldwide.

I don't mind seeing Marth, but I'd rather see stuff about other Lords too, and not only a minor reference to one (like Priam to Ike).

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I know Marth is sort of a mascot, but the way I see it, Ike should also be considered one. He has also starred in two games and has references in Awakening. He doesn't have remakes because his games are too recent. Marth is popular in Japan, Ike is pretty much the most popular outside of Japan. Ike is also the first 3D lord (as in, his games were the first 3D ones). Both got to be playable in Brawl. They're probably the most well-known lords overall.

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Marth is popular in Japan, Ike is pretty much the most popular outside of Japan.

It's a shame Fire Emblem is a Japanese made game, huh?

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I like Marth but I think that they're done with him unless they do a Marth travels to the past theme game or Marth goes to Mars.

the Fire Emblem mascot is Anna. We can never have enough Anna.


in fact, the next game should just be about the Annas. a whole army of Annas, all in bride class and being beasts.

Anna Emblem: Doom of the Secret Shop.

Main heroine: Anna

Main Villain: Anna



























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