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So is +2 All Stats skill worth it?


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Imo it's pretty useful to have before you can access some of the better stat boosting skills. Obviously if you have a unit with a Stat+2 they'll be better off replacing it with All Stats+2. After a while it does become outclassed but it's not a bad skill to put on a few units in the early chapters. I don't bother to get many of them though.

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I find it extremely useful for under-leveled units and when Im grinding 1st tier classes to learn skills cause 1st tier class caps dont always cut it.

For a 2nd tier class with caped stats, I dont see it making much of a difference. Although, what is better than "all stats +2"? Obviously children and My Unit learn more skills but name a 1st generation character that has 5 skills that are better than "all stats +2".

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name a 1st generation character that has 5 skills that are better than "all stats +2".





But in all seriousness +2 All Stats is pretty good. It's fast and easy to get enough of them (even if you're not trying) to put on all your characters, which can help bring weaker units up to par, and like has been said, it's great for filling up a skill slot on a unit that would otherwise be stuck with, like, Defense+2. Maybe it's not always better than, like, Aggressor, but it's a great choice for when there's nothing else to use (until or even with Limit Breaker) since it helps with so many things.

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Ok, 1 question. Should I replace Armsthrift with All Stat +2?

I'm just wondering whether a weapon with only 10 uses are gonna last in the Strongest One's Name DLC

Cause I heard it was pretty damn long o-o

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Ok, 1 question. Should I replace Armsthrift with All Stat +2?

I'm just wondering whether a weapon with only 10 uses are gonna last in the Strongest One's Name DLC

Cause I heard it was pretty damn long o-o

if you're running a Sorceror build with Aversa's Night, you definitely want Armsthrift if possible

fortunately Celica's Gale/Waste/brave weapons are infinite though, so not really needed for those weapons

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Yeah, if you're using any awesome rare/forged weapon, you're definitely going to want Armsthrift. Maybe not over Limit Breaker, Galeforce, or Rally Spectrum, but certainly over All Stats +2.

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Yeah, if you're using any awesome rare/forged weapon, you're definitely going to want Armsthrift. Maybe not over Limit Breaker, Galeforce, or Rally Spectrum, but certainly over All Stats +2.

I'd prefer two or more dedicated ralliers rather than using a slot for it on one of my offensive units.

I like to run a --faire, galeforce, armsthrift, xx(offensive skill), and LB. If they're a backup unit, I might switch the offensive skill for something else.

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i like +2 stats. Im never going to create the most powerful team in the world ever so it doesn't worry me too much if my people don't have all the best skills in the game. +2 is an okay skill for a lazy player like me.

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All Stats +2 is the difference beetwen reaching 45-46 speed benchmark or not, as far as min maxing goes(you did mention TSON), so its definitely a pretty nice skill.

And yes, this include childrens

Heres some stuff that I recalled with this thing

Donnel!Kjelle: 44 speed as a Hero.

Frederick!Severa: 44 Speed as a Hero, although this pairing are basically made for Sorc or something

Sumia!Lucina: Palladin caps at 45 speed. AS+2 allowed the usage of Palladin Pair Up while still getting at least 75 speed with all buff on

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AS+2 is pretty underrated actually. It's +4 damage if you're doubling, +2 SPD which isn't insignificant, and -2 damage taken each time you're hit by anything. +2 SKL and LCK aren't much but every little bit helps. I mean heck, a -Faire skill is only +5 damage, in some cases losing 3-6 points of damage each round to not take as much damage or get into doubling SPD range is a more than welcome tradeoff.

I slot it over most crappy skills if I can't think of anything better, especially when grinding.

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It's definetly something to be used.

Pairing it up with Limit Breaker & Movement+1 (and boots, if you want to break the game even further) makes pretty much anyone a nightmare on the battlefield.

Keep in mind that leaves you with less free slots, but its up to you.

My opinion in a nutshell: It's definetly good early-game, and is definetly usable late game, when paired with other skills.

Example: A maxed out Walhart with:

Limit Break

All Stats+2

Pavise/Deliverer maybe?



Would have

80 HP

61 Strength

35 Magic

52 Skill (A 52% chance to activate Luna or Pavise)

51 Speed

56 Luck

61 Defense

45 Resistance

8 Move (10 With Deliverer or Boots/12 With both)

Why I chose Walhart as the example: He has some room to put in All Stats+2 and Limit Breaker without missing much. Also he can get some rediculous stats for a 1st Gen character. And If he marries a Female Avatar, then the bonusus alone will break the game.

God, I'm getting off-topic here. I'm pretty much saying it adds up. A LOT.

Damn me & my lack of brevity. @_@

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Now I'm thinking I should have created a thread about 'Questions About The Strongest One's Name' instead -__-

Cause the ultimate question is 'Should I use AS+2 for my team in TSON?'

I already have the set up for like casual play, I just need whether I should use this over other skills I have

Like I have Lifetaker on most of my guys, but since I will have a healer and a healing 'Crier' (Units dedicated to rallies), should I replace this with AS+2?

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In that case, yes. AS+2 speed boost are sometime the boost you need to give that 45 - 46 speed that you need to have before all buff to double TSON Anna

definitely not, because not everyone needs to be doubling Anna, and meanwhile these units have better skills to equip

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46 is meant as the default before any boosts are applied, Limit Break included. "Natural" caps, so to speak. LB is factored into the value needed to reach 76+ SPD.

If you want to take it out of the equation, just add 10 to the value to account for LB already being present.

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Imo it's pretty useful to have before you can access some of the better stat boosting skills. Obviously if you have a unit with a Stat+2 they'll be better off replacing it with All Stats+2. After a while it does become outclassed but it's not a bad skill to put on a few units in the early chapters. I don't bother to get many of them though.

Yeah more or less. I find All Stats +2 to be good on peeps like Libra, Tharja, etc. Peeps who tend to be a little lopsided in stats or a little too balanced (in Libra's case). If a character is really struggling, i sometimes give them that skill. Its nice for early/mid game before kids come along.

I'm curious if All Stats+2 is ever a keeper on children.

Meh not really, no. They dont really need it.

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Meh not really, no. They dont really need it.

Could you give it to the parents as a way to help them keep up with the children? It might not make that much of a difference, but it's probably better than nothing.

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