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Me Gushing About The Bride Class

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I find it amusing that the ladies can be brides without finding a companion first.

LOL good point. It seems I usually got someone to a Bride class after they married. xD

I see your Amelia and raise you a Nepheenee.

I'm kind of bummed that the only way Brides can take advantage of their Magic offensively is to use a Shockstick.

Nephenee! Too bad I don't think I really changed a DLC character to Bride...

That is really too bad... Kinda sucks with only using staves for Brides. But it'd be too OP if they changed Staves to Tomes for Bride. It'd be like, Lances, Bows, and Tomes? Whoa. At least on Normal, Olivia and Lucina being Brides and equipping Bows still fared okay~

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I totally wish there was a Groom class...

Fortunately, Silvia's magic stat makes her the best healer I have right now, so the fact that I second sealed Lissa and Libra doesn't hurt so much anymore.

But I'm a bit miffed about the lances. Silvia's best stat is her speed, but magic's a close second with the way she levels. The only way I can exploit this is with shocksticks, and shocksticks got seriously shafted in the range department. I'm super glad I made Silvia go get Galeforce for Morgan, because she's already B-rank with lances, but still.

But in a way, the Dread Fighter class got shafted too. I mean there's a lot of female characters would have an easy time being a bride. Sumia and Cordelia for starters, Lissa and Maribelle definitely, and from the children characters Noire, Lucina and Cynthia would also be good options. (Especially a Libra!Noire. My sister's Libra!Noire makes her Avatar look like a flower girl.) But out of the axe/sword/tome combination for the Dread Fighter class, it's pretty difficult to find a guy who has enough magic to use the tomes at all, and if they do, they're probably weaker in the strength department. The only two males I have that could make quick work of the Dread Fighter class is Morgan - obviously - and Henry. And Henry's only able to because his wife being blessed by Lady Luck is seriously rubbing off on him.

Long story short: the Bride class has more people you can use it for and still have them do well without having to seriously grind their weapon ranks in order to get the full feel of the class.

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IMO DF is actually better than Bride

- DF allowed Male to use Tomes globally. Thats awesome

- DF Pair Up Bonus is pretty solid. 3 STR, 1 MAG, and 1 SPD is almost GM level of good for mixed units, and GM is not a global class tree. Yes Bride's pair up bonus is hax, but thats for another day

- Agressor is amazing

Also the best Bride is Tharja

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I like Libra as Dread Fighter for postgame when I don't need his staff utility as much, personally. His strength and mag are both alright enough to use both weapons not terribly.

My MU would make a shitty-ass bride, though. Magic is one of her worst stats (the only thing that took longer to cap is res and that's her weak stat) and the only thing she has anything resembling a rank in that class is lances. I think she has a D in bows and staves and that's purely from stepping on too many sparkly tiles when I went through Assassin for Pass and War Cleric for Renewal :B

On the other hand she has all Dread Fighter ranks at A and I kinda want to see how high I can get her single non-critical non-activation skill attack to go, so Aggressor would be cool there.


Edited by Thor Odinson
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Well I don't know whether it was her choice to wear "skimpy" outfit.

She had to wear it cause she had to make money and you really can't make money by wearing "normal" clothes

EDIT: And also in her portrait, she covers her body with her arms. So yeah...

She's known as a Feroxi treasure, I think she'd be famous enough to dance in anything and still make money. D: Then again, I haven't unlocked all the supports yet, so maybe she isn't that famous...

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A question about bride, since I have the dlc and the bouquet but haven't reclassed anyone yet, do they get mage movement in sand? If so I might use it for my support unlocking runs.

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I'm kind of bummed that the only way Brides can take advantage of their Magic offensively is to use a Shockstick.

I agree. However if the Bride class got tomes, then the Dread Fighter would likely use staves. I see the Dread Fighter as a ruthless class, so I don't see staves very fitting for one.

I wonder why there is not a magical bow. Maybe it's because multiple classes use tomes at 2-range, too, whereas the other three physical weapons are typically 1-range.

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I wonder why the Shockstick cannot attack at 2-range. I find it very odd that the Levin Sword and the Bolt Axe are very capable of doing so, and yet the Shockstick cannot.


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Well if Bride got swords or axes instead of lances they'd still have access to 1-2 range magic via Levin Sword or Bolt Axe. Sword would've fit Eirika's original class, anyway.

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Tbh I think the weapons are fine. It's the choice of Eirika that doesn't fit. It would have made a lot more sense to make, say, Elincia give the Bride Bouquet. She actually used staves in her games and I think lances (or was it just swords? still makes more sense for her to use lances than Eirika either way), and imo she fits the class better than Eirika does.

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Tbh I think the weapons are fine. It's the choice of Eirika that doesn't fit. It would have made a lot more sense to make, say, Elincia give the Bride Bouquet. She actually used staves in her games and I think lances (or was it just swords? still makes more sense for her to use lances than Eirika either way), and imo she fits the class better than Eirika does.

Elincia had an unbreakable preferred brave sword, Amiti. She used swords and staves in her game.

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She's known as a Feroxi treasure, I think she'd be famous enough to dance in anything and still make money. D: Then again, I haven't unlocked all the supports yet, so maybe she isn't that famous...

Hm... Good point.

But then again people can start losing interest on her if she stopped wearing her outfit

You know how most men are :\

Also I haven't unlocked all the supports either, so I too am not sure on Olivia's level of fame :3

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I'm not the biggest fan of Bride's weapon set (though it makes sense from a gameplay standpoint), and it is just me or do Build 2 people not get the awesome animations that come with it? And yeah yeah map sprite genericness, though the model is very nice. Sparkles and all~ And Rally Heart is just so awesome I put it on everyone that rallies.

Guess you have to take the good with the bad...

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A question about bride, since I have the dlc and the bouquet but haven't reclassed anyone yet, do they get mage movement in sand? If so I might use it for my support unlocking runs.

You know what? I dont know! THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION!

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A question about bride, since I have the dlc and the bouquet but haven't reclassed anyone yet, do they get mage movement in sand? If so I might use it for my support unlocking runs.

You know what? I dont know! THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION!

I shall find out!

I will edit this post when I test it out.

Edit: I actually have no clue either. I don't know which map is good to test this since all I can do is use Reeking Boxes to test... I think they were still moving 6 steps in the sand, but then the maps I tested on have tiles that ...probably aren't hindering their movement? Considering Inigo was moving like 5 steps (though he has 6 total).

Edited by Cordelia
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I like Libra as Dread Fighter for postgame when I don't need his staff utility as much, personally. His strength and mag are both alright enough to use both weapons not terribly.

My MU would make a shitty-ass bride, though. Magic is one of her worst stats (the only thing that took longer to cap is res and that's her weak stat) and the only thing she has anything resembling a rank in that class is lances. I think she has a D in bows and staves and that's purely from stepping on too many sparkly tiles when I went through Assassin for Pass and War Cleric for Renewal :B

On the other hand she has all Dread Fighter ranks at A and I kinda want to see how high I can get her single non-critical non-activation skill attack to go, so Aggressor would be cool there.


I certainly agree that females should get something like Dread Fighter. For one thing, it could make Maribelle|Lucina all kinds of viable, as Dark Flier Lucina isn't particularly durable and can't wield swords. I guess I just really like my dual-use classes (Str and Mag together), and am sad that females kind of got shafted as far as that goes, weapon-wise (Shockstick is not quite horribad, but the Levin Sword and Bolt Axe are SO much better it's not even funny). And Morgan (F) would make a super kick-ass DF.


But in a way, the Dread Fighter class got shafted too. I mean there's a lot of female characters would have an easy time being a bride. Sumia and Cordelia for starters, Lissa and Maribelle definitely, and from the children characters Noire, Lucina and Cynthia would also be good options. (Especially a Libra!Noire. My sister's Libra!Noire makes her Avatar look like a flower girl.) But out of the axe/sword/tome combination for the Dread Fighter class, it's pretty difficult to find a guy who has enough magic to use the tomes at all, and if they do, they're probably weaker in the strength department. The only two males I have that could make quick work of the Dread Fighter class is Morgan - obviously - and Henry. And Henry's only able to because his wife being blessed by Lady Luck is seriously rubbing off on him.

Long story short: the Bride class has more people you can use it for and still have them do well without having to seriously grind their weapon ranks in order to get the full feel of the class.

While there may be more females who have an "easy" time being a Bride, the class just has so much wasted potential compared to DF. Yes, for must males you'd have to grind Mag/Res, but the end result is amazing. IMO, Bride has no similarly spectacular payoff as far as combat is concerned. Also, Owain and Brady (with their moms' growths/modifiers) should make awesome Dread Fighters (I haven't tried yet, but looking at it in theory, they should). Morgan (M) too, of course.

grr I wish Morgan (F) had acces to such an awesome class.

Anyways, I just find Bride underwhelming compared to Dread Fighter. I love Dread Fighter to pieces, and if Bride got any of the DF weapons I would use it in a heartbeat. As it is, it has great stat caps, but no good Mag-based weapon to make good use of that awesome Mag stat. However, it seems like a great support class, so I'll probably use it for FoD and TSON, or at least the skills.

Also, I see no reason to have the map sprite be so generic, however. At least the Dread Fighter sprite has a cool-looking helmet, even if it's not present in the animation, but the Bride just has a silly-looking poof-y veil. Simply using the unit's hair would make me like it more.

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