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What kind of character would you like the next new lord to be?

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I just want to know, what kind of character would people like to have the next new lord be? (Whether FE14 will be a remake or not is why this topic is not called what kind of character would you like FE14's lord to be)

Personally I would like the next new lord to be a more flawed character, akin to Leif rather than an Ike rehash like Chrom.

Edited by Zelos
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I want a villain to be the main character for once. How awsome would that be. It would give a totally new feel to the game if you're the invading country.

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I'd actually like to see a main character on the other end of the spectrum from the waring princes/lords. One that is physically weak but holds strong morals and convictions. One who is soft-spoken and strives for a higher path in life and that of his/her company, mixing naivete with pacifism, yet stubborn in his/her good ways.

I suppose Eirika or Celica would be close to one I'm describing, but since I've never played Gaiden I can't be sure.

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I want a male mage lord or a female lance/axe lord. One that isn't ridiculously idealistic and shows more realism in war and leadership and stuff.

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I'm thinking they'll still stick with the traditional FE royal prince lord (who wield's swords only initially) with a noble and just demeanor. They might have a co-lead that'll break the tradition in the vein of Cellica or Micaiah, but I'm guessing the royal prince lord will have more of the spotlight, like Alm and Ike did in FE2 and FE10 (Ike's not a prince, but he still fits the archetype otherwise), respectively.

So, what would your guys' opinion be on a lead who starts off merciless and will attack innocents and burn down villages just because they are of the enemy nation? I know some people are somewhat tired of the whole "noble lead" tradition, but would they actually appreciate a character that's the exact opposite of that, a genocidical monster? Of course, they'll soften up later on in the story, because they wouldn't be much of a good guy if they didn't.

Personally I would like the next new lord to be a more flawed character, akin to Leif rather than an Ike rehash like Chrom.

How was Lief/Leaf flawed exactly? I haven't found a good FE5 translation and haven't played it a result.

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How was Lief/Leaf flawed exactly? I haven't found a good FE5 translation and haven't played it a result.

He makes quite a few more mistakes than the average lord and most of them bite him in the ass. He also loses a few key battles.

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I'm thinking they'll still stick with the traditional FE royal prince lord (who wield's swords only initially) with a noble and just demeanor. They might have a co-lead that'll break the tradition in the vein of Cellica or Micaiah, but I'm guessing the royal prince lord will have more of the spotlight, like Alm and Ike did in FE2 and FE10 (Ike's not a prince, but he still fits the archetype otherwise), respectively.

So, what would your guys' opinion be on a lead who starts off merciless and will attack innocents and burn down villages just because they are of the enemy nation? I know some people are somewhat tired of the whole "noble lead" tradition, but would they actually appreciate a character that's the exact opposite of that, a genocidical monster? Of course, they'll soften up later on in the story, because they wouldn't be much of a good guy if they didn't.

How was Lief/Leaf flawed exactly? I haven't found a good FE5 translation and haven't played it a result.

I'd have to say I wouldn't get very far playing that game if said character was the forced lord for an extended period. I could barely put up with Micaiah when she resorted to drastic measures, I'd have major problems with a completely unethical lord.

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Leif's decisions end up backfiring and presenting serious consequences for him to face more often do those of most lords, basically. beat to punch etc

I'd like to see a French Revolution kinda setup- whatever the physical qualities of the lord, force them to decide between fighting to protect a traditionalist monarchy under assault from both inside and abroad, to further a populist revolution in hopes of establishing representative government, or to go full-Napoleon mode. Make us think a bit more about the powers we usually serve in the series.

(I would also accept simply being plopped into this situation and seeing the lord do whatever the plot has them do, since the series admittedly hasn't been one to give us much choice in the matter)

Edited by Rehab
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I'd actually like to see a main character on the other end of the spectrum from the waring princes/lords. One that is physically weak but holds strong morals and convictions. One who is soft-spoken and strives for a higher path in life and that of his/her company, mixing naivete with pacifism, yet stubborn in his/her good ways.

Sounds like Micaiah...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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A dark mage.

Someone like Knoll would be perfect - able to access a fairly unique class (Summoner), ties to royalty but not themselves one, with a bleak outlook on life.

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hm....ill say someone like lyn and erika expt sword lance and bow but if a guy someone like marth with a bow and sword but this just my opinion many diffrent so dont judge me yet plz!

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Chrom is more Sigurd than Ike IMHO

Except unlike Sigurd..... spoiler spoiler spoiler which make him boring

Anyway, yes I would like someone like Leif. He gets advice from August, he gets logic bombed in 8x, and he actually make mistake and pay for it, and hes rather childish at the start of the game. And then he grows into a good, albeit one with inferiority complex leader. Thats how you make a good Lord.

Also he manage to fool the hell out of Miranda in the ending

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I want to see a lord that's basically like the one in my fic. A female mercenary that has flaws that get her into trouble several times, but is still a strong woman and her courage, morals, and ambitions lead her to take a noble position (kind of like Ike). Yet, she holds some prejudice against men because they often made fun of her for having a dream of fighting in battles the way they do. She wants to prove that women can be just as powerful as men.

I guess she'd be a sort of female rehash of Ike, but not on the scale that Chrom is, imo.

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Sounds like Micaiah...

'Dem oil and fire tactics.

I'm thinking they'll still stick with the traditional FE royal prince lord (who wield's swords only initially) with a noble and just demeanor. They might have a co-lead that'll break the tradition in the vein of Cellica or Micaiah, but I'm guessing the royal prince lord will have more of the spotlight, like Alm and Ike did in FE2 and FE10 (Ike's not a prince, but he still fits the archetype otherwise), respectively.

So, what would your guys' opinion be on a lead who starts off merciless and will attack innocents and burn down villages just because they are of the enemy nation? I know some people are somewhat tired of the whole "noble lead" tradition, but would they actually appreciate a character that's the exact opposite of that, a genocidical monster? Of course, they'll soften up later on in the story, because they wouldn't be much of a good guy if they didn't.

How was Lief/Leaf flawed exactly? I haven't found a good FE5 translation and haven't played it a result.

I'd definitely want a less goody-two-shoes than the ones that exist currently, but I don't want a genocidal maniac, either. I would absolutely love a morally ambiguous anti-hero who faces Sophie's Choice type dilemmas that have actual consequences. Maybe some of the people they have to kill are in the right, or innocent but necessary victims of circumstance. Maybe they have to do what's best for their country or whatever entity they owe their allegiance to even if it's not best for everyone (like Trabant). Maybe the protagonist actually has some genuinely dislikable negative characteristic that they have to deal with. They KNOW some of their actions are objectionable and have to not only become okay with that but be totally willing to stick by their actions for whatever greater purpose they're supposed to serve. Maybe for once their land isn't the one being invaded. I'd like to see things like that for the next lord. I want a lord that some people are going to see as a villain in some way.

Leaf doesn't have everyone kissing his ass for everything he does with all who follow him worshiping his every decision (unlike his cousin). He's portrayed as making mistakes and having those mistakes actually CALLED mistakes instead of just always being right about everything. His plight is so much more intimate and applaudable for these reasons.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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I want a villain to be the main character for once. How awsome would that be. It would give a totally new feel to the game if you're the invading country.

At first I was thinking, "man, I totally want to see another Ike". But then I realized, I don't want that because that would make Ike less original. And then I also realized, how amazing your idea is. Definitely want to see that come through.

Except I don't want the lord to be someone like Ashnard or something. Yeesh.

But a guy like Lyon? Ohhh yeah. Soft-spoken, but calculating and formidable.

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A girl. The only female lord to arguably get her own full game is Eirika, but you can still choose to have Ephraim take the reigns. Lyn had a short little part and was irrelevant after and Micaiah got completely overshadowed by Ike. I don't know about Celica but I'm pretty sure she's not a full-game protagonist.

But, well, it is a Nintendo series not named "Metroid."

I think a lord like Jill in FE9 would be cool, though. Has strong beliefs in what s/he is fighting for, but certain events make him/her think otherwise and s/he has to choose between older and newer comrades.

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I think you should blame Leif's mistakes on Dorias being the worst tactician ever rather than Leif himself being flawed.

With gems like
"Surely you could figure it out if I've told you the first two. I shouldn't need to tell you, should I?"

"I understand. But their deaths will be in glory and honor."

"We'll have to do something about the ballistas to proceed. We can attack them with magic, or ambush them from the sky... Either way, we will suffer some casualties."

Oh, Dorias...

Anyway, I'm not sure what sort of character the next Lord should be but please, enough swordies.

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To be fair, August is there to limit any real harm Dorias could have done. And then there's also Dorias-unrelated gems like "Welp let's waltz into this Manster Base I'm sure nothing will go wrong" and "let's go try and take Alster, right after we just took over Lenster and all our soldiers are incredibly tired, because some princess bitch/villager said to"

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Actually Leif is very flawed if you compare him to say.... Seliph

From his own starting chapter, Seliph is already well build as a Leader. Everyone and their mom worship him and he more or less deserve it because he listened to Lewyn. He know what kind of situation he is in and how he should act

Meanwhile Leif has gems like

"What? Nonsense! What parents would abandon their own children?"

"Food? I...don't know. But my hunger was always satisfied..."

"I've always been told that Thracia was a cruel, militant empire. But...they have their own troubles. Why? Why do they keep on hating each other? They used to be one unified kingdom..."

And then this one

"Then you're both telling me to sit here and watch the people of Alster die!? Alster sheltered me after I escaped from Lenster and had nowhere else to go. My father would never forgive me if I abandoned my benefactors in the face of danger! If you still refuse to go, then I'll go alone. You two can stay here and wait!"

"Dorias, why can't we take our whole army? If you're going first, I'll go with you."

Forcing the actually terrible tactician to say

"Prince! Stop acting like a child! Our troops are exhausted. Many of them have pushed themselves to impossible limits, with only the hope of liberating Lenster keeping them going. Look, Lord Leaf, they are all fast asleep from fatigue. But if you depart now, they will force themselves to accompany you. Do you want to put them through such harsh measures?"

Before the moral center of the game said

"Think what you will. ...But I will say this. Count Dorias lost his arm to protect you in the past. And now he has lost his life to save yours. Why did this happen? Why are you being kept alive to that extent? Why are you being called a hero at all? Think about that, Lord Leaf..."

Yes, the guy is extremely flawed

But then again, this gem happened in FE4, which is surprisingly consistent with FE5, unlike..... a lot of things concerning those two

"...Your Highness! What a careless thing to say!
Anyone who's in position to become king must stay alive for the people at any cost!"

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I think a lord like Jill in FE9 would be cool, though. Has strong beliefs in what s/he is fighting for, but certain events make him/her think otherwise and s/he has to choose between older and newer comrades.

I like this idea.

And an axe Lord would be cool. Hopefully with pole axes because they looked awesome in FE10.

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