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“I am Wrys, a humble priest. I cannot fight, but this staff I carry can heal your wounded. Take me with you, and you’ll be very glad you did.”

Immortal Words.

The original badass.

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Wrys is just an old man from a village who agrees to go with you to the other end of the world.


So good.

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I have too many so I'll list a few from each game...

FE4: Sigurd, Lex, Fury, Ishtar

FE6: Percival, Brunya

FE7: Hector, Nino, Ursula, Lloyd, Linus

FE8: Vanessa, Lute, Seth

FE9: Jill, Titania, Tibarn, Gatrie

FE10: All of the above plus Heather

FE12: Minerva, Sirius, Maris

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That looks like Eirika.

That's because it is.

He'd just started playing Sacred Stones at the time.They weren't intended to be actual characters, I don't think, aside from Eirika (left) and Seth (background, though he looks more like Seth in earlier panels.)

if you want you all can laugh at how he doesn't just SETH SOLO EVERYTHING ALWAYS.

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Characters who I command either tons of respect for tons of hilarity in the series are: Guy, Canas, Joshua, Ike, Brom, Mia, Jill, Saul, FE13 Avatar, Owain, Inigo, Henry, Yarne, Kellam, Kjelle, Laurent, Gaius, Ricken and Donnel.

Hector gets a mention because he's a dumbass sociopath and for some reason I laugh at him like a madman

Also, Jill's probably one of the highest up on the list because while the main game doesn't say much her support conversations show some amazing godamn development

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I guess I'll go by game:

FE4: Levin, Sigurd, Arthur, Julius, Leaf, Ishtar

FE5: Leaf (again, yay!), Homeros, Olwen

FE6: Hugh, Echidna, Niime

FE7: Serra, Erk, Nils (fucking Nini taking all the supports...),

FE8: eh

FE9/10: Tanith, Calill, Soren, Reyson, Shinon

FE11/12: Merric, Athena, Wolf

FE13: Henry, Tharja, Anna, Severa, Gangrel, Brady

And any Paul/Jasmine type villains.

Tanith, Calill, and Henry are definitely at the top of the list, though.

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The Sacred Stones

Seth - Ahh, I find Seth to be cute AND rather charming. I just wish we'd have learned more about him though. You never get to find out much. I also thought his support with Eirika was very adorable. He's the only knight I'd pair with a princess (if you don't count Frederick and the female Avatar in Awakening) in this series.

Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn

Ike - Anyone here knows why I love Ike to bits! He's my favorite of all! He's got a lovable character, he's hot, he's got epic skills, and he's unique among the lords for not being of noble/royal birth and having disdain towards nobility in general. There's almost nothing I don't love about him!

Kieran - One of my two second favorite FE characters! Kieran's enthusiasm and flamboyance is just omg hilarious. And he's got to be one of the bravest guys I've ever seen. He also has an astounding amount of loyalty and dedication (which I like because I'm like that myself). He has a kind heart too, and he's pretty attractive. Kieran's a true knight in shining armor. <3

Elincia - Oh, Elincia is so cute. I totally adore her interactions with Ike (they ARE my top OTP) and she's a sweet girl. I like her design too. She's pretty!

Marcia - I just find her hilarious and cute!

Shinon - I find him hilarious lol, despite his hate for Ike. He also has one of the best lines in the whole series. "Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt! Tell me I'm wrong!" XD


Cordelia - I honestly think she gets too much unnecessary hate for her love for Chrom. Unrequited love is not easy to deal with at all, and I know this from experience. I can relate a lot to Cordelia too. She's basically me with red hair and a Pegasus. I'm told I'm talented and pretty, I'm painfully lonely, I play a musical instrument (though not a harp), and I've had to deal with unrequited love numerous times. I'm not a perfectionist, though I do try to get SOME things to be perfect. xP I think Cordelia really has a good heart and I feel for her. And she's very pretty.

Virion - Another lolzy character! Virion reminds me of Sain too, just more fancy-pants. He also has an awesome French accent. ^^

huh, we have more characters in common* than I thought

*FE9 Ike only

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Wow, Finn certainly seems to be getting a lot of love. I guess I made a good decision so far in deciding to use him for my first FE4 run...

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huh, we have more characters in common* than I thought

*FE9 Ike only

Well, I prefer RD Ike. I still love him in any of his appearances though.

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Tormod is my absolute favorite FE character of all time. Rath is a close second. Henry and Laurent are close.

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Unfortunately, I've only played Sacred Stones and Awakening but I'll post my favourites here anyway.

In order, it would probably go:




Everything about Seth is awesome (except for that white pixel on his eyebrow that bugs me lol). There was so many epic moments in this game where I was amazed by how much of a badass he is. In particular, these parts are most memorable to me:

Ephraim: Prepare to move out. We head east.

Seth: Prince Ephraim...

Ephraim: I'm not just acting on emotion, Seth. The capital lies to the east as well.

Seth: ...

Ephraim: Seth, you will obey your commander and sovereign, do you hear me? Listen, I know what you said is true. I am the king in all but title now. I know I must place my duty as a commander above my life as a man. And once I am crowned, I most certainly will do exactly that. However, I am not ready to divorce myself from my compassion just yet. I will find the balance somehow, the means to save my country and her people. That is the king I wish to become, and so that is the man I must be. I need your help in this, Seth.

Seth: ...I understand, Prince Ephraim. If that is your decision, then I will do my best to assist you.
Seth: ... Sir Orson. I am sorry for this, but please give me your weapons.

Eirika: Seth?

Orson: What are you talking about, Seth? Can't you see I'm unarmed? Do you think they allow prisoners weapons? What kind of injury have you taken that you suggest such foolishness?

Seth: If I mistaken, then I will give you all due apologies. However, there are questions I have that I cannot answer. Too many questions. Why did no enemy reinforcements come from the castle during our battle outside? Why would you escape your cell and yet leave Prince Ephraim in chains? How do you know of the tie between the bracelets and the Sacred Stone?

Orson: Seth, there is some misunderstanding here. I...

Seth: And why... Why do you conceal a blade within your doublet?

I was thinking "SETH YOU BEAST" at that second piece of dialogue.

Honestly, he's intelligent, loyal, willing and strong. Hands down my favourite FE character I've seen so far and one of my favourite fictional characters in general.

Lucina is second because I really like how determined she is to fulfill her mission. She is very determined to save the future, but is very realistic about thins unlike some characters who are like "derp as long as we're together everything will go well!"

This is especially apparent in this support conversation:

Lucina: Mostly I'm ashamed I never stopped to consider it. If you are, in fact, among Falchion's chosen, that is knowledge we need. There may come a time when it proves necessary for you to take it up.

Cynthia: What, like if you're busy?

Lucina: Like if I'm dead, Cynthia. Having someone able to wield it even after I'm gone would be a considerable asset. We must use any means at our disposal to ensure the future is saved. Now let's go put it to the test.

Cynthia: ......

Lucina: Cynthia?

Cynthia: Aw, forget it. There's no way the sword would choose someone like me.

Lucina: You don't know that until you try. You yourself just said you wished you were able to wield it. So let's—

Cynthia: I said NO! I'm not doing it! Don't make me... Don't make me practice for your death, Lucina!

Lucina: ...I understand how you feel, but we must be practical about this. We cannot afford to lose this war. No matter what happens or who dies.

When she said "Like if I'm dead" and 'Dry your tears, love. This is not good-bye' started playing, I was stunned. One of my favourite support conversations in the game.

I also like the relationship she shares with Chrom, how she's very protective of him.

There's loads of other parts that I could quote, but it all comes together for a very awesome person.

And she is also my waifu

Finally is Ephraim. In a sense, he is quite like Lucina. He is very determined to get things done but is pretty realistic about them and will do anything if it means peace for the rest of Magvel. He's extremely protective of others and will instantly rush to their aid (sometimes too often and fast). He has this very strong presence about him and does not fuck around even in the most desperate times like these:

Ephraim: Every soldier in this area is trying to find us. The enemy has us vastly outnumbered. Attacking the castle is a ridiculous idea. It the enemy thinks the same... then we may have our opening.

Forde: You have a point. I'm sure Renvall won't expect us to attack with these numbers. Either way, we can't run forever. And we're running out of supplies. What've we got to lose? Shall we get ready to go?

Ephraim: Yes. If we don't move quickly, we may never get another chance. Trust me. I don't pick fights I cannot win.

Damn, what a beast.

Depsite his awesomeness, he also has some nice conversations with others too. I just makes him that much more lovable.

Ephraim: Is this the first time you've seen the ocean, Myrrh?

Myrrh: Yes. It's so blue, so vast.

Ephraim: It is at that. You know, this is my first passage on a ship. I've never appreciated just how enormous the sea is.

Myrrh: Really? I'd never have guessed you hadn't sailed before. You seem so calm.
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One of the characters I like the most is FE9!Ike, for all the character development he gets on POR.

Having to face a much mightier country with just a ragtag bunch of mercenaries with the intention to carry on the mission his father took from Elincia while at the same time dealing with his personal issues and lack of experience made him turn into one of my favorite characters. His despair was more visible on that fort chapter where he's completely outmatched and outnumbered, but still fights on even after he recognizes that would be his end... if not for Galia's intervention.

Ike never trusted his own capabilities on FE9 and doubted himself oftenly, but he was bold enough to stay on track and do his hardest for the group and for his family. That antithesis made him a solid character for me. On the beginning, he was completely reliable on others (Titania, Soren, later on Begnion). By the end, it is completely justifiable how he became so strong and so admired. He really worked hard for it, and met with a lot of hardships before receiving recognition and prestige.

Other characters which I really like but can't quite write an essay about them are: Alvis, Sigurd, Celice, Leaf, Fin, Levin

Characters from FE9/10: Soren, Pelleas, Sanaki, FE10!Sothe, FE10!Elincia (because I find the FE9!Elinca/"Oh my Lord Ike this, Lord Ike that"!Elincia terribly annoying), Mist, FE9!Rolf (the way he turns from a crybaby to a killing machine is also a great character development, though he's still a kid at heart), Tauroneo (his supports with Rolf reveal a lot about him).

Edited by Rapier
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Why don't people post here more.

Love > Hate

Because it's easier to talk about something you dislike and why you dislike it than it is to talk about something you like and why you like it.

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I guess liking things don't generate as much debate? I dunno

I mean it's like "hey I like this" and "hey I like that" and not really much butting of heads whereas someone may be like "I hate character x for y reason" and someone else maybe like "y reason is wrong because x evidence" and etc especially in the case of someone hates a character because they mischaracterised them in the first place and got their facts all wrong that happens a lot in another fandom I'm in

Whereas if you like someone it's just like okay cool not much debate there

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Hmm... This'll be tough; I like a lot of FE characters, really.

Roger's my favorite from Shadow Dragon. He has quite a lot of personality for the few lines he gets and I appreciate that. He's also got fine bases and growth rates and I always use him over Draug. Athena, Radd and Horace are all pretty rad, too. And Norne's adorable. (Well, her portrait/face at least. I... don't really fully understand her torso in the official art.) Also, Merric and Linde will never not be at least sort of cool to me. Merric's the original Mage, and they're each inheritors of their own cool, powerful spell. Finally, I actually (somewhat surprisingly) have come to like Marth a lot over time. I like his design (weird Shadow Dragon portrait aside), he's pretty good as a unit and I actually like him as a character, too.

Fire Emblem Gaiden... Jenny. Also Cliff. It ticks me off that neither of them got into the legacy character listings for Awakening. At least both of their game's protagonists got great DLC art.

Call me weird but I have a soft spot for Yumina and Yubello in (New) Mystery of the Emblem. I used them both even though there were clearly better characters in each class... mostly because I thought they looked cool. I think they ended up trading classes at one point, since I thought it would suit their personalities more. And, y'know, weapon levels. Also, Leiden actually did pretty well for me as a Sniper.

Fire Emblem Binding Blade, one of my favorites is Gonzales, because he looks big and scary, but he's really just a great, caring guy who was picked on and isolated because of the way he looks. Also recruitable Brigand aw yeah. There's also Lugh, Raigh and Chad. Lugh and Raigh are the twin sons of one my favorites from FE7 and Chad is their friend. They're just a bunch of kids who stuck together (well, Raigh... not so much) to help each other in times of crisis. There's also Miledy, who's awesome, cute and one of my favorite Wyvern Riders/Dracoknights/whatevers in the series.

Fire Emblem 7... There will always be a soft spot in my heart for Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, and the ice dragon siblings. The three lords were the ones who introduced me to Fire Emblem and I suppose they are to me what Marth is to long time Fire Emblem players in Japan. They're iconic and nostalgic to me, as are Nils and Ninian. Also, Matthew, Legault and Nino are some other favorites. Matthew's a pretty sharp guy who keeps his wits about him and gets stuff done and actually has a character development arc of sorts integrated into the main story, something not many other non-lord characters can claim to have. Legault's sassy, playful and confident demeanor is just a character type I like, and the fact that he gets unique sprites in battle (well, not entirely unique after promotion) was really cool to me. Nino is just adorable and I admire her for not just breaking down and giving up after all she has to go through. Also, both her potential romances are cute. Jaffar being one of those two is also pretty badass in his own right, and I thought it was cool for someone so highly-ranked in the enemy group to have a change of heart like he did. On top of that, his relationship with Nino is really sweet.

Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones... I'll be honest, few characters from this game really stood out to me compared to others in the series, but I like Innes as well as Gerik's mercenary troup, including Ewan.

Path of Radiance, I know it's cliche but Nephenee is a recruitable Soldier who is not only totally rad but also has a great design, especially color palette. I also like Rhys, who is pretty much hands-down the best Priest/Cleric/Curate I've used in a Fire Emblem game. I'm really digging that high Magic stat. ...Also Lethe. She may not be a terribly great unit but she's got a cute personality and appearance.

I know as a result of their game's lack of support conversations neither of them have all that much character depth, but I like Leonardo and Meg from Radiant Dawn; they're probably two of my favorite characters in terms of visual design in the whole series. I like Leonardo's hair and coloration and he gets props for his almost-perfect visual representation as a legacy character in Awakening. Meg is just plain adorable, she's unique both in body type and in being a female first armor knight. When I get a copy of Radiant Dawn that actually works properly I'm going to bring those two to endgame, despite the favoritism required in doing so.

In Fire Emblem Awakening, I really appreciate Stahl precisely for his lack of a real gimmick. He feels a lot more interesting and relatable as a result of that, and he reminds me of the Fire Emblem characters of older games, which I like. Panne I like because she's ordinarily pretty tough, but according to their supports she's willing to accept affection from the Avatar (she actually asks for it, even, more or less) despite many tough characters having this sort of "accepting such affection is weakness" attitude about it. (And I think it's adorable to be able to have her marry the person whom she warned not two chapters ago not to think of her as a friend) She's also effectively a bunny Laguz and she looks adorable as a Thief. Inigo was also a surprisingly deep and interesting character, and while I normally don't really mind the flirtatious characters, he's the first one to have me actually rooting for him after those parental supports revealing his backstory. Poor guy deserves a loving wife. Also, I actually really like him as Chrom's son despite the rushedness of his parents' romance in that instance. Plus, a LordxDancer pairing is a callback of sorts to my first and favorite Fire Emblem game, so...

You mean Shiida right?

Also I really like most of the character so kind of hard to decide :/


Shiida is the European localization of her name, whereas in North America her name is Caeda instead.

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