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okay this is really weird: for some reason, the map theme the Prologue's playing here is Conquest (the skirmish one) instead of the normal Prelude track

not that I'm complaining since Conquest is easily one of my favourite tracks in the game but still

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Ten uses wtf.

The game is translated in italian, I kinda expected that because every FE was, but you may never know, especially after a big brand like Kingdom Hearts wasn't translated in my language...

And.. Avatar's default name Daraen o.O?

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Started on Hard, a difficulty which I'm quite pleased with. But Jesus, Lunatic is...well, its name is fitting. Robin died on the second turn. Completely 100% outmatched... Do I have to resort to abusing Frederick?

Also, Virion is hilarious. I'm tempted to pair him with Sully in the full game just to piss her off.

Edit: I'm definitely leaving my 3DS powered on for the next three weeks so I don't waste my uses. And then it'll probably overheat and crash and be broken by the time the game is released.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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Bit ripped off to only get 10 uses, but I doubt I will need any more than that. There's only so many times you can play the same 2 levels over and over. Already played them twice in one "use". after 10 uses I think I would be happy to stop until the full game comes out.

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Started on Hard, a difficulty which I'm quite pleased with. But Jesus, Lunatic is...well, its name is fitting. Robin died on the second turn. Completely 100% outmatched... Do I have to resort to abusing Frederick?

Also, Virion is hilarious. I'm tempted to pair him with Sully in the full game just to piss her off.

Edit: I'm definitely leaving my 3DS powered on for the next three weeks so I don't waste my uses. And then it'll probably overheat and crash and be broken by the time the game is released.

yeah, Lunatic it's "spam Frederick for the first few chapters until you get to play the dlcs". Lunatic is a Frederick-festival unless you buy the DLC or just do a Frederick-MU solo for the entire game.

Europeans fellows, what is the quality of your state's translation? I'm a bit curious, this is the first time we get a glance of this game in a non-english-japanese language.

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I treid lunatic but got extremely unlucky. First, Frederick paired with Chrom missed a 86% against a brigand, the turn after he counter-attacked the brigand and Chrom missed the follow-up attack (which must have been around 85%). The third turn, the brigand was still alive and he and the wind mage disposed of Fred o.o

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The German translation is fine, though I didn't make a direct comparison with the English script yet because that would require me to leave the game and use up valuable tries.

Not that I am to happy with the actual script. Lissa is just insufferable and Virion makes Zelos come across as down to earth.

In fact, chapter 2 as a whole was just a collection of stupidity.

I mean (Spoilers for the demo):

Why in the world did Marth not participate in the fight? He just disappears when the battle starts and then he is magically right in front of the party. What did he do in the meantime?

And afterwards, he just mutters a warning that is completely pointless since it has no direction and then walks off.

And the crew just lets him go.

"He is not a man of many words", "His talents are somewhere else". "I'm sure we will hear from him again." That's all they have to say to that?

There as a massive earth shift, a giant eye in the head. The death rising to consume the living through a massive portal.

And they just let the guy who followed them through the portal and seems to have all the answers walk away. No questions. He just walks away and they muse about him like that.

And seriously, Virion: Giant! Floating! Eyeball! Stop hitting on women and pay attention to the goddamn Apocalypse.

How can they all be so unfaced by all that? Does stuff like this happen all the time?

Seriously, these people are all insane.

Honestly, that was just awful. Does the writing stay that way?

Edited by BrightBow
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Free Lunatic tip for you demo-players: Chrom's Rapier is +10 hit/crit over Falchion, with the same mt. It's useful.

Yup, I noticed that pretty quickly!

Why in the world did Marth not participate in the fight? He just disappears when the battle starts and then he is magically right in front of the party. What did he do in the meantime?

It's stated that he's off fighting a bunch of other enemies.

I think I'm gonna make it my goal over the next three weeks to use Freddy as little as possible in Lunatic mode.

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I'm in North America so this demo doesn't really apply to me, but I noticed on the site that "Casual" was changed to "Newcomer." Is it just me, or is that kind of insulting? You don't have to be a novice to just want to have a...casual run through the game, especially if you're on freaking Lunatic or, God forbid, Lunatic+. I play Casual all the time myself.

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I'm in North America so this demo doesn't really apply to me, but I noticed on the site that "Casual" was changed to "Newcomer." Is it just me, or is that kind of insulting? You don't have to be a novice to just want to have a...casual run through the game, especially if you're on freaking Lunatic or, God forbid, Lunatic+. I play Casual all the time myself.

Even "Casual" is mildly pejorative. I have always thought that they should just call it Marth Mode, and really embrace the "I don't care how many people die" aspect of it.

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Got a level up on my avatar with every stat except def up, so close. Then i remember demo...

Oh and my lissa got a miracle proc with 8 luck, but not seen a single critical yet.


By the way have they changed the options? I recall seeing a vid of the american options that had more selections with animations. I can only turn on or off either regular animations or "others" wich include dancer and staff animations rolled into one category.

Edited by Deshiva
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