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Least Favorite Pairings?

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For me it's Libra/Tharja, it seems off to me. Although it gives a good Noire but the supports are just...ehh. It's kinda weird to see a holy man like him would use dark arts. Seems not right to me.

and this could probably my first pairing on my life that I dislike

How about yours?

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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For me it's Libra/Tharja, it seems off to me. Although it gives a good Noire but the supports are just...ehh. It's kinda weird to see a holy man like him would use dark arts. Seems not right to me.

and this could probably my first pairing on my life that I dislike

How about yours?

ChromxSumia It sucks. Olivia is waaaay better.

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I haven't actually got these supports myself, but I did read the English support thread. Nah with Laurent, Gerome, or Inigo bothers me. In fact, her support with Laurent turned me off to her character a lot. Not too fond of Noire with Inigo or Laurent either.

I would probably like FeMU/Chrom and Sumia/Chrom if the supports were better. Alas, they are not.

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For me it's Libra/Tharja, it seems off to me. Although it gives a good Noire but the supports are just...ehh. It's kinda weird to see a holy man like him would use dark arts. Seems not right to me.

and this could probably my first pairing on my life that I dislike

How about yours?

Well, Libra isn't as pure as he comes across, I mean.. he's trying to forget his past in those supports.

[spoiler=Some other support stuff]Also, through Nowi's support with him, he mentions something about being abandoned by his parents because they thought he was a demon / were afraid of him.

So it makes me wonder what type of person he was as a child?

Anyways, for me... uh, I don't like Sully x Chrom that much. Ricken X Sully... I think Sully has some nice supports ( and I love her character ) but most of hers seem to stink.

Edited by Selaphi
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ChromxSumia It sucks. Olivia is waaaay better.

Same here, except I like ChromxFemale Avatar better than ChromxSumia. I just don't like ChromxSumia for some reason, their support isn't as funny or interesting as ChromxFemale Avatar.

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FrederickxCherche was boring as fuck

e: if that's the best i can come up with i guess i don't really hate any per se

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Is it alright to mention how YouTube comments are the ones I tend to see unimpressed by pairings? Anyway... I don't care if it makes a beastly Severa, I don't like Lon'qu x Cordelia. That may be because of the jealous fangirl in me, but I don't find the supports as interesting as others I've paired them up with. I'm also not a fan of FeMU x Gangrel because the MaMU support with him seems better and I'd rather have that.

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Lon'qu/Cordelia FTW. Also Fredrick/Sumia, Stahl/Sully, Libra/Tharja, Gaius/Nowi, and Chrom/Olivia.

As for the kids, I only like Nah/Laurent, mainly. Gerome/Noire, perhaps.

EDIT: WOW, I can't read. :P

My least favorite pairings? Chrom/Cordelia, Chrom/Female!My Unit, and Inigo/Anyone (dude can't settle down, he's a bachelor).

Edited by ZMesu
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I hate hate hate ChromxFeMU. The supports suck and in every piece of dialogue he acts like they aren't married. And I hate Morgan and Lucina as siblings and I hate having Lucina as a daughter and--Alright, I'll done ranting now. I just hate them so much. A bit irrational, I know, but he's the one guy (alright, slightly ahead of Priam) that I would never marry.

I don't like Ricken or Libra married to anybody. Both of those make me feel a little weird. Ricken because I can't get it outta my head that he's eight and Libra because Virion.

For other specific supports... CordeliaxLon'qu was my least favorite of my couples. And SullyxStahl for supports, but I won't marry them to anyone else. Love the couple, but wish they had better supports.

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For me, I only really hate FrederickxSumia and Frederick x any young girl character, especially Lissa. I hate Sumia and think Cordelia deserves a guy like Frederick more if the female Avatar doesn't get him. If Sumia can have Chrom, whom her BEST FRIEND is the one with a crush on, then Cordelia needs a guy who's even better or just as awesome that would definitely never let her feel alone again to soften such a blow. And Frederick fits that category to me. Stahl does as well, imo, and he's who I paired her with.

As for Lissa, she looks freaking ten years younger than him. Nowi isn't quite as bad because she can't help not aging, but Lissa...ugh. It's just NOT appealing AT ALL.

Oh, and that reminds me, I think Ricken looks too weird with anyone but Nowi for the same reason. He's a freaking kid. xP So I guess his other pairing options sort of count here too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Considering I hate Sumia as a character I might be biast when I say the only pairings I dislike are Sumia x Anyone other then Frederick, because Sumia x Frederick is actually awesome and seems legit. I just don't know, other then Fred her supports just seem so fake and stupid.

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Chrom x Sumia was boring. What's with the pies?

Gaius x Olivia was also boring. Again with the freaking pies. -_-

Libra x Cordelia was really boring. Whoo, moving crates. That's even worse than the pies.

Stahl x Miriel wasn't as bad as the above, but was still kind of bland in my opinion.

So far, I can't say I'm terribly fond of Frederick x Cordelia because it makes Cordelia come across a bit Mary Sue-ish.

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Chrom X Sumia because of pretty weak reasoning for happening. (Again. Plenty of reasons are out there, and the one that they go with is the "only way to the man's heart is through his stomach" route.) The fact that Cynthia isn't able to recognize Chrom as her father, especially since there's little to no explanation for why she doesn't recognize Chrom, also puts me off to this pair. There's something about a kid that doesn't recognize their father that rubs me the wrong way. Granted, it helps give a good Cynthia, and the pair benefits Chrom on that map with all of the Wyvern Riders and on desert maps. I don't mind Sumia at all as a character, but I.S. could have done a better job with this pair. They really dropped the ball here.

I can't think of anything else, really.

Edited by Little Al
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Chrom X Sumia because of pretty weak reasoning for happening. (Again. Plenty of reasons are out there, and the one that they go with is the "only way to the man's heart is through his stomach" route.) The fact that Cynthia isn't able to recognize Chrom as her father, especially since there's little to no explanation for why she doesn't recognize Chrom, also puts me off to this pair. There's something about a kid that doesn't recognize their father that rubs me the wrong way. Granted, it helps give a good Cynthia, and the pair benefits Chrom on that map with all of the Wyvern Riders and on desert maps. I don't mind Sumia at all as a character, but I.S. could have done a better job with this pair. They really dropped the ball here.

I can't think of anything else, really.

I'd say the reason why Cynthia wouldn't recognize Chrom would lie in the fact that the future she and the other children came from is one where humanity was all but wiped out.

That aside... Chrom/Olivia is one I'm not particulatly fond of, because it's just... shoehorned. Especially since I can't think of ANY reason to push for this pairing over any other for Chrom. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if it weren't for the fact that Olivia joins on the very map where Chrom has to marry...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I'd say the reason why Cynthia wouldn't recognize Chrom would lie in the fact that the future she and the other children came from is one where humanity was all but wiped out.

Considering that basically every other child character recognizes whoever you paired their mother with as their father, I don't know if I would use that reasoning. I mean, if Chrom wasn't her father. Okay. I could buy a case for not being able to recognize him since she wouldn't be able to know what he looked like at any rate, but would most likely have heard of him through how highly he was spoken of by someone (Most likely Sumia). But with Chrom as the father, I feel like there's no excuse. You'd think there would have been some picture of the guy around kept. One would assume she was born sometime after Chrom died, but considering the dialogue in her recruitment chapter if Chrom is her father...
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Cordelia and anyone. Her supports in general are just fucken boring. SHES SO BORING!!! No wonder Severa is such a brat...

Vaike and Miriel. It just aint right.

Virion and Nowi is just no.

Frederick and Sumia is also very boring.

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I actually find a lot of Sumia's romantic supports a little lacking, in all honestly. I understand that her character is the klutzy girl with a lot of heart and determination ... but she sucks at EVERYTHING, and it's most obvious in her supports with Frederick. For a pairing that is so ... "put in the spotlight" as Chrom/Sumia is, their support was wholly underwhelming. (And same with feMU/Chrom. How does IS give maleMU such a touching support with Chrom and give feMU something so disappointing?) I guess I'm saying that I don't hate Sumia's pairings, but I'm disappointed by them.

I think the only pairings I absolutely dislike are Nah with Laurent, Inigo, and Gerome. She comes off as such an immature brat towards them (who happen to be my three favorite 2nd gen guys as well).

As for Cynthia not recognizing Chrom as her father ... you'd think she'd at least realize that her blue hair came from somewhere. Dude she thought was Chrom didn't have blue hair. It's weird, either way.

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Libra x Cordelia was really boring. Whoo, moving crates. That's even worse than the pies.

Sorry, but I think it's more about her trying and always failing that he was worried about her.

@Virion: Severa's pretty much a jerk because she feels inferior to her mother...well, have you seen all the Cordelia's supports yet?

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I think everyone here knows what's coming...

Henry/Olivia in the English localisation ONLY. The Japanese version of the support is one of my personal OTPs, and not just in Fire Emblem.

Actually, Localised!Henry/ANYONE. They just made him seem like a totaly psychopath there, and I don't approve of that kind of guy being with anyone.

Again, I have Chrom/Anyone not Sumia and Sumia/Anyone not Chrom. I'm a staunch believer in canon. Though I do agree the English version may have gone a little too overboard on the pies. I understand why some may dislike the pairing based on that. Their Chapter 11 end confession scene if Chrom isn't married makes a better conclusion to the romance.

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I really dislike Chrom/Sumia. I hate it when pairings are shoved down your throat like that. Sumia/Frederick ftw. Fuck canon.

The jealous fangirl in me hates all non-MU Ricken and Henry pairings. 8U But I really hate Maribelle/Ricken, its a stupid "rescue romance" cliche, how dull.

I also hate hate HATE Olivia/Henry, ENG and JP. Its such an overrated pairing, and Henry's supports with Cherche are way more touching than this support could ever hope for. I hate the contrived coincidence in their A support where Olivia randomly gets cursed so Henry can get emotional, its not very believable at all.

That's about all I can think of...

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