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I love how this game supports ChromxSumia

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They should have localized as sandwiches.


Ohmygods. :facepalm: Rey-san...

And yes to the post the above me. Just, yes.

Edited by Vashiane
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I only dislike that it makes many people dislike the pairing and/or Sumia. Maybe it's just me interpreting it wrong, but most of the time that's what I see the main reasons of the hate comes from...

Personally, I don't like Sumia, but not for that reason.

I just hate her over-the-top ditzness. >.<

But when I realized how she was fawning over Chrom, I made him avoid her like the plague, because...mwahaha little video game character that I dislike, no you cannot have who you want? >.>

I didn't use her much anyhow, since I didn't like her, so avoiding supports was pretty easy...

"Look, everyone knows you love Chrom, but I hoped there was a place in your heart for me."

This, on the other hand, kinda really made me hate Cordelia. =/

If she didn't have a child character attached to her, I totally wouldn't marry her to anyone.

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And The Avatar is canonically a guy, so...

Since when?

Well, what's the original name of the video?

比翼 Hiyoku.

"Each of the lovers are each other's wings. And together they shall soar the skies."

Something to that effect.

"Lovebirds" is a very accurate translation.

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Oh gods, this topic again? Yeah, I don't like how ChromxSumia is kinda shoved in our faces either (and it doesn't even get in the way of any of my OTPs for the game...well, aside from ChromxOlivia), but we've seen complaints like over and over. It's getting kind of old.

Honestly, I think EVERY possible pairing is absolutely canon. They just happen in different timelines/realities. Meaning, for example, Chrom marries six different girls in six different timelines. In one, he gets Sumia, in another, he gets with Olivia, in another, he gets with Sully, and in yet another, he gets Maribelle, and so on. I just say there's dozens of different timelines/realities, one for each possible pairing to occur in. Now can we all be happy? xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Vincent and I call BS on Chrom x Olivia being canon.

No, it's not as bad as I make it out to be. It's like Deidre x Sigurd if you want to go that route.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Honestly, I think EVERY possible pairing is absolutely canon. They just happen in different timelines/realities. Meaning, for example, Chrom marries six different girls in six different timelines. In one, he gets Sumia, in another, he gets with Olivia, in another, he gets with Sully, and in yet another, he gets Maribelle, and so on. I just say there's dozens of different timelines/realities, one for each possible pairing to occur in. Now can we all be happy? xP

No, because we get half that many simultaneously existing timelines to play with <w<

But that's definitely a nice thought.

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Since when?

比翼 Hiyoku.

"Each of the lovers are each other's wings. And together they shall soar the skies."

Something to that effect.

"Lovebirds" is a very accurate translation.

... Wow. That is definitely an accurate translation. and fitting, I guess, for what happened and if you choose to go for that pairing.

Edited by Cordelia
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I found both those supports to be boring, honestly. I haven't seen Sumia's supports with Gaius or the male Avatar though, and I've only seen her C support with Henry.

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Look at all the attention this thread is getting.

25 users.

Pairings are serious business in this game.

In FE? Surely you jest...!

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As much I love alternate timelines/universes, having six is a bit unnecessary. I'll stick to my headcanon. Less of a headcanon, but Ana, brilliant job for throwing that out there. You're taking my peace-making job aren't you? :)

Holy fudge. Why so serious, forum?

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Hey guys hey guys.

If we're gonna talk about canon stuff... how about this?

You mean that Lissa X MU, let alone any pairing wasn't revealed at ALL?


Lissa x Robin you say? Like how Lissa's C conversation with Libra, they were both to find Robin, right?

Well in Japanese, it was FREDERICK.

Someone on the localization team didn't like Liz/Lissa x Frederick. |D

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My two cents is that Sumia definitely has a crush on Chrom, but outside of that, the game is just trying to make sure you're not screwed over out of getting Cynthia. Why they couldn't just give them both more options, I'm not entirely certain, but that was their decisions. Shame, because Sumia just doesn't seem to get a lot of development because of the limited support pool, and dropping out of the story entirely after the time-skip.

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Any of Chrom's wife(Except Avatar, for obvious reasons...) drops off because she isn't relevant enough to be in another cutscene. Sumia only cutscenes later on would have made the pairing forced, but thankfully it's natural for all of them at that point.

Sumia's limited options are to mirror Chrom's limited options. Plus, Sumia doesn't look like she'd mesh well with the other Shepherds like how Chrom doesn't mesh well outside of his limited support options.

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I think they are perfect for each other in the worst way possible. What I mean by this is, well, here's an example. Sumia has a huge, head-n-the-clouds type crush on Chrom. When Chrom says something completely cheesy and poorly worded (It was somewhere between 5th and 6th pie that I realized), Sumia doesn't even noticed, as if some filter in her head blocked the cheesiness out. They don't see past each other's flaws, they are completely ignorant of them, which is kind of what each of them needs. I'm not sure I'm explaining this right, but oh well.

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Hey guys. She's still totally canon, because the developers overlooked their own possible development "Sumia shipping".


lol editing phail

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