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If you could read minds what would you do with this ability?

What would you use it for?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. With great power comes great choices.

    • Use it to solve crime and become the ultimate detective or lawyer.
    • To be noisy and read people's personal business.
    • To see what's on your spouse's mind.
    • Become the best poker player ever.
    • Nothing at all.
    • Other.

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read minds obv

also to find out which girls fancy me lol

I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out that none of them do.

Edited by Esme
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*reads above post* :o:

I voted for reading my spouse's mind, although in reality I'd probably use it to just read everyone's mind in general. On second thought...I'd probably do all of the above except the solving crime one in extreme cases. I think I'd get too traumatized after reading the minds of a bunch of serial killers.

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read minds obv

I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out that none of them do.

no! my hopes and dreams ruined thanks to u!

Edited by Aizenberg
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On one hand, I'm really interested in how many things factor into forming thought, and having them all laid bare for me in part sounds like a dream come true. And it'd be a nice way to preempt descending into a cycle where I assume everything I say is a mistake and putting off the other person. It might simply be nice to have more than one mind as a frame of reference, so I could try to figure out just how dumb or crazy I really am.

On the other hand, I simultaneously worry that it would simply confirm my social fears constantly, and, somehow, that it would come to dominate my identity- where I simply become a drainage basin for everyone else's thoughts, such that I become incapable of ever having a truly original thought again.

Basically it depends whether I can consciously active it or not

If I can't, and it's simply always on or random, fuck that

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What wouldn't I do if I could read minds is a better question

okay I can think of plenty of things but this would be useful as fuck. Use what you got, no?

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What if you had the power to read minds, but only in a language you don't understand?


Yeah. It's called English.

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