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I actually goes with Frederick and Cordelia almost everytime

Its basically one of my favorite sets of supports(Fred X Cord) vs "Frederick being Awesome" supports(Cherche)

And yes, Frederick is my favorite character

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He's my favorite too, JSND! :D

And also, Cordelia is my non-Avatar choice for Frederick's wife as well. I haven't seen their support, but I believe Frederick (or Stahl) is exactly the kind of guy Cordelia needs in her life. Someone that would never make her feel lonely again and would surely love her and be forever dedicated to her.

Also, those of you saying you feel bad for Cordelia's husband, I hardly felt sorry for Stahl when I married him to her in my file. Yes, Chrom is brought up, but Cordelia outright says Stahl replaced him in her heart. And I believe her.

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He's my favorite too, JSND! :D

And also, Cordelia is my non-Avatar choice for Frederick's wife as well. I haven't seen their support, but I believe Frederick (or Stahl) is exactly the kind of guy Cordelia needs in her life. Someone that would never make her feel lonely again and would surely love her and be forever dedicated to her.

Also, those of you saying you feel bad for Cordelia's husband, I hardly felt sorry for Stahl when I married him to her in my file. Yes, Chrom is brought up, but Cordelia outright says Stahl replaced him in her heart. And I believe her.

Mine is Gerome but I can't bring myself to marry FeMU to him D:

It's always Lucina.

But.. but.. Severa said something about Cordelia talking about Chrom all the time leads me to think she still have some feeling for him D:

I do believe her as well, that's why I paired her with Lon'qu

But it's just some of her support is just ok-ing with the proposal, not being in love with the person. Like with Libra and Gaius.

... and how do I forget to mention Virion x Maribelle for my headcannon.

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That's a different Cordelia. Many things change when a timeline is tampered with. I just hope present-day Tharja doesn't end up the same as the bad future Tharja. >.>

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But.. but.. Severa said something about Cordelia talking about Chrom all the time leads me to think she still have some feeling for him D:

I personally felt it was either

1: Cordelia remained a loyal knight and Severa felt neglected because of it or

2: Severa was trying to guilt trip Cordelia into not going to war because she was killed when Grima was resurrected in the bad future.

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^Those are good theories too.

Also, I forgot some other reasons why I like FrederickxFemale Avatar so much. Firstly, Frederick is the only character that gives Avatar a kiss of any kind in the confession scene! He kneels and kisses his fair lady's hand! <3

Next, together, Frederick and the Avatar would probably train the most powerful Ylissean army ever. I mean, a tough and hardworking knight captain plus an excellent tactician's skills? That's gotta be one hell of a combination.

And then, brown was always my favorite hair color for male Morgan.

And last, but not least, the one thing that made me decide to marry my Avatar to Frederick in the first place, before I even knew about the nickname Freddy Bear or anything else I've brought up. The fact that their relationship starts out pretty rocky. What with Frederick not trusting Avatar at first and then Avatar deciding he was being rude in the B support. A relationship like this going from such distrust and irritation to deep love is just astounding to me. I find it touching. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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He's my favorite too, JSND! :D

And also, Cordelia is my non-Avatar choice for Frederick's wife as well. I haven't seen their support, but I believe Frederick (or Stahl) is exactly the kind of guy Cordelia needs in her life. Someone that would never make her feel lonely again and would surely love her and be forever dedicated to her.

Also, those of you saying you feel bad for Cordelia's husband, I hardly felt sorry for Stahl when I married him to her in my file. Yes, Chrom is brought up, but Cordelia outright says Stahl replaced him in her heart. And I believe her.

Oh, I'm aware of what she said to Stahl and... well, I suppose we have nothing to go on if Stahl really replaced Chrom in her heart. But the way she said it with Stahl as opposed to how she said it to Frederick made me feel bad for Frederick (even if I never used him except for support bonus/I need someone for pair). She actually said it outright that Stahl replaced Chrom, but at least with Fred, she's asking if she promised to love him only, would he make her happy... (reference: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Cordelia_Frederick#S_Support) I think that's kinda selfish, but that's just me. And yet I still married them. I did it for Severa. u_u But hey, we're not here to discuss Cordelia's love life... that was done with Frederick.

Mine is Gerome but I can't bring myself to marry FeMU to him D:

It's always Lucina.

But.. but.. Severa said something about Cordelia talking about Chrom all the time leads me to think she still have some feeling for him D:

I do believe her as well, that's why I paired her with Lon'qu

But it's just some of her support is just ok-ing with the proposal, not being in love with the person. Like with Libra and Gaius.

... and how do I forget to mention Virion x Maribelle for my headcannon.

Everyone and their mothers are going with Gerome x Lucina... I need to hurry up and grind Cherche so I can get him and see this for myself. x_x and yet I have GeromexLucina avatar.

I believe Severa did say that though, so... but meh, she's not my headcanon. I don't particularly have one for Cordelia, not because of my hate/dislike/or whatever but just because. I don't have any head canons actually.

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Everyone and their mothers are going with Gerome x Lucina... I need to hurry up and grind Cherche so I can get him and see this for myself. x_x and yet I have GeromexLucina avatar.

It's because of that damn mask. xD

But again, it's totally this:


And therefore, since Jerome/Gerome is taken...


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It's because of that damn mask. xD

But again, it's totally this:


And therefore, since Jerome/Gerome is taken...


Dammit Minervykins

Edited by Levant Fortner
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It's because of that damn mask. xD

But again, it's totally this:


And therefore, since Jerome/Gerome is taken...


I like these pairings.

And is Gregor the father of Gerome in that image or am I just reading someone else's name?

Edited by Cordelia
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Oh, I'm aware of what she said to Stahl and... well, I suppose we have nothing to go on if Stahl really replaced Chrom in her heart. But the way she said it with Stahl as opposed to how she said it to Frederick made me feel bad for Frederick (even if I never used him except for support bonus/I need someone for pair). She actually said it outright that Stahl replaced Chrom, but at least with Fred, she's asking if she promised to love him only, would he make her happy... (reference: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Cordelia_Frederick#S_Support) I think that's kinda selfish, but that's just me. And yet I still married them. I did it for Severa. u_u But hey, we're not here to discuss Cordelia's love life... that was done with Frederick.

Thats.... kinda in personality for Fred though. His main characteristics is always his devotion, up to and including his S supports where he outright stated his love devotion for Chrom

Or maybe im not looking far enough into the wording, which in both case is nothing more me trying to defend my OTP from a valid complaints

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I mainly just paired everyone based on hair color, but I know some of the pairings stuck with me.

Even though I want Gregor for myself, I really like Gregor x Cherche because it's revealed that many years ago, Gregor turned against his poaching employers to save Minerva while she was an infant.

I don't feel confident in any of my pairings for Gen 2 because I believe that most of the kids don't really have good chemistry with each other, except:

Owain x Cynthia

Lucina x Gerome

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That...That S support was adorable! I don't see how Fred and Cordelia are just settling for one another at all! I see Frederick having made Cordelia snap to reality, just as he said. And Cordelia basically said she was tired of unrequited love, so she's getting over Chrom here too. And just as I suspected, Frederick is devoting his LIFE to her. That's what kind of man Cordelia needs and I believe both Fred and Stahl fit that category. So if I ever play a male Avatar, Frederick and Cordelia will definitely be married.

I know Frederick like a book by now too, after all I've done and seen with him. So I'd know what he would say and do.

Edited by Anacybele
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That...That S support was adorable! I don't see how Fred and Cordelia are just settling for one another at all! I see Frederick having made Cordelia snap to reality, just as he said. And Cordelia basically said she was tired of unrequited love, so she's getting over Chrom here too. And just as I suspected, Frederick is devoting his LIFE to her. That's what kind of man Cordelia needs and I believe both Fred and Stahl fit that category. So if I ever play a male Avatar, Frederick and Cordelia will definitely be married.

I know Frederick like a book by now too, after all I've done and seen with him. So I'd know what he would say and do.

I agree, those 2 work well together. I personally prefer her with Stahl (I think their personalities mesh better, not to mention Stahl is one of my favorites in the game), but Frederick is a close second for her.

On a different note, I think the best couple in the game (support wise, not gameplay) is F!Morgan with Owain. I mean, it's great for Owain because she really appreciates his eccentricities, and it's great for Morgan because he's, well, a bit easy to manipulate. Their personalities match as well since they're the most random 2 characters in the 2nd generation. Also, if the M!Morgan and Owain is any indication, Morgan would not only be okay with Owain's fantasies, but join in with them (it's like, the only time in the game). It also makes me convinced both of them are into roleplay (F!Morgan is already kinky as it is).

Edited by MajorMajora
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That...That S support was adorable! I don't see how Fred and Cordelia are just settling for one another at all! I see Frederick having made Cordelia snap to reality, just as he said. And Cordelia basically said she was tired of unrequited love, so she's getting over Chrom here too. And just as I suspected, Frederick is devoting his LIFE to her. That's what kind of man Cordelia needs and I believe both Fred and Stahl fit that category. So if I ever play a male Avatar, Frederick and Cordelia will definitely be married.

I know Frederick like a book by now too, after all I've done and seen with him. So I'd know what he would say and do.

Well, I guess I sorta assumed as S support implies: that they get married right away... I just felt kinda bad for Frederick being so devoted to her already and yet Cordelia hasn't, and they still get married already. It felt more like she was talking about the future yet Fred is on present already. So I just sorta felt bad for him at present. But ahahahaha, I'm....glad I helped you decide on Frederick/Cordelia for a male Avatar run? xD

Female Avatar and Owain... Owain IS adorable, but I'd feel too much of a pedo to watch his confession. >_> Again, the Avatar isn't a self-insert even if I use my own name... so yeah...

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Well, I guess I sorta assumed as S support implies: that they get married right away... I just felt kinda bad for Frederick being so devoted to her already and yet Cordelia hasn't, and they still get married already. It felt more like she was talking about the future yet Fred is on present already. So I just sorta felt bad for him at present. But ahahahaha, I'm....glad I helped you decide on Frederick/Cordelia for a male Avatar run? xD

Female Avatar and Owain... Owain IS adorable, but I'd feel too much of a pedo to watch his confession. >_> Again, the Avatar isn't a self-insert even if I use my own name... so yeah...

Owain is slated to be Silvia's husband next playthrough, so this'll be interesting. The only pairing I'd feel a bit squicked about is Lucina, since the Lucina of that world has already arrived... and she's seems to be a few months old at the most. That's cradle robbing of the highest order in my opinion... I - I simply don't think I can do it.


Agh, I know. I feel a distinct sort of pain in my chest reading Cordie's S supports with everyone but Gregor.

Ah! I should probably add Cordelia and Gregor to my headcanon pairing list - I've gotten quite a few Cordelia pairings so far and I haven't liked any of them nearly as much.

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Vaike/Cordelia (Lon'qu/Cordelia works, too)


Libra/Tharja (Gaius/Tharja works, too)



I don't care who to pair Sully or Miriel with.

EDIT: Though actually, I like Gaius/Panne. And Libra/Tharja, for that matter. I'll go with those two, too.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Gen II:




Yarne/Nah (Laurent/Nah's cool, too)



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On a different note, I think the best couple in the game (support wise, not gameplay) is F!Morgan with Owain. I mean, it's great for Owain because she really appreciates his eccentricities, and it's great for Morgan because he's, well, a bit easy to manipulate. Their personalities match as well since they're the most random 2 characters in the 2nd generation. Also, if the M!Morgan and Owain is any indication, Morgan would not only be okay with Owain's fantasies, but join in with them (it's like, the only time in the game)

You know, that's actually a pretty cute point haha. When I get to doing my Male save, I think I'll have Owain marry FeMorgan xD

Agh, I know. I feel a distinct sort of pain in my chest reading Cordie's S supports with everyone but Gregor.

Ah! I should probably add Cordelia and Gregor to my headcanon pairing list - I've gotten quite a few Cordelia pairings so far and I haven't liked any of them nearly as much.

Vashiane...!!! F-Finally, someone who understands!

I feel like no one believes me when I say that GregorxCordelia's one of the cutest supports out there haha.

I can see why people don't consider Gregor as much as the other men for Cordelia though. Compared to her other choices, he's hardly the most charming or most handsome. And in a lot of his supports, he's a bit too... "eager" to help, which rubs off the wrong way but but but!

That support. It's so heart meltingly good! Especially that closing line Gregor says at the end of A... > ///// <


This pairing. It's one of my favorites from Gen 2. Noire's such a sweet girl and I just-- Augh, it's just too cuuute! To be honest, Noire has a lot of pretty cute supports. Her Owain one was pretty adorable as well haha (I'll just uhm, pretend I never saw Laurent's S)

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Vashiane...!!! F-Finally, someone who understands!

I feel like no one believes me when I say that GregorxCordelia's one of the cutest supports out there haha.

I can see why people don't consider Gregor as much as the other men for Cordelia though. Compared to her other choices, he's hardly the most charming or most handsome. And in a lot of his supports, he's a bit too... "eager" to help, which rubs off the wrong way but but but!

That support. It's so heart meltingly good! Especially that closing line Gregor says at the end of A... > ///// <

Maybe because Gregor's mercenary class will be wasted for Severa?

People do love their armsthrift.

And Brady/Noire, altough it's not really my fav, it's so cute XD

They seem to understand and support each other in the support. Cute!

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