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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Ammy (6): Prims, Paperblade, Snike, scorri, Shinori, Kay

Shinori (1): j00

Kay (1): Baldrick

Not voting: Ammy, Darros, WREN, Xinnidy

4 votes to deadline lynch. 26 hours left in the phase.

Kay: A large percentage of your scumhunting was aimed at Mancer. Since you were at the point where you didn't have any good idea of who to lynch, your priorities were somewhat skewed.

Townies aren't more likely to care, but they are more likely to post as many reads as they can if their lynch is imminent, so that if they do get lynched town has more to work with.

And then you go and vote for Ammy. Despite what you said about Shinori last phase, and the fact you don't think Ammy's apathy is scummy, you trust Shinori more than Ammy?

I'd like to hear what Xinnidy's thoughts on what's happened today, since I've got a null read on her atm.

I pointed out all the scummy things I noticed. That was it.

If they care. If they don't care, they don't care what town has to work with, they don't care if they get lynched, and they don't care about scumhunting.

I would prefer to lynch Ammy. I trust Shinori slightly more, based on their reactions to each other's claims, but also if Shinori is town, he's worth keeping around. Ammy isn't useful as either town or scum. That alone doesn't make him worth lynching, but it does make him worth lynching over Shinori.

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If a townie reaches that level of apathy, they're either so busy that they can't post (which Ammy isn't) or they're not playing to their win condition.

Alright, I'll keep that in mind.

I'd be voting Ammy right now but the game's quiet enough as it is.

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brb prodding half the game

or something like that.

edit: WREN/Frog/Xinnidy/Ammy/scorri have been prodded

not prodding j00 because of announced absence

Edited by Manix
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Super high-school level lurker has returned

However I have 0 things too contribute!

I was told once not to post when you have nothing to say! However, it seems I have to post.

I guess that means I should just sub out.

Spring joke

Though if it wouldn't make too much fuss I actually wouldn't mind being subbed out ;Y


I have nothing to add, but the Ammy case seems pretty good!

Also, I knew Prims was town all along I was just REACTION TESTING

That was also an april fools

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Also I'm 99% on Wren being very lazy town, between Levity's posts from before he subbed in and the fact that he doesn't care about making shit up to make himself look good.

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apparently the fact that it's a 1v1 killed off any interest in this game. :/

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apparently the fact that it's a 1v1 killed off any interest in this game. :/

Darros and Xinnidy haven't even been online in 24 hours, apparently.

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Really I'm tempted to end this phase early just because of lack of activity.

Also confirming that Darros needs a sub due to busy RL stuff. Man, I hope Psych responds >_>.

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The town decides to burn Ammy to death for being a lazy person and contradicting every one of his statements. He was being really suspicious by not doing anything. In the process, town forgot that many others weren't saying much and didn't want to do anything either.

Ammy has died! He was:

Dear Areox/Ammy,

You are Yuffie Kisaragi, a ninja girl from Final Fantasy 7.

You are a pretty cool chick who kept searching for something called materia. You wanted it so you could rebuild your damaged home. You end up meeting with Cloud and co. and decide to fight alongside themto save mankind from Sephiroth. Woohoo. You use many tricks and ideas to find stuff and you always believe you will get things your way. You think you are the hottest chick ever and like to call yourself the'Single White Rose of Wutai'.

During the night phase, reply as follows:

"Night XX- USER, don't worry, the Single White Rose of Wutai does not let her targets escape!" You will then proceed to follow the USER and see who he visits

that night.

In short, you are the Tracker.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

As everyone watched Ammy die in a pyre, Prims started to stumble, losing strength. He gasped for breath but he couldn't draw in much air. His eyes widened and everyone saw him struggling to stand still. They were shocked! It was the same mysterious force that killed Elieson and eclipse! Now it was killing Prims too! He soon dropped dead, his body still, cold, motionless.

Dear Prims and Elieson,

You are Marche and Ritz, Protagonists from Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced.

You're both rivals, always fighting against each other due to different beliefs, but you still remain good friends. Ritz tries to attack Marche when he tries to restore the world back to normal because she likes the fake adventurous world.(Long story because of their mutual friend Mewt's desire to be in a land similar to those in final fantasy). Still, this time you've been teleported over to this dimension due to some unknown call. You've only got each other to trust in this weird dimension where your only goal is to eliminate the 'mafia'.

You have unlimited Outside- Contact throughout the game. In short, you are the Masons.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

You all go back to take a night's rest, hoping nothing bad would happen tonight.

It is now Night 3! Night 3 ends on April 8th, Monday, GMT 3:30 AM

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Those we love don't go away,

They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear.

R.I.P. gayyyyyy

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