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Man o' Man, where did my karma go bad?


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Not only is having almost no access to the internet screwing with things, but add bed bugs, a bed bug bite (in the back) getting irritated by a rambunctious sibling, and finding out that $1500 worth of USB/SD/Mini-SD/Terra-bit drives have been stolen by extended family members who screwed with our shipping boxes before they came here.

Man, I wish a little more light would shine on me at times.

So how's your past fortnight SFers?

Edited by Inspector Clouseau
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I spent 3 hours cleaning bathrooms and scrubbing toilets only to find out that I'm allergic to the Arizona Green Tea that I treated myself to, and spent another 2 hours yak'ing into my shiny clean porcelain throne.

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I threw out about 60% of my worldly possessions so I could move to a different province taking only what I can carry, arrived at my new apartment to find out that apparently they keep the heat off to save money. I'm pretty sure I nearly froze to death in my sleep.

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I'm 23 and still not out of community college, and have been attending since I was 19. I switched my prospective major far too late and wasted time and so will be attending school at the age of 24 this coming fall at another University, and I'm not sure when the end of it will be to be honest. I've lost three years with nothing to show for it, working part-time with an income that couldn't support a pet dog let alone pay for tuition. I'm not sure whether to tell the truth or lie and say I took a break for two years for work when discussions over college pasts comes up.

Beat that. Please beat that this is eating me alive :<

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I'm 23 and still not out of community college, and have been attending since I was 19. I switched my prospective major far too late and wasted time and so will be attending school at the age of 24 this coming fall at another University, and I'm not sure when the end of it will be to be honest. I've lost three years with nothing to show for it, working part-time with an income that couldn't support a pet dog let alone pay for tuition. I'm not sure whether to tell the truth or lie and say I took a break for two years for work when discussions over college pasts comes up.

Beat that. Please beat that this is eating me alive :<

Gladly. I'm 22 and still not in college!

Now you can feel great about yourself.

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that isn't so bad? at least, i wouldn't consider it bad. i mean, i guess, different cultures or whatever? i guess it would depend on your major, but still.

Gladly. I'm 22 and still not in college!

Now you can feel great about yourself.

Th-thanks guys now I feel motivated and on top of the world

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