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I think glasses can make quite an enhancement to pretty girls

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I've had glasses since I was about 8. I also don't sleep well, so I've got some serious dark circles under my eyes that my glasses hide, so I'm very thankful for them. ^_^

I can't stand the idea of contacts - sticking something near my eyes sends my eyelids into frantic convulsions.

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I've had glasses since I was about 8. I also don't sleep well, so I've got some serious dark circles under my eyes that my glasses hide, so I'm very thankful for them. ^_^

I can't stand the idea of contacts - sticking something near my eyes sends my eyelids into frantic convulsions.

^This. This is why I can't wear contacts, no matter how I might wish, because while I don't look awful with glasses I don't really think I look good with them either. Plus, all my friends have cool and unusual eye colors with contacts, which I want so that I don't always have boring hazel-green (which looks more like muddy brown to me).

Thankfully I only have to wear glasses to see far away, but just give me a few years and I'll probably go blind like my grandma...

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^This. This is why I can't wear contacts, no matter how I might wish, because while I don't look awful with glasses I don't really think I look good with them either. Plus, all my friends have cool and unusual eye colors with contacts, which I want so that I don't always have boring hazel-green (which looks more like muddy brown to me).

Thankfully I only have to wear glasses to see far away, but just give me a few years and I'll probably go blind like my grandma...

I know. My eyes are dark brown, so getting colored contacts is useless (there goes my Spain cosplay). I'm so used to wearing my glasses, that I feel I look odd without them.

Oh, you have hazel eyes? Sigh... lucky. My baby sister got my dad's hazel eyes, I'm so jealous.

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Ahhhh~ I love the colour brown so I find brown eyes very pretty! And hazel brown looks quite nice! I'd even like muddy brown x3

My eyes are also a really really dark brown, so they tend to look more like black. But I would love to have lighter eyes~

I've gotten used to putting on contact lenses =o Of course they were difficult to get used to, but now I've grown used to them. And yeah I still prefer my appearance this way x3

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Ahhhh~ I love the colour brown so I find brown eyes very pretty! And hazel brown looks quite nice! I'd even like muddy brown x3

My eyes are also a really really dark brown, so they tend to look more like black. But I would love to have lighter eyes~

I've gotten used to putting on contact lenses =o Of course they were difficult to get used to, but now I've grown used to them. And yeah I still prefer my appearance this way x3

I'd probably like my eyes more if brown wasn't my sole color, save for some chlorine staining in my hair. And my sister didn't get both my father's hazel eyes and golden-brown hair. Lucky. ._.

I can barely put anything near my eye - eye drops are a pain to use because it just starts twitching like crazy. And I never wear makeup, so I don't bother with eyeliner either.

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Part of the reasons I dropped contacts after I tried the was because having only one lens in feels really awkward, especially in extreme temperatures.

And colored contacts would've just been crazy weird. I already have central heterochromia with blue->goldish brown. Then my other eye is a different color? GET OUTTA HERE.

But no, seriously - wearing a contact in rochester when it was 4 degrees out and walking a mile to class made me feel like I had ice. On my eye.

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this guy i know uses a prescription monocle

he let me borrow it, this was recorded for history

it's my skype pic

I'm gonna have to see that / look into it at some point

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I can't stand the idea of contacts - sticking something near my eyes sends my eyelids into frantic convulsions.

What why D: I LOVE using contacts... but the thing with me is that I guess my eyes get dry easily so I end up needing those moistening drops for contacts. :/ I don't mind the process of cleaning and putting on contacts, and I won't forget...

....I'm just pretty lazy. so I end up wearing glasses anyway... I wouldn't bother with contacts to change your eye color cause I don't really care. I use it so I can actually see! but if I wasn't so lazy and my eyes didn't get dry so easily, I would be wearing contacts more. Glasses are so troublesome and then they fog up when you go indoors after walking in the rain. :/ Even for a brief moment.

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you lucky people and your good eyesight

i like how i look with glasses more but my eyesight is still pretty shitty

Yeah, my eyesight is absolutely terrible without glasses. Eye exam test, giant E and I only saw 3 black bars and didn't connect the dots (or lines in this case)... embarrassing x.x

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Yeah, my eyesight is absolutely terrible without glasses. Eye exam test, giant E and I only saw 3 black bars and didn't connect the dots (or lines in this case)... embarrassing x.x

You couldn't see the biggest E on that exam?!

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My asymmetric vision is horribly skewed. My right eye is pretty freaking dreadful - it's bad enough my depth perception without correction is very poor. 20/20 in the left, but 20/80​ in the right.

haha not like you're a total stranger i'm not comfortable adding on skype right?

They're onto me. EJECT

Actually, I've just never seriously looked into a prescription monocle. Since my left eye is fine, I read without one, and it's mainly a matter of depth perception, which matters most for moving around/recreation. Not monocle stuff.
But boy let me tell you, it sure felt like the years of being poor in sports in elementary school were justified once I found out just how bad my depth perception was.

Not that I'm good with glasses or anything.

Edited by Sheth
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Yeah, most women look more attractive with glasses than without. But there are some who still look just as attractive either way.

I'm quite fond of women in thick red-rimmed glasses. I can't really explain why.

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