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Unpopular Characters You Like/Popular Characters You Dislike


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I have to agree with that other post, I really don't seem to dislike any of the characters this time. While there are certain THINGS I dislike about them, there is no one I legitimately hate. And I don't see why Severa is so hated on; sure, she has an unpleasant disposition, but I could say the same about Tharja or Maribelle too. These characters have layers, just like real people, and I have fun finding out about what they are really like in supports. Severa tends to make me laugh with her tsundere tendencies but I guess it doesn't appeal to others. At the very least, a number of people out there must like her (and Tharja for that matter) if she managed to make it into the top 10 and get a special CG.

...But yeah. I like some quirks and dislike others but that's like real life too; you're typically not going to find someone that you love absolutely everything about.

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I like Cordelia and Sumia and don't get why they're so hated, but then again I tend to like Pegasus Knights in every game

I'm not entirely certain about Cordelia, but Sumia seems to have a generally positive reception? Though I'm honestly not that fond of her haha. She's okay, and her "That was amazing!" line's super cute but her Chrom supports were lackluster ;; I was really expecting more since she seems to be the canon choice for his waifu D:

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To keep some sort of reference, I'm going to consult the japanese website popularity poll. And I'll say that I don't HATE any of these characters as just characters. As units, that's another story. I just...favor some of these personality types less than others.

For the girls, I was surprised at Emmeryn and Flavia's low rankings, I liked both of them. Cordelia, I just thought her Chrom obsession was weird. I've also gotten really sick of the super cutesy and shy type characters (that includes Sumia and Olivia) because I feel like I've gotten smacked in the face with it so much

For the guys, I thought Basilio was hilarious, but he's near the bottom. And I thought Frederick would be higher up, maybe it's because he's a Jeigan? Some of the guys at the top ranking I'm just kind of 'meh' about, but I don't have a strong reason to dislike them. Virion's flowery language did get to me sometimes, but eh, it was kind of funny, too.

Edited by mewyeon
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I like Maribelle, Donnel, Miriel and Stahl. The first three tend to get a lot of hate from what I've seen, and the fourth, while seldom on the end of ire, is adorable and needs more love. :<

I don't like Lucina, Tharja, or Cordelia. They're probably the three most common waifus, too, which might impact it a bit, but for the most part Lucy bores me, Tharja angers me, and Cordelia's Chrom obsession annoys me.

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Also, I like Tharja as a character, but not so much as a unit and I dont know why. I also dislike most of Lucina's sayings ("You have my gratitude" gets really annoying) but she's a great unit

And sumia is cute as hell

How did Anna and Aversa fare in the popularity polls? I love both of them

Edited by Skysentinel
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I don't dislike Lucina, but her character is very flat/static; she has exactly one moral moment after Ch 21 which is never further explored in the story or supports (no, A-support with Avatar does not count). Her supports with the male Avatar are completely vanilla.

I like everything else about her, though: her Great Lord outfit is really nice, her voice sounds great, and she has a charming smile. Although I always play with battle animations off, I have developed a pregame ritual of sorts that involves me going to view Lucina's battle animation in the battle prep screen. Lucina is the only character for whom I'll actually do this; to me, no other battle animation is worth watching.

Maribelle has amusing supports; Basilio has his bad jokes; Flavia has Sol, and I like it when she says "Very nice!" Of the popular characters, I don't really like Walhart.

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Frederick doesn't seem to be that popular. But I love him to bits anyway and he's my favorite in this game. <3 I mean, see my sig. lol

Tharja and Henry both really creep me out and I definitely hate Tharja because of her stalking the Avatar as well. She better keep her distance from my Avatar, Kelli, or she's going to end up faced with one angry blue-armored Great Knight.

I don't exactly hate Henry though, because he's also hilarious at times. :P:

I don't dislike Lucina, but I don't like her either. She's just okay for me.

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If I recall female Morgan is more popular than male Morgan. I however like her a little less because in her supports she can come off as pretty... sociopathic? People complain about Nah being nuts in some, but I can't say Morgan is much better.

Hm, I don't care much for Lucina, which explains plenty of things. I also really like Libra, is he all that popular here in the west? Uh, I don't care for the Spotpass characters with the exception of Emmeryn and Yen'fay, who I both end up really liking. Sully's awesome and I love her support, and as for my feelings toward the other cavalier...


Dat serious face.

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Cordelia's part of hate list. Everyone seems to jump to her, even though she isn't that appealing, aside from looks.

Vaike, Gregor, Severa, Laurent, Inigo and Gerome are all people that I like. They have overused quirks, but that's why I like them...

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I love Maribelle. Her character is very interesting; while she's easily the snottiest character in the game, often just getting past her 'C' support with a unit reveals a lot of integrity on her part. Her heart is really in the right place, and her mantle only makes her a more intriguing character in my opinion. I also end up using her over Lissa in just about every run I do, as she keeps 'sufficiently proving her superiority', and I her supports with Chrom once again have much more heart than his canon wife's, so I pair them mostly.

However, she seems to do terribly on every poll, which saddens me.

Brady is fantastic. I love his character, his integrity and his self-deprecation. Also, the fact that Maribelle is his mother just adds to the hilarity of his existence.

Much like the OP, I'm not very fond of Tharja either... at all. I don't like her personality whatsoever, and she is an unpredictable unit when trained.

The same holds true for Lissa. I'm still trying to dispel my dislike of her.

As for the rest of the popular characters, I seem to be a hipster and don't like many of them.

-Stahl - I really don't see what the pull of his character is.

-Frederick - Succeeded in making me hate him with his first few words of dialogue.

-Lon'qu - What a jerk. Don't like his attitude.

As for more characters that I like that aren't very popular:

-Emmeryn, but that goes without saying - and I'm not quite sure she counts.

-Tiki - MarMar! Her story is rather sad.

-Nah - Well, despite the moral dilemma's I had to go through to get her, I love her personality.

-Severa - Like Maribelle, her mantle is just a disguise for a much more vulnerable person, which I think makes her a great character.

-Laurent - This poor guy is fantastic.

-Gregor. This guy is hilarious. His personality is the only reason I would have ever picked him up.

Edit: Fixed spacing nonsense.

Edited by Maria's Bro
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Oh yeah.


Tharja, she's like the most nicest person ever. Seriously. Read her supports for anyone.

Nowi, just trying to FINALLY live her life after being aided by Gregor and Chrom and she does thanks to everyone in the army.

Miriel, I find her scientificness for everything incredibly amusing and she pretty much looks after everything nice and neat for everyone. That and she's just very adorkable.

Sumia, clumsy but helpful. She tries very hard to help others and improve herself in order to do so.

Lon'qu, quiet and reserved whose actually quite sweet. Although I wish he got over his gynophobia in most of his supports rather than just making an exception although he'll probably get over it after some years with his spouse.

Cynthia, highly spirited and energetic girl despite the hell she and her friends had to go through.

Eh, I could go on but yeah. I like a lot of the characters in the game and I think they were all done fairly well.

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The only character I really don't like AT ALL is Walmart. I still can't believe that ridiculous lobster ranked in the top 10. NA what is WRONG with you? D8; Walmart is just the most boring villain in any Fire Emblem game ever. Even Gangrel, Valider, and Grima were FAR more interesting than him. Filler villain much, mother of god. "OTL

Random, but female Morgan bugs me so much. I wish her model matched her sprite. It seriously grinds my gears that she has flat hair in her sprite, but foofy/messy hair in her 3D model. IT DOESN'T MATCH, and my OCD (for lack of better term) goes on overdrive when I see F!Morgan.

Also, I adore Ricken. He doesn't seem to rank high in popularity, but I still use him and love him a lot. Brady and Laurent also deserve more love.

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I enjoy Basilio and Gregor. I dislike Tharja and Lucina (Tharja is a weirdo and Lucina is simply boring). I also don't like Avatar too much...

Oh yeah I forgot about the Avatar. He's kind of a dick and not consistently written either so he just bugs me a bunch.

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Maribelle is one of my favorite characters in the game (I was seriously considering having her as my waifu). I also really like Stahl and Laurent who tend to get overlooked by other characters. I also like Ricken and Sumia more than I hate them.

Popular characters I dislike? I'm not sure how popular these characters are, but I hate Vaike for being an entitled egotistical loud dimwitted medieval frat-boy and Tharja for being a horrible person 90% of the time. I also dislike Cordelia for being Barbie on a pegasus.

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I love Brady and Maribelle but usually people react negatively to Maribelle, and I can see why, but I actually like a fair number of ojou characters... and then Brady is just like the best male tsun-yakuza and I love him~

I'm not really big on Cordelia. She reminds me too much of my own mom, aside from the Chrom part. For some reason her modesty in the face of compliments bothers me more than Olivia, who does the same thing, and yet I still like Olivia.

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I can't be the only one who thought Libra as an unpopular character(then again IDK if he's popular but seeing his rating on the polls...).

He really grows on me. He can be really depressing sometimes but other than that, he's a really nice person. And he's also religious. What's not to love in him?

Also, Virion. He's a funny yet sassy noble. And he has great quotes too.

I pretty much liked almost everyone in this game, and I don't have any least favorite or a character that I dislike, really.

EDIT: I dunno why FeMorgan gets more love, she just looks odd to me. Male Morgan > Female Morgan all the time IMO.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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I like Miriel and Laurent, neither seem to be very popular. Gerome seems to be slightly more well-liked than Miriel and Laurent, but I don't think he gets a lot of attention.

Not a big fan of Nah. I don't like her supports with Gerome, Inigo, and Laurent at all. I especially began to dislike her after reading hers and Laurent's supports. Female Morgan, despite being my daughter in male MU playthroughs, bugs me because she's ... well, kinda mean and unsympathetic at times =/

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Random, but female Morgan bugs me so much. I wish her model matched her sprite. It seriously grinds my gears that she has flat hair in her sprite, but foofy/messy hair in her 3D model. IT DOESN'T MATCH, and my OCD (for lack of better term) goes on overdrive when I see F!Morgan.

Actually, fun fact, I believe Morgan's appearance is made from Build 2 Avatar elements. I could be wrong, though.

Brady and Laurent also deserve more love.


...I definitely hate Tharja because of her stalking the Avatar as well. She better keep her distance from my Avatar, Kelli, or she's going to end up faced with one angry blue-armored Great Knight.

I'm not really sure why stalking is worse than child (and husband) abuse, but okay.

Anyway, getting/seeing more of her supports has actually caused Tharja to grow on me quite a bit. She may come off as creepy and malevolent (which is still not really untrue) but she has this sort of unexpected kind side to her that adds depth to her character and makes her more interesting and tolerable. At least, in my opinion.

Also, what, people hate Maribelle? That's news to me. She's one of my favorite characters, personality-wise.

I really like Donnel. Efficiency be damned, because the game is freaking endless and he will be one of your best units (at least for a while) if you let him.

Gangrel is actually one of my favorite characters in the game; he has a cool design, and although there's every possibility I was just reading too much into his lines, he seems to actually have a good degree of depth (and screen time relative to the length of his arc) which really helps his case.

I like Nowi, probably in part because her actually being around 1,000 years old actually does make her marrying and having a kid far less disturbing to me.

Sumia is just boring as hell.

Conversely, Cynthia is actually pretty cute, both in personality and appearance, although the latter might be somewhat improved if the main body of her hair wasn't so slicked to her scalp.

Cordelia actually annoys me a lot. Her only character "flaw" seems to be being too hardworking and selfless, which is really pretentious. And then there's the fact that she's confirmedly based on Catria, which does her no favors, since I'm not too keen on Catria (she's my least favorite of the Archanean Pegasus Knights, although I don't actively dislike her) and the way that fact mixes with her main personality sort of gives the impression that we're supposed to like her in particular. Which is also really pretentious. I'll like whoever I diddly darn well please, thank you very much.

I'm probably the only one who thinks Aversa makes an adorable good "guy". Well, at least the only one who'd actually describe it like that.

You know, there was actually a point where my opinion of literally every unpromoted Mage in the game was so low that I was planning to just use promoted healers, reclassed others and StreetPass people for my magical needs. This opinion has mostly been turned around, although I don't like Ricken so much in his supports, because despite wanting to be treated like an adult, he doesn't really seem to be working towards earning it. There's more to being an adult than being good at slaughtering people, Ricken.

Edited by Starlight36
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There's more to being an adult than being good at slaughtering people, Ricken.

...well, crap.

You mean to tell me now that I've been going about it wrong for the last few years?

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I like Tharja, Noire and Cherche the most.

Tharja-Most interesting character in the game. Having a jealous streak in addition to her good looks.

Noire-Is soft, beautiful and snaps without warning. If that isn't interesting, I don't know what is.

Cherche-Has a creamy soft-like personality like Japanese Florina.

Severa is ok. Even though she gets irritated at the slightest little things. She's like Asuka in Evagellion personality-wise.

I don't like Olivia at all even though she's pretty popular. She's a slut. She's not shy, but annoying at the way that she dresses in addition to her getting shy which is only a ploy so that men can drool over her. She only uses her looks for attention and wanting to get laid and it really irritates u.

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With lot of haters, I like Sumia and Severa.

Not really popular but I like... hm Maribelle, Brady, Cherche.

Basillio and Gregor as well. They're both awesome.

Oh. And Virion.

I like Gerome so much but I guess he's kinda popular.

For popular..

I don't really like Sully and Nowi. But I'm not sure about their popularity.

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