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Mother's Day

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I hate all holidays. All nothing but more excuses generated by companies to make more money.


I think Mother's Day is kind of dumb, though, along with most holidays for that matter. The only holidays I really celebrate are Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine's Day.

I don't think I even said "Happy Mother's Day" to my mom yesterday.

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I know I didn't.

Yesterday I had totally avoided the internet because I was playing Awakening all day. Then today I see Mother's Day all over the place and FUCK.

Luckily it wasn't Mother's Day in the UK.

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I hate all holidays. All nothing but more excuses generated by companies to make more money.

Hey, hey! Be careful! You could cut someone with that edge.

Anyway, me, my brother, my mom, and her parents had a nice dinner and some CAKE. Then, my brother and I teased my mom about the ONE BEER she had the other day while on the way home. Once we arrived, my mom decided that it would be a good time to sing "We Are Young" in the most awful voice possible, all while whipping her hair back and forth and laughing like a lunatic. (My brother and I were also laughing, too. 'Twas a gay old time!)

Mother's Day is wonderful and I hope everyone else had a nice time with their moms.

Edited by Esme
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Usually our family goes out to lunch or dinner, but since my mom and grandma were away shopping, I decided to make food myself this year. My friend gave me a particularly tasty chicken enchilada recipe which had been well received before. Except it takes quite a while to make, and usually I had my dad to help me. This mother's day, my older brother was home for once, and I managed to wrangle him into helping as well, hehehehe. You see, my parents let him get away with everything...but THIS TIME:

Me: Brother, can you dice the bell peppers and onions? I'm going to use them for the enchilada filling.

Bro: I'm not good at chopping vegetables. You don't want me to deform them.

Dad: Oh, okay, you don't have to.


Mwahahahahaha :evil: All for the greater good in contributing to make a relaxing and happy mother's day for my mom and grandma.

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What the

Oh... I thought you were... childless so far. But Kitty of Time saying "my mom, Tangerine" - as Fre would put it - "confuzzled" me. DX

Not yet

She's still ripening.


W-wait, daughter??...... Oh~ I seeeeeee


Yeah, stop confuzzling the new people... like me! D:< Edited by Fruit Ninja
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You're such an easy target.

People aren't even trying to confuse you, you just do it to yourself.

You should probably just browse this forum while your brain's on standby

like I do.

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Oh... I thought you were... childless so far. But Kitty of Time saying "my mom, Tangerine" - as Fre would put it - "confuzzled" me. DX

actually am i the only one who finds this whole topic really, really creepy

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You're such an easy target.

People aren't even trying to confuse you, you just do it to yourself.

You should probably just browse this forum while your brain's on standby

like I do.

I am, I am.

But I wouldn't say I'm confusing myself. I just lack context... probably... I think...

Anyway, I come here to... interact... and relax... so I guess I browse on stand-by.


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I hate all holidays. All nothing but more excuses generated by companies to make more money.

That isn't completely true. I mean, it is quite possible that they were generated for this reason. But, I've realized that for certain holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter+April Fools and Pesach) this 2012-13 season, I got into the spirit a bit without even meaning to. In other words, I'm a soulless baaaaah.

Edited by SeverIan
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...Tangerine has a daughter...? ._.

I never knew that...

Yeah, Tangerine totally has a kid that is only four years younger than her.
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