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Old Hubba

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When I was playing the English version, something just annoyed the CRAP out of me.

The Fortune Teller, aka "Old Hubba" in the localization was pretty much shown as the "Perverted Old Man".

I mean sure, I've seen the character type before and have dealt with it... but they freaking extended his dialogue SO much in addition to making him hell of a lot more annoying.

Yeah yeah, you can all pretty much say I'm just a weeb... but I find the fanservice DLCs a lot more bearable with him as the helpless NON-perverted old man who just needs some help.

Instead of annoying you with FORETOLD BS, he just guilt trips Chrom.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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...I don't really see any differences and you're probably delusional.

Anyway, the localization for Old Huba makes him have more personality instead of the boring generic Japanese NPC you would usually see in most RPGs.

So what if he's a pervert in the localization? Did you ever watch anime, manga, etc? There's tons of those featuring perverted characters (and perverted old people).

Also, why worry? You're apparently a male for goodness sake unless you're worrying because you're actually a female (which can be a really good reason why you're worrying)?

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Anyway, the localization for Old Huba makes him have more personality instead of the boring generic Japanese NPC you would usually see in most RPGs.

I have friends that share the same opinion. XD

They say he has that "charm" of being more memorable. I can see that.

To each their own.

You HEATHEN. How DARE you have an inferior opinion that is different from mine!

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I think Old Hubba is funnier in the localization. 8D; He's kinda boring in the Japanese one.

You could say the same of Henry.

Those puns in English just made me die of laughter.

What can I say though? I'm a boring guy. I like Ninian. And people say she's pretty damn boring. XD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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.... It's still better than the "Hubba Tester".

Of course I could be the only one who objects to Chrom being Lucina's "first love" blink.gif

It's not supposed to be a sexual love. It's a fatherly thing...

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I'm trying to find a message in this thread other than "they changed something in the localization qq"


You're better than this, Rey.

EDIT: I should make a "they changed something in the localization" masterthread!

Edited by Integrity
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What can I say though? I'm a boring guy. I like Ninian. And people say she's pretty damn boring. XD

I like Ninian and I don't think she's boring.

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Allow me to say that I'm with Shadow on this one. I like the Japanese version of him better. Yet for some reason, TV Tropes says that he's WORSE in this one than the English version. Now that I've seen the comparison video, I call LOC on that.

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Hubba hubba is a thing too lel. Personally I died laughing when I saw his name, forget his dialogue. Say what you will, but the localisation changed pretty much everything for the better imo. Like Henry, who goes from tragic hero to being the way he is because he's that fucking happy it's hilarious.

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You're better than this, Rey.

No, I'm not Integ-chan. :3

EDIT: I should make a "they changed something in the localization" masterthread!


Pretty much everything is better in the localized version. Especially Olivia.

Oh yeah, I went there. :V

Because she's voiced by Aigis, right?

And then there's the bugs that NO ONE BUT ME CARES ABOUT. They IRK me ask a computer scientist.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Because she's voiced by Aigis, right?

And then there's the bugs that NO ONE BUT ME CARES ABOUT. They IRK me ask a computer scientist.

They're features. :V

Also who? I just like that my ears don't get raped by high pitched voice when using headphones.

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Olivia having attitude is nice.

As for Old Hubba, im not fussed. I heard in the Japanese version, hes kind of a putz and really boring. Something about the Hubba Tester having some homophobic undertones in the Japanese version.

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Something I just realised: why is it that everyone seems to have at least one character they dislike the localisation of in this game? This didn't happen often in other FE games, so why THIS one? I swear, EVERYONE has at least SOMEONE whose localisation they don't like. I think you all know mine, so I won't bother restating it. (Though I will say I AM warming up to him after seeing his parent supports)

What is it with THIS game/localisation in particular? Maybe it's because this game makes you engage with the characters more, and...it's harder to... engage with... someone whose... localisation you don't like...? Umm... Is that it? I don't know.

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Something I just realised: why is it that everyone seems to have at least one character they dislike the localisation of in this game? This didn't happen often in other FE games, so why THIS one? I swear, EVERYONE has at least SOMEONE whose localisation they don't like. I think you all know mine, so I won't bother restating it. (Though I will say I AM warming up to him after seeing his parent supports)

What is it with THIS game/localisation in particular? Maybe it's because this game makes you engage with the characters more, and...it's harder to... engage with... someone whose... localisation you don't like...? Umm... Is that it? I don't know.

Hmm... well, I don't know much, but has this sort of thing really happened in other localisations? I know of little things like Lyn's age change but not like, an overhaul to the personality.

Anyway, perverseness aside, I don't dislike Old Hubba. I think he's funny in his other aspects. It's more of like, just a dislike to the attitude itself, not who the attitude belongs too since it's not his only aspect of his personality, if you get what I mean.

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Something I just realised: why is it that everyone seems to have at least one character they dislike the localisation of in this game? This didn't happen often in other FE games, so why THIS one? I swear, EVERYONE has at least SOMEONE whose localisation they don't like. I think you all know mine, so I won't bother restating it. (Though I will say I AM warming up to him after seeing his parent supports)

What is it with THIS game/localisation in particular? Maybe it's because this game makes you engage with the characters more, and...it's harder to... engage with... someone whose... localisation you don't like...? Umm... Is that it? I don't know.

Uhhh...i really didnt read the translated stuff so i dont have an opinion on what i like in the localization vs the Japanese version. I just really hate Severa.

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