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There are 468 playable characters in the whole Fire Emblem saga.


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I'm making a Sporcle right now.

EDIT: http://www.sporcle.c...able-characters (English language games only)

Walhart, not Validar.

I got 212. Pretty good for someone who never played the Tellius games and only knows the characters who either appeared in Spotpass or are feverishly hated. I nearly forgot Nils and Ninian until the very end, though; ultimately I got everyone from FE7, 8, and 13 (sans Walhart, since he's not in the quiz...)

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Got 220. Missed Walhart and Largo; otherwise, I think I got everything from 7/8/9/13. Got like half of 10 and very little of 11 due to leaving it for last and taking quite a bit longer to remember its characters.

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I got 227 of the 260. I'm a bit surprised that I couldn't remember all of the characters from PoR and RD and I'm definitely not suprised about me forgetting about 20 of the characters from Shadow Dragon.

Maybe you could do one for the unlocalised games next?

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167/260 :( I missed some pretty obvious people and some not-so-obvious from 7 (Matthew, Dorcas, Hawkeye, Geitz), about a third from 8, 9, and 10, most of 11, and Panne and Yarne from 13. No idea about the last two! For the life of me I couldn't figure out who the last mother and child were XD. I didn't do it in order though, I use that as a scapegoat as to why I forgot so many >_>. Except from Shadow Dragon, surprised I got as many as I did for that one.

Edited by Owain Dark
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I'm making a Sporcle right now.

EDIT: http://www.sporcle.com/games/JamesBCrazy/fire-emblem-playable-characters (English language games only)

You mis-spelt Skrimir's name as "Skirmir".

Anyway, I got 176/260 and managed to complete the PoR section. I would have completed RD's section if it wasn't for that mis-spelling of Skrimir's name. *shakes fist angrily*

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I got 246 out of 260:

[spoiler=prooooof (also, don't cheat)]


I got every character from FE7, FE8, FE9, FE11, and FE13, which means the only ones I missed were from FE10. Just goes to show how I need to play that FE already (Seriously, I missed Vika, Nailah, Rafiel, Meg, and others thanks to my bad memory. >_<).

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  • 2 weeks later...

157/260 Prety decent considering I've only played two games: Sacred Stones and Awakening. I got all the characters from those two. Although I did know I few more characters.

(I missed the Black Knight! How did I miss him?! Or Hardin, Minerva, Nephenee, Tormod, Naesala, Tibarn and etc. I've seen all those character names kinda frequently dammit.)

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I got too caught up in trying to remember ever FE7 character. I couldn't remember the name of vaida (who users her anyways) I kept wanting to say vanessa which I knew was false.

Thanks for setting up the quiz. I'll be sharing the link.

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FE7 - 1

FE8 - 5

FE9 - 1 (surprisingly)

FE10 - 10

FE11 - 0 (I draft this game way too often)

FE13 - 3

Moral of the story: I need to play more PoR.

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FE7 - 0

FE8 - 0

FE9 - 0

FE10 - Kyza, Pelleas, Renning

FE11 - 0

FE13 - Yarne, Libra, Aversa

I spent the best part of 3 minutes trying to figure out how to spell Muarim.

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257 out of 260


Shit, the pressure of the timer made me forget some FE10 characters.

Namely Skrimir Oliver and gareth. Oh man :/. Pretty good score though.

Kinda ironic I would forget Skrimir of all people. Considering he always trolls me in 3-P.

Edited by Peekayell
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Not going to try the quicz until after I've played 7 and 9 but I would like to ask, are Pelleas and Sephiran counted as bonus characters (and thus not in the list)? And what is the final number with the minor mistakes made that were pointed out?

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257 out of 260


Shit, the pressure of the timer made me forget some FE10 characters.

Namely Skrimir Oliver and gareth. Oh man :/. Pretty good score though.

Kinda ironic I would forget Skrimir of all people. Considering he always trolls me in 3-P.

eh, who remembers that guy, he has less presence than Kellam

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Here's a challenge: Can you sort them all according to class?

For starters, here are the characters of FE7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13, sorted according to class. I did not include in the FE10 section those characters that were playable in 9, which is why it is rather sparse. I also omitted the gaiden characters from FE11.

I first made it as a spreadsheet and then converted it into a .html document. It's probably more legible if you convert it back to .xls or .ods

It's interesting to see how well represented each class is, I think. FE6 and 11 in particular have a LOT of cavaliers and paladins.

FE chars.html

Edited by Paper Jam
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