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Your Favorite and Least Favorite Lord

Mighty Kamina

Your Favorite Lord?  

279 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina
  2. 2. Least Favorite Lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina

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Favorite lord - AH! I love most of the lords in this series, but I had to go with Ike. Ike is one of the best lords combat-wise and I do like his personality. Highlights include yelling at Sanaki and sticking up for Elincia in PoR. Plus PoR was my first entry into the series and so Ike was the first Fire Emblem character I came across. Marth from Super Smash Bros. Melee notwithstanding.

Plus Aether pwns so hard. It also helps to have the broken Earth affinity.

Least favorite lord - Micaiah. Micaiah's lack of speed and defense always hurt me gameplay-wise. Always felt that she was more of a liability than an asset.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love Lyn, Eliwood and Hector and they're all tied for second faves but my favorite oddly enough has got to be Alm just because he's just a peaceful villager then all of a sudden he's thrust into enlistment and really its only because he wants his grandfather to retire because he's been at war for so long, and he puts together a rag tag group of guys and gals and takes on the enemy heck at first he didn't even want to lead because he was too inexperienced but like Leaf he grew and grew as a character, got the girl and saved the day. Mission Acomplised. I see myself like Alm in a way and would take similar steps as well. I can identify with that guy. Ike's got nothing on Alm! (sorry Ike I still love you man! ;u;) Now... haha... NOW my LEAST favorite... hooooo boy... no question, its Micaiah. Oh yeah I'm a fortune teller. Can you prodict the future somewhat like Sophia? No. Strike 1. The so called "Priestess of Dawn" "Leader" of the Dawn Brigade, I feel sorry for (Chuck) Nolan, Edward (Scissorhands) and Leonardo (Decaprio/Vinchi) because ooh look I can heal with no staves! Oh wait then I put the entire company in danger and always rely on Sothe to back me up and come save me. Fast forward to the whole Blood Pact thing and its like she doesn't even care about finding a cure or a loop hole, she's just Lekan's (butchered the name sorry) lap dog and just goes along with it. Oh WW3? Everyone against Begnion? I'll fight for Begnion! :D NO! :/ And then we have Part 4 where she's not even Micaiah anymore she's just a medium for Yune which I actually LIKED when that happened because I didn't have to deal with this horrible of a character anymore! Not to mention besides the ending of Part 1 they never really go into detail about Micaiah's brand other than its there and oh no what if's. Is she Dragon, Heron, what? My god Sothe's almost just as bad but he does ask those "should we be doing this?" questions. Rant aside my apologies Micky fans, just my opinion. *blushes*

Edited by ViewtifulBo
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I had a tough time between Marth and Roy for my favorite. I realized they were basically the same character, but as tiebreaker I considered that it's way more fun to have a lord with a 1-2 range superweapon at the endgame than it is to have a lord that always stays consistently mediocre. Plus I really liked his design.

Worst went to Ephraim. Boring design and personality, and he completely upstages the entire plot with his whole "I can do whatever I want without consequence" gimmick that he NEVER ONCE GETS PUNISHED FOR.

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I can't help but notice, Celica has the least votes in both poles making her, in a way, the most favorite and least favorite at the same time. Just goes to show how many people care about Gaiden.

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Jotari, you should know how impossible it would be to not only find a ROM for FE2, but also a patch.

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Jotari, you should know how impossible it would be to not only find a ROM for FE2, but also a patch.

I, like many, have tried and failed to play FE2.

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Ike is my favorite, followed by Sigurd. Ike is just badass and is very fun to watch grow as a character in PoR and to a lesser extent in RD. I'd say Seliph is my least favorite because he feels like a pansy version of Marth to me. And that, is hard to do. Roy is close by in my dislike category because the way he talks reminds me of a middle schooler.

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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Favourite: Sigurd

Honourable mentions: Hector, Lyn, Lucy

Least Favourite: Leaf, who manages to do the impossible and be worse than Roy!

Dishonourable mentions: Roy, Eliwood (Like father, like son!)

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Jotari, you should know how impossible it would be to not only find a ROM for FE2, but also a patch.


It's not that hard. The patch is linked here on SF and as far as the ROM, well, Google exists y'know.

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Favourite: Micaiah (By far my favourite.), Eliwood and Hector

Least favourite: Mm.. Roy, maybe. It's not so much that I hate Roy himself, I just find a lot of his fans annoying. especially when they call Eliwood Roy. I was not a happy camper when I was called Roy while cosplaying Eliwood this last weekend. :|

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  • 11 months later...

Favorite: Sigurd - because he's a one man wrecking crew with only 1 skill

Least: I was going to pick Seliph because he seems too pampered and a let down compared to his dad, but he gets the Tyrfing (practically handed to him no less!)

Micaiah is just garbage IMO. No skill, no speed, no HP, no defense, bland AF, the list goes on and on. Roy deserves a mention if he wasn't mentioned by everyone else.

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My favorite lord has a broken base, but what the heck: Miciaiah. She's very nice-looking, and unlike those who believe she was selfish in act 3, I honestly pitied her for all the stress she obtained and errors she made (which her Einherjar card even admits to in Awakening). I also believe the developers had no reason to make it necessary to be all Ike and Yune in part 4 while Miciaiah was just Yune's human phone. I'm not directing hate at Ike, even if he lacked development, but Miciaiah deserved more of a role and the allowance to also take out Ashera with Yune, her companion before RD even started. Instead, Ike is forced to be the only man allowed to kill her, with Yune deciding just to give her power to Ike's Ragnell only for some reason. So what if he was the main man of PoR? Did we only include Miciaiah just to build her up and finish as Yune's vessel for communication? Give the player the option to pass on the glory to someone new.

Least favorite: I do not dislike any lords at all, actually. I only chose Alm because of his understandable lack of personality (curse you, NES limitations) and compared to Celica, he looks not as good to me. I do not hate him at all, though.

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