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What well-known stuff (if any) originated in the town/city you're from?


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I mean things like food dishes, products, franchises (such as restaurants, stores, games that kind of thing, except sports teams. A lot of places have those...lol), traditions, that kind of thing. Are there any well-known ones that originate in the town or city you're from?

For example, I'm from PIttsburgh, Pennsylvania in the US. Pittsburgh gave the world this awesome stuff:


Heinz's headquarters is located in Pittsburgh and has factories all over the country. Many restaurants use their ketchup too! Heinz makes other products like relish and stuff too though.

Oh, Pittsburgh also has the PNC bank, which I've seen in multiple places in the country. :3

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I'm....not too sure... What IS well-known from NYC? It seems just like a big city with everything in it that I didn't really think much of what originated here...


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MC Hammer used to live in my hometown

oh and I guess the town I was born in (Berkeley) contributed a shitton of elements to the periodic table?

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My birth city, Akron Ohio, was known as the rubber capital of the world for most of the 20th century (four major tire companies were headquarted there, although only one remains today: Goodyear). Now it's known as the city of invention.

Also, LeBron James was born there.

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Rockville's in the D.C. metropolitan area, but there are parts of Baltimore and even Virginia in that, too, so we probably can't piggyback it for the thread's purposes.

Spike Jonze, who directed Being John Malkovich, Where the Wild Things Are and a few dozen music videos, was born here, and we have an

warning people to stay away (they get it about half right, people aren't too social here but factories aren't really our thing)
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San Diego is famous for being the place where all you other scrubs want to live because our neck of the woods isn't subject to the harsh realities of nature. Mostly because we San Diegans are a pure race untainted by filthy barbarians from the outside world (のw の)

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Lululemon yoga pants. Yaaaaay </sarcasm>

We don't really start a whole lot of things around here since Vancouver isn't necessarily a manufacturing city, but there's a big Molson brewery here, we had the 2010 Olympics and I worked right by where the buses stopped to take passengers up to the mountain venues, and movie production is pretty frequent here (or used to be). Tron: Legacy stands out in my mind as being very obviously downtown Vancouver, since you can see all the Translink bus stops and the iconic Lions Gate Bridge and Stanley Park causeway. A lot of cartoons come from here too! Most people around here might remember ReBoot (Mainframe/Rainmaker)? But nowadays we have productions like Slugterra (Nerdcorps), Rocket Monkeys (Atomic), the new TMNT (Bardell), and large chunks of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(Studio B/DHX Media).

Edited by Samias
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I think my state is more famous for what we don't have (poisonous snakes and DST).

Your state is famous for being paradise. ;_; I want to go to Hawaii. The water here is freezing. Anywhere north of San Diego is miserable. /end Norcal rant

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Your state is famous for being paradise. ;_; I want to go to Hawaii. The water here is freezing. Anywhere north of San Diego is miserable. /end Norcal rant

And stupid-high cost of living, and gigantic roaches, and having two seasons (tourist season and non-tourist season), and Spam (the meat), and someplace where Asians dominate the census. Oh, and did I mention crowded beaches and roaches?

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I COULD tell you guys of two awesome thing in my hometown ... but that would be pretty much the equivalent of telling people where I live. So I can't say.

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And stupid-high cost of living, and gigantic roaches, and having two seasons (tourist season and non-tourist season), and Spam (the meat), and someplace where Asians dominate the census. Oh, and did I mention crowded beaches and roaches?

You're ruining my fantasy of warm waters and bungalows and neon flip flops and tanned locals named Teo who teach me how to surf</3

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Man, the town I was born in is just boring, haha. Uhh, things of note, I guess. Two pro wrestlers grew up there(Edge and Christian, for those who care), and the town was named after a man who's first name was Orange.

And that's all one can really say about Orangeville.

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My hometown is a health resort which welcomed many famous Europeans throughout history, including kings and tsars, because the ground water contains many healthy and needed ingredients.

The ground water is also used for pharmaceuticals.


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