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ehh statistically, roy, i have had some really blessed roys but promo time ugh

personality, i dont hate anyone, i do dislike some characters for being flat, but characters with personalities i dont like of the ones with personalities, viake he is to obnoxious and then tharja who is useful but the whole niore thing is sort of uh

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I usually find it hard to dislike any Fire Emblem characters in general, but there are a few exceptions to that.

Nergal: He kills Eliwood's father just so he can use Ninian to summon a Fire Dragon. And plots to start a war just so he can summon more Dragons.

Grima: He/She is the reason Avatar/Robin doesn't have any memories prior to meeting Chrom and IS the one who kills him in the Bad Future

Same here, although I've mentioned a couple here it's not really a hate. It's more of a lack of appreciation.

I'll admit, while I know we're a self-insert character and you can't embellish them as much, the Avatar is really... bland at times. It reminds me painfully of Micaiah.

I actually like Soren. [/ikexSorenshipping]

He's not terrible. Sarcastic as hell, yes. A tad self-centered at the wrong times, yes. But no human being is perfect. I think I attach myself to the characters that have serious flaws, because they feel... real. Or at least, more so. Although they are some flaws I simply cannot stand, or some that don't count as flaws at all. Being clumsy, for instance.

^ I say that because of all the times I've read self-insert/OC fics and THAT is considered a "major" flaw. Tch. Gag me now with a Shockstick, please.

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Soren is one of my favorite characters in the entire series. Hes amazing. Im a sucker for long reaching character arcs, reveals, and snark.

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I usually find it hard to dislike any Fire Emblem characters in general, but there are a few exceptions to that.

Nergal: He kills Eliwood's father just so he can use Ninian to summon a Fire Dragon. And plots to start a war just so he can summon more Dragons.

I feel like you haven't ever played/seen 19xx. I'll just say that GBA FE is all about tragic villains.

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Tharja strikes me as an awesome character who was gimped by a stereotype. Every now and then, there's a glimmer of Something Really Cool, but then her yandere trope gets shoved down our throats.

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No. I've disliked Soren since loooong before I knew about the IkexSoren shippers out there.

I'm about as serious in that strikethrough comment as I am saying "I hate Olivia and Ninian with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns".

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Soren's keepin' it real, man

I liked his dialogue so much in PoR I gave him some favouritism and by some favouritism he ended up being like #3 on my MVPs despite not even being mounted

And I like my units mounted

I dunno, some of the stuff he says can apply to real world commentary as well and I like his more realistic outlook on things rather than optimism (not saying I dislike optimistic characters, but sometimes Soren says something and I'm like "man that is just too true") so

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I can't say I HATE any of the Sacred Stones characters...I thought some of them were rather foolish, but nothing too bad (Neimi got to me a little, but it's alright). Awakening, well...hmm...I don't like Olivia (moe) and Sumia (shy klutz). Cordelia's Chrom obsession isn't working for me either.

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Tharja strikes me as an awesome character who was gimped by a stereotype. Every now and then, there's a glimmer of Something Really Cool, but then her yandere trope gets shoved down our throats.

Yeah. Its a pity really. But the fact theres that implication of Something Really Cool being there, matters to me the most. Its why i dig her.

Soren's keepin' it real, man

I liked his dialogue so much in PoR I gave him some favouritism and by some favouritism he ended up being like #3 on my MVPs despite not even being mounted

And I like my units mounted

I dunno, some of the stuff he says can apply to real world commentary as well and I like his more realistic outlook on things rather than optimism (not saying I dislike optimistic characters, but sometimes Soren says something and I'm like "man that is just too true") so

Lumi for Aesir!

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Kellam. His gimmick is unfunny. Always has been right from the beginning and is painfully overused. His entire character revolves around that stupid gimmick.

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Kellam. His gimmick is unfunny. Always has been right from the beginning and is painfully overused. His entire character revolves around that stupid gimmick.

The same can be said for the entire FE13 cast.

A gimmick that makes them "them".

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Soren's keepin' it real, man

I liked his dialogue so much in PoR I gave him some favouritism and by some favouritism he ended up being like #3 on my MVPs despite not even being mounted

And I like my units mounted

I dunno, some of the stuff he says can apply to real world commentary as well and I like his more realistic outlook on things rather than optimism (not saying I dislike optimistic characters, but sometimes Soren says something and I'm like "man that is just too true") so

Oh, hell yeah to this. Definitely. He's the most level-headed one of the entire group from the moment he joins. And if you know his background, you'd understand where he's coming from too. But seriously, he's pretty damn realistic. And THAT isn't just my bias speaking.

I can't say I HATE any of the Sacred Stones characters...I thought some of them were rather foolish, but nothing too bad (Neimi got to me a little, but it's alright). Awakening, well...hmm...I don't like Olivia (moe) and Sumia (shy klutz). Cordelia's Chrom obsession isn't working for me either.

You probably won't like me then, lol... though I'm not always shy, but I am a pretty damn klutz... at least, assuming that's the reason why you don't like Sumia.

And lol, yeah, Cordelia's obsession is... yeah... Granted you can't get that stupid mess conversation if she was married.

Edited by Cordelia
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Kellam. His gimmick is unfunny. Always has been right from the beginning and is painfully overused. His entire character revolves around that stupid gimmick.

Thank you.

I really don't like when they bludgeon the player over the head with the idea that a character is supposed to be 'funny'. Stahl had this too with his 'im so averageXD' thing.

As a person Kellam seems nice enough but since they remind you every single time he's on screen that 'noonecanseehimlolXD' he can never get to chance to actually be charming or funny.

Edited by Talvisota
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The same can be said for the entire FE13 cast.

A gimmick that makes them "them".

Except his gimmick is hammered over head and another time once agian just for good measure. The cast of every FE game has a gimmick to their name but rarely is it so painfully forced. Ilyana is another example. Cordelia comes close.

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Gimmicky is fine as long as they still feel "real" in a sense. Gimmicky to the point where they become cartoon characters is disgusting.

And what do you know, that pretty much describes the majority of Awakening's cast.

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