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FEE3 2013


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I will probably submit my hack for this, though I need to polish Chapter 6 through 10 before then and make a trailer. I don't know If I will be done in time. *hits the panic button*

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The deadline is stalled due to a recent outbreak of baldness on my head. August 5th.

What would the annual FEE3 be without its annual extension?

Edited by Stallinbald
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inb4 September deadline
Better get to that first post.

Also, Arch:

Speaking of that, are we going to be picking who LPs what or are we drawing names out of a virtual hat?

I'd like to know the answer to this as well, as there are a few projects here that I would gladly volunteer for, but not if we're getting random picks.

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I was thinking that I'd kind of just hand out the assignments, which would partially be "hat drawn" with weight given to certain preferences.

So if you've got preferences, make sure you let me know either on this topic or via PM. I'll send out a full list to all of our participants. The show's starting on August 16th, a Friday. That gives the LPers 11 days to take care of business and get things in to MK404. If you don't think that's enough time, let your voices be heard. I wanted to keep the event confined to a weekend.

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Dunno if Mikey reads this thread, but I'm also LPing Crossover Hack for FEE3. eCut's hack and Crossover are the only two I have currently slotted, so if anyone else has requests, better lemme know.

Pft who'd want their hack LP'd by some newcoming amateur pft eCut and Mikey are drawing the short straws here pft

Edited by ManriKlok
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Hey guys, apologies for just popping up out of nowhere.

I remember BwdYeti (I think it was him anyway) reccomended I take part in FEE3 last year after NCFC2012. It just occured to me that it is close tot he timeframe where I was expecting it to start, so I decided to search out a thread and found this.

I unfortunately do not have anything particularly "Ready" for this other than perhaps a few songs if you have a radio stream, but I will say that I'll at least participate.

To make up for the lack of anything particularly concrete I'm considering recording a BS Fire Emblem run (Something with more detailed gameplay than my previous "Satellablog ROM Dump Archive" recordings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB7WyK1ziCY - the videos I'm thinking would be more like detailed gameplay guides with tips and hints, BS Fire Emblem and Satellaview-related trivia, and hopefully a solid run through). Feel free to either reject the proposal or give me some pointers. (Other than "change my voice". Apologies. <.< )

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Dunno if Mikey reads this thread, but I'm also LPing Crossover Hack for FEE3. eCut's hack and Crossover are the only two I have currently slotted, so if anyone else has requests, better lemme know.

Pft who'd want their hack LP'd by some newcoming amateur pft eCut and Mikey are drawing the short straws here pft

I'll send you the hack this week, I'm just testing some things before the release.

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I should probably say this: I don't care who gets my hack since I don't believe that it's fair to the LPers to pick and choose, but I have one request.

Please don't read out every single line of dialogue aloud :>_<: It's a big pet peeve of mine and I also feel like my writing is being mocked when it's read like that... like if you're gonna mock it, then just mock it, am I right?

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I should probably say this: I don't care who gets my hack since I don't believe that it's fair to the LPers to pick and choose, but I have one request.

Please don't read out every single line of dialogue aloud :>_<: It's a big pet peeve of mine and I also feel like my writing is being mocked when it's read like that... like if you're gonna mock it, then just mock it, am I right?

^ All of this.

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