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If male characters had their own children...


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She should have a rivalry with Lucina. Girl's gotta keep the bloodline going.

Better yet, she has the same relationship with Lucina that Frederick has with Chrom.

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Third...kid? When I said "other kid" I meant his second one, after Lucina, because that's either Cynthia, Inigo, Brady, Kjelle, or Morgan (M).

And inheriting FemAvatar's hair color is certainly doable, simply because they did it for the males, and all it would take is a simple logic statement in the "hair color-code" for Morgan (M) that checks if Chrom is the father.

Oh, that's what I meant by third kid... I counted Lucina as being his first kid and then the mother-dependent child is his second. I'm not sure if we need to come up with another kid for Chrom... because if we're gonna follow the OP's rule, then this 'other kid' can be anything since Chrom's second kid can never be a Lord.

Oh, I'm sure inheriting female Avatar's hair color is doable on a coding level. Just...well, okay, I guess there's no other way around it.

For Inigo, it probably is from the personality of the children. I can't really see Inigo as a Myrmidon though, but it's the game's fault too lol.

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Olivia also has myrmidon, which is not gender exclusive though.

Aaaand...so does Inigo. I'm... not sure what your point is here.

Oh, that's what I meant by third kid... I counted Lucina as being his first kid and then the mother-dependent child is his second. I'm not sure if we need to come up with another kid for Chrom... because if we're gonna follow the OP's rule, then this 'other kid' can be anything since Chrom's second kid can never be a Lord.

Oh, I'm sure inheriting female Avatar's hair color is doable on a coding level. Just...well, okay, I guess there's no other way around it.

For Inigo, it probably is from the personality of the children. I can't really see Inigo as a Myrmidon though, but it's the game's fault too lol.

I'm not sure why Chrom needs another kid; he already has a kid linked to him (Lucina), so I assumed he's out.

And I can totally see Inigo as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster, because in my mind, that's the class Inigo Montoya belongs in or lord, so he can use the (Noble) Rapier.

Although Inigo Montoya was also a sellsword, so Merc works too.

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Let's see, I think that Freddy would have a lazy but 'gets work done' when needed son, who would be a Cavalier.
Vaike would have a smart and slightly 'proud' (like Vaike, but not as extreme) daughter, who would be a Thief, but she doesn't like fighting that much.
Stahl would have a kid who eats a little less than the average person, and is in general an anything but average son, who would be a Mercenary. (If Sully's kid is different, then so is Stahl's.)
Kellam would have a somewhat popular and religious kid, and he became religious when some 'divine intervention' saved him from death, but he later found out that it was his dad. He would be a Priest.
Lon'qu would have a shy-from-girls daughter, who is also popular with the guys, especially Freddy's son (because whatever), and she would be a Wyvern Rider.

Donnel would have a hard-working son who is a bit too serious about things than what he should be. He would be a Fighter.

Ricken would have an above-average height daughter, who is scared off animals of any kind, and prefers to just help out around the camp or read. She would be a Mage.

Gaius would have an anti-sweet eating son, after getting a cavity at a really young age. He would also be easily noticeable, due to wearing a necklace of the tooth that had the cavity, as a reminder. He also dislikes thievery, and thinks his dad should become something more respectable. He would be a Myrmidon.

Gregor would have a daughter who is gifted in the art of speaking, being able to learn languages easily, and can speak them well. She also gets mistaken to be younger than what she appears, except for her mature voice. She would be a Troubadour.

Libra would have a daughter who looks very much like him, and is commonly mistaken as his younger sister. She snaps at people for not noticing that Libra is male, saying that it's 'obvious', and get's constantly told by Libra to not be so rude. She thinks that her dad is disappointed by her natural affinity for dark magic, and not staves.

Henry's son would be a well mannered kid, but is prone to pulling 'pranks' on people, but he actually just scares them. He gets a bit sick to the stomach by seeing his dad's love for blood and gore. He also dislikes Henry's jokes, but he doesn't want his dad to find out. He's a Barbarian.

I probably thought these out a bit too much, and they probably seem weird, but eh.

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Heh, I already created a daughter for Frederick. Here's a little profile for her. I also wrote a support for the two which you can find in the writing section. :)

Name: Antoinette

Gender: Female (duh lol)

Class: Troubador

Default Parent: Frederick (again, duh)

Appearance: She wears an outfit somewhat similar to Maribelle's, but still with differences and colored purple rather than pink. Antoinette would inherit the hair color of her mother, but she has a long ponytail with a light purple bow and bangs similar to her father's. Some small curls hang from behind her ears. She also has Frederick's brown eyes. She comes with a Mend staff.

Story/Personality: Antoinette is Lucina's closest retainer and a childhood friend of hers. She originally traveled with Lucina to the past to guard her and disguised herself as well (but not as a man, as a common female mercenary hired to help her), but like all the other kids, they were separated by the chaos going on. Antoinette would be found by Chrom and his group with bandits who are trying to steal her prized steed and sell it for a lot of money. Her disguise is gone because she no longer needed it, but she explains that after being recruited by Frederick or Chrom. Antoinette would prove that she is Frederick's daughter by showing him a piece of his armor that she kept after he died in her timeline and treasured it like it was him. She also shows him a scarf she has attached to her belt, which he gave to her when she was rather little and has the words "Daddy's little girl" sewn on it. Frederick admits that it sounds like something he'd do, which means she must really be his child.

Character-wise, Antoinette is a free-spirited girl that's pretty into boys (Inigo would dig her for sure). She wants to be as great a retainer as her father, but unlike him, she actually wants to relax a bit on occasion. She doesn't particularly like the way he taught her, and he might even end up annoying her. I imagine Frederick would be a rather strict and overprotective father, the kind that would get on his daughter's nerves sometimes. lol But even so, Antoinette always loved and admired her father. She just doesn't like to admit it sometimes. Hehe.

I plan to draw Antoinette someday too. I ought to add a bit about that scarf in the support I wrote though. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Aaaand...so does Inigo. I'm... not sure what your point is here.

My point is that I highly doubt the children's classes are connected to what the parents' classes are, since Inigo could have got myrmidon as his default class otherwise. Rather, I think the classes are tied to their personalities and NOT their parents' classes. It just so happens that a lot of the children are influenced by their parents, so they took on their classes.

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My point is that I highly doubt the children's classes are connected to what the parents' classes are, since Inigo could have got myrmidon as his default class otherwise. Rather, I think the classes are tied to their personalities and NOT their parents' classes. It just so happens that a lot of the children are influenced by their parents, so they took on their classes.

That's a good point.

I'll choose to ignore it :P:

Seriously though, I only like the rule because it makes this slightly less of a "think up a completely new character" topic.

Not for any in-game reason.

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My point is that I highly doubt the children's classes are connected to what the parents' classes are, since Inigo could have got myrmidon as his default class otherwise. Rather, I think the classes are tied to their personalities and NOT their parents' classes. It just so happens that a lot of the children are influenced by their parents, so they took on their classes.

The only character this applies to is Kjelle and even then Lucina can also inherit the knight class from Sully.

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The only character this applies to is Kjelle and even then Lucina can also inherit the knight class from Sully.

Unless the main site is wrong, Lucina doesn't get knight from Sully.

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Well, I think the kids should be whatever class they want to be, which means we should be restricted with that either. Just my two cents though.

Also, I forgot to list who Antoinette would be able to support with overall. Oops, lol. They'd be Frederick (obviously), her mother (again, obvious), her sibling (she'd have one no matter what), Lucina, Severa, Nah, and all the male children. And of course, sibling supports would be somewhat different from the normal ones.

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Huh, if we're being fair with Kjelle having the Knight class when Sully doesn't have it, then the Stahl kid could be a Pegasus Knight. That's kinda the opposite, isn't it? I'd say Mercenary, but there are already two with Inigo and Severa.

Edited by Perlia
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Libra's daughter would be a Troubadour(with white clothes instead of pink). She'll have a similar hair color with her father and a ponytail. She's a calm and friendly character, but sometimes she could be rash and sensitive. She's good friends with Noire, and possibly the only one who's used with Noire snapping. She hates fighting, but will fight for her friends. On the future, her father was dead because of an incident.

Her supports will be with her parents and her siblings, Noire, Nah, Cynthia and the second gen males.

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If we're gonna pick a kid and go into detail ...

Henry has a son, who is very much sane (especially compared to Henry). When he was younger he thought about taking up dark magic, but after realizing that the dark mages around him all had ... strange ... personalities, he decided to take up regular magic instead (so is a regular mage). Isn't the best at interacting with people, because Henry's not the best example of how to best interact with people. He doesn't hate or like fighting, although he's a bit awkward with Henry going into details about stuff he likes to do.

Supports are with Gerome and Laurent.

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Lon'qu gets a daughter who's a lesbian

Gaius' son likes vegetables more than sweets

Gregor's son is very prudent with his money

Stahl's daughter is an overachiever

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I think Vaike having a daughter like him would be pretty amusing. She'd most likely be a Thief, and she'd refer to herself as "the (name)" and end up sounding ridiculous because of it not working well with her name at all. Probably would support Lucina, Noire, and Kjelle.

super in-depth version because i have too much time on my hands

Name: Victoria

Class: Thief [options Mercenary, Knight]

Appearance: The same hairstyle as Vaike and stands with her right hand on her hip. She has the same darker skin tone as him, and her default hair color is his of course. On her left arm she wears the same armguard as Vaike, though it is cut off at the top. Rather short, but clearly in excellent physical condition. She wears a black outfit with many pockets for tools. Her default expression is a wide grin. On foot, her custom win pose is a fistpump.

Personality: Vaike's daughter from the future. Like her father, she refers to herself in the third person. She's just as proud as Vaike, though more prone to lying and much more clever. The best at "finding" new things. Born whenever.

Character Description: An enigmatic thief with intense pride.

[spoiler=quotes]not everything, i don't have THAT much time on my hands

Level Up

0/1: Well, that's a bad example...

2/3: Good, but there's more to be done!

4/5: Follow along now!

6+: This one's for the history books!

0-1 capped: Yeah! Vic's as good as it gets!

Class change: Even Vic can learn a bit more.

Barracks/event tiles

Experience: Vic just did 20 push-ups, no problem! Well, the last few were a bit tough...

Weapon Experience: I got in a bit of practice. The Vic's good, but gotta stay sharp!

Item: What's this? Well, it's the Vic's now!

Boost: Vic's on top of her game today! Even Teach would be impressed!

Misc: Hmm, maybe "You can't spell 'victory' without 'Vic'!" Eh, pretty obvious...


Buying: Don't tell me you need to learn how to shop!

Selling: I could probably keep the stuff, get the gold! No?

Forging: You can improve weapons, but only the Vic can improve herself!

Dual Support

Got your back!

I've gotcha!

Enter the Vic!

I'm with you.

You ready?

Wake up!

Get 'em good!

No problem!

Dual Attack

It's Vic time!

Pop quiz!

Here's another!

You're mine!

Dual Guard


You all set?

Defeats enemy

Yeah! I'm the best!

Any questions?


Partner defeats enemy

Hey, I didn't need help!

Nice work!


This'll be on the test!

That's enough back-talk!

Should've studied for this one!

Time's up!

Retreat: Ouch! There's a thing or two to learn from defeat, but for now, class dismissed!

Death: Damn! Class is out for good... L-Lucina, you'd better not forget me...

Edited by Liquid Snake
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  • Frederick - Male Cavalier, Bodyguard crush on Lucina, less OCD than father but still generally neat.
  • Virion - Female Mage, Father was deemed a traitor upon return to Roseanne and she grew up with nothing but rags and books.
  • Stahl - Female Pegasus Knight, Overweight, likes food as much as her father and doesn't mind her weight. Can Triangle-Attack with Cynthia and Gaius' daughter.
  • Vaike - Male Fighter, a more feverish Vaike, both smarter and stronger giving his father feelings of inadequacy.
  • Kellam - Female Thief, incredibly sociable, still trying to figure out who the dad is, wonders why she can't be a good thief because everyone notices her.
  • Donnel - Female Troubadour, serious city girl, is very organized but loses her cool when anyone mentions her villager roots.
  • Lon'qu - Male Wyvern Rider, brusque and easily distracted, doesn't care for his heritage and thinks the people of Chon'shin uptight.
  • Ricken - Male Cavalier, erstwhile and depressed, taller than Ricken but not confident in himself due to the end-result of Ricken's failure to become Chrom.
  • Gaius - Female Pegasus Knight, healthy hippie, obtained various illnesses due to her dad's eating but is extremely liberal-minded. Can TA with aforementioned.
  • Gregor - Male Barbarian, wise and well-cultured, wishes to shirk Barbarian stereotypes, loved father's stories about faraway places like 'Jugdral' and 'Elibe'.
  • Libra - Female Cleric, but strong and masculine; questions her faith in Naga's willingness to aid her parents, but nonetheless serves her. Short-haired.
  • Henry - Male Dark Mage, polite and kind, shows reservations about combat but while in it his father's passion comes out.

Edit: Names and factoids!

  • Frederick - Keith, Spends the longest dressing up
  • Virion - Ophelia, Most run-down clothing
  • Stahl - Caitlin, Most courageous eater.
  • Vaike - Ivan, Most oblivious to emotions
  • Kellam - Gloria, Most natural stage presence
  • Donnel - Diane, Best at keeping secrets
  • Lon'qu - Ke'nan, Most casually dressed
  • Ricken - Oakley, Least likely to take credit
  • Gaius - Candace, First to object to mistreatment
  • Gregor - Dimitri, Least likely to offend someone.
  • Libra - Petra, Takes the longest to make decisions.
  • Henry - Radley, Most particular about manners.
Edited by Iridium
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Children for the male characters would be great! It could add a "sibling" mechanic in the next game to go along with the "lovers" mechanic that we have in Awakening.

Kind of like the sibling criticals in FE4, except more in-depth.

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I imagined what the sons of Ricken and Henry might be like. 8D;

Ricken would have a son who is compatible with dark magic, and would be the only 2-Gen Dark Mage (for starting classes, that is). He'd be short like Ricken, and he'd wear an adorable mage hat, even though he's a dark mage. I'd imagine he'd be a gloomy sort of person. His name would be Grau, which is the opposite of Ricken's Japanese name (Licht). Licht and Grau, is Light and Dark, if Google Translate is to be trusted at least. 8U He'd support with Laurent, Inigo, Brady, 2nd-Gen girls, and Morgan (M) as a sibling obviously.

As for Henry...my headcanon says he has a son Dark Mage named Diarmait (deer-mit). Hey, if we can have 2 mercenaries, why not 2 dark mages? 8U Diarmait is a bitter amnesiac, and he's rather lazy and hates fighting. Past!Henry scares Diarmait a little, since the Henry he remembers was a gentle and loving father, not a sociopath blood-lusting crazy mage. His support options would be Owain, Inigo, Brady, 2nd-Gen girls, and Morgan (M) as a sibling.

Hah, these goofy things are fun to think about. 8D; I hope, if FE14 includes a child mechanic again, that men also have a future child attached to them. It's not fair that Morgan M only gets one sibling.

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Actually it'd add a neat element of choice to the game, since there's no way every male can be paired up even with the Avatar as a girl.

...Okay, you could technically get all the child characters with a female Avatar by marrying Chrom to the generic village girl, but...

Or of course they could add a few more first-generation girl characters as well so everyone could have a spouse. Maybe a pair of mutually-exclusive characters wherein you get whichever one is the opposite sex from the Avatar.

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Actually it'd add a neat element of choice to the game, since there's no way every male can be paired up even with the Avatar as a girl.

...Okay, you could technically get all the child characters with a female Avatar by marrying Chrom to the generic village girl, but...

Or of course they could add a few more first-generation girl characters as well so everyone could have a spouse. Maybe a pair of mutually-exclusive characters wherein you get whichever one is the opposite sex from the Avatar.

They excluded Say'ri, Tiki, and Anna from having children. So maybe exclude some of the dudes from having kids? Like, pick enough guys so that it's possible to get all the non-Morgan kids with a male Avatar to have kids, and make the rest unable to?

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They excluded Say'ri, Tiki, and Anna from having children. So maybe exclude some of the dudes from having kids? Like, pick enough guys so that it's possible to get all the non-Morgan kids with a male Avatar to have kids, and make the rest unable to?

Well, hang on. There's a lot of different ways you can pair your Avatar, which will effect the kids you get and which kids you may be locked out on. So I'm going to see if I can't account for every possibility here, will that help?

Alright. If you have all of the first generation, non-Spotpass male characters (which is Chrom, Frederick, Virion, Stahl, Vaike, Kellam, Lon'qu, Donnel, Ricken, Gaius, Gregor, Libra, and Henry) and you pair a female Avatar with one of the above characters, you should have one unpaired male left.

If you have a female Avatar, marry one of the first-generation, non-Spotpass males and fail to recruit Donnel, everyone will be paired up.

If you have a female Avatar and DON'T marry one of the first-generation, non-Spotpass males, and have Donnel in your team, you should have one unpaired male left.

If you have a female Avatar and DON'T marry one of the first-generation non-Spotpass males and fail to recruit Donnel, you should then have two unpaired males left.

Now for if you have a male Avatar:

If you have all of the first generation, non-Spotpass male charaters and you have a male avatar, and you DON'T marry one of the first-generation non-Spotpass female characters (which is Lissa, Sully, Sumia, Maribelle, Panne, Cordelia, Nowi, Tharja, Olivia and Cherche) you should have two unpaired male characters.

If you do the above but fail to recruit Donnel, you'll then have one unpaired male character.

If you have all of the first-generation, non-Spotpass male characters and you have a male avatar, and you DO marry one of the first-generation non-Spotpass female characters, you should have three unpaired male characters.

If you do the above but fail to recruit Donnel, you should then have two.

Of course, all of this is without having any of the male characters die. And Donnel is treated as an optional character because he's recruited in a paralogue and you don't encounter him in the main story. So if none of the male characters die, we'll need at least three optional females characters for the first-generation male characters to get married to.

And unfortunately, some of the optional females the Avatar has can't have children unless said children come from an alternate future like Morgan did (Say'ri, for example - in the childrens' bad future, she's the one who dies and another female Spotpass character is also killed in the childrens' future).

Hmm... this leaves Anna, Tiki, and one other Spotpass female though.

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