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Which character/s do you love the most in the entire FE series?

My number one choice is definitely Sumia (hence my username). She bakes, she's clumsy, she's cute, she's kindhearted, and she's a good wife/mother.

Other characters I adore are Nowi, Sain, Florina, Soren, Reyson, and Ilyana.

Edited by Sumia
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Phew. I could never bring myself to post in this thread's opposite, what with the physical pain it caused me when reading and all the pent-up frustration. Perhaps gushing about favorites will help level the irritation.

Mine is no secret. Maria!

So Maria was probably 5 when her father mysteriously died and Michalis asked her to do her duty for her country and seal Macedon's pact with Dolhr, and her love for her siblings and country prevailed and she fell right into his lying trap. She then spent the next five or six years in captivity, learning that she had been deceived by Minerva when she visited her prison and feeling terrible about her situation - yet still, she managed to stay cheerful. She eagerly joins Marth and strives to help Minerva in any way she can, and strives to be strong enough not to be 'helpless' again.

And somewhere during those years she must of learned how to wield a staff (albeit not very well). She gives a lot of herself up to serve her people (becoming a cleric, studying to better herself in Khadein after the war, sacrificing her childhood for captivity), and gives even more of herself for her siblings, when she agrees to Michalis' terms, makes herself a soldier for Minerva, and manages to keep Michalis alive after Minerva wrecks him, easily forgiving him for what he did to her and their family.

Despite all the turmoil that she's been through, Maria is still a cheerful, bubbly and kindhearted soul who is entirely selfless, and I love her for it.

In the bleak landscape of characters that was Shadow Dragon, Maria presented a shining ray of personality that I easily latched on to. And anyone who knows the character will understand that I could care less about stats. :D

Others that make me play the games I play: Mist, L'Arachel, Erk, Fiona, Soren, and unfortunately no real favorite from Awakening.

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First ever favourite character was Mia, she rules in FE9, she rules in FE10 and she rules in Awakening too,

other characters would be Priscilla, Tana, Celica, Lucina, Alm, Ephraim, Virion, Gregor, Gaius...

I would say Cordelia too but her obsession over Chrom really gets on my nerves...

I forgot to mention Sigurd and Levin there...

Edited by James Bond
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I don't have like an all-time favorite who I could spent hours gushing about or anything like that. I mostly like characters who are good/great gameplay-wise, or have hilarious dialog, though there are exceptions.

Also, I have a thing for female characters who don't wear very flashy or revealing clothes (nothing against women who do that in real life, though! It's just when it's fictional characters that it bugs me), but wear pratical clothing instead.

So Haar, Marcia, Jill, Titania, Owain, Frederick, Geoffrey, Elincia, Fury, Karin, Olwen and Makua are some of my favorites, I think!

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Ooh, fun! I have a lot, and a lot were claimed by me. My list is like...

For FE9/10, Ike, Soren, Reyson, Ranulf, Haar, Oscar, Marcia, and Kurthnaga (a bit)... and at least for FE10, I like Elincia as a unit but not much on her personality.

FE13, it'll be... CHROM! Morgan (M) and if it's Morgan (F), only if it's Olivia's daughter. Continuing on, Olivia, Sumia, Cynthia, Owain, Inigo (yes, even despite his flirtatious nature), Gaius... and I think that's all? The others are kinda neutral. And Lucina, well, I mostly like her as a unit than anything.

I played the other games, but none really appealed to me that I feel the need to list them. I guess Ephraim is one exception... and Eliwood. And Florina. Hah.

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I have a lot, but I'll limit it to my top 6 from each one I have played (and since I just started playing/failing FE4 I can't give any opinion on that one just yet):

FE6: Roy, Lilina, Rutger, Clarine, Klein, Tate

FE7: Eliwood, Lyn, Erk, Serra, Jaffar, Nino

FE8: Eirika, Lyon, Joshua, Marisa, Rennac, L'Arachel

FE9: Ike, Elincia, Ranulf, Titania, Reyson, Soren

FE10: Sothe, Micaiah, Sephiran, Sanaki, Kurthnaga, Nailah

FE11: Marth, Caeda, Tiki, Nyna, Camus, Xane

FE13: Chrom, Lucina, Tiki, Inigo, Severa, Anna

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Oh, come on. I can't pick just one!

Marth, because he's the first Fire Emblem character I ever met. (Thanks, Brawl!)

Joshua, for being an amazing swordsman (that dodging animation.)

Shinon, for basically being the personification of the ideals of archery (with some cynicism added.)

Soren, because he's calm, cool, collected and has absolutely no problem voicing his opinions and doesn't care if you don't like him for it.

Henry, but listing all the reasons why I adore him would take quite a while. (<3)

Cherche, because she's sweet, has a razor-sharp wit, all while being insanely badass.

Stahl, simply because he pulls off that whole "not really having a gimmick" thing by being impossibly sweet and adorable.

Yarne, for being a ball of adorkable!

Maribelle, for taking that annoying spoiled princess stereotype and making it five times more bearable, and being an amazing character with amazing characterization to boot.

And of course, Tiki. Granted, I didn't care for her younger version, but in Awakening I adore the way she's matured, yet still has that childish quality to her. It's so cute.

Edited by Vashiane
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Well, the most loved on would be Jill.
Let's face it, few people would have the strength to go against everything they've learned and go against their friends and family... and really abandoning litterally everything they have in order to do the right thing. It's just so much easier to live with a lie.
She is also a hothead and a Tsundere, which shows that this kind of characters can in fact have more to them then this one quirks.

Besides being simply an absolute wonderful person, she is also a great character. She has her own story arc and enhances the players perspective by showing things from the perspective of the average Daein.
And man, did she become badass over the years: "Strong, weak... It doesn't matter. I fight on the side of my conscience, and have yet to regret my battles."

And I have to mention Mist.
That might be and odd way to start this but she reminds me a lot of my grandma.
Mist is an incredible kind and strong person, willing to keep pushing her limits for the sake of others.
You see it first in chapter 2, where she keeps up Rolf's spirit in the face of their desperate predicament, acting tough when as noted by Ike, she is actually a crybaby.
And she keeps doing things like that throughout both games, not just taking care of her family and the mercs but also anyone else who joins along the way.

She is just one step away from a breakdown and yet she keeps going like the Energizer Bunny.
War shows no mercy on anyone. Not on men, women and children. In such critical situations, anyone got to do what they can do for the sake of their loved ones.
Through all those difficulties, she just keeps proving herself immensely admirable. I bet very few people possess her strength.

And since PoR is awesome, the game also shows what sort of desperate situation would make a child want to enter the battlefield, something that all past titles simply took for granted as if killing someone was that easy.
She did so not only shortly after Greil's dead but also right after the group just barely avoided total party wipe.
Two situations that highlighted just how mortal each and every member of her family was. So she had to enter battle herself to do what little she could do to protect them. The scene where Mist says that she would rather die then living without them is just heartbreaking.

A great person and a great character.

Oh, and Elincia was great too. She just started as a damsel in distress in PoR, who only existed because there would be no plot otherwise and couldn't get anything done without Ike. But man, did she grow in Radiant Dawn.

Lucia: People of Crimea... Behold a true queen! YOUR queen! Long live Queen Elincia!

Part 2 was just awesome. Bonus points for doing all that while her counterpart Pelleas' got himself tricked into signing a contract with his own blood.

Too bad that the appearance of the mercs overshadowed the weight of her sacrifice. Doesn't make her any less awesome for it, though.

Edited by BrightBow
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Hmmm... (In some particular order, because I couldn't pick an order)

FE7: Lyn, Matthew, Raven, Pent, Karel, Farina, Lloyd(even though you couldn't get him)

FE8: Joshua(that hat, I love it), Marisa, Saleh, Gerik

FE9/FE10: Lucia(the best, yes), Mia, Nephenee, Ilyana, Sigrun, Haar, Zihark, Stefan

FE11: Minerva, Linde, Palla, Camus

FE13: Lucina, Gaius, Cordelia, Tharja, Chrom, Olivia, Tiki, (F)Morgan, Noire, Owain

Hmmm... It's hard to just pick ONE...
But... maybe... Lucia(or Nephenee, Mia, Lucina)...?

... I don't know.
... they're all pretty awesome.

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It's hard to pick only one, but if I had it would be Anna (how original...).

I really like Pent, Lewyn and Seti. (Pent and Lewyn for there awesome quotes... Pent's Nabata's discussion immediately made him one of my favorite. ( "Hello there. Beautiful weather, isn't it?")

The first I really loved was L'Arachel.

Maribelle's horrible sense of humor really made me love her. (Henry and Lissa's support notably...).

Lissa is pretty great too...

I really love Lowen, ( “If the stomach is empty, empty, too, lies the heart.” ), and his support with Rebecca.

I have a slight case of Sain's fanboyism.

I also like Kellam, due to my love for underdogs...

I may be forgotten a lot of them.

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^ I've always wanted to play Leif's game for that reason. I feel like he would become one of my favourites too.

Anyway, it's harder to pick an absolute favourite than an absolutely hated character.

But I'll go ahead and say Cherche. She is unintentionally hilarious, smart, kind, pretty, marry me irl and is one of the less one-note characters in Awakening. Sure she's usually all about Minerva but not 100% all day every day. Also her son is the man.

Honourable mentions: Soren for being one of the more developed characters of the Tellius games and for being one half of the best same-sex FE couple and Jaffar (enough said).

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I like a lot of characters but i'll cut it to 8 per game.

FE4: Fury, Cuan, Ethlin, Ira, Noish, Adean, Arden, Azel.

FE5: Karin, Selphina, Ronan, Lara, Asvel, Hicks, Saphy, Tina.

FE6: Thany, Tate, Yuno, Hugh, Lugh, Sophia, Ellen, Ray.

FE7: Serra, Lyn, Matthew, Fiora, Heath, Sain, Florina, Farina.

FE8: Tana, Seth, Eirika, Ewan, Dozla, L'Arachel, Syrene, Vanessa.

FE9: Elincia, Marcia, Astrid, Jill, Tormod, Mordecai, Tanith, Sigrun.

FE10: Laura, Fiona, Meg, Edward, Lyre, Vika, Nealuchi, Heather.

FE11: Caeda, Palla, Catria, Est, Gordin, Lena, Matthis, Linde.

FE13: Anna, Cynthia, Lucina, Ricken, Cherche, Owain, Vaike Donnel, Miriel.

If I have to cut the list to just one then probably Lincy, Anna, or Eirika. ^^'

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