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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Just ragequit EO4 because got blindsided on postgame dungeon so hi everybody.

Who the heck are those subs STRANGER DANGER blink.gif

Except I kinda know this wren guy from reading RGBY mafia

We finally have more Mancer content so that makes me happy though.

I really just want lucy to be vigged if there's no more content, I noticed (or didn't pay attention and assumed) Lucina hasn't been online for a while and seems to just have gotten online in SF so I'll wait for her to say anything first. I don't really get her wagon with BBM and Mancer around though >l

Tbqh I'm not sure if I want Mancer lynched over Lucina because my original suspicions went BBM>Helios>Lucina>Darros but let me get at this new content.

*JB quote*

Would anyone interpret this as him thinking or implying he knew I was town? Considering that he found me scummy enough to place a vote on, if I were really scum, a lynch on me wouldn't be a "waste", would it? Unless JB is scum that was trying to lynch me and slipped this as he was subbing out.

I might want to continue taking a look at this player slot even after the sub for this post.

Context seems to be to ensure subs and not to waste cause of modkills though.

Not sure what to make of this right now, meh.

Since you didn't say anything concrete after quoting the JB post once again just now: Did you figure out what to make of the context?

So, you're voting me for being "panicky" or for being scummy?

IIRC, the point of mafia is to find scum and not people who are panicky.

Scum can act panicky when they're under pressure and you admitted to be an easy lynch for today so uh I don't see your point.

I should read the cases on mancer again because this isn't cutting it yet.

@Wren: get your read done and weigh in on Mancer and BBM if you can do it soon!

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lol good job opening the floodgates bbmafia

bbm you said something about the point of the game being what your interpretation is and my interpretation of joshayshin's post is that he called the lynch "a waste" because the modkill would already take mancer's slot.

my interpretation is also probably right.

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What the hell is this game. I read to like page 10 then got tired of what I was reading. Screw that, wagon analysis.

ITT shit actually happens.

Shinori will you accept this ring, this one ring to rule them all?


##Vote Doofina

Copypasta reasoning and logic do not a case make, especially at this point in the game. It's not cool to try to look cool by hopping on the wagon you think is coolest.

I love how our votes mean literally nothing right now.

Baaa. Sheepity sheep. Don't like.


##Vote Lucina

Prims vote is bad seeing as all the points she made about him were explained by Prims in a previous point. Also disappointed that people didn't react to my self-vote much (the ones who did gave the exact reactions I expected).

Secondary scumread on Mancer for trying to bring rolespec into this for no reason.

Scorri also scumslipped by saying that she's disappointed we couldn't be buddies this time (since I'm town)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head that looked interesting.

Okay then. You're at least analyzing the bandwagon but I'm unsure of the context of Lucina's position on the Prims wagon. It seems like a common mistake.

Furthermore self votes can't garner a reaction without context. Additionally d1 it's absolutely null read. No reason for anyone to react, and even less reason to expect a reaction. Silly fake reaction test.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Mancer

fuck it, I know I've semi-defended him for most of the phase, but his latest actions read sort of panicky and he has posts like this:

that really say nothing at all. Yeah, things can be scummy or not scummy depending on how they are interpreted. The question is, how do you interpret them?

You voted on Lucina, but switched to this. Do you feel that Mancer's flip is more information or did you believe he's actually scummier? Since you're active I'll just pose the question to you rather than pull up the Lucina vote. Insight to this might be more valuable because you said originally you liked a Lucina wagon more than a Mancer wagon. What did you hope to get out of it? Especially since I can see from iso on Lucina there's pretty much nothing to get.

in terms of wagons my lynch preferences goes lucy > mancer > BBM > prims

the thing about mancer is that while bad, pushing the way he did was bringing too much attention for nothing. Mancer flops around a lot anyway, and scum should have dropped it much sooner. I'd lynch lucina before him because her post and content is worse, her vote on prims was lame, she haven't tried explaining herself since, but if the mancer wagon gets enough momentum I don't mind switching.

I got a null read from the shinori/scorri argument but I don't like how shinori said the number claim was the only thing keeping him from voting her. The rules say there are duplicate roles, don't hunt on role spec etc etc and apparently Helios got some info too.

darros too is eh for saying he didn't want to vote because he was afraid for it looking like an OMGUS. if you've got a good reason it's not an OMGUS and outright saying you're mainly trying to look town right now isn't making it any better.

about my Helios vote it was also timing, he had one post at the beginning of the game and one halfway, after things had started to happen, that was really bare and unhelpful. It felt more off than the early inactives, who posted befo things started to happen.

Cam too posted late in the game with nothing useful. Seriously, am I the only one who's iffy on cam? All his posts are either hurr durr I'll post later or what are literally comments, and then he unvotes and leaves. Areox and elie also have barely been here or scumhunted, but cam's post's are pretty much active lurking.

I don't see a cam lynch happening today though


##Vote: Lucina

Why is an OMGUS a deterrent? What will we get out of the Lucina vote? What do you think of the people who voted before you? Why not pusure Cam more?

Well, Lucina really needs to actually do something. I'm not happy with BBM, but at least he's tried to defend himself. I was sorta hoping Loocina would respond, but no dice. This smells of lurkscum, a lot like FR mafia.

##Vote: Lucina

If Lucina comes forward and does something, I'll be tempted to change my vote but for now it's sticking. Looking back at the scorri/Shinori thing (and reading it properly), I don't really see anything on either side.

Meta read? What.

Okay then. Seems pretty opportunistic and graspy but I'll stare at it for a bit.

I would like to review the thread fully before I make a post. However due to the amount of posts, the dwindling time left, my current increasing inability to logically deduce shit, and the fact that I am getting kinda sleepy (Which is probably the cause for my logic deducing issue) I will at least post something now to announce that I AM HERE, and I WILL TRY TO POST MORE.

Also that if I don't make an actual post today (In game today) I *will* make one early tomorrow, if this game doesn't implode due to large amounts of replacements before then.

Also also, to



For the wonderful terrible reason that she really seems like the only person who has a chance of getting lynched at this point (If I am reading the first post lynch requirements correctly), and I would rather not see our only nolynch wasted on day 1 only to then watch as everyone wallows in the cesspool known as "Day 1 Act2, The Beginning Begins Again"

Although the fact that her posts aren't exactly the most townie, ignored everyone who questioned her, dissipatated right after, and that she has very few posts kinda help with the choice.

Now off I go, to read this thread from frontup to backdown along to universal equilateral!

This is your first post, did you sub in?

Seems rather silly.

Don't like Elieson's vote, but wouldn't discard it being town.

The people that peg me the most worth kicking over this so far are BBM, j00, and Shin. Shinori also voted, but I didn't get an anti town vibe from it. I do like that he's not just voting and afking waiting for a response from the popular wagon, and I would extend that BBM is also playing well doing the same. In addition he abandong it, hopefully looking for a good information based lynched.

If I had to pick a lynch now it'd be between Frog and Mancer Not sure which I'd pick, but my gut instinct would tell me to go from Mancer from my quick/read skimming.

Besides that I have work in an hour so I don't have time to give you better atm. I'll check on the thread when I get home (8:30ish PST).

I'm unsure of the deadline, or your voting protocols. They seem weird to me so I'll just do this and risk it as I go about doing my usual thing.

## vote: Mancer

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bbm for best public relations manager 2013

BT will play some day

Also Mancer, people and I think you're scummy because you attack people over inconsequential bullshit like their wording and then push it as scummy, oftentimes while doing similar things yourself. You claimed that Elieson is rolefishing, while in the same post ask scorri to give more details on her role.

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Screw that, wagon analysis.

...is irrelevant right now unless you already know that lucina is town, perhaps because you are mafia

you wrote an entire post from the PoV a wagon on an unflipped player is a mislynch, mainly consisting of empty questioning, then proceeded to name your top two scumpicks as people irrelevant to the rest of your post. i agree with your take on helios and i guess this could be because you're busy but ??? dude. if you think lucina is town the least you can do is to explain why, so that people will not lynch your town read

also lynching for information instead of lynching for scum in year 2013 is dumb

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Lucina (6): Shinori, Elieson, Helios, j00, Shin, Wren

Mancer (6): Snike, Prims, Paperblade, scorri, BBM, Ammy

BBM (2): eclipse, Xinnidy

Prims (2): Lucina, Kay

Darros (1): SB

Elieson (1): Paperblade

scorri (1): Darros

Shin (1): Mancer

Not Voting (1): CT075

TIED WAGONS beep boop

I like the Mancer wagon a lot better than Lucy still but am Iffy on Ammy's entire post (I can see it coming from town but he needs to elaborate it on when he has time). I don't think BBM is scum anymore by the way.

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Okay Prims, I give. One more post just for you.

...is irrelevant right now unless you already know that lucina is town, perhaps because you are mafia

Serious grasping going on here.

you wrote an entire post from the PoV a wagon on an unflipped player is a mislynch, mainly consisting of empty questioning, then proceeded to name your top two scumpicks as people irrelevant to the rest of your post. i agree with your take on helios and i guess this could be because you're busy but ??? dude. if you think lucina is town the least you can do is to explain why, so that people will not lynch your town read

I have no reason to view Lucina as not town, do you? I have other things I can read into, may as well read into them.

also lynching for information instead of lynching for scum in year 2013 is dumb


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We as a community are pretty tiring, I agree.

Deadline is in ~5 hours, I think. Voting protocols are pretty similar as they are on NS2, as far as I can tell. No night-talking though.

I don't really believe in lynching people for information unless it's down to a few people and none of them look scummy to me. In this case, both look scummy, so I'm going with Mancer because even though I know I said he didn't seem that scummy for a long portion of the phase, his more recent posts have seemed worse to me.

You probably won't be back until after phase end and retroactive justification is hard to get anything from, but let me ask you the question you asked me- why are you voting Mancer? From what I can see it seems to be mainly because his flip will give more info than Lucy's.

Also, something to answer when you get back/finish reading/D2- do you have a case to build on anyone? You sort of analyzed a few posts, but they were all by different people and you seemed to just ask questions instead of actually giving your opinions on most of them.

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Serious grasping going on here.

"perhaps because you are mafia" was not a serious component of my post but cool defensive reaction

I have no reason to view Lucina as not town, do you? I have other things I can read into, may as well read into them.

I find it difficult to look at his badpost-and-run play and go "hey yeah this dude is probably aligned with town". nevertheless this would bug me less if you didn't proceed to spend half your post going on about the Lucy wagon only to attack Mancer and Darros because... because... they're scum I guess. There are times to be obstinate about your reads in mafia and hopping on a wagon after subbing in is not really one of them. at least you're voting mafia

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HEY MANCER if you're still here then now would be a good time to post your claim instead of waiting until like 10 minutes before deadline

Lucy too but that's implying he will post, ever.

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also cam where did you go i dont give a shit about your night flights

fuck you too this is not what i wanted to see after 16 hours stuck between three (i kid you not) screaming children

also holy shit subs


Without having the energy to run through and get actual quotes I think I want to say "why exactly are we voting Lucina again" and "fuck it let's lynch mancer" because mancer is doing that thing where i can't follow his logic (and I have seen him play games where his logic is actually really good so >_>)

##vote Mancer

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That's really long ago and there's very few of those games. Cam's vote screams opportunism given that he doesn't even say that he finds me scummy.

My role is relatively provable, actually, unless I'm like Roleblocked or something this Night, I think that a better way to claim my role is to wait for me to use mt Night action first.

##Unvote: Shin

##Vote: Lucina to put her back on deadline lynch.

I'll claim if you guys insist.

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I waffled after re-reading his post, Ammyreox is obstinate town.

Which means that the Mancer wagon is 100% townreads (until he flips and I re-evaluate my reads). Pretty cool shit. even you cam <3 u 2

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My logic is only "good" when I have like hours to spend actually formulating everything and even then, I'm accused of too false and emotionless a tone, so...

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Cam's vote screams opportunism given that he doesn't even say that he finds me scummy.

generally that's implied when somebody votes somebody else

Mancer, you're probably getting roleblocked now that you claimed that. Just out it.

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Yeah, you should claim. Saying "my role is provable" doesn't really mean much because not all provable roles are town-only and you could just be lying to survive another day.

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I've actually never heard of you being called emotionless. In fact, considering you almost subbed out of the game over an argument, I'd say it's rather the opposite?

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I'm an Adamantite Armor seller. I can sell two BPVs (for money in the flavor, but at no cost game-wise) to two players.

Character is O'aka the twenty third.

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I've actually never heard of you being called emotionless. In fact, considering you almost subbed out of the game over an argument, I'd say it's rather the opposite?

It's last year in November to December period.

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Darros, you really need to play FFTA.

##Vote: Frog

That vote stays till you play it.

On the other hand, you guys might need to prepare some money for some wares soon.

There's my bread crumb, btw.

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