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If you could...


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....change one (and only one) thing in this world, what would you change?

And what would you change it to?

Personally, I like this world just the way it it.

Ah, I love these kind of questions...

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I'd change the world so that all my least favorite music was "unpopular" and so that my favorite music would be "popular".

But really

I don't know. I'd probably just, like, wish for people to (As a great man once said) give peace a chance. I don't know if it'll ever happen for real, but I think it'd be better if there was peace.

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But really

I don't know. I'd probably just, like, wish for people to (As a great man once said) give peace a chance. I don't know if it'll ever happen for real, but I think it'd be better if there was peace.

Agreed, all these wars...

They are terrible.

I wish the world would get along, no matter how different they may seem.

Including religion. That's one of the main reasons why there are wars.

Edited by Arceus
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I'm a little worried that if people could throw around fireballs and whatnot the world would be more dangerous, but I mean we already have guns and stuff. At least if everyone had magic then it would be a fair fight rather than a guy with a gun versus people without.

For people to not kill others because of their religion

So you'd rather they only kill because of non-religion related reasons? ;):

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I'm a little worried that if people could throw around fireballs and whatnot the world would be more dangerous, but I mean we already have guns and stuff. At least if everyone had magic then it would be a fair fight rather than a guy with a gun versus people without.


The question was to change something existing in this world, and change it (or replace it) with sometihng else.

Not bring up something that didn't not exist before.

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A utopia here on earth.

Actually, I take that back.

That would be boring.

A general consensus on matters of the world, where peace reigns and the world is flawless.

...Wait. That's- Oh, never mind. X3

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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Pfft, peace. Peace has no meaning without chaos.

I wouldn't really change anything with this world. Except add magic like Narga said (and also dragons and stuff), but that's apparently against the rules.

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The question was to change something existing in this world, and change it (or replace it) with sometihng else.

Not bring up something that didn't not exist before.

I'm changing the lack of magic and replacing it with the existence of magic.

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Ima have to go with narga, as long as saidin doesn't corrupt all of the guys and turn us into mad, unthinking, killing machines... but yeah, magic would be nice. And TELEPORTATION.

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I'm changing the lack of magic and replacing it with the existence of magic.


**now has no control over the topic (is not serious)**

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Things I'd like to see invented:

- something that allows a person to experience the sensations and/or thoughts of another, exactly as the other person experiences them (I guess some kind of mind-melding device), and/or that can harmlessly any sensation that can be felt

- something that can reversibly and without damage alter somebody's physical sex, without the shortcomings that come with modern sex-change operations

- airships styled after the ones in Skies of Arcadia (which doubtelssly will require a lot of things to get to that point, even moreso than the other two, such that it's even further in the realm of total fantasy, but anyway)

Social changes I'd like to see:

- a lot of things

- but mostly... okay there is no "mostly," too much stuff comes to mind

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Ima have to go with narga, as long as saidin doesn't corrupt all of the guys and turn us into mad, unthinking, killing machines... but yeah, magic would be nice. And TELEPORTATION.

Yeah but you have to keep in mind if ~5% of people had "The Tickle" then that means you have, what, 300,000,000 people?


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So you'd rather they only kill because of non-religion related reasons? ;):

Exactly. The idea that there are wars caused by religion is a common misconception. If you actually study up on any given war I garauntee you'll find that there's always a political or economic cause. Religion has always been used to stimulate the ignorant masses into supporting a cause (DO NOT think I'm saying that people with religion are ignorant. Cuz I'm not, kay? =P). Trust me, very little about war would change whether religion was a factor or not.

Anyway, I'd change it so that I could read peoples hearts and that any and all politicians and world leaders had to get my approval before taking their positions of power. There wouldn't be any of these greedy warmongerering leaders that the world has now. Leaders and governments are supposed to serve the people's interests, not the other way around.

... Actually, I'd just rule the world (fairly). I'm pretty sure I can do better than most (all) of the fools in power now...

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This is ridiculous. The question is ultra vague so the only real way to answer it is the same way you'd answer the usual "if you could have one wish" question.

Make up some answer that results in some kind of singularity: "I'd change that I'm not omnipotent" - the "one thing" limit is suddenly meaningless.

Why give any other answer? Is SF completely devoid of logicians?

If what you really meant to ask was "what do you value/worry about the most and would thus work hardest to care for/deal with" then the question has the same problem; simple answers like "I'd cure cancer" or "I'd end hunger" are still tiny ideas compared to the entirety of the cosmos. Such tiny, tiny ideas. From such tiny, tiny people.

***Hextator looms ominously

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This is ridiculous. The question is ultra vague so the only real way to answer it is the same way you'd answer the usual "if you could have one wish" question.

Make up some answer that results in some kind of singularity: "I'd change that I'm not omnipotent" - the "one thing" limit is suddenly meaningless.

Why give any other answer? Is SF completely devoid of logicians?

If what you really meant to ask was "what do you value/worry about the most and would thus work hardest to care for/deal with" then the question has the same problem; simple answers like "I'd cure cancer" or "I'd end hunger" are still tiny ideas compared to the entirety of the cosmos. Such tiny, tiny ideas. From such tiny, tiny people.

***Hextator looms ominously


I was just asking...

I'm sorry...

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This is ridiculous. The question is ultra vague so the only real way to answer it is the same way you'd answer the usual "if you could have one wish" question.

Make up some answer that results in some kind of singularity: "I'd change that I'm not omnipotent" - the "one thing" limit is suddenly meaningless.

Why give any other answer? Is SF completely devoid of logicians?

If what you really meant to ask was "what do you value/worry about the most and would thus work hardest to care for/deal with" then the question has the same problem; simple answers like "I'd cure cancer" or "I'd end hunger" are still tiny ideas compared to the entirety of the cosmos. Such tiny, tiny ideas. From such tiny, tiny people.

***Hextator looms ominously

I'd still bring in magic, even if I couldn't use it (though I'd hope I could). I don't want to be omnipotent or anything so having the True Source exist or some other form of magic would be far more interesting to me. Granted I could go omnipotent -> make a bunch of magic systems -> end my omnipotence so maybe that would be better than just having one magic system.

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This is ridiculous. The question is ultra vague so the only real way to answer it is the same way you'd answer the usual "if you could have one wish" question.

Make up some answer that results in some kind of singularity: "I'd change that I'm not omnipotent" - the "one thing" limit is suddenly meaningless.

Why give any other answer? Is SF completely devoid of logicians?

If what you really meant to ask was "what do you value/worry about the most and would thus work hardest to care for/deal with" then the question has the same problem; simple answers like "I'd cure cancer" or "I'd end hunger" are still tiny ideas compared to the entirety of the cosmos. Such tiny, tiny ideas. From such tiny, tiny people.

***Hextator looms ominously

Have you even Beyonder?

Omnipotence would suck. Fuck that man

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