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Group Mafia -- Game Over


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if others jump on

lrn2read, also because i'm getting frustrated and acting on impulse

also I apologize for the name-calling, I'll try and restrain myself

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I'm not misrepping anything.

However, it doesn't look like anybody else actually wants to lynch Manix, so I'm going to reread the thread in a bit to see if there's something I can actually back.

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Ok guys we have 3 hours left and we need to decide between eclipse and Scorri I think?

My vote sticks on scorri for reasons already explained and her insistence that 'eclipse could've done more' sounds off when she HAD done something. Rapier and Shin are most likely to be town anyway so that's out.

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Honestly, I don't know that I really like either of these options. I'd almost want to go after Shinori, but that may just be gut, and I don't have a solid case, nor time to build one. I'm disappointed Fera hasn't shown back up, but that isn't yet a reason in itself to go after her. Since Marth took over for Cam, that slot has improved dramatically in my eyes. The number of claims and half-claims floating around seriously muddy the water too.

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Shin (2): Fera, Balcerzak

eclipse (2): Elieson, scorri

Rapier (2): Serious Bananas, Shin

Xinnidy/scorri (2): eclipse, Marth

BBM (1): Manix

Manix (1): BBM

Not voting: Shinori, Rapier

These should be right. Holler if they're not.

You have 2 hours and 45 minutes left.

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I also don't like how Serious Bananas was in the thread 6 minutes after I explained that I was dead serious, and it was not just PR/RP, yet said nothing regarding my revelation, nor made any attempt to move his vote. (Keeping billions of extra tabs open for this game apparently pays off.)

Looking back on the scorri case, it seems 90% of it is for misrepping or attempted misrepping. Am I missing something else?

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Blah, I still have no particular desire to vote for Eclipse or Scorri. Out of the votes on the Eclipse wagon, I find Elie's the worst. It was pretty much solely for rolefishing and because her test was bad, initially. In his first post against her, he says several times that the rolefishing was specifically directed towards him and not me, and then in his most recent post against her, he says that she was trying to pry information from me. There was a basis for the Eclipse wagon, but if I had voted for her at that time, it wouldn't have been for rolefishing, and most of Elie's case comes down to that. He also makes most of his points against her in that initial post by quoting other people's posts and just agreeing with those. And even if her test wasn't a great idea, it being so doesn't make her scummy.

His more recent post against her is just more about rolefishing and about how she made a mistake with Scorri's Sunday activity.

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I'm no longer confident that Shin is scum, and he dropped the glib attitude that was bothering me earlier and has made some token contributions. He's not an ideal lynch choice, no. So, I suppose I've been delinquent in not taking the vote off while I'm searching for my next target, but I get the feeling that if I did that, I'd probably be making 3 or 4 intermediate lynch votes before I settle on a final option.

Maybe that's the best way to do things, though. I don't even really know. But when we're coming down close to deadline, I feel that adding that sort of uncertainty to the mix ("Oh, Bal changed his vote again? Fuck.") would be counterproductive. I'm usually at my best doing vote analysis, but before we get the first flip, that's really risky to even try for.

I guess I can unvote him now, though, and just keep looking without a vote active.


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I'm trying to get a sense of who people want to lynch today. We're not lynching Rapier, obviously, and Insomniac is pretty provable, if not really an indication of Shin's alignment. I don't really have a desire to lynch Eclipse, and I don't get the Scorri case at all, to be honest. That leaves me with Manix and Elieson, I guess, though nobody other than me is voting for either of them.

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Well, there's still some time to try to get a reaction, I guess. Voting Serious is futile at this point, as he's in Britain and likely asleep and unable to reply, but I can vote Shinori.

Shinori has lots of little, near empty posts. He'll occasionally come in, sees a development, promises to post, and fail to follow through. It's almost coasting behaviour.

##Vote: Shinori

Is this just me seeing it? Is it a problem I'm picking up by looking at the ISO and not the whole picture?

BBM: I can't in good faith get behind a Manix lynch. He's been a vital brakes on the runaway trains. A sort of conscience finding things and forcing people to take a second look at them. Sure, he's maybe played a little bit of follow the leader, or reactionary, but honestly, I don't see much in specific to condemn him for. If you have some specific posts of his you think are bad, or really illustrative of the problem, I'd be happy to take a second look.

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Well, I agree that Shinori hasn't had a lot of content, but after I thought about it for a little bit, I decided that Scumnori would probably be more aware of votes on him, and wouldn't have been as lazy as he was being at the beginning. I do dislike that a lot of his early phase stuff was mostly reaction tests (won't get into talking about those again). He was the first person to vote for Eclipse, and maybe it was because his vote was really more of a prod than an actual scumread, but he never really talked about Eclipse afterwards. After that he hasn't said much at all, but IIRC he said he was sick. So I guess I don't really know about Shinori. He said was rereading though, so I want him to come in here with thoughts. Also want to hear what other people think about him.

As for Manix, I don't know if it's any specific posts or just them as a whole. I guess I'll go over his posts in more detail during the night phase.

Wish Fera was more active. ;/

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Just remember Section Modkill: Rule 6.

Going over his shit during the night and saving it to a word document is great, but don't try to post it until daybreak if you do. That could get ugly.

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Well, I believe I'm going to be lynched if no one gets more than three votes. And I definitely want to stay alive, though I have no idea who to lynch next and lynching Shinori seems wrong to me (even though his sickness is a nulltell: he could be sick and scum at the same time, hence his 'laziness').

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Blah, I still have no particular desire to vote for Eclipse or Scorri. Out of the votes on the Eclipse wagon, I find Elie's the worst. It was pretty much solely for rolefishing and because her test was bad, initially. In his first post against her, he says several times that the rolefishing was specifically directed towards him and not me, and then in his most recent post against her, he says that she was trying to pry information from me. There was a basis for the Eclipse wagon, but if I had voted for her at that time, it wouldn't have been for rolefishing, and most of Elie's case comes down to that. He also makes most of his points against her in that initial post by quoting other people's posts and just agreeing with those. And even if her test wasn't a great idea, it being so doesn't make her scummy.

I went and took another look at his #141 and his #178, and I do kind of see that contradiction.

[/b]That gentle rolefish attempt on me without even suggesting anything on BBM is vague, but I think something's there.

Quoted BBM (so i see it as a reply to BBM), and it's better than anything thus far? Leading a lynch based on rolespec is one thing, but modifier spec eeehhh, and since you specifically said [the bolded part], I'm seeing it as a pluck against BBM specifically, with no mention to my Hated being the stranger thing.

Care to clarify if you're around?

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okay I've calmed down now. chemistry homework got the brunt of my frustration out of the system

i really don't think Shinori is a good lynch today. lemme grab some quotes.

shinori not voting is either a PR or he's purposely trying to draw reactions

I'm not even gonna say anything about that at all yet

sidenote: saying anything about it was referring to in thread
andddddddddd called it

it's on purpose

while it isn't optimal play it can work
i'm gonna peg shinori as town through this little gambit because it draws attention to himself and scum wouldn't intentionally put themselves on the back foot to begin with
eh it's not scummy, just sub-optimal (see Bored in volcanic)

scattered responses to some varied posts early on in the thread. that said his content is lacking a little but his sickness probably isn't helping that, so I can't hold it against him too much.

BBM lynch has no support, Shin lynch is inadvisable due to his claim, Rapier lynch is lol, clipsey lynch is definitely not preferred, and I'm happier with scorri so I don't really want to lynch her. that leaves like elie/sb/fera

gimme a little i'll look into them. from memory I think elie is probably the worst of the bunch.

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Okay, well, I saw Elie in the thread just a few minutes back, so I know he's here somewhere. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Elieson.

Quite honestly seems to be the best option to me right now out of the people anyone else also finds scummy, though I know nobody else is voting for him. If I have to switch to one of Scorri or Eclipse to secure a lynch, I guess I'll vote Eclipse, because at least I felt there was a valid case against her at one point. I don't see anything with Scorri at all.

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Okay so various things.

I think at the moment I would actually prefer an SB lynch but I'm highly doubting that there is enough time to build up for that. Pretty sure he was in here recently and left his vote sitting on rapier which I don't like.

Between Eclipse and Scorri though I'd prefer to lynch Eclipse who has done less in my eyes than Scorri. Early game she focused mainly on people who were squabbling over reactions tests and that didn't help at all. Also I'm not too find of Eclipse's semi-list post considering that's the majority of what she seems to have done in recent devolpments.

That being said:


##Vote: Eclipse

Gonna make a post involving sb in my next post in like 20 minutes since I'm not gaming at the moment.

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There are worse things that could happen.

...I might have to clarify something with Boron, actually. Though, with any luck, she's taking lessons from eclipse and will tell me Tee-hee~

Also, I guess, moving on over...


##Vote: Elieson

I feel like we can still get a lot of useful information from eclipse, and if we need to we can grill her all day tomorrow as well. Elieson has been flakier, and the only reason why I'm still tempted to vote scorri is admittedly a pretty terrible one, that I've been trying hard to find something else I could use if I have to.

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If we're going to treat voting modifiers as a towntell, then that would be giving the town five clears right there, what with three people with modifiers and masons.

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