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Currently on FINAL CHAPTER of my first ever run of FE4; any last minute advice?

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Ok, made it to Velthomer and I'm almost ready to talk to Aida. Here comes the long list of people's inventory. I'll also list the level they are at as well if that's necessary (Everyone I used and listed is promoted). I appreciate any feedback on who should get and pass on what so I know who to warp/return back to a castle and change. Also, I was wondering what happened to items in the pawn shop; do they disappear once the second gen begins? And is it worth it to put everyone through the arena at this point, even if their level or wallet is capped?

Anyways, here is everyone's stuff:

Sigurd Lvl 30

Silver Sword

Steel Lance


Paragon Ring

Return Ring

Midayle Lvl 28 (married to Briggid)

Iron Bow (lol)

Killer Bow (this was his main bow during First gen, but I'm planning to give it back to Jamke since he can't pass on to Faval)

Barrier Ring

Renewal Ring

Thunder Sword (for Patty)

Lewyn Lvl 24 (married to Ferry)


Forseti (this thing is AWESOME :D)

Heal Staff

Azel Lvl 24 (married to Tailto)



Steel Sword

Skill Ring

Speed Ring

Jamke Lvl 25 (married to Adean)

Steel Bow

Silver Bow

Brave Bow

Claude Lvl 28 (married to Sylvia)


Fortify Staff

Heal Staff

Valkyrie Staff

Lex Lvl 30 (married to Ayra)

Iron Axe

Steel Axe

Silver Axe

Hand Axe

Brave Axe

Raquesis Lvl 30 (married to Finn)

Miracle Sword

Earth Sword

Mend Staff

Return Staff

Return Ring

Silver Lance (planning on selling)

Fire (planning on selling)

Ayra Lvl 26 (married to Lex)

Steel Blade

Silver Sword

Armor Slayer

Wing Clipper

Brave Sword

Ferry Lvl 23 (married to Lewyn)

Slim Lance

Slim Sword

Wind Sword

Horse Slayer

Brave Lance


Tailto Lvl 20 (married to Azel)


Iron Sword

Magic Ring

Sylvia Lvl 16 (married to Claud)

Slim Sword

Defender Sword

Leg Ring

Adean Lvl 30 (married to Jamke)


Physic Staff

Warp Staff

Recover Staff

Restore Staff

Briggid Lvl 26 (married to Midayle)

Steel Bow


Here are all the weapons in the Pawn Shop:

1 Iron Sword

2 Steel Swords

2 Iron Blades

1 Slim Sword

3 Iron Lances

1 Steel Lance

1 Aura

1 Silence Staff

1 Sleep Staff

1 Power Ring (was planning on giving to Jamke, but he's a little short on gold...)

There are no items in storage to my knowledge, nor do any of the other guys I didn't use have anything on them (except Dew, but all he has is an Iron Sword).

Let me know if anything should be changed. Thank you guys so much for the advice so far!

(PS: I'm assuming there wasn't, but was there anything I could've done to save poor Quan and Ethlyn??? I feel awful about what happened to them.... :sob: )

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the only way you could have "saved" Cuan and Ethlin is by sending a really really strong Fury down there and killing the wyverns while continuously healing Ethlin, and Cuan and Ethlin have to have really solid stats and luck to do so. Sadly, even when you seize Phinora, they disappear from the map.

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If I recall, the items in the pawn shop stay in the pawn shop, or was it that they moved to the shop...? either way, you don't all the stuff in the pawn shop

And I wondered about something, when you 'save' Cuan and Ethlin and they take the castle, do they move around or just sit there like bumps? This is just to ease my curiosity, as this might be the only thing I've never done in FE4

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If Quan or Ethlyn seize Phinora, they sit there, hence why it becomes unwinnable. They won't move off the castle, you can't seize it, you can't progress as a result.

The only thing that comes to mind for inheritance is if Lewyn's Elwind has a decent amount of kills on it, or even 50 kills, give it to Azel to pass down. Lewyn and Ferry's kid will arrive with Holsety + Lightning, so he doesn't need Elwind at all.

You might want to pass around the effective weapons to weaker characters. Ayra's kid is going to be decimating everything with the Brave Sword regardless, so she doesn't really need the Wing Clipper. Defender Sword to Ferry makes her kid better at combat. As a Dancer, Sylvia's kid never wants to see combat anyways. I've actually had both Sylvia and her kid run around with a broken sword the entire game with no repercussions, since any given enemy would've killed her even if her weapon was good.

Edited by PKLucas531
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Ok, I took the Elwind advice and gave it to Azel and stuff and then I got to the end.......I bawled after that horrible massacre, especially for poor Sigurd; I never particularly liked Arvis, but after this (especially the thing with Deirdre, that was not cool!) he has hit the bottom for me. I can't wait until I get to butcher his ass! >:(

Anyways, onwards to Gen 2! I'm embarrassed to admit that since I was so excited to try out the new children, I completely forgot to update the thread with my progress and sped right through Chapter 6. I'll just give the results: the chapter was fairly easy.....unnervingly easy, actually. Its makes me feel like the game is about to hit me with a sucker punch next. Got most of the fighters (Seliph, Ulster, Larcei, Delmud, and Lester) to lvls 6-8, Fee to lvl 4, Arthur to lvl 3, and Lana/Julia to lvl 3. I REALLY hope I can start arena training next because I feel very vulnerable at these levels; it might be cuz I'm too used to Gen 1 army. I got Lester the Skill Ring to help with his skill flaw, Julia the Nosferatu, and I recruited Johalva since I heard he was better for non-ranked runs, though since I don't really plan to pair or seriously use him, I guess it doesn't really matter. Oifey got the Jeigan treatment unless I happened to be in a tight spot.

So, yeah, on to Chapter 7. About that sucker punch; looking at this map, I think this is it. I'm betting its full of nasty surprises and shit, so as usual, any advice is appreciated. Want to know a few things though: even at these lower levels, are the kids in general better performing units than the parents? Or will they at least become much better in comparison? I'm trying to build a good trust level with these guys (as in, I can trust them to go into battle and not get killed; I had a few scares last chapter where sword users like the twins were still getting hit by the occasional axe.... O_O).

Also, because I'm already planning to pair the other girls with other people, I decided to go and try the SeliphxJulia jealousy glitch for shits and giggles since my game has not been reset yet (if Seliph's 2 star leadership is any indication). Ever since I got Julia, I've been putting them into the square formation with Larcei and Lana; and since I've been to the fortune teller a few times with no results, I'm getting a little worried that its not working or worse that I'm only racking points with the other two girls. Not to mention that constantly maintaining that formation is gonna suck when I have to rush or want to use Seliph and Larcei to fight without putting Lana and Julia in harms way. How long will it take to work before Julia is inevitably kidnapped? (I'm pretty sure she'll get kidnapped if she's anything like her mother...)

(Side note: Have I mentioned how awesome this game's music is? Also, I feel like the story got a lot more interesting with Seliph now....)

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Seliph and Julia need to stick next to each other constantly till you do the square formation thing otherwise it will take longer.

If you've been doing it ever since you got Julia and it still hasn't worked, then I don't know. Sometimes, it just doesn't work for me. Either way, you should wait till midway through Chapter 7. If Seliph doens't have a lover, Patty can talk to him and Seliph will get a Brave Sword which you can sell for someone else to use.

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Ok, I took the Elwind advice and gave it to Azel and stuff and then I got to the end.......I bawled after that horrible massacre, especially for poor Sigurd; I never particularly liked Arvis, but after this (especially the thing with Deirdre, that was not cool!) he has hit the bottom for me. I can't wait until I get to butcher his ass! >:(

Anyways, onwards to Gen 2! I'm embarrassed to admit that since I was so excited to try out the new children, I completely forgot to update the thread with my progress and sped right through Chapter 6. I'll just give the results: the chapter was fairly easy.....unnervingly easy, actually. Its makes me feel like the game is about to hit me with a sucker punch next. Got most of the fighters (Seliph, Ulster, Larcei, Delmud, and Lester) to lvls 6-8, Fee to lvl 4, Arthur to lvl 3, and Lana/Julia to lvl 3. I REALLY hope I can start arena training next because I feel very vulnerable at these levels; it might be cuz I'm too used to Gen 1 army. I got Lester the Skill Ring to help with his skill flaw, Julia the Nosferatu, and I recruited Johalva since I heard he was better for non-ranked runs, though since I don't really plan to pair or seriously use him, I guess it doesn't really matter. Oifey got the Jeigan treatment unless I happened to be in a tight spot.

So, yeah, on to Chapter 7. About that sucker punch; looking at this map, I think this is it. I'm betting its full of nasty surprises and shit, so as usual, any advice is appreciated. Want to know a few things though: even at these lower levels, are the kids in general better performing units than the parents? Or will they at least become much better in comparison? I'm trying to build a good trust level with these guys (as in, I can trust them to go into battle and not get killed; I had a few scares last chapter where sword users like the twins were still getting hit by the occasional axe.... O_O).

Also, because I'm already planning to pair the other girls with other people, I decided to go and try the SeliphxJulia jealousy glitch for shits and giggles since my game has not been reset yet (if Seliph's 2 star leadership is any indication). Ever since I got Julia, I've been putting them into the square formation with Larcei and Lana; and since I've been to the fortune teller a few times with no results, I'm getting a little worried that its not working or worse that I'm only racking points with the other two girls. Not to mention that constantly maintaining that formation is gonna suck when I have to rush or want to use Seliph and Larcei to fight without putting Lana and Julia in harms way. How long will it take to work before Julia is inevitably kidnapped? (I'm pretty sure she'll get kidnapped if she's anything like her mother...)

(Side note: Have I mentioned how awesome this game's music is? Also, I feel like the story got a lot more interesting with Seliph now....)

...You bawled at the massacre... you loathe Alvis, you steam-rolled chap. 6, you think Celice's half is more interesting... You're doing it right ;)

Let me think, Chapter 7 nasties...well, as I remember, the only nasties I remember is inbetween, Melgen and Darna, with Ishtor and Bolting, and Darna right after you take Melgen... as far as children performance goes, yes at lower levels, they will outshine First Gen. namely, Lakche and Skasaha

And... you music LOVER!!! I am glad I have kindred spirit, Crossing the Desert is my favorite song in the entire game, followed by Miletos Army, but I won't derail your topic

Got most of the fighters (Seliph, Ulster, Larcei, Delmud, and Lester) to lvls 6-8, Fee to lvl 4, Arthur to lvl 3, and Lana/Julia to lvl 3. I REALLY hope I can start arena training next because I feel very vulnerable at these levels; it might be cuz I'm too used to Gen 1 army.

EDIT: Congratulations, Fire Emblem 4 has sharpened your senses, this is usually my mind frame is when I play FEs

Edited by Soledai
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You married Finn, right ?

I wonder how hard will chapter 7 and 8 be, in that case. Finn is extremely inportant here, because Leif and Nanna won't kill a lot of thing...

...I wonder how your opinion towards Alvis and Trabant will change...

Edited by TendaSlime
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  • 4 weeks later...

....wow, its been a while....

With real life and stuff going on I haven't had much time to play, but now I'm back! I had a few screw ups in Chapter 7 (Teeny kept running away after I killed the mage sisters, for reasons I have no clue...and Blume would just NOT DIE! Ares could only hit him half of the time, even with Seliph and Nanna nearby. I swear, it must have taken 20 turns or more for him to score a lucky hit...), but thankfully I'm past it all. Now, I'm on to Chapter 8!

Same deal here, any advice or things of note is appreciated. I'm especially curious about how fast I'm supposed to rush, considering some of the villages are far and are surrounded by thieves...

Also, about the SeliphxJulia thing, Julia's fortune now says that Seliph is on her mind, but Seliph and Lana are fond of each other. Considering I want to pair Lana with someone else, should I just abandon it before she gets paired with Seliph? I was going to if Julia had no progress by Chapter 8, but it looks like something is working...

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Two dangerous enemies come out of the first castle. One can be recruited and the other is a glass cannon so you should be OK. There's no surprises at the second castle, but a thief in the SE corner will steal your money if he attacks you, so use Patty or someone who won't get countered.

Based on what the fortune teller says, my guess is that the game got reset and the jealousy formulae changed. If that's so, then it's impossible to pair Julia and Seliph so you should abandon it if you want to pair Lana with someone else.

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As far as the villages go, I can only say be fast about it, the northmost village gives a power ring IIRC, so that's always good, and as you see right out the gate you have Vampa, Fetra, and Eliu to deal with again, so that's not good, but Ovo's troops shouldn't be too much trouble, when I played last, my Leaf soloed all his troops and then I had Finn take out Ovo, but for the mage sisters, I might suggest sending Shanan and a few of your better units, and Patty too(you'll see why on turn 3).

And the enemies in the forest, Lakche, Skasaher, Johan/Johalva, maybe Arthur, Celice, and Fee, just be wary I think some of them have hero weapons, I can't remember too well, my memory of this place is a bit muddled

Other than that, After you take Conote, lots of dragon knights will appear and aim for Manster, so you'll need to rescue some civilians, and THE Sety appears to defend Manster, they will also target either Alster or Lenster, so have some people ready to intercept, and hurry to the southeastern most village, it has a Thief Ring and it's targeted first by a brigand... Finally, there will be a lone dragon knight on a mountain, don't worry about it for now, just fight on

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Thanks for the advice! I was able to complete the chapter with not too many problems (though I did lose the Power Ring because I couldn't fly Fee there in time since Faval and Ishtar were blocking the way; still wasn't enough for me to restart...). Its official; Finn is the bro of bros, the god of gods! He single handedly took care of Ovo and his army (with occasional healing from his daughter Nanna). And without his brave lance no less! I love how he's keeping up with the kids performance wise without a single drop of Holy Blood. That's gotta mean something.

So, on to Chapter 9! Advice is appreciated, as well as a general 'how fast do I need to rush for any reason?'. Much thanks!

Also, Seliph and Julia are now 'in love' with each other, but Lana is also in love with Seliph......so between Julia and Lana, who's going to get him first? How does that work??? And since Larcei married Shanan a little faster than I expected, I can't use her anymore for the square formation; will another unpaired girl like, say, Teeny, work for the Jealousy system or is it only Lana and Larcei? I'm so close to making it happen, but I believe I only have one chapter left....

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Married characters still work for Jealousy, I believe.

Chapter 9 is one with little timed stuff to worry about. There's villages, but only one bandit, and Fee can easily deal with him (assuming she can deal with 3 Heros first that is). There's also a couple of Wyvern Knight assaults at the start, neither is a big deal.

Don't sieze Kapathogia castle. Don't kill Hannibal. That's the main advice I can give. Go around him, kill his army, but leave him alive.

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What you can do to make recruiting Hannibal easier, is kill all of his lackeys but leave him alive. Then, put someone in front of the castle he came from, his AI will turn non-aggressive and he'll basically just stand next to whoever's blocking the castle. This frees you up to recruit Corpul without Hannibal getting himself killed on one of your guys.

Some reinforcements come from the top of the map where all the villages are iirc, so leave some people at the castle nearby if you don't want to lose it.

Also near the end of the chapter I remember wyverns suddenly ambushing your home castle, but Hannibal can guard it easily once you get him. You can actually skip fighting the boss of the last castle if Seliph has the Leg Ring(assuming he's promoted) and with some help from Leen/Laylea.

Edited by PKLucas531
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In my experience, Hannibal will always attack over going back to get reinforcements, if someone's in range. That kind of screwed my over last night as he was down to ~20 HP with no units left, and he attacked Leen instead of retreating.

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Alright, that advice helped, especially the standing in front of the castle to keep Hannibal from dying thing. Thanks a bunch! Other than a few mishaps and slip ups here and there (The Tornado Mage Knight killed Altenna so I ended up already using the Valkyrie Staff, and I almost had a panic attack when most of the Holy Weapons couldn't OHKO Arion; thankfully, Forseti came to the rescue again!), this chapter didn't seem as hard as Chapter 7 and 8. Maybe because it wasn't as rushed....anyways, I'm happy to accomplished much by promoting most everyone except for Patty and Corpul (both are at lvl 11). And I managed to pair Seliph and Julia (I was beginning to think it was impossible).....and then she got kidnapped......I swear, are Deirdre and her daughter only good for getting kidnapped by the exact same person?! Oh well, at least Julia is a better unit. I hope I get her again before the end....

Onto Chapter 10! I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say this chapter is gonna be a rush job; please let me know if there are any nasty surprises coming my way. Although I have a feeling I may know what it is.... D:

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My apologies for not being present to aid you in chapter 9, and I see you didn't get a proper warning about Arion, but it's over... for now

Manfloy be after dem Narga girls, you know how it is... seriously, you find out why he went through the effort to capture both of them in this chapter or the next

Good job on making it to chapter 10, bad job on using Valkyrie staff so soon, where as you might need it in this chapter.

But starting out, the dark mages come out with Hell and Sleep staffs parked right outside your castle, so you should handle them cautiously, and once again, civilans need rescuing and they are being hunted by mounted units, albeit they are a bit far.

When you fight Hilda, you can make Tinny fight her for some extra boss convo if you choose, keep Levin's daughter near Celice, for after you take Rados castle...

After that............ sigh.......... two badasses appear and cause problems for you since when they do, you'll be dealing with sleep staffs, ALOT... This spot is tricky, you have two ways of getting those badasses off your back... either beat one(Lakche, Skasaher, etc. prayers and good luck), or get killed by one(more likely to happen)...

I'll stop here, but I'll say this... after you take Miletos castle... make haste and DO NOT LET PALMARK DIE... get Celice to him as quickly as possible, and after you beat the boss on Chalphy... DO NOT CONQUER CHALPHY YET, move Celice to the beach directly south of Chalphy castle... Godspeed, you can do it!

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Julius and Ishtar appear at the 2nd to last castle and make it a game to see who kills one of your units first. Julius is hard to kill, but drops a Leg Ring, Ishtar is way easier and drops a Life ring(iirc?) and killing either one of them causes the other to leave. So kill Ishtar if you're not comfortable with taking on Julius. This is assuming you don't want one of your units to die, since letting either of them kill someone also causes them to leave.

Before conquering that castle, have Fee(if trained well) and Altena as close to the cliffs that are east of the final castle as they can go. A Bishop will appear that you have to protect from Dark Mages, and talking to that Bishop with Seliph gets him the Tyrfing, so you definitely don't want to fail.

Keep Nanna and Delmud near whoever is fighting Arvis(most likely Seliph) at the final castle, for the +20% hit/avoid from their Charisma.

After beating Arvis, you can make Seliph go to the beach or the same cliffs that the Bishop was running toward and Seliph will get a Life Ring.

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There are some high level pirates with terrible stats near the villages, you can use those to train Patty (if you want) or an alternative is to talk to the stranded children over by the castle with Corpul or Patty for some extra levels. (They give 100 EXP)

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Holy pancakes, that was a loooooong level! And I really, REALLY, hate sleep staves! Why are they so accurate in this game?! Most of my problems were actually in the very beginning because of my need to rush, and those damn sleep staves just wouldn't stahp! Especially also in the middle......worst level ever.....and I bet the next one will be too.... Anyways, other than that, I didn't have too many problems, it was just really long and grating on my patience. Julius and Ishtar were intimidating, but Forseti + Charisma saved the day yet again and Ishtar went down. Got Patty and Corpul promoted and its nice having a full promoted army (except lol Johalva, but I never use him...). Arvis was pitifully easily with Tyrfing; I was disappointed that he didn't have the same smugass portrait from 15 years ago, since that's the Arvis I wanted to crush, not this sorry excuse for a 'emperor' who wrought all these troubles. Still, it felt good finally getting revenge and smashing him from his seat of power, in Chalphy no less; I don't care if he's regretful or what not, he had to pay for what he did. ....Yeah, I'm sure you can tell I really hate this jerkass.....And don't worry, I got the Life Ring at the end. Thanks for the hint!

.......On to the last chapter. Just starting out it looks terrible! So....many......sleep staves..........*groan*..........I guess it has to be done though. As always, advice is extremely appreciated; as well as any things I should know about surprise bosses like in last chapter. Thank you so much everyone for your advice so far, since I doubt I'd have made it far (or at least with not as much frustration) without it. I have really enjoyed this game, and I'm excited for the end (I hope it doesn't freeze when I get there D:) so I hope you'll help me get there. Thank you all for your time! :):

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