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Most bittersweet moments in the game for you?


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I was really, really sad at the end of Sacred Stones with the last CG and Lyon's monologue. It's a flashback when Eirika and Ephraim first meet Lyon, and he wants to be friends with them. I, like, almost cried.

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I was really, really sad at the end of Sacred Stones with the last CG and Lyon's monologue. It's a flashback when Eirika and Ephraim first meet Lyon, and he wants to be friends with them. I, like, almost cried.

Oh no you reminded me... I have to agree with this.


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Whenever anybody's epilogue says that they disappeared, never to be seen again except in legends.

Also: chapter 3-13 in RD. How the whole army still rallies to defend the castle even after Pelias' death. Yeah, I know he doesn't have to die, but the entire atmosphere of the chapter works better when he does.

(This is actually one of my favorite maps in terms of story/gameplace integration, btw. You, the player, are actually desperate in terms of having to use a small, most likely underleveled and underfunded party against a slew of more powerful enemies, making do with weapons that mostly wore out their usefulness at the end of part 1, as absolute chaos reigns in the story. I loved most of Micaiah's part 3 maps for this reason, actually.)

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The above poster reminded me of something, the character epilogues that take place after, sometimes I'm really attached, and some people lead really interesting lives before and after the game that I just want to know more.

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Shihiram's death. Well, anything about Talrega, really.

Shihiram must have been really tormented by the fact that he raised Jill to effectively the opposite values that he believed in for so many years. It gives me shivers just thinking about it.

And to rub salt into the wound, the Jill we know from the beginning was extremely dedicated to earn his affection by trying extra hard to do the very things that he didn't want her to do.

But on the other hand, when facing his end he must have been really proud of Jill, knowing that she managed to turn into such a virtues person despite all his effort to the contrary with the strength to see it through.

Made even sweeter by the realization that by turning into a person that can and will reject any morally bankrupt authorities, Jill has truly inherited her fathers spirit.

The reaction of the citizens of Talrega to Shihiram's death is also heartbreaking.

The people of Talrega show their affection to Shihiram by rejecting the help of the army who killed him, suffering pointlessly in the process.

But this really goes to show, that they really embraced him. That they don't see him as some dirty foreigner like Petrine did. Heck, the very fact that Shihiram has a daughter of such a young age, heavily implies that he even found his love there.

Edited by BrightBow
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Alvis' demise is extremely sad and tragic, brought upon him by himself. It's quite bittersweet too because he repents for a long time for what he's done. I can't spoil more about it, though.

Same thing with Trabant's ending and, for that matter, Leaf's.

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Some really good moments have been mentioned in here and I second them all. Espcially Jill's Dad.

My own personal bittersweet moment would be Matthew and Jaffar's supports. Matthew desperately wants to kill the man who took his lover from him.. But as he learns, Jaffar has a woman who changed him for the better. Matthew discards his vengance so he doesn't put someone in the some position as himself. It was a very powerful support chain coupled more if you've seen Jaffar and Nino's supports and have seen Matthews change through the game as he lost Leila.

Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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But you can't get Nino's A support at the same time as Matthew's, stupid gameplay - story segregation.

Also, the battle with Camus in Chapter 20. It's made even more bittersweet by Sheeda's recruitment of Lorenz the same chapter where he has a similar dilemma to Camus, where we find out Marth has an intelligence of 8 and Sheeda has one capped at 40.

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I would have to say the death of Eliwood's father in FE7 and the death of Ike's father Greil in FE9. I felt so sad when I learned that they both died, Elbert despite everything Eliwood did to find him and Greil fall to the Black Knight with Ike watching. And then when Ike carries Greil back and he ends up passing, was so sad, even though afterwards Ike inherits command of the Greil Mercenaries.

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I would have to say Nino and Jaffar's supports should be up there. We see Jaffar lighten his heart but Nino darken hers slightly. Especially when you realize the pendant she wears has her mother's blood on it which comes from when she was murdered by Sonia.

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One bittersweet moment that sticks with me has always been the conclusion of Shadow Dragon's Chapter 17: Star and Savior. Sweet because of the liberation of Altea yet bitter because Marth finds nothing of his family left in his homeland.

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