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What do you think of the SpotPass characters?


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What do you think of the SpotPass characters you recruit from other games of the series? Personally, I got a little excited at first. But I felt a little dissapointed by their lack of custom animation...even though it is asking a little too much...

Also, since they have no actual dialogue, it feels like they're "empty" and generic. : /

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Galeforce!Jamke. And archer fanboy's dream come true (actually not that great, but hey, it's Galeforce and Jamke's a badass).

I like 'em. I also like the small references they have if you fight 'em (Nino has an assassin, a swordsmaster, and a hero, Raquesis has three paladins, Innes has a ton of falcoknights, etc.)

The empty lines suck, though. :/ Oh well, time to grind Serra later today.

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I did not expect much, since they are a free bonus content or something.


There are some.... rather bad ones(coughBKcough) but there are some that looks.... fine(Finn)

The artwork on the card is kinda 50-50 as well

For starter on one side you get Ogma and his horribad looks

On the other side you get Finn and Leif.

Either way using an extra MU without having to Streetpass with other player is pretty much a godsend for some players, and it serves as a quick Item source for some specific items, particularly Cellica Gale and Braves, so I appreciate it.

Also i hate how Tiki did not have 99 Defense

Special Notes:

FE12 Marth and FE11 Marth is pretty cool thanks to their skillsets and wield Falchion

Finn looks extremely close to his actual game appearance. Also his Card Artworks is extremely good. DAT Lighting man.

Leif as a Trickster is pretty clever. Also dat artwork

Edited by JSND
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I think they're exactly what they ought to be - fun little throwbacks to an older time that you play with just to say "i have nino on my team!"

They don't need custom animations or models or supports or anything, just the portraits and the names. Admittedly, level-up/event tile dialogue would have been nice, but that hasn't broken my enjoying a couple of them for funsies.

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You do know that they are "phantoms", and not the actual person, right?

Even the spotpass characters still have those 3 lines when they're npcs though. The characters becoming silent after joining is a gameplay design issue, not a story one.

Anyway, I think if they could have found a way to give them the basic set of generic lines everyone has after joining, it'd have avoided making them seem "empty" to some, but they're still a nice addition to me. It's a simple extra that adds quite a bit of functionality to the game.

Also, personally, I kind of wish they were allowed to appear in the barracks, even if keeping the mute voice they have right now. Even with the "...?" and "...!" seeing them interacting with other characters likely would give them more presence.

Edited by NeonZ
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Nintendo really should have put a tiny bit more work into them such as giving them custom animations or at least a little bit of dialogue. Or heck, even the "about" section when you click on their name should say something other than "A mysterious traveler from the outer realms"

I realize that these are supposed to be phantom characters, but in the DLC they talk, when you recruit them they talk, etc. The fact that they go from talking up a storm to being completely mute once they join your team is a flaw that cannot be justified in the storyline.

Also, I think there's a glitch that Spotpass Tiki cannot reclass back into manakete...

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I realize that these are supposed to be phantom characters, but in the DLC they talk, when you recruit them they talk, etc. The fact that they go from talking up a storm to being completely mute once they join your team is a flaw that cannot be justified in the storyline.

Didn't Old Hubba mention that the Einherjar think they're real in their own world. I thought he was implying they became mindless phantoms when they came to your world.

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Also, I think there's a glitch that Spotpass Tiki cannot reclass back into manakete...

I haven't ever had that glitch before, my Tiki reclassed just fine. I've seen some people saying that to avoid the glitch you just need to take her to level 30 as a Manekete before reclassing her from Manakete for the first time.

Didn't Old Hubba mention that the Einherjar think they're real in their own world. I thought he was implying they became mindless phantoms when they came to your world.

Hubba was just introducing the concept of the later DLC maps there, where we get groups of game-based Einhejar which fight thinking that they're the original heroes in their original worlds. The Einhejar in Champions of Yore are clearly described as being from other worlds and they're still talking just fine there. See, say, DLC Roy in Champions of Yore 2. In his conversation after the chapter he seems to realize that they aren't in his world and talks about going back there and showing it to the avatar. He's still thinking that he's the original Roy, even though that's not the case, but he doesn't seem to be restricted to his own world or think that Hubba's world was his own.

You'd think something like that would have been mentioned in Champions of Yore 2 anyway, the same one where they also explain multiple versions of past characters, but they just don't touch on the issue at all. Also, the Einhejar can still visit villages and trigger other generic map events like that, which wouldn't make sense if they were actually supposed to be mindless. Aren't their generic quotes originally exactly the same as a mute avatar in the Japanese version anyway? I'm pretty sure the mute avatar isn't supposed to be mindless.

The only quote that addressed losing personality seems to be this one, from the Celica x Frederick conversation:


It sounds intriguing. I wonder if I'll ever get to see another world...




Well, we can speak more of it later.


But there won't be a later. Will there? The cards only give a fleeting identity to the soul. When they return to the cards, that identity is lost forever. Depending on how you look at it, that's actually quite sad...

But that seems to be talking about how they lose their identity and are "reset" when they become cards again. Still, the DLC itself goes on to contradict it due to several Einhejar, like Roy and Micaiah, clearly referencing the battle where they lost and became cards again, when they're resummoned at the ending of the chapter. Like this one:

Roy: So the lady was deceiving us... I'm sorry I was so blind to it. Let me fight alongside you as recompense. My name is Roy. Have you heard of me?

And this one...

Micaiah: What is this place? Has the fighting ended? Then...that means we lost... I am yours to command. My name is Micaiah. Do you know who I am?
Edited by NeonZ
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They are what they are made out to be, which are optional throwbacks to previous games. I personally dislike how many of them don't look even a thing like their original artwork, such as the guys with facial hair, but that seems more like a complaint towards the Avatar customization. Personally I don't use them at all because I find them boring with no character.

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I like how they basically give you additional Avatars to play around with, since they have access to all classes the Avatar does. Some of the battle models just look...off, though.

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I'm fine with the lack of supports, that's understandable. The portraits, though, didnt need to include the card. Also, the hair, at least, could've been different. And they could've copied and pasted dialogue from the xenologues (although it couldn't be too difficult to add something other than "..." Or "...!" To their quotations.

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SpotPass characters are for free, they're allowed to be lazily done. :/ But there's no excuse for paid DLC characters. It seriously ticks me off so much. If FE14 has lazily done DLC characters like this, I won't bother to waste my money. "OTL

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IS should have let avatars (or at least the SpotPass and DLC characters) use the art assets on the rest of the characters that were already implemented into the game so that downloaded characters' models aren't limited to only what an avatar can look like.

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I think the Spotpass characters are reasonable in that their models are all generated from the MU models. There are many of them and it'd take a rather long time to work on them, especially if you add in voice acting.

The DLC characters, on the other hand, deserved better. Since you're paying for them, and the Spotpass:DLC character ratio leaves a huge gap, it would have made sense to put in the extra effort for them.

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For the models, they could always insert other character's head and hair types. I can understand not creating a whole new look for each character.

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They're really find how they are, anymore details might push players to want use them over the actual characters. And they really shouldn't override them at all, so being silent make sense to me.

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They're really find how they are, anymore details might push players to want use them over the actual characters. And they really shouldn't override them at all, so being silent make sense to me.

Not being able to support is already enough of a reason. People can choose to use characters from past games if they want to.

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I totally agree with all the people saying the paid DLC characters should have gotten more effort put into them, even though I only have a few. Especially Ike, who needs his damn cape. I might pay money just for Ike-with-a-cape.

I've got a question regarding the Spotpass characters: are their growth rates and stat caps generic, or do they had individualized stat caps/growths. Because Arvis and Julius certainly have identical caps, but then Camus has slightly different caps (comparing all as Sorcerers). I'm gonna assume that the Spotpass units who start in the same class have identical caps, but I haven't checked more thoroughly.

Do we have data for this? Should we start a project?

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anymore details might push players to want use them over the actual characters.

*sigh* it would be SO SO SO nice to have fully fleshed out spotpass characters (SUPPORTS PLEASEEEE). But I think you're right, some players may end up mostly their favorite legacy characters. And it'd be a butt load of work for nintendo to crank out extra detailed stuff for all 120 of them.

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I've got a question regarding the Spotpass characters: are their growth rates and stat caps generic, or do they had individualized stat caps/growths. Because Arvis and Julius certainly have identical caps, but then Camus has slightly different caps (comparing all as Sorcerers). I'm gonna assume that the Spotpass units who start in the same class have identical caps, but I haven't checked more thoroughly.

Do we have data for this? Should we start a project?

All stat caps. The legacy spotpass units are basically MUs in regards to caps.

Not sure about their growths, though, don't think there's anything on it.

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