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FE13 Weapons Tier List


FE13 Weapon Tier  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Swords

  2. 2. Lance and Axes

  3. 3. Axes and Bows

  4. 4. Bows, Tomes and Stones

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Can't believe that there's no topic of this. Went through search already for it. TSON made me want to make this topic as it does matter there as well as most other DLC episodes.

I would say that the Valflame, Thoron, Mjolnir, Book Of Naga, Waste, Celica's Gale, Aversa's Night, Brave Bow, Astra Bow, Helswrath, Armads, Brave Axe, Luna Spear, Brave Lance, Eirika's Blade, Exalted and Parellel Falchions, Noble Rapier and Brave Sword are all the best. The Forged Brave-like effect weapons are the best by far. As it allows you to attack x4 times upon which every other can do only two times. More attacks=More damage. You should only use the Forged Brave effect weapons at TSON as you won't do enough damage with any other Divine Weapon that I haven't said. Other weapons that aren't mentioned don't really stand out in anything DLC-wise. The DLC's matter as they provide much more challenge are much better than the story mode and skirmish enemies. Because unlike them, the DLC enemies carry skills that they respectively have on every difficulty setting.

These are what I've voted for because said above and that they stand out better than any other weapon in the game.

Brave Sword

Eirika's Sword

Brave Lance
Luna Lance
Brave Axe
Brave Bow
Astra Bow
Book Of Naga
Katarina's Bolt
Celica's Gale
Aversa's Night

Edited by ポーラ
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Eirika's sword is trash because brave sword exists. Why is it even listed there?

Also is this Story mode, DLC? Streetpass?

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Less cost, more crit, lower necessary weapon rank..

The only part that makes much difference, if any, is the crit boost.

Does weapon Rank req even matter in this tier list? I still don't know what standard we are using here.

EB- 6mt, 10crit

BS- 9mt, 0crit

3 forge points out of 8 are necessary for either one to relatively tie the other (I'm not considering 1% crit relevant if used on the BS), but brave sword last longer with 10 extra uses.

The only way EB is superior is if you roll +5 crit on it, and then it's still 10% superior in crit and runs out sooner.

One run through Golden Gaffe will let you max forge like 5 Brave swords so money is a nonissue. Also, unlike EB, BS actually exists reliably.

Edited by Elieson
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The only part that makes much difference, if any, is the crit boost.

Does Wealon Rank req even matter in this tier list? I still don't know what standard we are using here.

The cost difference is nice..

I agree that it would be nice to know the standard.

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The only time I ever find found Eirika's Blade useful is for grinding a Spotpass unit as a Tactician -> Merc who starts out with piss-poor rank in Swords. And that was only once, and was useful because they were in LB3, paired up with Chrom (who was as good as invincible), and already had Galeforce. Kill an enemy without getting hurt, Galeforce back to the fort, switch with Chrom. Rinse & repeat.

And if EB is there because it's like a poor-man's Brave Sword, then why isn't Nosferatu on the list? Aversa's Night is there (for good reason), and Nosferatu is just a poor-man's Aversa's Night, after all.

But that's postgame. I agree that this tier list ought to specify whether it's for story, postgame, DLC, or whatever. It looks like it's intended for DLC, but I'm not quite sure.

Brave Sword

Eirika's Sword

Brave Lance
Luna Lance
Brave Axe
Brave Bow
Astra Bow
Book Of Naga
Katarina's Bolt
Celica's Gale
Aversa's Night

No Ragnell? Also, why Thoron? Isn't Valflame better in every way but Crit?

EDIT: I'm seeing a lot of votes for Exalted Falchion that I don't understand. In what situations (besides vs. Dragons/Wyverns) is it better than a forged Brave Sword/Lance? Assuming that money is no object, and Chrom can just pull a new one out of the Convoy during the Player Phase, what's the attraction?

Never being inconvenienced when your weapon breaks after only one strike when you could have hit twice?

Edited by Euklyd
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it took me more time than it was worth to vote for everything

my actual vote goes to the good old workhorses of any army: the steel lance, steel sword, and javelin

Edited by Integrity
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Best weapons in the game:

Brave Everything

Cellica Gale







Double Bow


Overall IMO, Cellica Gale is arguably the best weapon in the game for its 1-2 property and widespread usage and Brave Effect

At 40 MAG, you can reliably ORKO TSON Anna. Thats pretty amazing

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Nosferatu is on the list.

I meant the short list in the original post, not the list of options. I understand that I didn't make that clear, though.

Question: What do people think of the 2-3 range bows (specifically, the Double Bow)? Are they any good as far as Luna+ or TSON are concerned, or would a Brave Bow just outclass them in every way?

Also, why isn't Mire on the list? Not saying it should be top-tier or anything, but it is the only siege tome in the game, and so fills a unique niche.


Overall IMO, Cellica Gale is arguably the best weapon in the game for its 1-2 property and widespread usage and Brave Effect

At 40 MAG, you can reliably ORKO TSON Anna. Thats pretty amazing

Wait, what? Really? I assume this is 40 Mag + Rallies + Tomefaire + Pair-up, but that's still very impressive...I think?

Edited by Euklyd
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I meant the short list in the original post, not the list of options. I understand that I didn't make that clear, though.

Question: What do people think of the 2-3 range bows (specifically, the Double Bow)? Are they any good as far as Luna+ or TSON are concerned, or would a Brave Bow just outclass them in every way?

Also, why isn't Mire on the list? Not saying it should be top-tier or anything, but it is the only siege tome in the game, and so fills a unique niche.

Wait, what? Really? I assume this is 40 Mag + Rallies + Tomefaire + Pair-up, but that's still very impressive...I think?

GameFAQs is at the point where they spend most of their time planning for Anna.

I wouldn't be surprised.

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It take 5 minutes of simple math

And waiting time to do the calcs

But yeah, 40 Mag with every buffs(Limit Break, Dark Flier, Rally, tonic) does 52 damage to Anna from 4 hits(no need to Tomefaire), which means Luna and DS at above 60% chance to hit should be enough to ORKO

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The only part that makes much difference, if any, is the crit boost.

Does weapon Rank req even matter in this tier list? I still don't know what standard we are using here.

EB- 6mt, 10crit

BS- 9mt, 0crit

3 forge points out of 8 are necessary for either one to relatively tie the other (I'm not considering 1% crit relevant if used on the BS), but brave sword last longer with 10 extra uses.

The only way EB is superior is if you roll +5 crit on it, and then it's still 10% superior in crit and runs out sooner.

One run through Golden Gaffe will let you max forge like 5 Brave swords so money is a nonissue. Also, unlike EB, BS actually exists reliably.







Oh, guess what? Eirika's Blade is reliably there.

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Oh, guess what? Eirika's Blade is reliably there.

Brave Sword can be bought from more units, some of whom will come sooner. Much sooner.

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I'm a fan of the steel weapons. They're fairly easy to get by the end of the Plegia arc, they're not that expensive, I get 35 uses out of them compared to silver's 30, it's not too expensive to forge them and it makes the game challenging, running around with steel weapons with the enemy using silver.

RUIN. That crit chance.

I personally am a HUGE fan of Longbows. I seem to end up with a lot of Assassins/Warriors/Bow Knights in my playthrough mostly because I have a serious love for bows. So longbows are extremely handy at picking off mages or enemies equiped with ranged weapons, and very fun to use against other bowmen, or some flying unit who think they cleverly managed to avoid your archer's range. Nope! You sure didn't. Have fun dying! :)

Waste is a lovely spellbook if you don't mind missing a few times until you forge it. Able to hit twice? Nice. Good damage? Sweet. Pretty to look at? Bonus points. That crit chance? Oh, hell yes.

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I'm a fan of the steel weapons. They're fairly easy to get by the end of the Plegia arc, they're not that expensive, I get 35 uses out of them compared to silver's 30, it's not too expensive to forge them and it makes the game challenging, running around with steel weapons with the enemy using silver.

RUIN. That crit chance.

I personally am a HUGE fan of Longbows. I seem to end up with a lot of Assassins/Warriors/Bow Knights in my playthrough mostly because I have a serious love for bows. So longbows are extremely handy at picking off mages or enemies equiped with ranged weapons, and very fun to use against other bowmen, or some flying unit who think they cleverly managed to avoid your archer's range. Nope! You sure didn't. Have fun dying! :)

Waste is a lovely spellbook if you don't mind missing a few times until you forge it. Able to hit twice? Nice. Good damage? Sweet. Pretty to look at? Bonus points. That crit chance? Oh, hell yes.

2 things:

1. Longbows are restricted to archers and snipers only.

2. Waste doesn't have any innate crit chance.

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