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What would you change?


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What features, plot changes, etc would you add/change to FE:A?

I'd love a New Game+. It'd be cool to make a team of awesome children on one file, then transfer them over to a different file to play through with them.

Also, online would've been great for this game.

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Every male character gets their own child. Double the children, double the fun.

Everyone can support with everyone.

Bring in Jake; Anna's an awesome character, but she needs someone to really bounce off of.


Knives as a subtype of swords useable only by thief classes.

Grooms and Female Dread Fighters.

I might be asking for too much.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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Unique supports for fathers and their children would be nice. At the very least, I would make Chrom's supports with his potential non-Lucina kids and Lucina's sibling and mother supports non-generic. (Also, some supports cause plot holes.)

Other things, I'll name if I can think of them later.

EDIT: I just thought of something. It would be nice of one or two non-Chrom or male MU characters had kids, just so male Morgan can have a sibling who isn't Lucina.

Edited by Sangyul
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2. Balance out the game's mechanics better. There's too many ways to break the game in half.

3. A difficulty mode between hard and lunatic.

4. Better map design

5. Make more of the kids usable without grinding

6. Less creepy fanservice (i.e. Nowi)

7. Better plot

8. Better villains

9. No generic supports and endings, even if it means less supports

10. Better DLC that isn't just pay-to-win (the series 2 stuff looks promising but series 1 sucks hard)

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DLC characters should have their own unique character models.

Yep. This.

Less generic support convos between fathers and kids.

Made the Valm arc a little less...filler.

Say'ri didnt need to be playable. (she really didnt...)

Tone Severa down. Like hella. She could keep the tsundere thing just not so freaking in your face bitch bitch bitch. Just make her less horrible and more likeable. Cuz that is the most insufferable character in a video game ive come across since the Tales of Symphonia sequel.



There's too many ways to break the game in half.

Yeah. All of which are OPTIONAL. :-_-: So that really doesnt need to be changed at all.

Knives as a subtype of swords useable only by thief classes.

Oh gods no. Knives suck.

Edited by Virion
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2. Balance out the game's mechanics better. There's too many ways to break the game in half.

3. A difficulty mode between hard and lunatic.

4. Better map design

5. Make more of the kids usable without grinding

6. Less creepy fanservice (i.e. Nowi)

7. Better plot

8. Better villains

9. No generic supports and endings, even if it means less supports

10. Better DLC that isn't just pay-to-win (the series 2 stuff looks promising but series 1 sucks hard)

to summarize: "if i were to change fe13 i would change literally everything"

Edited by Integrity
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DLC characters should have their own unique character models.

And Spotpass characters; same deal. I was excited about playing Lucia until I found out that she's just a horrible Avatar substitute.

to summarize: "if i were to change fe13 i would change literally everything"

Except the name. THAT STAYS.

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1. Actual work into the My Unit Dialogue. A lot is the same between gender and it's really awkward. It frustrates me beyond belief how condescending my character can be too (I'm sure most people when they create a character envision a personality so if this isn't what you expected...bleh.)

2. I think it'd be cool if you could've picked a general color scheme for your character. Like how some of Maribelle's stuff is pink and Lissa's are yellow and etc. It'd be a nice way to make people's My Unit's unique and also help them stand out a bit.

3. Hair, Accessories, and Bust size not be tied to height + face. (Similarly, amount of cleavage shown not tied to bust size either). My favorite height was the smallest (I also thought holding the book was cute), but my favorite hairstyle was on the middle height. I liked the circlet the middle size had, but hated the face that went with it. I don't know which bust size I would've picked if I had the option (I haven't thought about it), but I know if I picked the tallest height with the biggest bust, I'd be pissed off at her chest practically hanging out of her shirt.

------In that sense, it would've been neat if you could pick a class at the beginning too, but since you are a tactician in the story, I kind of get it (of course, when you promote, you are now a grandmaster and you can change your story later on anyway so...)

4. If a character is already married, there is an S rank as a friendly dialogue. SO MANY end with a cliffhanger that won't be solved unless the person marries the other person and it's really frustrating.

5. Female My Unit's B and A ranks with Chrom. After seeing all the other supports with him, they just seem really lame in comparison to be completely honest and I think they could've done a much better job.

6. More supports. It makes no sense that Spotpass paralogue characters can only support with you. And heck, there's others that don't make much sense either--like why can't Lucina speak to Lissa. She's mentioned her before and Lissa did live longer than Chrom from the sound of it so...

7. Some kind of trigger I guess if the character is already married. I've been going through all the supports recently and having Gregor saying how he has fallen for Cordelia in their A support when he is married to Nowi and Cordelia's constant love for Chrom (Her support with Henry...ugh) when she is already married... oh, and Sumia's "my love" VOCAL dialogue when she's married to someone else. just...why. why game why.

8. I do kind of wish there was a way to kill an S support or switch around, but I understand why this would never happen so this is more of just a nitpick on my part where there's some I kind of wish I could switch.

9. Brides have Tomes instead of Bows :/ I think it fits more. (As would Dread Fighter with Bows instead of Tomes IMO) ...or just let them both have tomes and bows. :|

10. Emmeryn gets her memory back after all the supports/the supports actually effecting some things. Like Lon'qu teaches Cordelia how to fence--she should totally be able to use swords now. I think that'd be neat and encourage a whole new way to use supports. Similarly, if you help Gangrel and Walhart out, it'd be nice to see them get happy endings even if you do not marry them :/

11. As others have mentioned, no generic endings. Those were just lame and depressing. I'm still sad I didn't get a Queen thing just because Chrom had to get the female generic ending then :(

12. Character talking bust changes with class. Your model changes as you play so it just seems really weird when the old busts pop up and my character is still a tactician and Chrom is still just in his lord outfit and yeah... They did a lot of changes with the models (like the whole thing with if the fire emblem is there or not), that it'd have been nice to see them do that with some of the other art too.

13. The My Unit gallery shows either:

-----A. The current class your character is (WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME HER IN A TACTICIAN OUTFIT STILL GOD.)

-----B. or gives you an option to choose any outfit from the classes they are able to become.

Maybe I just want to have the Unit viewer thingy up on Mount Prism and watch myself prance around like the Princess Bride I am. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK? T___T

I think that's everything (I'll edit if I think of more). The only other thing that comes to mind is I wish the My Unit remembered their past too. I would've loved to see that... but I guess I can hope they do a prequel about it, a DLC prequel, or maybe even a sequel where this gets answered/about discovering the character's past.

edit: (oh, and I guess more ways to get Boots since if you screw up the chests, then you just have the 50K renown and you can only use one per character anyway so I don't think they'd break the game that much if they added a few other ways...)

Edited by Sakuramei
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EDIT: ^ I support a good bit of that. lol

1: More story depth. More showing what the villains are doing behind the heroes' back. Etc.

2: More voices for the avatar, and more customization options. I can't make any of my characters with these choices! D<

3: The ability to pick a personality type that slightly alters the avatar's script. Kind / Shy / Strong-willed etc.

4: Make iote's shield available in game. Without DLC. >_>

5: Less generic endings. Give Morgan and Lucina a special support.

6: Give Chrom and Avatar more...fitting supports for friendship during B and A.

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Unique supports for fathers and their children would be nice. At the very least, I would make Chrom's supports with his potential non-Lucina kids and Lucina's sibling and mother supports non-generic. (Also, some supports cause plot holes.)

EDIT: I just thought of something. It would be nice of one or two non-Chrom or male MU characters had kids, just so male Morgan can have a sibling who isn't Lucina.

This, and...

I would remove restrictions on Sumia's list of suitors. Because, let's face it. Was there any reason at all for the amount of suitors she has to be restricted to 4 guys?(5 when counting male!Robin.) At least Chrom had a little more legitimate reason for having 4-5 potential wives. And besides, Cynthia could use more variety in potential fathers. (I would like to pair Sumia up with either Lon'qu or Gregor for instance.)

Speaking of Chrom, I would at least swap the number of women he can get marry with the number of women he can't marry. Specifically, I would add Miriel and Tharja to his support list, S supports included.

There's also giving Cynthia a reason for not knowing what Chrom's face looked like. (Because supports aren't the only things that cause plot holes.)

And there's rewriting the Chrom X Sumia supports. Even if only to give the pair a better reason for happening. (I swear, I.S. dropped the ball with this one.)

And I'm echiong someone's notion to give the guys some children to their names as well. Especially for the purposes of a male Morgan having a non-Lucina sibling.

And basically make Chrom's pairing "canonicity" more open-ended than it already is.

Have Olivia join at least DIRECTLY AFTER Mustafa is defeated.

That's basically it for now.

Edited by Little Al
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There's a lot of this game I'd change. It's an excellent game, but there are a lot of un-excellent things that make this game quite annoying sometimes. D8

1) Redesign 99% of the female cast's outfits. I just noticed today that female Great Knights aren't wearing pants, when I thought they did, and it pissed me off SO FREAKIN MUCH. I didn't mind mini-skirted mounted units, but riding with no pants OR skirt, just panties? Seriously, that's both disgusting and stupid.

2) Give DLC units their own unique model. D8 I don't care about the map or the items, I'm only visiting them once unless I want Paragon. I was eager to use Leaf once, but noooo, apparently it was too much trouble to give him an all-white outfit like his art shows. Seriously, there's no excuse for this laziness. I paid money for him, dammit. ALL the DLC should be worth the money, not just the map. If they do this practical-yet-lazy route if FE14 does paid DLC again, I certainly won't waste money on it.

3) Related to above, but I wish units kept their unique color schemes, no matter what they reclass to. Like Cordelia should have a red Dark Flier outfit, or Sumia should have a purple Cleric dress. It's quite aggravating.

4) No generic supports. It makes no sense that they put so much work into all the 1st-Gen supports, but then got lazy with the sibling and father/child supports. There's no point in filling out the Support Log if all you'll get is MAYBE the father saying something different. Bah.

5) Give fathers their own children. It's dumb that the only way a Female My Unit gets two children is to marry Chrom.

6) Develop the SpotPass characters, as well as Basilio/Flavia/Tiki/Anna/Say'Ri. Their limited support options makes them rather flat and boring, and in some cases doesn't make a lick of sense. Why doesn't Emmeryn support with Chrom and Liz? Or Yen'Fey with his sister? Lazy is the only word that comes to mind. "OTL It's not the right thing to say, but that's what it feels like.

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A difficulty between hard and Lunatic would be nice, I would probably play that. Besides that, skill distribution on enemies not being random would also be appreciated- dying to a well placed enemy with a specific skillset is fine, but the potential for every enemy to have horseshit combinations is not (mostly applies to Lunatic+, I guess, Hard/Lunatic are fine about this except Counter). DLC/Streetpass characters having their own models would also be appreciated, but I don't care too much. Also, Generals having swords would be good-Black Knight not being able to use them is silly. Great Knights are better at most things anyway, it wouldn't affect balance much.

I think that's it. I could complain about other really minor things but I'm not going to bitch about every little thing.

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I honestly don't care about the Spotpass characters having unique models, because it would be a relative fucking ton of work for extremely little gain. DLC, sure, but I'm not bothered by it. Portraits are where it's at.

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1) Redesign 99% of the female cast's outfits. I just noticed today that female Great Knights aren't wearing pants, when I thought they did, and it pissed me off SO FREAKIN MUCH. I didn't mind mini-skirted mounted units, but riding with no pants OR skirt, just panties? Seriously, that's both disgusting and stupid.


I'd probably hand 80% of the female characters in this game pants or shorts. Tharja would get actual clothes. Then I'd get hexed. I don't mind skirts on pegasus knights because the wings tend to block out view of anything that would be shown. But running around the battlefield in just panties is stupid.

Oh, and I'd give the female assassin less cleavage and smaller breasts. Seriously, why are they here, other than the fact that it was probably what class Aversa was meant to be in before it was randomly changed to dark flier.

I find most of the "fanservice" in the character design department as being more fan-DISservice. I want my FE7-9 artists back. :(

EDIT: Oh, and I'd take Inigo's voice actor and move him to Laurent. >SO3 Dion ftw.

Edited by MagicLeafy
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I would add real multiplayer, both local and online, where your opponent's team isn't controlled by AI. That would increase the replay value massively.

And I'd have a battle in the Valm arc where you fight 100 (slightly weaker) enemies. After all, Wallhart has one million soldiers, right? It'd be like the 1000 heartless battle from Kingdom Hearts 2.

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Yeah, I'd want less generic paired endings; I found most characters' unpaired endings way more interesting than their paired ones. It's also pretty weird for story-critical characters like Lucina, who in her paired endings gets relegated to "oh and she was there too"

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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I honestly think those outfits of those mounted classes are more like leotards. But I agree that it makes less sense. At least with the skirts they could have riding shorts underneath them for all we know.

Anyway, for what I could change...

1) Make less generic the shared supports, and expand on those who have few options, like the Spotpass characters. Also by proxy the endings.

2) Give all the reclass options unique models or at least the color-scheme if the former would be too much.

3) More diversity to the chapter objectives, it's pretty much the Rout and Defeat Boss fest all over the place.

4) Flesh out a little the plot of the DLC chapters, since almost all of the Set 1 ones are pretty much "Two factions fighting each other while Chrom and co. help out one then the other then against both".

5) Of the DLC reward items, have just one of them appear in the game itself.

6) Give the Paralogue bosses more unique portraits, rather than reusing the one of a previous chapter/paralogue.

And... eh, I don't know. I think that would be all unless I could think up on something else.

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And Spotpass characters; same deal. I was excited about playing Lucia until I found out that she's just a horrible Avatar substitute.

Well I didn't include them because you're actually paying for the DLC characters, so giving them a unique model would be more important. For example, what's the point of recruiting DLC Ike if I already got the Spotpass Ike (besides the portrait)? All his stats and skills are the same. If he had a different model, then that'd be more worth it.

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1) Add the soldier and halberdier classes.

2) Add light magic.

3) Make Lissa a lord.

4) Let there be route options between Chrom and Lissa.

5) Let Falcoknights use swords so I can forge Brave Sword and name it Amiti.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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Well I didn't include them because you're actually paying for the DLC characters, so giving them a unique model would be more important. For example, what's the point of recruiting DLC Ike if I already got the Spotpass Ike (besides the portrait)? All his stats and skills are the same. If he had a different model, then that'd be more worth it.

You should recruit DLC Ike so that you have two Ikes in your army!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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3) Make Lissa a lord.

4) Let there be route options between Chrom and Lissa.

5) Let Falcoknights use swords so I can forge Brave Sword and name it Amiti.

...Why hello there fellow Sacred Stones fan. XD *high five*

eh, Lucina would be more for the lord paths though. I mean, you didn't get Ephraim early on either. lol

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