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Do You Milk Enemy Units For Experience?


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Do you milk enemy units for experience or do you just end the chapter if as soon as it's convenient to do so?

Let's assume that there's no ranks to worry about when answering this question.

Personally, I do. After how underlevelled I was in my first few FE playthroughs, I've always made sure that I'd never be underlevelled in FE ever again.

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Typically no, but if I'm already steamrolling through the game, I might do it just for fun. I will often prolong chapters long enough to acquire all resources from things like chests, though.

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I do it sometimes, as long as there's 0 chance of having to restart. Either if I'm trying to raise an underlevelled unit or build weapon ranks, or to get a unit close to level-up in RD if I'm giving them BEXP levels.

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To me, I suppose it comes with the job when you tend to play defence all day most of the time because reinforcements (though in, say, FE6, I'd have to abandon that strategy in some chapters).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I can only recall two instances where I decided to boss abuse. One was to have a promoted Sain in Lyn Mode in the final. The other is leveling Rebecca because I love torture even though the investment into Rebecca has never been worth it for me. I kinda like to grind for supports which usually leads to me eating all the reinforcements for exp as well.

In games like FE9 and FE10 where turn completion has an effect on bexp gains, I'll just grab all the treasure and end the chapter as soon as possible with as many enemies I can defeat while staying within the projected turncounts.

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It depends. Sometimes I wait for reinforcements to show up if I feel like I need the experience and sometimes I just rush for the boss. Oh, and I prolong the chapter if there are still chests to obtain.

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I generally prefer to use the arena, skirmishes, or BEXP, but experience is experience.

In FE7 and 9 in particular, while I do like to eliminate as many enemy units as I can, I do not like to sacrifice my Tactics ranking (in the former case) or my BEXP (in the latter case) to do so.

Just FYI, when I first read about "milking enemy units for experience," the first thing that came to my mind was doing chip damage to powerful enemies so that as many units as possible get a bit of EXP before somebody strikes the killing blow for a bunch of EXP... and I like to do that too.

But in chapter 15 of FE9, for example, I prefer to do chip damage to the enemy laguz and NOT strike any killing blows, because of the huge amount of BEXP I can get for sparing them all. And the enemy tends to be more defensive after suffering a bit of chip damage. (Getting together and passing around the vulneraries rather than fighting me.)

Edited by Paper Jam
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At first I assumed the question was whether I'd beat a boss (or other enemy on a throne/fort/other instance where they can heal) to near death, allow them to heal a bit, get chip for the experience, repeat either until it can go on no longer or I have nobody left (that I would want) to train, etc. Which seems a bit too much to me like fucking torture, and utilitarian sociopathic murderer gamer though I may be, I prefer to at least be able to pretend that I'm a force for good.

But oh yeah, reinforcements. Yeah, killing those guys just seems like "eliminating any threats that might sneak up on me or otherwise live to fight another day. So if I know they're coming, and it won't set back progress or something like the dudes who'll retreat and get another squad every time they live in fe4 (especially the one at Leif's introduction), yeah, I'll stick around and mop them up.

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Hummmm I used to, you know, taking advantage of the enemy units that would regenerate every chapter. But then on my current playthrough, I just...don't care. In general, I think it's really only useful if there's a particular character that you need leveling up, and just have them do it. Otherwise, it's just troublesome and I wouldn't.

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i used to do it on FE4 and 5

FE4: killing all soldiers xcept leader, wait for return with enemy units again, so on...

FE 5: Endless reinforcements? more like LOADS OF EXP

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I'm usually too impatient. I'm patient enough to kill everything on the map, but leaving somebody alive longer while I poke him? Christ, no.

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I kill everything that moves in the map. Except they're recruitable, of course.

And every time I see an arena I prepare myself for a long chapter.

I don't know whether arena-abuse is counted, but other than that,

in every FE I played (other than Awakening as grinding is easy, and RD's Micaiah's Dawn Brigade in part 3. oh gosh, I loathe her in that chapter!)

I always finished everything that moves, regardless of what the mission actually is.

So, Yes.

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Only for low level runs.

Yes, I only milk enemy units for EXP in runs where I have to use the lowest level units for challenge because they still make me rage anyways, so there.

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