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What do you think on grinding?


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Personally, I'm kind of against it. Not in the sort of way that I feel the need to stop others from doing it, but in a point in which I find it kind of annoying seeing people with the all-maxed out characters, clearly on hours of grinding spent. I've also seen people call Lunatic/+ "slightly hard", and that's only the case if you spend it grinding your characters like crazy to the point they crapstomp on opponents anyway.

Forgive me, I do admit I come out a little bit biased on this manner, but I myself don't find the idea very appealing either...I much prefer the "effecient/LTC" kind of playstyle. It seems much more based on strategy and allows you to see what you can achieve with more lmited resources.

I've only grinded a bit on my first playthrough, only to realize rather late that those weren't extra chapters (see: Paralogues). It's not to say that I don't enjoy DLCs, which a few will most likely require some grinding...


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I would prefer it if grinding were only possible immediately before the final chapter.

I don't mind it, but grinding on the scale that's possible in this game is certainly at odds being available in a game with difficulty settings.

It's not that strange if you consider the fact that grinding on DLC results in more money for IS. Look at the structure of Lunatic+: can't grind on Spotpass (1 EXP and 0 WEXP per action); can't grind on skirmishes (because impossible); there do not exist restrictions on Counter, resulting in a nontrivial number of randomizations being impossible to do without grinding. It's certainly possible to beat Lunatic+ using just the free-as-in-beer stuff, but it takes quite a bit of skill, effort, and luck, which might not appeal to a whole lot of people. What's a player to do?

Well, wouldn't you know it, the Outrealm Gate has EXP and gold ripe for the picking.

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I do it straight once, then usually let myself fuck around with grinding because it's fun.


Arr. My first run was a no grind run.

I also like getting the most out of my guys and seeing the possibilities. So i grind and i dont mind it. I find it enjoyable to change my characters around and get new skills and stuff.

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I don't like to grind on any difficulty above normal during the storyline because I like to play FE for the strategy and I feel grinding takes away from that and I will refrain to do so.

But postgame is a different story what with DLC and shit and not many, myself included, sees Normal as remotely any kind of challenge so that's where I'm okay with grinding. I mean, shiny green numbers is pretty cool when it doesn't detract from my strategical experiences. I don't like grinding to beat the game, but dicking around is totally fine.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yeah, pretty much that...I think it takes away the fun on the main game (assuming you're not finished with it) and makes things too easy (at least in the case of NM & HM, it's probably a more feasible strategy in LM/+).

I don't really mind grinding postgame.

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Im considering a Hard(Casual because fuck the police) run with just gen 1 guys and no grind. And then just totally go apeshit on the grinding post game. (mostly because i grind for second gen character skills and shit.)

Edited by Virion
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I have no use for it, but I'm not against grinding being included (as long as it's not necessary), because it makes the game more widely attractive to players, which is good for all of us. If that's what people enjoy, so be it, it's their Fire Emblem too.

there do not exist restrictions on Counter, resulting in a nontrivial number of randomizations being impossible to do without grinding.

I don't know; I think that I might be able to prove that it's possible. But I catch what you're throwing, the Outrealm Gate is sort of a shameless money grab in this respect.
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This game is designed to be beaten with or without grinding so I don't see the problem with allowing people to grind if they want. Lunatic obviously discourages grinding heavily but the DLC is there if you wanted to pay the money for it and defeat the point of the game. I'm glad IS gave the opportunity to less experienced players to play the game however they want.

Grinding is sort of assumed with the harder DLC maps though.

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I don't mind it being available, but I find both the act and result boring. Grinding in itself usually just consists of killing weak enemies and gives me no sense of accomplishment since I'm not advancing the game at all, and then it makes the game easier than it's meant to be, too easy if below Lunatic.

I could see grinding for Lunatic+, but that mode seems like it would mostly not be worth playing often enough to actually consider grinding on it worthwhile.

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I always end up grinding no matter what game I play, whether its to hone my skills, gain experience, or try out a new weapon or technique I just locked. My first playthrough I practically camped out at the shops in chapters 3 & 13 for their Reeking Boxes and trained my units. I ended up grinding so much I basically started getting serious about it, if you've ever seen my "Spicing Up Your Grinding" thread.

Recently, I use my grinding to keep all of my characters about the same level so I can use any one of them without them all falling behind. So I have them grind some moderately difficult encounters, gain a good bit of EXP and rejoyce! Until I get the EXP Growth DLC, that is.

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I'm entirely against grinding and it having been included in this game.

Except you could choose not to. No one is pointing a gun at your head to grind.

I personally grind quite a bit, but mostly to ...hmm... I think mostly for children's skills and Donny. Yes, he's used a separate reason. Though I guess you can call Donny as babying too (or instead). As for postgame, I grind a lot, though it's for DLC maps... and LB. And I still play on Normal mode.

Grinding is really tedious though and can take the fun away from the game, but eh, the story's good too. It's also a habit I picked up from other games. It will let me use the characters' potential in different ways... even if no-grind will bring a sort of challenge. But...I guess I'm also not too fond of challenge?

Edited by Cordelia
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I don't mind it being available, but I find both the act and result boring. Grinding in itself usually just consists of killing weak enemies and gives me no sense of accomplishment since I'm not advancing the game at all, and then it makes the game easier than it's meant to be, too easy if below Lunatic.

I could see grinding for Lunatic+, but that mode seems like it would mostly not be worth playing often enough to actually consider grinding on it worthwhile.

This. If people want to grind That's cool.

I find it extremely boring

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Personally I like to grind, it can be good way to pass time... and I can find it fun...(I collect all the skills) Though at times I wish there were scaling opponets...

I think it was good to incude grinding as long as it is optional...

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