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Fire Emblem Awakening Confessions!

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i literally spent yesterday doing this


completely worth it and i regret nothing

(apologies for the shitty image quality)

L-Laurent, what have they done to you? D8;

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nvm lol it's been a while since I checked my heraldry

why is there no delete button

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Time for some more misplaced confessions:

I never figured out what Tsundere meant, and I'm too lazy to Google. But in America, we have a word for Severa. It's pronounced Bitch.

I make the worst marriage couples ever. I swear.

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Time for some more misplaced confessions:

I never figured out what Tsundere meant, and I'm too lazy to Google. But in America, we have a word for Severa. It's pronounced Bitch.

I make the worst marriage couples ever. I swear.

Ouch. In America, we have a word for people like you. We call them...Americans. :P:

In case you really need to know: Tsundere - "bitch" can certainly overlap, but Tsundere has a more specific meaning than that.

For those of you too lazy to click the link: [spoiler=From tvtropes.org]The Japanese term tsundere refers to a character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck).

The term was originally used to describe characters who began with a harsh outgoing personality, but slowly revealed a soft and vulnerable interior over time.

Confession: I'm addicted to Second Seals. I'm running out, despite the fact that I can buy at least one, usually two or three, every day from Streetpass teams at college.

Edited by Euklyd
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For those of you too lazy to click the link:

What about those too lazy to click the show spoiler button

Confession: I enjoy the Beach DLC way too much. Why can't all the characters get swimsuit scenes?

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What about those too lazy to click the show spoiler button

Confession: I enjoy the Beach DLC way too much. Why can't all the characters get swimsuit scenes?

I was going to write something about them, but I deleted it; I didn't want to be insulting.

Nowi and the Sorcerers have a swimsuit scene that spans the entire game

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You're not the only one, Florina.

I confess that Sumia has now gained my respect. Why? She's awesome in a hallucination Miriel has. Though rather mean-spirited.

Edited by Anacybele
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I have good priorities with Summer Scramble.


Not as great as that Barbarian Laurent, sadly.

I wonder why his hair was so thick in the 3D model

Summer Scramble is probably the only DLC I'm fine with Sorcs.

I always believed Miriel was hallucinating or Sumia was possessed at their convo(leaning towards possessed Sumia though) in the DLC.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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I wish enemy Sorcrers had a red sash, though. :< And that they varied the bodies a bit. Henry and my Build-2 Male My Unit shouldn't look the same as Libra or Gangrel. :/ Sigh...

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I have yet to play the game and use the story characters. Using my favorite GBA characters is much more satisfying, plus the devs were kind enough to give Jaffar Galeforce.

Jaffar is awesome.

  • I dislike Ch17

  • Something about Paralogue 17 seems a bit odd to me

I like playing Chapter 17 against Risen. Nice little walled off area to hide a healer or whatever in while I block off the entrance to kill things.

And...odd how? Because the enemies attack units that are right next to Tiki instead of weaker units off in the middle of the map?

I found that so much fun.


I'm a huge fan of throwing units into weird classes to get skills, but something feels wrong about permanently switching them out of their original class line. So Chrom is back to Great Lord, Stahl and Sully back to Paladin (I hate armored units >_>), my avatar is back to Grandmaster, etc.

Also, I married Vaike to Miriel. The irony of it amused me. But I kinda hate Laurent with blond hair.

Despite the fact that Nowi is a thousand years old, I felt wrong marrying her to anyone but Ricken, since she looks like a kid.

In the GBA games I used characters almost exclusively based on whether I thought they were pretty. Certain classes warranted exception though - I love peg knights and magic users. But in Awakening, personality has become a huge factor, and I will not use Sumia despite her being one of my favorite classes and decent looking.

Ohyeah, I hate Sumia. I can't get over how ditzy she is, the extremity of it kills me. And Cynthia, omg.

I also hate Henry.

And I really wanted to like Cordelia, but I'm rather back and forth with her... Like okay fine, pine after Chrom if you must, but ugh, her S support where it's basically like the guy (I married her to Frederick) says he wants to be with her even though she's so ridiculously obsessed with some other guy...I dunno, it makes me feel bad for her husband. =/ Other than that, her efficient behavior and general excellence is cool, so. I dunno.

I feel the need to eventually get every character maxed stats and all available skills. I probably never will.

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I like playing Chapter 17 against Risen. Nice little walled off area to hide a healer or whatever in while I block off the entrance to kill things.

And...odd how? Because the enemies attack units that are right next to Tiki instead of weaker units off in the middle of the map?

I found that so much fun.

Ok, it's not really odd, it's just more like everything about it just puts me off for some reason. If the paralogue never existed, and if Tiki was auto-recruited or something after whatever chapter, I wouldn't really miss the paralogue at all, and I would feel that nothing besides a Hammerne, which could become a chest-item somewhere, would be lost.

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Ok, it's not really odd, it's just more like everything about it just puts me off for some reason. If the paralogue never existed, and if Tiki was auto-recruited or something after whatever chapter, I wouldn't really miss the paralogue at all, and I would feel that nothing besides a Hammerne, which could become a chest-item somewhere, would be lost.

Fair enough.

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And Cynthia, omg.

I also hate Henry.

You are so not ever allowed in my blankie fort.

Gaius' CG in Summer Scramble is um...eye opening. I wish there were more of those. (i wish every character got one but alas...)

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You are so not ever allowed in my blankie fort.


Guess I'll just have to reconstruct the fort my suitemates made in the beginning of the year with the couches in our living room...>.>

Anyways, I wanted to like Henry, I really did. He's just...x.x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bear with me...

Hum. Welp, this being my 7th game I've played in the series, I gotta say it surprised me when children came along. I know it wasn't the first to actually go off on the idea, and the avatar idea came from Mystery of the Emblem, but all in all, combining the two ideas are genius. I really did think that S supports would be it. Get married and done. The highest you could achieve until now...

Played Normal/Classic. Casual is for wussies and folks who play Lunatic. (If you had the patience to play Lunatic/Classic I salute you.) Will do a hard mode file next.
Used Japanese voices. I honestly don't know how some of you do it in English...each to their own I suppose. (I admit some folks sound pretty good in English..)
Right from the get go I did not use Frederick. I absolutely ABHOR the idea of using pre-promotes. Doesn't mean I didn't like him and his weird tendency to help Chrom in unusual ways.
I feel bad for leaving Stahl behind and not getting him married. He's a cool guy. Same for Lissa. She's JUST like my little sister. Also why I could never S support her.
Everytime I see Virion's hair I think of Sephiroth. I dunno why.
I HATE. RICKEN. Sorry ladies, but I just plain don't like him. He's this little kid and just...AUGH JUST GO SIT OVER THERE AND DO NOTHING (I take some time warming up to characters...) I bet if I did some of his supports I'd like him.

Actually speaking of that, it took me a bit to start liking a lot of characters. I must've been rubbed the wrong way initially...
I hated Gregor and the way he spoke. Now I think he's amazing.
I didn't like Donnel's stupid pot or his dumb accent. Now those two things are the very reason I like him.
I'd roll my eyes every time Miriel spoke. Still kinda do. But she's cute.
Vaike was an axe misplacing dork. I grew to like him. (Utterly weak resistance though...)
I don't like the way they did General armor in this game at all. and Kellam is weak. He's a giant wall yeah, but he can't fight back the way I could in other FE games with Generals. (Gilliam and Oswin were GODS on the battlefield.)
I have a hard time understanding the Severa hype. I know people love their tsundere characters, but meh. I guess I don't as much. Not even Cordelia! She seems bland to me. (Once again, I'm sure if I actually DID the supports...)

Anyway, I had no idea who to S support at first. I was still trying to see who else I'd get before I decided. But Panne came along and I said, why not? I really liked the Laguz from Ike's games and I have a certain weakness for warrior women anyway. I'd probably done Sully had Virion not swooped in and talked the silver tongue. I REALLY liked the results. I still remember the mission right before I S supported (the Midmire) and the rain was falling, the music was dramatic and Panne and my avatar kicked Plegian ass. Good times. I like her supports a lot because she's one of the more serious ones. Some of them feel silly and there's nothing wrong with that. I guess it's all preference. I suppose to me it feels more meaningful. I look at the confession pic and NOWHERE else will you ever see Panne smile like that. It's very genuine :o

When the kids came along, I got Morgan first. I exploded. It's about as simple as I can put it. I mean seeing her with that little tail and realizing I had a child...THE FEEEEELS. @_@

I got Yarne second. I was on the preparation screen and saw that I had a taguel warrior for a son. I move Panne into position to recruit. BAM! He's actually a hardcore wuss. (INTERNAL WOUNDS....CANNOT EXPRESS...G-GUAHG...) To be fair, I had played all of the Tellius series. (Path of Radiance and Radiant dawn for those who never played) I knew how awesome the Laguz were and how much crap they took and dished out. I mean, just LOOK at this guy! Even his nephew! Yes, I know they're lion Laguz but... ;_;
Ah, but it turns out well in the end. Yarne has a few moments of awesome. I mean, dat crit portrait. He looks REAL pissed. The real warrior coming out in spontaneous moments! This is what I'm looking for! I have to admit, that his cowardice is amusing at times....AH HELL, I LIKE IT NOW, OKAY??! He just sounds so funny sometimes...

Did most of the DLC's. Can't bring myself to stop either, until my family and my favorite units are unstoppable powerhouses. The Scramble dlc's are way cool. I like what they did there. But I wish it was for more than just those 8 selected characters. No use bringing that up though. It's done and won't change.

Edited by sL360
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