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FEE3 2013


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Hm. Instead of a whole site, maybe a simple blog? A blog that updates yearly and that we link all the finished videos on, maybe let people write something for their games? And then yeah you could just have whoever host it.

I have 1/3rd of the original 5 hour FEE3 video, not the whole thing sadly because my net was shitty back then. Dunno if anyone still has the whole thing. I'll upload my 1/3rd video to mediafire or something if nobody else can procure the full original video. I have a few of the second year vids (Like prime's TRTR vid and PK's Xiao Emblem vid but not much else) if anyone wants those too.

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Little late to the party, but in response to the risk of videos being lost:

The purpose of the videos is to spread awareness of the hacks/games right? Most games from the past are constantly being updated or have died, but either way, the next years videos will be more relevant. It's about the projects themselves, not the videos made about them (no offense to those working hard to get them up, they're still important in the process).

Point is, getting more publicity > safekeeping the videos.

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Looks like this got missed.

Yeah. Just send in a save (if you want a specific chapter) and the patch. If you've got anything else (a trailer, for instance), you'll want to send that in as well, obviously.

Little late to the party, but in response to the risk of videos being lost:

The purpose of the videos is to spread awareness of the hacks/games right? Most games from the past are constantly being updated or have died, but either way, the next years videos will be more relevant. It's about the projects themselves, not the videos made about them (no offense to those working hard to get them up, they're still important in the process).

Point is, getting more publicity > safekeeping the videos.

I understand that keeping an archive isn't top priority, but it's still a nice thing to have. That's why I'm not jumping into this "we have to have our own channel" business, it's first and foremost about calling attention to our community's projects.

i would help code a site if you guys can find a host

I don't think we'd have too much of a problem finding a host, so it's just a matter of getting a website going. I'm thinking we'd keep it as simple as possible, so I guess we'll talk about it.

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What if we made a youtube channel for it, and posted adds for it on all the willing lpers channels. In addition all of the fee3 lepers would get to post their lp on their channel. This achieves 2 things, 1 the show gets publicity, 2 the lpers get views, 3 the videos will be around so they can be found is a channel goes down.

Also we could post a topic on fee3 on other hacking sites not just the fe sites, this way people interested in hacking in general can find out about it.

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Expanding on Cyron's idea, here's what I think would be a good compromise.

Upload the event on the central channel, and have the commentators upload a short video on their own channel where they talk a bit about FEE3, give a link to the central channel, and basically say "hey, if you like FE romhacks or my commentaries, do know that I'm commentating on this event, so check it out and subscribe to see more".

Since the event will last only a week (IIRC), that should be more than enough for all their subscribers to know about FEE3.

  • It will be a really fast way to draw audience to that channel and get subscribers. Much faster than just relying on forums.
  • You will not only attract Fire Emblem romhacking enthusiasts, but also people who watch the channels for their commentator. I'm thinking of MK404 in particular here, since he's doing many more types of games than just FE, nowadays.
  • If the LPers want the views, they can re-upload their parts on their channel once the event is over. That way, the dedicated channel won't be automatically obsoleted, and they should still get a sizeable amount of views from it.
  • As consequence of that, people who subscribe to the commentator's channel after the event is over will see those videos as an incentive to look up the central channel and follow it.

Am I forgetting something? It's a pretty common practice to see linked/collaborative channels linking to each other like that, and I'm pretty sure that would work really well for an event like that. It doesn't even require much additional organization.

Edited by Miacis
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I like the idea of the channel being updated year-round with new content. just because its designed for FEE3 doesnt mean it only has to be relevent during the event. and having anyone who posts a related video to their channel link to the FEE3 channel would be a good way of keeping it relevent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ffffuuuuuckkkkkk i got shit all man

so I'm very confused at this stage. who, if anyone, is hosting the event?

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ffffuuuuuckkkkkk i got shit all man

so I'm very confused at this stage. who, if anyone, is hosting the event?

Ray's gonna host the event on his channel, we've got multiple volunteers for the LPing.

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You know what? I've just gotten a new job lately, but I've wanted to have my hack shown in FEE3 for a while now. I'll throw my hat in.

Base Engine: FE8

Name of Hack: KoT Patch

Creator: Obviously Kitty of Time Me

What You'll Submit: Most likely a live playable demo, possibly an interview as well

Anything Else?: It has a bump in difficulty, so I'll *try* to get Easy Mode set up for the LPers; if not, stuck with Normal Mode.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Christ we have two KoT's.

It has a bump in difficulty, so I'll *try* to get Easy Mode set up for the LPers; if not, stuck with Normal Mode.

Oh, I don't know what your hack is but if it gets assigned to me, don't gimme an easy mode. I hate easy stuff. Edited by ManriKlok
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Christ we have two KoT's.

Oh, I don't know what your hack is but if it gets assigned to me, don't gimme an easy mode. I hate easy stuff.

Since I don't know who will be LPing it, I might just have the three files contain the same chapter in each difficulty. We'll see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And we're coming close to the deadline with 13 days remaining.

So who's gonna make the case for the first deadline extension?

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